Ban All Singles

Chapter 9


The man who was angered by the youth gave up the chance to defend himself.

Everyone knows that pregnancy is a rare thing, and it is not something that can be fulfilled by rolling the sheets a few times.

Wen Qiuxing, who often hangs around on the Internet these days, is no stranger to this, he just can't understand Will's indifferent and calm face, it seems both rigid and boring.

As expected of Ben Wu's old antique, he complained in his heart.

"Mina was looking for you just now?" Wen Qiuxing suddenly remembered the business and asked.

In addition to complaining about Will, he also cares about Will.

"En." Feng Ting nodded towards him.

"Then what do you say?" Wen Qiuxing asked again.

"I refused." Feng Ting seemed not surprised that Wen Qiuxing would know Mina's thoughts.

He has said long ago that the kid looks bad-tempered and out of tune, but he is not stupid.

Instead, he has a... unique attitude towards people, which he has never seen before.

Of course, Wen Qiuxing's attitude is called the Chinese style. Simply put, it is talking about people when you see people, talking nonsense when you see the devil.

If Will wasn't so honest and easy to bully, would he dare to be so arrogant and domineering

Nonsense, sure dare!

Wen Qiuxing really didn't care if his head fell off and it was just a big scar.

But isn't that the case now...

Live as long as you can.

After breakfast, Wen Qiuxing felt that he couldn't sit still. Staying in this room made people panic, as if he would be hit by the sun at any moment: "Since you are unemployed, I have to go out and look around... to save money."

"Then don't worry." Feng Ting looked at him quietly, his eyes were self-evident, everyone knew that the most urgent thing is not saving money, there are more important things than saving money.

"..." Of course Wen Qiuxing knew it too.

But when he thought of Will's size and quality, he panicked.

Going out for a walk is just an excuse to let the wind go, in fact, you may not feel at ease when you really go out.

So he thought about it, leaned back awkwardly, and unconsciously grabbed the tassel on the pillow, and pulled it off without paying attention...

Day, this tofu dregs works.

Wen Qiuxing cursed furiously in his heart, then put the pillow back as if nothing had happened, and put the tassel... in the trash can.

Why does he feel that Will is retaliating against him for calling him useless just now...

But Wen Qiuxing thought to himself, he was not wrong, right, how many times has this happened? Roll day and night!

Cushion the pillow afterward every day, and it takes half an hour to puff it up, who knows what it feels like!

Now I can't straighten my legs, and it will be really difficult to do it again.

Wen Qiuxing said unwillingly: "I'll go back to my room to sleep for a while, call me for dinner."

"..." This is a while

Feng Ting moved his lips, not knowing what to say, so he stretched out his hand to grab Wen Qiuxing's wrist, which was a circle smaller than his, and didn't let go.

"Why, you want to come too? That won't work." It's not just sleeping when you come, it's definitely not possible.

"No." Feng Ting thought for a while and said, "The best way to recover your spirit is not to sleep."

"What is that?" The young man who was facing the light, his brows and eyes were fierce, and he was full of air, like a little rooster eager to fight.

Feng Ting didn't dare to read too much, and only calmly said two words: "Sport."

"..." Wen Qiuxing looked at him with your unreasonable eyes.

"Not what you think."

"Do you know what I'm thinking of?"


"What kind is that?" Wen Qiuxing crossed his arms and asked angrily.

"Walk." Feng Ting glanced at the bright sunshine outside the window.

Isn't such a good weather suitable for walking

At this time, the autumn air is crisp and the scenery in the community is elegant.

There is a tall and mighty handsome man by his side, no matter how you look at it, it is a most beautiful thing.

Wen Qiuxing couldn't get excited at all, and was even a little lazy, walking one step and resting two steps.

And now those who are active in the community, as well as other residents, are all dressed decently, in twos and threes.

Ninety percent of them are old people, children and women. That's normal. Men of his and Will's age are mostly busy with their careers and jobs.

Only his civet, one, heart, one, will, eat, full, have, just, yes, do.

"Go this way." Wen Qiuxing pulled Will and turned into an obviously remote path, so as not to meet other residents.

Regarding the child's behavior of dodging others, Feng Ting was noncommittal, as always, he was obedient.

"I just don't want to cause unnecessary trouble." Wen Qiuxing sat down on the bench under the shade of a tree, and then wanted to lie down.

The moment he lay down, Feng Ting had just sat down, and this action turned into throwing himself into his arms...

Feng Ting was taken aback, and hugged the young man who was facing him. With his good eyesight, he saw some eye-catching red marks dotted on the other's fair skin.

