Banished to Another World

Chapter 106: The stingy Nine Winds


Bo He suddenly raised his head, "What's that sound?"

The soldiers present were very surprised and walked out of the big tent with Boe.

"That sound seems to come from there." A leader of the Shi tribe warrior pointed to the direction of the valley with uncertainty.

"Let people keep an eye on the movement of that valley! All the fires are also lit!" Boye ordered after looking at the sky.


Looking at the direction of the valley, Qianggu of the Haola tribe thought the sound was strange, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

But Chi Ji of the Red Fox Tribe faces the valley for a long time, with doubts lingering on his face.

"Chiji, we're all done. If the soldiers of the Yuanji tribe dare to flee to our side, hehe!" A Red Fox warrior came over and told.

Chiji didn't look back.

"My lord?" The soldier leaned in front of Chi Ji.

Chiji suddenly said: "I don't agree with the patriarch to attack the Yuanji tribe together with the Zhu tribe this time. The Zhu tribe is too greedy. Although the Yuanji tribe is powerful, they don't have a big heart to expand, otherwise they won't be able to wait for the Zhu tribe to go. Take the Salt Mountain."

The warrior scratched his head, "But the patriarch said we can get a lot of salt and slaves."

"How many soldiers have we lost so far?"

"Ah?" The soldier couldn't answer.

"Sixty-four. Do you know what that means?"

The soldier shook his head.

Chi Ji sighed softly, "It means that half of the fighters of the Red Fox clan have died."

"grown ups?"

"Our Red Fox Clan has a small population, and our force is not too strong. We can survive in this land until now because everyone likes the women of our clan. They will come to find them and leave offspring. This is us."

Chi Ji turned to look at the tent of the Zhu clan, "If one day we can no longer protect the women in the clan, if someone snatches them away, the Red Fox clan will be gone."

"Chiji!" The soldier no longer called an adult, but called his friend's name, "You are the smartest person in the clan, what do you want to do? You say, we will do as you say! The patriarch also said let Chidou and we both listen to you."

Chi Ji patted him on the shoulder, a bloodthirsty smile appeared on his handsome and gorgeous face.

In the valley, the soldiers' jaws dropped all over the ground.

First, there was the earth platform that rose suddenly, and then there was the high-pitched horn sound that they had never heard before. The soldiers pointed their spears at the earth platform almost instantly. They didn't regard Yuan Zhan and Yan Mo as enemies, but their natural reaction after being frightened.

Although the sound of the horn made them curious, it was obvious that the earthen platform that appeared out of thin air attracted more attention.

Hunter and Eagle looked at Yuan Zhan in surprise. They knew that Zhan had the ability to control earth and rocks, but the scene before them had far exceeded their expectations.

Not only did he advance to the Warrior level, but his abilities also seemed to become very powerful!

He didn't know that Yuan Zhan had awakened his bloodline ability, and he was quite frightened, but as a member of the Xiyang tribe, after the shock, he was ecstatic!

"Battle! You have awakened the power of the God of the Earth!" Hide's eyes turned red with excitement.

The original war defaults.

Bing's eyes were red with jealousy, why why why! Why did all good things happen to this insidious, cunning, vicious and rough beast! God is so unfair!

The old priest closed his eyes with an ugly face. What he was most worried about finally happened, and Zhan's ability to control the soil was obviously much stronger than that of the few bloodline warriors who had appeared in the Sirang tribe before.

Several elders had different expressions, among them, Tuge, an elder of the Xirang tribe, slowly clenched his trembling palms because of being too excited.

Yan Mo pressed his hand on the earthen wall on the earthen platform, and sat down on the edge of the earthen wall.

Yuan Zhan looked up and saw his two legs hanging outside the earthen wall, smiled, and deliberately raised his hands in a false gesture.

Yan Mo felt that the earthen wall under his buttocks suddenly became thicker and wider, and the earthen wall quickly turned into a chair with a backrest and armrests.

Yan Mo rested his arms on the armrest, raised his hand to cover half of his face, and covered the twitching corner of his mouth. Well, this animal is also considered a homecoming, and it is reasonable to want to show off. But why did he have the illusion of seeing a wolf with a big tail sweeping its tail triumphantly

When the old priest opened his eyes, he saw that everyone was looking up at the earthen platform. He also looked up, and happened to see the scene of the earthen wall changing.

