Bangu Emperor

Chapter 160: Taibai Restaurant


Ling Xiao left the Spiritual Medicine Pavilion and walked along the street, thinking.

I learned from She Wuxin that the people from the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect have already arrived in the royal capital.

There is no doubt that Wang Ducheng is targeting Ling Xiao. Although they have not yet found out the cause of Elder Kunshe's death, it will sooner or later be traced back to Changshengmen and Ling Xiao.

After all, the death of Elder Kunshe attracted the attention of everyone. Although many disciples of the Changsheng Sect were ordered to keep their mouths shut, it was inevitable that the news would leak out.

Moreover, She Wuxin also died at the hands of Ling Xiao. I believe that the news will soon reach the royal capital, and then there will definitely be a battle between Wanshoumen and Ling Xiao!

"He Qing, a strong person in the Heaven Realm?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, revealing a gleam of brilliance.

Even if the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect did not come looking for him, Ling Xiao decided to strike first, and he was certain that the hair-guarding elder He Qing who led the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect this time was a genuine powerful person in the Heavenly Man Realm.

Ling Xiao is not yet a match for a strong person in the Heavenly Man Realm, so this matter still needs careful planning.

"First of all, we must find out where the people from the Myriad Beast Sect are now!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

Before he knew it, Ling Xiao had walked a long way along the street. There were restaurants lined up on both sides, and the shops were bustling with people, making it look very prosperous.

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and he saw a very grand restaurant in front of him.

"Taibai Restaurant? Is it owned by the Li family?"

The corner of Ling Xiao's mouth twitched, and he thought of the Taibai Order in his arms. He smiled slightly and walked towards Taibai Restaurant.

If you want to get information, is there any better place than a restaurant

Moreover, Taibai Restaurant looks very grand and is much better than the surrounding restaurants. People who come here to eat are either rich or noble, so they should be able to get a lot of useful information.

"Sir, please come in!"

As soon as he saw Ling Xiao walking towards Taibai Restaurant, the waiter at the door's eyes lit up and he quickly and enthusiastically welcomed Ling Xiao in.

"Sir, our Taibai Restaurant is the best restaurant in the capital. We have everything from flying creatures in the sky, swimming creatures in the water, and crawling creatures on the ground. We also have many delicacies made from precious monsters. I guarantee you will be satisfied!"

The waiter led Ling Xiao into the restaurant and introduced him with a smile.

The interior space of Taibai Restaurant is very large. There are hundreds of tables and chairs placed in the hall on the first floor. At the moment, it is full of guests, and everyone is toasting and chatting, making it very noisy.

And on the far right, there is a staircase leading to the second floor.

There were two warriors in the Dragon and Tiger Realm guarding the stairs. Their eyes were as hawk-like as those of falcons, and they glanced indifferently at everyone in the hall.

"I want to go upstairs!"

Ling Xiao looked at the waiter and smiled.

"Second floor?"

The waiter was stunned, with a look of embarrassment in his eyes. He smiled bitterly and said, "Sir, the second floor is usually only for people with status and position in the capital. They are all regular customers of Taibai Restaurant. Ordinary people cannot go up there. Sir, you..."

The waiter's meaning was self-evident.

Ling Xiao was dressed in ordinary clothes. Although he had an extraordinary temperament, he was probably not a person of status and position, so he had no way of going up to the second floor.

"Your Taibai Restaurant really has some strict rules! Is this okay?"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly and took out the Taibai Order.

When the waiter saw Taibai Ling, his expression changed immediately.

"So you are the second master's distinguished guest. I was blind! Sir, come with me. With this, you can go up to the second floor!"

The waiter's face was immediately filled with an attentive and even somewhat flattering smile, and he led Ling Xiao up to the second floor unimpeded.

The second floor looked much quieter, with only a dozen tables and chairs, as well as some private rooms, where many people were seated.

However, judging from the way those people were dressed, they were indeed either rich or noble, and they spoke elegantly and softly, so they did not disturb others.

