Ban All Singles

Chapter 65


The good news was announced on such an occasion for two reasons.

Firstly, it was because people liked to hear about the arrival of a new life, not to mention the royal family with few children. Secondly, it was obvious that Wen Qiuxing was happy.

You must know that being pregnant with the second cub means not only the arrival of new students, but also a matter that is hanging in his mind, and it will finally enter the stage of resolution soon.

So Wen Qiuxing was of course very happy.

As soon as you are happy, you will announce the good news of your pregnancy to the world.

After he finished telling the news about his pregnancy, all the teachers and students, who could be called noisy, suddenly fell into a strange silence, as unified as if someone had pressed the freeze button.

Facing these ignorant people, Wen Qiuxing was also a little excited. If it was the first pregnancy, the excitement was mixed with the ease of completing the task, then the arrival of the second cub was entirely out of wanting to have another child.

Understanding that everyone couldn't believe it, the young and handsome Queen smiled again and told: "Yes, I am pregnant, and I just received the news."

Everyone looked at this noble majesty with a bit of a bad temperament, and thought that the moment he announced that he had a child was really handsome.


With the first burst of applause from the crowd, the applause sounded like thunder, frequently mixed with melodious whistles and cheers.

Everyone's faces were filled with bright smiles, and it could be seen that they were full of joy from the bottom of their hearts for the arrival of the Second Highness.

Wen Qiuxing turned his head and glanced at the champion brother who had just hugged him secretly, and apologized when the applause cooled down a bit: "Today should belong to you, and all our classmates who won the award." He turned his head and smiled After a while, everyone was looking at him, except that it was okay to write on their faces: "But it seems that the children want to share this honor with you."


This time, the freshmen who became the award winners applauded. To be honest, they don’t mind bundling sales with His Highness the Second Highness.

However, according to the laws of the royal family, 90% of the person in Her Majesty's womb is a princess.

Sitting in the dormitory while taking the baby and watching the live video, the king Feng Ting: "..."

Feng Ting couldn't take his eyes off his shining partner on the video, he couldn't get back to his senses.


Ten seconds later, His Royal Highness changed hands to someone else, and His Majesty the King quickly went to the apron and drove away the fastest airship newly released this year.

Pregnant! !

The man in the cab pulled his hair, and his face was full of joy and surprise, but also full of complex expressions, which could be called twisted when mixed together.

However, this does not affect the king's bewitching appearance, at least when Wen Qiuxing returns to the lounge to answer the video call, he laments the king's beauty every day.

"Hi." Seeing that the background behind Feng Ting was the driver's cab, Wen Qiuxing knew in his heart that this guy might not be looking for him.

Facing Wen Qiuxing who seemed to be okay, His Majesty repeated the act of inhaling and exhaling several times: "Wait for me there obediently, don't run around."

The tension is palpable.

Wen Qiuxing: "Don't be so nervous, it's not the first time I'm pregnant." I'm an old driver, and I'm afraid of a ball.

Jun Wang: "But it's the first time for me..." He had a complex expression on his face. After all, it was the first time he had witnessed his child grow from nothing, a real child belonging to him and Wen Qiuxing, how to teach him not to be nervous

It makes sense.

Wen Qiuxing nodded, and just said: "I'm fine now, I don't feel any discomfort, you can take your time, safety comes first, you know?"

After finishing speaking, I was a little curious. Will, as the first person who knew that he was pregnant, was... also as excited as His Majesty Sand Sculpture

"Don't hang up." The king was afraid that the little sweetheart would hang up the communication immediately after thinking about it.

"Oh." Wen Qiuxing nodded.

"Where's the cub?" he asked again.

"Leave it to the nurse." The king was worried, and sent a message to Lu Li to help them take care of the baby.

"Poor kid." Both dads left him, for the first time since birth.

"..." The king suddenly felt distressed.

But the partner is also very important, and the partner has a second child in the stomach...

It cannot be said that he is biased.

It's quite a distance from the main star, and it takes a certain time no matter what, Wen Qiuxing thought so in his heart, but His Majesty Sand Sculpture made a whoosh, and it took about forty minutes to arrive in front of him.

The camp is still being reorganized, and it is expected that all will be evacuated after dark.

When Feng Ting arrived at Alien Star, the students were preparing to evacuate, and they were so busy that their feet didn't touch the ground, but no one noticed that an airship landed.

