Ban All Singles

Chapter 62


Since the other party refused, Wen Qiuxing didn't force it.

But soon, the man came out disheveled, with a strange look on his face. He looked at him, and then at the blond baby suckling in his arms, as if he was evaluating something.

Wen Qiuxing is not dead, but such a big shadow blocks the light, and if he doesn't move it away for a long time, he gets angry: "What's going on?"

Looking up, I saw His Majesty Sand Sculpture estimating the baby.

really interesting.

He thought, since Zai Zai was born, His Majesty Sand Sculpture personally took care of him. Can't he see enough after these days

However, things were not as simple as Wen Qiuxing thought.

The blond man observed the baby with a complicated expression, and finally turned to Wen Qiuxing: "He can also save me from headaches."

This conclusion really surprised Wen Qiuxing: "Oh?"

He glanced in the direction of the bathroom. Given the spaciousness here, the Sand Sculpture Majesty would usually have a headache when he took a shower, but not today

That's very good.

Wen Qiuxing said with a big brain: "In the future, you will have a second child, and the three of us will always be by your side. I guarantee that you will never have a headache again for the rest of your life."

At this time, the little crown prince just finished eating the milk, and His Majesty the King picked up the son, hugged the son in his arms, and burped.

However, the little crown prince yanked hard at the king's father's blond hair.

A baby who is more than one month old has a strong finger grip.

"..." The king was indifferent, or helpless.

Fortunately, Wen Qiuxing soon saw his son's atrocities, and hurried forward to untie the father and son who were in love and killed each other, and said with a smile: "Little bastard, why didn't he grab me when I hugged him?"

The king pursed his lips: "I don't understand."

Wen Qiuxing touched his prosperous beauty, and smiled: "Maybe because your hair is beautiful? Children like shiny things."

It must be so.

The arrogant king softened his eyes.

After a while, he kissed his partner on the cheek when no one was prepared, and went for a walk with the cub in his arms.

Wen Qiuxing gave a 'tsk' sound, and said something behind: "Go slowly, be careful that he spits milk!"

But that silly father had already walked away without looking back.

In the enclosed space with a comfortable temperature in the palace, a tall, tall and handsome man, who was once known as the most tyrannical king among the seven main stars, is holding his little crown prince and swaggering through the market at this moment.

The earthlings who simply thought that the two of them were going for a walk, belatedly slapped their foreheads.

No, His Majesty Sand Sculpture is going to show off his baby!

Wen Qiuxing immediately sent a message to the other party.

—Don't you let my baby get a little sun or I'll beat the shit out of you.

This message, of course, did not receive a reply.

His Majesty was immersed in the joy of not having a headache even if he left Wen Qiuqiu, but he still wanted to visit Wen Qiuqiu, and he would go back after a short stroll.

The staff in the palace: "..."

You have become your Majesty since you had a wife and children.

Although His Majesty at this moment is as arrogant as ever, he is no longer so cruel that people dare not look directly at him.

At least you don't have to worry about him suddenly strangling someone's neck and making someone disappear from this world.

Before the sun goes down, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince needs to take a bath.

The little Routuanzi who had just woken up was stripped naked by Wen Qiuxing and put into the water.

The chubby little body became white and plump in the water, like a piece of brittle tender tofu.

Wen Qiuxing was so cautious, for fear of leaving scars on the cub's body if he was not careful.

The royal couple worked together in a division of labor, with one holding the baby's body and one bathing the baby.

The earthling who was in charge of holding the baby ordered: "Put some baby shower gel."

The alien in charge of taking a bath let out an 'hmm', and poured half a bottle with a bang, and was immediately bitten by his ear by his partner: "Are you a pig! Feng Ting!"


The king changed the water and put another basin of hot water.

It can be seen that the little crown prince likes to take a bath. When he was put into the water, his little feet kicked and kicked the ground, having a great time.

Because I am too young, I don't know how to play tricks.

If you are carried out after washing, you will only stare innocently.

Wen Qiuxing dressed the little highness, and couldn't help kissing the fragrant and soft dumpling: "It smells so good, so beautiful." This is a piece of meat that fell from his body, it is precious.

The man watched from the side, his heart was very peaceful.

He even bowed his head and kissed the baby.

The more Feng Ting was like this, the more Wen Qiuxing felt in his heart that the man he had chosen was quite good.

Oh no, assigned by the state.

Since having a baby, I feel that the focus of life basically revolves around the baby.

Only in the hour or two after the baby fell asleep can the two men take the time to make out.

