Banished Disciple’s Counterattack

Chapter 176: Take on a disciple


There was no words all night, and in the blink of an eye it was dawn.

In the early morning, the light of morning light shone into the house through the window and fell on Ye Chen's face.

At this moment, the scars all over his body have basically healed, and even the arm that was chopped off has grown back. The only drawback is that his breath is still sluggish and his face is still so pale.

Not only that, Princess Xiyan of Shangyang sneaked in. She looked around first, and then she sneaked to the bedside. She glanced at Ye Chen up and down with big eyes, and then curiously stretched out her little hand to touch him. Ye Chen's face.

"This immortal is prettier than the previous one, hee hee hee." Xiyan chuckled, not forgetting to pinch Ye Chen's face twice as she spoke.

Feeling someone touching him, Ye Chen couldn't help but open his eyes, and saw a small face carved with jade bracelets and a pair of big eyes as clear as water, blinking at him.

Wow... !

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw such a scene. Ye Chen sat up suddenly, "Who are you!"

Ye Chen suddenly woke up, which caught Xiyan by surprise, but he smiled playfully, "My... my name is Xiyan, and I am Princess Shangyang of Zhao Kingdom."

"Princess Shangyang." Ye Chen glanced at Xi Yan, then looked around, and murmured, "Have you been taken back to the Zhao Kingdom Palace?"

"Um, did I scare the immortal just now?"

"It's... not bad." Ye Chen rubbed his eyebrows, his eyes gradually regained their clarity, and he remembered what happened last night, killing the evil blood witch, fighting the blood-robed man, and narrowly escaping death.

With that said, Ye Chen turned over and got out of bed, and then stretched hard.

On the side, Xi Yan peeked at Ye Chen more than once, feeling that the immortal in front of her was not as majestic and unhuman as she imagined, but looked more like a big brother.

Outside, Zhao Yu and Qin Xiong hurriedly walked in and bowed respectfully to Ye Chen, "Sir, thank you very much for saving Zhao Guoling from the fire and water. I will never forget it."

"It should be." Ye Chen continued to stretch his somewhat stiff body, "Since the evil spirit has been eliminated, I will leave first."

"We have already set up a banquet and invited the immortal..."

"There's no need to eat." Ye Chen waved his hands and smiled, and then started to take steps.

"Shang...shangxian." Ye Chen had just taken a step forward when he was stopped by Xi Yan behind him.

Hearing the sound, Ye Chen couldn't help but stop and look sideways, "Is something wrong?"

"Yes, yes." Xiyan chuckled, jumped forward with small steps, blinked her big eyes, and looked at Ye Chen with hope, "Brother Shangxian, can you accept me as your apprentice? I want to practice Taoism."

"Cultivating Taoism requires paying attention to..."

Before Ye Chen finished speaking, the little princess Xiyan knelt on the ground with a plop, "Xiyan pays homage to the master."

"No... no, I didn't say I would accept you as my apprentice!" Ye Chen was stunned and was caught off guard by Xi Yan's kneeling. Is he still his apprentice now? I'm embarrassed to teach others.

"Then I don't care. Anyway, if I kneel down, you have to accept me as your apprentice." Xiyan said with a small mouth and simply acted like a cheat. But it is worth mentioning that this little girl is really cute when she acts like a cheat.

"Yan'er, don't be rude." From the side, Zhao Yu hurriedly scolded him with the majesty of an emperor.

He didn't expect that his precious daughter would act like this to him. She would just act coquettishly in front of him, but who was Ye Chen? He was an immortal. If he accidentally angered her, let alone him. Even the entire Zhao Kingdom will suffer.

"Father, Brother Shangxian is very good."

"Don't be ridiculous."

"Okay, okay." Seeing that Zhao Yu was serious, Ye Chen waved his hand, looked at Xiyan, and said with a smile, "Little girl, do you know what it means to be an immortal?"

"What does it mean?" Xi Yan looked at Ye Chen with two clear eyes.