Wen Qiuxing said to His Majesty Sha Diao, "Don't come down, I'll go up and find you."

Feng Ting, who was about to leave the airship, stood by the hatch and waited.

And Wen Qiuxing won't be able to get away right away, he has to say goodbye to the school leaders, bring along his accompanying soldiers to protect him, and wait at a walking speed, making Feng Ting's heart frizzy.

But as he watched in the video, Little Sweetheart walked so slowly.

"Why don't you take the car?" The king felt tired no matter what Wen Qiuxing was doing.

"The means of transportation here are limited." Wen Qiuxing didn't want to occupy resources, besides, what's wrong with walking for a while

There were also people coming and going on the tarmac, that's why Feng Ting didn't go out directly.

Fortunately, Her Majesty was surrounded by armed soldiers, and the freshmen only had the courage to watch from a distance, and did not dare to step forward abruptly.

Slow as a snail, the sweetheart finally arrived. The blond man slammed his fist on the button to open the hatch, his eyes fixed on the young man coming up from the bottom.

The moment the cabin door closed, Wen Qiuxing was hugged forcefully in someone's arms, followed by scorching and moist kisses all over the sky.

"Well… "

I don't know how long the kiss lasted, Feng Ting let go of the young man who was biting the tip of his tongue lightly because he couldn't take it anymore, his breath fluctuated and his eyes were deep and dark: "Is it true?"

The young man on earth who was kissed to death: "It's true." Afraid of the other party's endless confirmation, he taught this 'novice' dad to read the terminal prompt: "You open it and see, there are simple data of the baby on it, such as pregnancy How many days, cough..."

The word 1 displayed on it made Wen Qiuxing's cheeks burn. He dared to say that this child was the result of last night's battle, and it is only a mere fertilized egg.

"One day?" The King also saw it, and immediately looked at the baby's data page as if he had found some new toy.

"Don't read it, let's talk about it when we go back." Wen Qiu woke up feeling like a baby, and grabbed the silly father who was immersed in joy: "You can still see the flowers in just two lines?"

Not to mention.

Just those two lines, in the eyes of His Majesty the King, they are as cute as anything, the cutest in the whole universe.

As for the eldest prince who was held on his knees all day long, I'm sorry, the title of cutest will be given to my younger brother from today onwards.

"Okay." Feng Ting touched the beating heart of the fertilized egg, and quickly kissed Wen Qiuqiu's face: "Thank you."

Before Wen Qiuxing could react, he had already gone to the cockpit.

It can be seen that this is an airship without staff.

Poor armed man dude, didn't even make it up.

"Aren't you afraid of being in danger on the way?" Wen Qiuxing sat down in the co-pilot, but didn't dare to touch anything.

"I am the danger." Jun Wang smiled.

My God.

Wen Qiuxing thought to himself, I haven't gotten tired of seeing this Yan Laozi yet.

After more than forty minutes of joy, the royal couple flew back to the palace and went straight to the eldest son.

Wen Qiuxing picked up the cub who had been away for several hours, and kissed passionately on the left and right cheeks and forehead.

"Oh, baby, I miss my father."

His Majesty the King standing next to him looked worried: "I'll hug him." Then he took His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's fleshy little body from Wen Qiuxing's hands.

Generally speaking, babies still recognize the breath and voice of their mothers, and they can already recognize people by four months.

After several hours of separation, it was hard to hear the familiar voice and breath. After leaving, the blond little angel wrinkled his face and cried into a ball.

"Give it to me quickly." Wen Qiuxing quickly carried the little baby back, and coaxed him very patiently: "Feng Ting, go make milk."

His Majesty: "..."

As a professional milk frother, I act immediately when I hear an order.

Half an hour later, the big cub ate and fell asleep, but as if he had sensed something, he had to wake up next to Wen Qiu, otherwise he would cry.

The irascible elder brother, who is also in a very complicated mood at the moment, strokes the big cub's soft blond hair and sighs in his heart.

How should I put it, the second cub came too fast, it's more or less unfair to the big cub.

As expected, the second cub will live a particularly happy life in the future.

With neither the burden of the empire on his shoulders nor the protection of two fathers and brothers... he is simply a winner in life.

The more Wen Qiuxing thought about it, the more pitiful he felt.