It made him blink.

The real lazy man Wen Qiuxing wakes up his classmates, there is no reason to get up after falling down.

"Did you see it?" Following Feng Ting's gaze, he lowered his eyes and tugged at his collar, that's why he didn't want to see anyone.

Feng Ting nodded, and moved his fingertips slightly, but couldn't hold back after all, and stroked those fresh marks with his fingertips.

This is what he left last night, just looking a little painful...

Thinking about it this way, the man with rippling eyes regretted it for a moment, after all, not everyone is as rough-skinned as him.

Children's skin is fair and firm, and they will be injured with a little effort.

After he came back to his senses for a while, he found that the young man lying on his lap had fallen asleep.

Feng Ting: "..."

Feng Ting took a long breath, looking at the other person's delicate sleeping face, and after thinking about it, he lowered his head and kissed Qiu Xing's slightly raised lips.

Wen Qiuxing, who was asleep, opened his mouth and bit the bastard who sneaked up on him.

"..." Feng Ting lifted his head unsteadily, embarrassment flashed across his face.

But when he saw that the little cutie who was kissed by him didn't even open his eyes, he calmed down a lot.

"Will..." There was a tickle on his lips, Wen Qiuxing opened his mouth and was taken advantage of and blocked.

"Ah, are you fucking naive?" This game of bite me and bite you finally came to an end after five rounds.

"Cough..." Feng Ting leaned against the bench and cast his eyes into the distance to conceal the turmoil in his heart.

Wen Qiuxing, who had already got up in a hurry and was about to fuck Will, licked his lips, and put one hand across Will's shoulder: "Will..." He turned his head and blew two blows at the other party.

All the muscles in Feng Ting's body tensed up, and the ten centimeter area around the ear was even more numb and ineffective.

"Dare you pick me up here?" Wen Qiuxing whispered in Feng Ting's ear.

The man he molested turned red instantly and turned into a stone.

like a statue!

"Old antique." Wen Qiuxing wrinkled his nose and muttered, got up and walked towards the depths of the garden in the community.

But after walking for a while, he came to the end, so he had to turn around and go back the same way.

At that time, Will was nowhere to be seen: "This guy...where did he go?"

Wen Qiuxing looked around, and after a while, he finally saw Will squatting on a nearby road, not knowing what he was doing.

He was about to call for someone, when Will stood up with a person in his arms, and looked back in his direction before leaving.

Feng Ting did this because he was worried that Wen Qiuxing would not be able to find him after he left.

But now I see it, and things don't seem right.

Wen Qiuxing didn't think too much, and immediately ran over.

That guy Will probably saw him running towards him, so he hugged him and walked in one direction without looking back.


By the time Wen Qiuxing chased after him, he had already arrived at the outpatient clinic next to the property center of the community.

He still doesn't know what happened, he only guessed that it must be a bad thing.

"Will..." Wen Qiuxing saw Will, who was standing at the door of the emergency room, his face was pale and dazed, his clothes and hands were still stained with blood.

Wen Qiuxing was suffocated when he saw this, and immediately turned his head and looked at the door with worried eyes: "That..."

What happened

He wanted to ask, but Will's state was too worrying, so he changed his words: "Are you okay?"

Wen Qiuxing took a look, and found some tissues around to wipe Will's blood, but the blood was too thick, and he didn't have much patience, so he gave up.

"It can't be wiped off, you wash it yourself."

Only then did Feng Ting regain his human form, and looked down at his hands.

"There is a bathroom over there." Wen Qiuxing hurriedly showed him the way.

"Thank you." Feng Ting said in a daze, and walked to the bathroom in a daze.

Wen Qiu woke up and saw Will like this, his heart sank, this girl is possessed by evil spirits, he thought to himself, maybe something big happened


Will is an honest man with a stamp on his heart.

In the bathroom, the water was splashing loudly.

Feng Ting washed his hands and washed his face again.

Just now, he helped a pregnant woman who accidentally fell down on the road.

The other party yelled when he fell, but Feng Ting rushed over and still saw blood.

At that time, besides saving people, Feng Ting only thought of one person.

A grumpy young man who is about to have a baby with him.

Although Wen Qiuxing always smacked his nose at him, he had a feeling in his heart that Wen Qiuxing was not the kind of person who would easily ask others for help.

According to Feng Ting's observation, Wen Qiuxing didn't seem to have any relatives or friends, if he left, Wen Qiuxing would basically be left alone.

Feng Ting had to admit that he was a little selfish against his conscience at the beginning, and even proposed the method of getting the other party pregnant, and then walked away by himself.