Ling Xiao chose a seat by the window and ordered some food and drinks casually. The waiter then respectfully left.

The sun was shining brightly outside the window, and there was a clear lake. A slightly cold breeze blew, making Ling Xiao feel clear-minded and relaxed.

His mental power spread out, enveloping the entire Taibai Restaurant.

In the restaurant, Ling Xiao could clearly hear everyone's conversation.

Behind the lobby on the first floor, seven or eight burly men in tight-fitting clothes were sitting together. They were all dressed as warriors. They seemed to have drunk too much at the moment. Their faces were red and they were talking loudly there.

"Do you know? It is said that the little princess Xia Hongxiu returned from the Sun, Moon and Star Sect today. She was pulled by a fifth-level tiger beast and escorted by the Suzaku Camp. It was so impressive, wow..."

"The little princess is back? I heard that she was accepted as a disciple by an elder of the Sun Moon Star Sect, and is now the sect's last disciple. At the age of sixteen, she has already reached the ninth level of the Dragon Tiger Realm. This talent is simply astonishing! Why did she come back?"

"I heard that it was to participate in the Great Wilderness Ancient Country's Heavenly Sacrifice Ceremony, but I heard inside information that there was another reason, hehe..."

"Oh? What's the reason?"

"Do you know the Demon Suppression King? He is Ling Zhen, who was once known as one of the two great geniuses along with the King of the Great Wilderness Ancient Country?"

"The Demon-Suppressing King Ling Zhen? Who doesn't know him? It is said that he and the king were good brothers when they were young. They trained together and experienced many dangers. Later, he played a crucial role in the king's ascension to the throne! So after the king ascended the throne, Ling Zhen was also named the Demon-Suppressing King!"

"Didn't the Demon King suddenly disappear three years ago? What does the little princess' return have to do with the Demon King?"

"Hehe, you don't know this, right? The demon-suppressing king Ling Zhen has only one son, and that is the big loser Ling Xiao who is well-known throughout the capital. The little princess and Ling Xiao were born on the same day of the same month of the same year, so the king and Ling Zhen had already arranged a marriage for them. When they turn sixteen, they will get married!"

“What?! The little princess wants to marry that useless Ling Xiao? What virtue does he have? I heard that useless Ling Xiao was born with venous congestion, which makes it very difficult for him to practice. He will be a useless person for the rest of his life! After the Demon King disappeared three years ago, Ling Xiao was sent to a small sect, which was actually exile!”

"Who said it wasn't true? Ling Xiao is such a loser, how could the little princess be willing to marry him? So I heard that the little princess returned to the capital this time just to cancel her engagement with Ling Xiao!"

"Cancel the engagement? Damn it, this is a huge humiliation. Even if Ling Xiao is a loser, he can't stand it, right?"

“Hehe, so what if he can’t bear it? He is still in that small sect now, and he doesn’t have the support of the Demon Suppression King. What can he do? If he disagrees, he might even lose his life! I heard that even the king acquiesced to this matter!”

"I remember now. The Ling family's year-end competition will be held in three days. It is said that the Ling family's great elder Ling Yunxiang intends to let his grandson Ling Tianci inherit the title of the Demon Suppressing King, so he spread the word in advance that whoever can win the first place in the year-end competition can inherit the title of the Demon Suppressing King, and the king has agreed to this!"

"That big loser Ling Xiao is so miserable! Not only is his engagement being broken off, but even his title of Demon Suppression King is being taken away! Alas..."

"There's nothing we can do. Who made him a loser? You said that the Demon Suppression King is extremely talented, so how could he give birth to a loser son? And although Ling Tianci is not one of the five princes of the royal capital, he is also at the ninth level of the Dragon Tiger Realm. It is said that he is likely to break through to the Grandmaster Realm within three years. By then, he will be the sixth prince of the royal capital!"

"Hehe, I don't know if that big loser Ling Xiao will show up in three days. It would be interesting if he did..."

(End of this chapter)