In view of the fierce fighting last night, the young man who had just given birth couldn't bear it at all, so he didn't want to do it tonight.

Kissed each other twice on the bed, he patted the man's muscular arm, and said: "Good night."

Holding Wen Qiuxing's young body, Feng Ting was distracted, his body temperature was horribly high, how could he be able to sleep in this situation.

"Wen Qiuqiu." The moist feeling mixed with heat climbed up the irritable old man's ears.

This kind of virtue, Wen Qiuxing's heart is clear: "Father, why are you flirting?"

His Majesty: "No."

Uncomfortable is uncomfortable, but he will not do compulsive behavior.

"Then why are you hugging me so tightly?" Wen Qiuxing felt quite hot, pushed him away, and the two of them put their arms together.

To be honest, it's still early.

"Can't sleep." Feng Ting's voice was slightly panting.

It made Wen Qiuxing stare sideways, and laughed: "Pfft." He also said that he was not angry, and he was panting.

After laughing for a while, the corner of the young man's lips twitched slightly: "Shall I blow one for you?"

The king's muscles tensed instantly because of Wen Qiuxing's proposal, and his gray-blue eyes stared at Wen Qiuxing's mouth accurately in the dimly lit night.

The mouth opened and closed and said, "Do you want it?"

After a while, His Majesty the King nodded reservedly: "Yes..."

"Your size is fine." As if I was begging to blow you off...

Wen Qiuxing thought to himself, but his hands were unambiguous. While lifting the clothes that had been cut, he lowered himself down to do a big business worth hundreds of millions.

Feng Ting got up and held the young man's cheek with his hand, the touch was smooth and delicate, the regular agitation caused by that kind of thing was very clear in the palm of his hand, which stimulated the bad guys.

"Let go." Wen Qiuxing didn't like anyone hindering his performance.

I don't know how long it took to do this and that, and all the big deals of several hundred million fell into my mouth.

The earth youth raised his head and glared, pinched the stinky man who didn't say anything, jumped up, covered his mouth and flew to the bathroom.

The first thing he did when he came back was to rush forward and kiss His Majesty the sand sculpture who was still in the fog, so that Ya could taste himself.

Feng Ting, however, didn't mind rejecting anyone who came, and hugged Wen Qiuxing vigorously, and kissed him for an inseparable moment, the sky was dark and the sky was dark.

"I said... you don't mind?" Wen Qiuxing panted, holding Feng Ting's face and rubbing it.

This kind of force can't shake Feng Ting at all: "Yeah." He snorted lazily, got up and went to take a shower.

If you want to say that you mind, the other party doesn't mind that way, so there's nothing he can mind.

His Majesty the King, who came back after being relieved once, hugged his partner contentedly and fell asleep.

The stand-alone king had to go to work the next day. After all, the fall of one of the three cabinet members, Yang Pavilion, still caused a lot of chain reactions.

Although it is not enough to cause system paralysis, it is enough to keep people busy for a while.

It is mainly to clean up the problems exposed in this incident.

This is called layoffs for a while, and layoffs are always cool.

Without the king changing hands to hold the baby, Wen Qiuxing looked after the baby alone, and it was a bit hard, so after obtaining the consent of the imperial court, he began to choose someone to look after His Highness the Crown Prince.

This is so important.

Not everyone can be placed next to the future prince, so Wen Qiuxing was bald.

The key is that the bald head was not picked out.

During this period, I can only grab someone from the palace to help take care of the cub.

This person is Executive Lu, who is the most leisurely and obviously the busiest in the entire royal palace.

Executive Officer Lu didn't want to come at all, he was afraid that meeting His Majesty would introduce someone to him.

Seeming to see through Lu Li's worry, Wen Qiuxing laughed awkwardly but also jokingly: "Don't worry, His Majesty the King will not introduce you to any more partners."

As he spoke, he suddenly became puzzled, why did Feng Ting introduce someone to Lu Li

By the time the people on Earth remembered, the king at work had already received the news that Her Majesty the Queen and Executive Officer Lu were happily looking after the child in your bedroom.


Executive Officer Lu was a little confused when he received His Majesty's latest order. His Majesty asked him to complete the marriage within a week, otherwise he would just get out of the palace

Very well, he didn't want to do this crappy position for a long time.

But his thoughts ran around willfully and returned to reason, Lu Li began to think about who would be better to marry

Candidates flicked one by one in his mind, after much deliberation, Executive Officer Lu sent a message to his first boyfriend who had been separated for N years, asking if he was married.