"It means you have a long life, and it means you have to walk a road destined to be cruel." Ye Chen smiled, "Maybe you can imagine that as a monk, you are no longer a mortal, but you have a long life that mortals don't have. You will witness with your own eyes that your loved ones grow old and die in front of you one by one. In the vicissitudes of the following years, you may not see a familiar person again. No one will lend you a shoulder to cry on, and no one will lend you a hug to act like a baby. , the so-called father, emperor and mother will also slowly disappear in the memory with the vicissitudes of life. When you return to your roots after falling leaves, you will look around and the people of the Zhao Kingdom may not even know who is Xiyan."

Having said this, Ye Chen looked at Xi Yan with a smile, "Are you still willing to be a monk?"

On his side, Zhao Yu and Qin Xiong also looked at Xi Yan.

Looking at this little girl again, her little head was lowered. She was so playful, and it was rare for her to be so silent.

Here, Ye Chen turned around again, and then placed a spiritual sword on the jade case, "If you are still willing to practice Taoism, you can carry this sword and come to Hengyue to find me."

In the hall, after Ye Chen left, there was still silence.

Outside the hall, Ye Chen had already stepped onto the fairy fire cloud.

He did not leave immediately, but continued to appear in small villages.

Although the evil blood witches have been eliminated, he is still worried. If all the blood witches in the Zhao Kingdom are not wiped out, more people will become dead souls.

It was night, and Ye Chen appeared in that small village again.

From a distance, he saw Ali still huddled under the peach blossom tree with her knees folded. Reflecting in the moonlight, her little body was very weak, and her illusory soul was constantly swaying in the wind, which made people feel cherished.


Ye Chen sighed, stepped slightly, and appeared in front of Ali, "Little sister, your brother..."

The words came to his lips, but Ye Chen still stopped. Although he knew that Ali's brother Yang Fan was dead, he still didn't know how to say it out.

However, just because he didn't say it out loud doesn't mean that Ali didn't see it.

Although her memory was hazy, she was very smart and had already guessed a certain outcome.

"Brother said, he will come back." Although he knew it, Ali smiled pretending to be strong. Although she was in a state of soul, Ye Chen could vaguely see the tears flashing in her eyes.

"Brother, thank you for coming to see me. Ali is not afraid." Ali smiled pretending to be strong, "Brother said that he will come back, and I will wait for him here."

A Li's forced smile made Ye Chen lament in his heart. Although she was in a state of soul, he could vaguely see the flash of tears in her eyes. Her obsession was too strong.


Ye Chen shook his head helplessly and turned around silently, "I hope time can make you forget everything."

After leaving the small village, Ye Chen wandered around the Zhao Kingdom again. Until midnight, he did not find any other blood witches appearing, and then he walked towards Hengyue on the clouds of fairy fire.

The night sky is deep and the stars are like dust.

Under the misty starry sky, the golden flame clouds are very bright and dazzling.


As he was flying, Ye Chen couldn't help but land down, landing in a dark forest, and then looked up at Fang Fang.

"Three wonderful mountains." Ye Chen murmured. He had seen it on the map of Zhao State before, and now that he was passing by it, he couldn't help but stop and look.

Seen from a distance, they are three steep mountains, occupying an innate position, carrying heavenly flowers above and earthly elements below. Although it is a mortal country, strange power gathers together, causing the clouds and mist between the three mountains to shroud.

"What a place in seconds." Ye Chen exclaimed and slowly walked up a cliff, hoping to see it more clearly.

"Extraordinary, really extraordinary." Ye Chen touched his chin and exclaimed again.

"I will definitely come back and study it carefully someday." Thinking this in his heart, Ye Chen couldn't help but turn around.

However, as soon as he turned around, his expression suddenly changed and he subconsciously took a step back.

It's not surprising that he was like this, because there was a man in purple robe standing behind him. He was as thin as firewood and his body was like dried bacon. He looked like a zombie. He was looking at him sinisterly.