The old priest had a strange feeling. He felt that the war seemed to be very different to this other priest. It was not just a respect for the priest, but more like a kind of... like a warrior's love for his own weapons? No, the white-headed boy is obviously more important than weapons in the eyes of the battle, much more important!

"Did you also have the same ability as the chief, awakened when you became a fourth-level fighter?" The old priest asked Yuan Zhan sullenly, but found that his voice became dry and hoarse.

Yuan Zhan shook his head, "No, I awakened very early."

The old priest's expression changed, "Why did you keep hiding such an important matter?"

Hide understood the reason almost immediately, and a sneer appeared on his face.

Yuan Zhan raised his hand to touch the old scar on his face, and said slowly: "Because my ability was not the same at that time, at most it would be faster to make a stone tool."

And everyone present, as long as they have a little brain, knows the real reason why Yuan Zhan didn't say anything. Elder Tuge of the Xirang tribe bowed his head in shame. The old priest held a high position in the tribe. They, the elders of various tribes, were similar to each other. If Yuan Zhan had said this at the beginning of his awakening, he wouldn't have known what he could do. The child cannot be kept.

"That's why your current ability is so... powerful." The old priest felt that he had found the reason. Sure enough, the sooner one awakens, the easier it is to become a powerful warrior!

"Do not!"

The old priest was surprised, but Yuan Zhan opened his mouth to veto his guess.

Yuan Zhan raised his head, "I will become a fourth-level fighter in just one winter, and my ability and force will reach the fourth level, all because of him, my priest!"

The sound of the original battle was loud enough that not only the soldiers nearby, but also those standing far away could hear it. And everyone knows very well that the priest Yuan Zhan mentioned is obviously not the old priest Qiushi.

Excited? Of course I am excited! The warriors of the Yuanji Tribe looked at the white-headed boy on the platform with fiery eyes in an instant!

This ancestral god priest can not only upgrade the fighters, but also awaken the bloodline ability of the fighters? And it can also upgrade the ability? God, why isn't he a priest of our tribe? Please exchange!

Eagle thinks that he should be able to get close to this white-headed priest through battle. Maybe he is in a good mood, so he can easily turn him into a fourth-level fighter. It would be even better if he can also get his bloodline ability...

Yan Mo looked up at the sky, he was not a humble person, but being looked up at by so many people and men of the same gender with such fiery eyes, he felt as if his whole body was covered with ants. Please don't look at me like that again, okay

The soldiers felt that they couldn't see enough. In their eyes, the white-headed boy holding a horn, looking up to the sky, and sitting on a strangely shaped earthen platform looked very mysterious, like a priest, and even the clothes on his feet... Eh? What it is

In addition to the thick-soled all-inclusive straw sandals on the feet of the white-headed boy, the leather water bag hanging on his waist, the horn in his hand, and the small animal skin bag tied around his waist, including the appearance of the animal skin coat on his body, everything is different. Surprise the warriors.

"What did he do to you?" The old priest was full of jealousy and disbelief. He had never heard of any priests who could help soldiers upgrade, let alone awaken soldiers' abilities. Even the legend of the three cities did not have such a thing !

Yuan Zhan looked at the old priest and said calmly: "He did a lot of things to me. He taught me the correct way to train soldiers, told me how to exercise and improve my abilities, adjusted my body, and used his vitality to give me Blessings, I also healed my left leg."

Ji, Lie and the others couldn't help but look up again at the white-headed boy on the platform.

Even when Yan Mo looked at him, he clenched his right fist and punched his left chest hard! He was expressing his respect and gratitude to Yan Mo. Because of him, the blood of the gods of the Xiyang people was truly awakened.

Yan Mo also nodded to him, Hide is a real fighter, regardless of each other's standpoints, this man has many qualities that he admires.

There was silence in the valley, obviously there were so many people, but only Yuan Zhan's voice could be heard, "Lord Qiushi, the chief has a chance to live, don't you really have the heart to see the chief just die like this?"

The old priest clenched his scepter tightly, and he was about to refute something angrily.


At this moment, there was a distant and clear eagle chirping in the sky.

silently! I'm here, and I brought you delicious food!

Yan Mo raised his head with a bright smile on his face.

Yan Mo didn't blow the horn again, he sat so high, the valley is relatively spacious and there are not many trees to cover it, his Jiufeng's eyes are so sharp, and his sense of smell may be very keen - he remembers that there is a kind of vulture that can sense distance. Up to 16 kilometers, I don't know how far the nine winds can smell

And Jiufeng really didn't need him to use the horn to remind him, it had already seen its little two-legged monster from a long way in the sky.

