Banished Disciple’s Counterattack

Chapter 136: Yin people, gang fights


"Chu Ling'er is..., forget it, I'll go to Jade Girl Peak in person another day!" Pang Pangchuan didn't answer in the end. He just waved his hand and sat back on the futon, then put his hands in his hands and fell into sleep again. status.

Seeing this, Ye Chen didn't ask any more questions, collected the storage bag and walked out.

After leaving the inner gate Wanbao Pavilion, Ye Chen did not stop, wanting to go back as soon as possible to upgrade the puppet Zixuan.

However, when he passed the corner of a spiritual mountain, he was suddenly stunned.

He saw two people hanging on a thick spiritual tree not far away, swaying in the wind. When he walked in and took a look, they were Xie Yun and Xiong Er!

"Oh, let me go, what's going on?" Ye Chen was stunned, walked under the spiritual tree in a few steps, raised his head and looked at Xiong Er and Xie Yun in surprise.

These two guys have bruises and swollen faces, and there are footprints all over their bodies, and there are cuts on their robes, and their hair is as messy as a chicken coop. For those who don’t know, you might think that these two people just got into a fight with a dog

"Grandma, what are you looking at? Put it down quickly." Seeing that it was Ye Chen, Xie Yun and Xiong Er screamed louder than the other.

Ye Chen coughed dryly, but still gathered his energy into a blade and cut the immortal rope that tied the two of them.

"damn it."

"His grandma's."

As soon as they were put down, the two of them sat on the ground, cursing endlessly.

"What's going on? Someone beat me up." Ye Chen squatted down, but he had a strange feeling in his heart, that is, looking at Xiong Er and Xie Yun who were beaten with bruises and swollen faces, why did he feel so good

"Qi Yang." Xie Yun cursed angrily.

"Kong Cao." What surprised Ye Chen was that the name Xiong Er reported was actually Kong Cao. The person who beat them emotionally was not the same person.

"You two have eaten enough to support yourself!" Ye Chen handed over two bottles of spiritual liquid, "I won't talk about Kong Cao. Although this guy is not a good bird, he is also a genuine True Sun Realm, and that Qi Are you going to mess with Hao's cousin Qi Yang? I heard that he is the eighth ranked among the nine true disciples of the inner sect. If you fight with him, it would be strange if you don't get beaten."

"Isn't it because of you?" As soon as Ye Chen said this, Xiong Er and Xie Yun both looked at Ye Chen, with sparks blooming in their eyes.

"It's your grandpa's fault. I messed with whoever I provoked. As soon as I came out of the mountain in the early morning, I was slapped to the ground by Kong Cao." Xiong Er scolded and spittles flew all over the sky.

"I'm not the same. I went to the mountain behind the inner gate to collect spiritual grass, and I was beaten as soon as I walked in." Xie Yun screamed, "It's better for you, huddled in Jade Girl Peak all day, we were all beaten into idiots .”

Hearing this, Ye Chen subconsciously touched the tip of his nose. Qi Yang and Kong Cao vented their anger on Xie Yun and Xiong Er.

Just as he was talking, another person limped over not far away.

This man was muscular, bare-chested, and his muscles were full of explosive power. However, even though he was so full of energy, he was very weak at the moment. He also carried a pair of sledgehammers in his hands. If you look closely, it was none other than Huo Teng!

Seeing this, Ye Chen's mouth twitched suddenly.

Speaking of Huo Teng, he was no better than Xie Yun and Xiong Er. He was also bruised and swollen, and there were more footprints all over his body. Even his pair of sledgehammers had become bumpy.

"You were beaten too?" Xie Yun and Xiong Er looked at Huo Teng up and down.

"Bullshit." Huo Teng knelt down angrily, "That son of a bitch Jiang Yang, he promised to fight in a duel, but he actually played tricks on me."

"Jiang Hao's cousin Jiang Yang." At this point, Huo Teng and the three of them looked at Ye Chen again.