Of course, if you can be a hands-off shopkeeper like His Majesty Sand Sculpture, you can live a good life.

On this side, His Majesty the King, who became a father for the first time, immediately ordered someone to announce the news that His Majesty the Queen was pregnant.

Compared with the royal family, which had been silent for five or ten years, the citizens are simply not used to the current royal family, which is doing things every day and every day.

Her Majesty the Queen is pregnant

The citizens were stunned. In their memory, didn't His Royal Highness the Crown Prince just reach the full moon


"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince announced that he has a second child not long after the full moon. Is this true?"

"No, I just went to check. His Royal Highness should be four months old. Logically speaking, he can have a child..."


That's only in theory!

In the era of hard-won babies, no one is pregnant with a second child while breastfeeding, right? !

It's not that I don't want to conceive, but that I can't conceive!

"I must be blind. This announcement is definitely not about the royal family having a Second Highness!"

"Wake up upstairs, oh no, let me go blind with you, I don't believe it either."

"Black technology, I smell black technology!"

"... It seems to have gotten the second advantage of Her Majesty the Queen, being able to give birth..."

"May I ask what the first advantage is?"

"Reply upstairs, good luck."

Yes, citizens who have heard the bloody story about how the royal couple met felt that Wen Qiuxing was really lucky to be with His Majesty.

Wen Qiuxing himself dismissed this statement.

So what, if you really want to say who is going to be lucky, it must be the imperial court.

He felt that smoke was rising from Yazu's grave, and he had accumulated a lot of virtue, so that he could become a family with the people from the earth who came all the way across the ocean.

Now, a family of three is about to become a family of four, Feng Ting should have some fun in the middle of the night.

The news of the arrival of the Second Highness caused another wave of heat on the Star Network.

Wen Qiuxing received a lot of excited greetings, most of which were from the princesses he was friends with, and they all said: "Congratulations on getting a lovely little princess soon."

Her Majesty the Queen: "???"

Why are you so conclusive

Forget it, he is very happy whether it is the little princess or the little prince, but he has a hunch that it is a younger brother.

Wen Qiuxing didn't tell anyone about this guess.

First, Wen Qiuxing does not have the problem of patriarchy.

Second, His Majesty Sand Sculpture dares to favor boys over girls and serve him with a slap in the face.

"Do you think it's a boy or a girl?" When Wen Qiuxing asked this question, it was already the tenth day of pregnancy.

Ten days... no sex.

It's not that Wen Qiuxing has no desire, it's that the king of spicy chickens abstinence for cubs.

"Girl." The king curled his lips, in a good mood.

Ah, another girl guessing guy.

"Then you're going to be disappointed, I think it's a boy." Wen Qiuxing looked at him sideways.

"A boy?" His Majesty curled his lips pretendingly, as if reluctantly accepting: "Well, I like them all." When he leaned over to kiss Wen Qiuxing, his eyes were filled with unconcealable joy.

Wen Qiuxing: "Do you want to do it?" While kissing the arrogant blond man, he panted and asked, his hands went back and forth intimately between the other's hair, gently stroking.

Feng Ting took a breath, and insisted on moving away from Xiaotianxin: "I don't really think about it."

"Oh." Wen Qiuxing snickered, lying on his back breathing heavily: "Then don't do it."

"..." The king is about to suffocate, okay...

Seeing the man's performance, Wen Qiuxing thought of Will again. In fact, they are all the same subconsciously. They never ask their partners for this or that, and only give them the best they can think of.

In a situation like this, it was Wen Qiuxing who took the initiative to make good use of his hands and mouth, otherwise the other party would not ask for it.

However, if you take the initiative to blow it more times, His Majesty Sand Sculpture will misunderstand it and think that he likes it very much...


Who likes to eat this.

The young man on earth who thought so in his heart picked up the king without saying a word.

After three blows and two blows, while the other party is still in the fog, talk about the business: "You let him come out for a while, I will tell him clearly about the integration."

It may be that Wen Qiuxing spoke too directly, His Majesty, whose blond hair was still wet, was slightly stunned.

But what Wen Qiuxing thought was that sooner or later he would have to talk, there was no need to beat around the bush.

What's more, compared to the insecurity of each other before, now they have a stable relationship, so they should be fine.

The author has something to say:

Spicy Chicken King: No! I have something to do!