"Jie!" There were many two-legged monsters.

The people of the original tribe who nested in the valley heard Jiufeng's call first, but hadn't seen its majestic figure yet, but the warriors of the three tribes who camped on the grassland saw the distant Nine Winds at the same time they heard the call. A huge black shadow flew from everywhere.

"What a big bird!" The warriors of the three races exclaimed. The big bird hadn't come close yet, but the spread of its wings surpassed any bird they had ever seen.

As Jiu Feng flew closer and closer, almost everyone standing outside the tent looked up at it.

Nine Winds began to descend and glide.

"Ah! Look! That big bird is flying towards the valley of the Primitive Tribe!"

Perhaps the warriors of the three races should feel lucky, because Jiufeng didn't come from their direction, but from the back of the valley. However, because of this, they did not see the details of Jiu Feng.

Boye got the news and went out to see the big bird, but he couldn't see it anymore.

Why did the big bird fly to that valley? Back to the nest? No, they have never seen this big bird these days.

So it's hunting? or…

Bo He inexplicably remembered the strange noise that came from the valley just now. Not long after that sound, the big bird flew over. Could it be that someone in the valley was calling for this big bird

correct! That white-headed man! He can drive man-eating bees, but it's hard to guarantee that he won't drive other winged things.

Bo'e got up abruptly, and asked the soldiers around him again: "Has the fire been lit yet?"

The soldier replied: "As soon as it gets dark, light it."

"No! Light it up now, hurry up!" Boye felt that there were too many strange things happening today, which made him uneasy and uneasy.

"Ah! A bird with a human face! It's really a bird with a human face! It's really the mountain god Jiufeng!"

No matter how disciplined the soldiers of the Yuanji tribe were, they couldn't keep their composure at this time. This ferocious bird is a living legend!

"The white-headed priest actually summoned the mountain god! God!" If the old priest and the warrior leaders were not there, many soldiers would not be able to help but kneel down to the white-headed priest.

"God! It's so big!" Everyone raised their heads and opened their mouths wide to look at the giant bird with a human face gliding down the sky.

He looked at Jiu Feng, and then at the white-headed boy. His heart, which had been difficult to make a choice, finally stopped wavering, and he made a decision.

Lie swallowed, "It's much bigger than before."

Diao stared brightly at the white-headed young man on the platform. The young man raised his hand, and the terrifying mountain god landed on it... Before it fell, the mountain god's paws grabbed a roe deer.

"Bang!" Two roe deer were thrown to the ground.

Meat! Everyone's eyes turned green.

"You'd better not touch those two roe deer." Yuan Zhan warned the drooling Diao and the others in an unhappy mood, "That's the food that the mountain god Jiufeng brought to its priest, whoever dares to move it will wait Let it grab you and throw you to death."

Ah, it's so cruel to show them or not to eat them! The soldiers wept.

The old priest took a step forward, he didn't want to move the roe deer, he just wanted to ask Yuan Zhan, what happened to all this? Why can the mountain god Jiufengniao really be summoned by a boy! Is what he said before true

Jiufeng was about to retract his wings and land, when he saw that an old two-legged monster underneath dared to approach the meat it brought Momo, he was immediately unhappy. Dare to steal Master Bird's meat? Jie! Eat my wings!

"Huh!" The big fan at close range made the warrior leaders unable to stand firm, not to mention the old priest whose force value was close to zero.

Gululu. The poor old priest screamed and was rolled several times on the ground by the wings until Qiu Ning and two soldiers hugged him.

Yuan Zhan covered his mouth and nose when he saw Jiufeng's wings moving, and when the wind and sand had all fallen, he said helplessly: "Look, even if you get close, it won't work."

Hearing this, the old priest who was helped to get up just now almost died of anger!

Jiufeng saw that those two-legged monsters had become more honest, so he folded his wings and landed on the earthen platform. He still remembered to be careful not to touch Momo.

Jie Jie, but it really wants to rub against the little two-legged monster.

"Jie!" I can't rub my eyes silently, I'm not happy!

Yan Mo really wanted to pat it, but he could only smile apologetically at it. There is still a big battle waiting for him below, and he has to retain sufficient physical strength.