Okay! Three of his brothers were beaten up on the same day, and the people who took action were his cousins or senior brothers who were enemies in the outer sect. This was obviously premeditated.

Ye Chen was sure that not only Xie Yun and the others, Xiao Jing and Wang Lin would probably be beaten if they were left alone. Kong Cao and the others could not find Ye Chen, so they took all their anger out on Xie Yun and the others.

"His grandma's fault, fight him back." Xie Yun cursed, "I have never suffered such a big loss since my debut."

"Fight, we must fight." Huo Teng and Xiong Er also scolded each other with spittle flying everywhere.

"Come on, come on, total, total."

Under the spiritual tree, a scene like this soon appeared. Four people were squatting on the ground, muttering to each other.

There were inner sect disciples passing by, and many of them stopped. Seeing the mutterings on the heads of these four people, they all showed expressions of astonishment. Without thinking about it, they knew that the four of them were not planning anything good.

"What are you looking at!" Seeing a group of inner disciples looking at them like monkeys, Xiong Er couldn't help but howl.

Hearing the sound, a group of inner disciples immediately dispersed. Although they were not afraid of Xiong Er, they were afraid of Ye Chen, a restless master. They still remembered the earth-shattering scene in front of the exit of Huanglin a few days ago. Although these four people had just entered Inner door, but each one is very violent.

"Is this okay?" Here, Xie Yun and the others were already looking at Ye Chen, "They are not so easily fooled, right? If they get a group of people to follow us, we will most likely be beaten together."

"At worst, I'll get beaten up!" Ye Chen shrugged.

"Then you must be careful." Huo Teng patted Ye Chen on the shoulder, then winked at Xie Yun and Xiong Er, and the three of them stood up together and headed towards the back of the inner gate.

As for Ye Chen, after the three of them left, he stood up, twisted his neck, stretched his body, and then walked towards Fang Fang with the Tianque heavy sword on his shoulder.

Along the way, his eyes were moving from side to side.

He is looking for someone, who is he looking for? Naturally, he is looking for Kong Cao and Jiang Yang. If he sees one of them alone, he will lead them to the back mountain without hesitation. No one can do it, but he is an expert.

Soon, a familiar figure caught his eye.

That man had just come out of the library. His face was soft, but his aura was strong. If you look closely, isn't it Jiang Yang

"Ye Chen." Jiang Yang, who had just walked out of the library, saw the swaggering Ye Chen at a glance, and his face suddenly turned ferocious. He still remembered the scene a few days ago, which was a great shame and humiliation.

Seeing it was Jiang Yang, Ye Chen stopped in a hurry, turned around and ran away without saying a word.

"Where to go." Anger filled his head. Without even thinking, Jiang Yang chased him on the spot. His body shape and footwork were extremely mysterious. It was really a long journey, and his speed was unusually fast.

Since the end of the Huanglin test, Jiang Yang has been thinking about settling accounts with Ye Chen all the time. However, Ye Chen is hiding in Jade Girl Peak, leaving him helpless. It would be strange not to go crazy if he sees Ye Chen coming down the mountain today.

Here, Ye Chen has put away the Tianque Sword, stepped on the mysterious footwork of Suying Qianhuan, and his speed also increased sharply.

You must know that he is currently suppressed by the Moon Shadow Seven Star Ring, and his speed is not at its peak. If he is not careful, he will be caught by Jiang Yang.

"Senior Brother Jiang Yang, the matter of the Huanglin test is purely a misunderstanding." Ye Chen didn't forget to shout behind him a few times as he ran, "Junior brother, I had no choice but to take off your clothes."

Okay! It's okay not to say it. As soon as these words came out, Jiang Yang's head almost exploded with a buzz, his face instantly became hot, and his speed increased to another level.

Seeing this, Ye Chen also tried his best to increase his speed.