"..." Thinking about it now, it was just sacrificing the other party in order to protect myself.

"Chi..." Looking up at himself with aristocratic face in the glasses, Feng Ting's handsome face showed a sense of ridicule for the first time.

Because he suddenly learned that whether it was before or after being split, it was only natural for him to be criticized by others.

And all of this should not be borne by an innocent person.

"Will?" Wen Qiuxing's footsteps sounded from far to near.

"I'm fine." Feng Ting turned to look at him, as if recovering from a bewilderment.

Wen Qiuxing heaved a sigh of relief: "... that's good, you seemed to be possessed by a demon just now." No one dared to ask what happened.

However, Wen Qiuxing had already learned from the nurse just now that the person in the emergency room was a pregnant woman, so there was no need to ask about the cause and effect of the matter, and he could guess about 70% to 80% with his ass.

"By the way, the nurse said that the patient you sent is in good condition, you...don't worry too much." Wen Qiuxing patted Will's arm and said, with mixed feelings in his heart. He didn't expect Will to be so gentle and kind. A man with delicate emotions.

Will be scared to death for an irrelevant stranger.

Of course, Wen Qiuxing wasn't making fun of Will, it was too late for him to admire him.

"That's good." After a long time, Feng Ting nodded and said.

"Look at you," Wen Qiuxing said, "the clothes are all dirty, let's go back."

"Oh, that's right," he stopped and said again: "The doctor contacted the other party's family, and he should be here soon, so..." He looked at Feng Ting: "You really don't have to worry, medicine is very advanced now. "

After saying this, Wen Qiuxing walked out as if I tried my best.

"Little fool." Feng Ting murmured softly, his eyes following the back of the other party.

He must be crazy, thinking that even the back of the other party can make him feel excited.

Not long after, Feng Ting also stepped out of the bathroom.

The partner who caught up with the pregnant woman rushed in and was stopped outside the door. Hearing that someone helped them, he hurriedly begged to see his benefactor.

"Why do you let your wife go out alone?" Wen Qiuxing said, "Don't you know that she is dangerous like this now? Really, if you don't care about your wife and children, how can you be a father to someone in the future?"

Although the young man deliberately lowered his voice, every word full of anger still hits people's hearts.

Feng Ting's walking steps stopped instantly, Jun's face was hot, as if he was the one Wen Qiuxing scolded.

The husband who was worried about his wife became more and more ashamed and self-blame because of Wen Qiuxing's words, and quickly admitted his mistake: "It is indeed my fault, and I have not fulfilled my responsibilities as a husband. No matter how busy I am, I will never leave her side. Already!"

"Where are your parents? Don't they have time to accompany your daughter-in-law?" Wen Qiuxing saw that he had a good attitude of admitting his mistake and didn't hold on to it, so he asked something else.

The man in a suit and leather shoes, who looked like a social elite, shook his head: "We don't live with our parents, and they also have other children to take care of."

Wen Qiu woke up and raised his forehead, only to remember that in the interstellar era, the parent-child relationship is very weak. Basically, when the child reaches the age of 18, the parents will no longer care about his life.

There are many reasons for this phenomenon, partly because the government helps raise children, which leads many parents to feel that they raise their children for the empire, not for themselves.

Find out about sunk costs.

You don't appreciate what you don't get at a price.

Part of the reason is that they live too long.

200 years of life cannot just maintain a marriage relationship.

Divorce and marriage in StarCraft are very common, all kinds of half-parent and half-father relationships.

The age difference between brothers and sisters can be said to be quite large.

There is an old saying that when the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds.

To use it here is to live too long, and anything can happen.

"Okay..." Wen Qiuxing took a few more glances at the elite man, seeing that he was dressed like a dog and could live in a high-end residential area. It is reasonable to say that he is not short of money, so he sincerely suggested: "If conditions permit, please invite him A nurse would be better."

"Yes." The man agreed.

In other words, it was true that only the pregnant woman was at home alone.

Wen Qiuxing didn't want to care about other people's family affairs, so he kept his mouth shut.

Mr. Alien, who had been shot with several arrows, walked up to the little friend with heavy steps, and said with a sad expression, "I'm sorry."

The sudden apology made Wen Qiuxing feel confused, scratching his hair and thinking, is Will apologizing for his gaffe just now

That's too silly.

There is no need at all.

So Wen Qiuxing patted the other person's arm while making complaints about the fact that the alien was real, and said, "Don't think so much, go back to sleep."

Feng Ting: "..."