After posting, continue to help Her Majesty the Queen hold the baby.

Regardless of the process, anyway, a week later, Executive Officer Lu got married smoothly.

His Majesty the King was very generous and gave him three days of marriage leave.

Is this too little

Wen Qiuxing knew about Lu Li's marriage, and when they were looking after the children together, he asked concerned, "Boss Lu, will three days of marriage leave be too little?"

Lu Li's answer was beyond his expectation: "Not a lot, anyway, I spent three days by myself."

Wen Qiuxing: "???"

Seeing Her Majesty's reaction, Lu Li smiled, and explained softly, "Not every new couple is just like you and Your Majesty. They get married because of love, besides..."

Even if they are married because of love, they may not be able to be together every day, from morning to night.

"It sounds like you're envious of my life?" Wen Qiuxing rubbed his belly that was beginning to grow fat, and said earnestly in the tone of someone who has experienced it: "Listen to my advice, just get married and don't have children too early, because you don't Knowing what kind of evil is hidden under the other party's beautiful skin... "

For example, he himself, the child is still young, the object is incomplete, and the other one doesn't know the year of the monkey to come out. Do you say that he committed crimes or not

Executive Officer Lu: "..."

Executive Officer Lu said with a look of embarrassment, "We are all men and cannot have children."

Wen Qiuxing laughed: "I'm also a man..."

Well, the irascible old man scratched Lu Li with his eyes, and went to watch a movie just for fun.

But the movie was too boring, after a while he crawled back to chat with Lu Li: "The two men are getting married, is there such a task twice a week?"

It stands to reason that there is no such thing as no child can be born, and it is useless to do it.


Seeing that I guessed it right, the earthling who was forced to be very embarrassed at the beginning said, "That's great."

"But you have to pay same-sex marriage tax," Lu Li said.

"What?" Wen Qiuxing was stunned: "And this tax?"

But think about it, the marriage of two men does not contribute much to the fertility rate, and the country is of course unhappy.

Executive Officer Lu nodded: "Yes, it's still very expensive."

Hearing this, Wen Qiuxing asked obliquely: "How much salary does His Majesty pay you a month?"

In other words, is it enough to pay taxes

Executive Officer Lu looked at the young man and wondered why his previous self would not like this straightforward and straightforward Her Majesty the Queen, who was obviously very cute: "Hey, the person I married is very rich."

So don't worry.

So Wen Qiuxing had an expression of 'So you married a tall, rich and handsome': "Oh~"

No wonder Executive Officer Lu said that the wedding leave is spent alone. After all, rich people are busy, so they might fly to this planet for a while and fly to another planet for a while.

Like His Majesty the Sand Sculpture, today he and the Minister of Foreign Affairs flew to other main planets to deal with some issues left over from history.

It can also be directly translated as "going to the door to find faults..."

... It seems that all the officials in the empire know that His Majesty the King is in a good mood recently, and if they have anything to do, they will take advantage of this time to ask him to come forward.

When Fengting occasionally concentrates on handling government affairs, Wen Qiuxing got the doctor's approval to do some exercises that don't move his waist and abdomen.

In addition, Wen Qiuxing began to ask people to teach him knowledge.

The key learning areas include fighter planes, mechs, and various thermal weapons, starting with theoretical knowledge.

There are a complete range of varieties listed in the palace, all of which are the private property of the king.

The teacher was found by Wen Qiuxing himself. He is a retired professor of a certain military university. He has rich teaching experience and life experience. Even if it is just small talk, it is very interesting.

Of course, Wen Qiuxing did not forget to bring his baby when he was learning. He carried his son in a suspender and let him sleep in his arms. He went to the field to study for an hour every day, and then went back to the dormitory to watch theories and videos. Can learn knowledge.

In this regard, Feng Ting held a supportive attitude.

He is usually not too busy, and he often teaches Wen Qiuxing hand in hand. For example, now, holding his son in one hand and operating the fighter plane with the other... Demonstrate to a partner who has no foundation at all.

"There are a few places on the console on the left that cannot be touched randomly." First of all, of course, it is necessary to teach Wen Qiuqiu to avoid dangerous operations, so as not to cause crashes and loss of control.

"What will happen if you touch it?"

The other party has a look of thirst for knowledge, so cute that people can't bear to refuse.

The king thought for a while, and said cockily, "I'll show you to experience it."

Wen Qiuxing: "!!!"

The author has something to say:

Wen Qiuxing: Bang bang open the door! I want to get out of the car!

Contractor: This car, no one wants to get it today...