His goal has been achieved and he has successfully attracted Jiang Yang. All he has to do is to lead Jiang Yang into the mountain behind the inner gate in the shortest possible time. Otherwise, Jiang Yang and Zuo Qiuming will be killed when they learn about his coming down the mountain. They would also come after him, and the consequence would be that he and Xie Yun would be beaten together.

Soon, Ye Chen rushed into the back mountain like a wisp of smoke, running towards the place he and Xie Yun had agreed upon in advance.

Behind him, Jiang Yang chased him like a mad dog.



Soon, there was a roar from the mountain behind the inner gate. Jiang Yang, who was only chasing Ye Chen, didn't seem to realize that he had stepped into the trap that Xie Yun and the others had set in advance, and was blown away by a mine bomb on the spot.

"Let's do it." With a wolf howl, Xiong Er was the first to kill, and the mace in his hand suddenly grew larger.


Jiang Yang, who had not yet landed, was whipped out by Xiong Er on the spot.

Shocking hammer!

Then came Huo Teng, who rose into the air. Just when Jiang Yang was about to sacrifice the spiritual weapon, he knocked it down from mid-air with a hammer.

Crazy Dragon Palm!

Xie Yun also moved, and pushed out three palms one after another. The wind was strong, and a low dragon roar could be heard. Three dragon-shaped palm prints hit Jiang Yang in no particular order. Jiang Yang, who had just stood up, was immediately lifted. Turned out.

"You actually..." Jiang Yang was furious, and with a thought, he sacrificed his spiritual weapon.

"You have it, so do I." Xie Yun sneered, and a flash of light flashed between his eyebrows. The next moment, a nail-sized spiritual sword flew out. He was in the True Yang realm, and what was flowing out of his body was spiritual power. He already had it. He is qualified to control spiritual weapons.


Xie Yun moved his spiritual sword and flew Jiang Yang's spiritual weapon away with one strike. Even Jiang Yang staggered.

"Senior Brother Jiang." Ye Chen's laughter came from behind.

Hearing this, Jiang Yang suddenly turned around and pushed out with a palm without saying a word.

However, Ye Chen, who had been prepared for a long time, jumped to avoid the palm, and then a black light came out of his sleeve, and he held it firmly in his hand. Looking carefully, it was the palm that was specially designed to hit people. The black iron whip of the soul.


Soon, Jiang Yang's screams rang out, and Ye Chen hit him hard on the head with a whip. His whole head was bloody and bloody, and his eyes were covered with blackness. The most important thing was his soul, which seemed to have been hit hard. It's normal to hit something.


Ye Chen cracked his whip again and gave Jiang Yang two more whips, beating Jiang Yang blindly on the spot.

Holy shit!

Seeing this, Xie Yun and the others let out wolf howls, looking straight at the black iron whip in Ye Chen's hand. They never thought that the black iron whip could be so overbearing, knocking down Jiang Yang with three whips.

Xiong Er, in particular, had long recognized the origin of the iron whip in Ye Chen's hand, and immediately felt that the fat all over his body ached. During the Nether Black Market auction that day, he was the least optimistic about the iron whip. Now it seems that , I’m really blind.

"Quickly, clean up the battlefield." Ye Chen had already put away the iron whip and quickly took away Jiang Yang's storage bag.

Xie Yun and the other three also swarmed up, like robbers, using their hands up and down to steal Jiang Yang's treasures. Even the ornaments around his waist could not escape the bad luck. This skillful technique made it easy to see theft.

After sweeping away Jiang Yang, the four of them threw him into the pit they had dug long ago. Before burying him in the soil, Ye Chen used incense to make him sleepy.

"Escape!" After doing this, Ye Chen waved his hand, and the four people disappeared instantly according to the retreat route they had discussed in advance. (http://) "Xianwu Emperor Zun" only represents the author's views of the Six Realms and Three Ways. If its content is found to be in violation of national laws, please delete it. http://'s position is only committed to providing healthy Green reading platform.

[],thank you all!