Banished to Another World

Chapter 116: The ancestor gods are angry


When Yan Mo looked up at the sky, the sky had already darkened a bit, and the western corner of the sun had been covered, but everyone thought it was dark clouds covering the sun, and didn't care at first, but now...

"God! The sun has been eaten by something! God the Father is going to be angry!" The old priest shouted and suddenly fell to his knees.

Chief Ho stood up suddenly, he had never seen the sun suddenly become like this, it was just like what the old priest said, the sun was eaten by something terrible.

The faces of the soldiers were not panicked. The ignorant were fearless. They had never seen a total solar eclipse, and the sun was so far away from them. Seeing such a scene was like seeing half sunny and half rainy. The weather, but the tone of the old priest made some sensitive people feel that something was wrong.

The old priest knelt on the ground and kept murmuring, and after a while he shouted loudly: "Qiu Ning, get ready, I want to ask God!"

Qiu Ning immediately agreed, and quickly fetched a stone pot, threw a few burning logs into it, then took out several kinds of herbs from a small package with her, and threw them into the stone pot one by one.

Qiu Ning walked to the old priest with the stone pot in his hand and knelt down.

The old priest lowered his head to sniff the blue smoke rising from the stone pot, and soon his body began to tremble.

The sound of the horn resounded through the sky, and Yan Mo blew three times in a row, telling Jiu Feng that he was in a hurry, very urgent.

Yan Mo didn't know about today's solar eclipse at first, he only remembered that a total solar eclipse usually occurs on the first day of each month, and that day is also the first day of the new moon, when the moon cannot be seen, that day is also called the first day of the new moon.

And there will be two to four solar eclipses in a year, but because of different locations and times, even if a solar eclipse occurs, you may not be able to see it.

Yan Mo didn't know if these primitive people knew how to calculate a total solar eclipse, but he always felt that the abilities of these primitive people in certain directions were quite mysterious. The fact that the Shi tribe attacked the Yuanji tribe, after careful analysis, is actually quite strange.

The Shi tribe, who were supposed to recuperate, would rather pay a large sum of salt to unite with other tribes to attack the Yuanji tribe. They really just wanted to teach Yuanji a lesson in secretly looking for the salt land? By the way, let's show other tribes by killing chickens and monkeys

Then the price and danger are too great.

Regardless of whether it is a primitive person or a modern person, he feels that the judgments on nature and the most direct interests should be similar. If there were no greater interests behind to push the Xi clan, the Xi clan would not be so reckless.

Assuming that the things in the grassland of the original tribe are the main reason for the Xi tribe to attack the original tribe, then the Xi tribe can also wait until the tribe has fully recovered before taking action. They are so eager to do it in the near future, can they judge whether the Someone or someone in the family already knows when the total solar eclipse will occur

If this is the case, he can no longer waste time here. Saving people is very important, but the mysterious object in the grass beach attracts him even more. The level of attraction made him rush to Cao Tan even at the risk of being judged dead by the guide.

As for what the old priest was doing now, he saw it, but he didn't care about it.

He could guess the plan of the old priest, probably wanting to apply the omen of the solar eclipse to him.

Seeing him put down the horn, Yuan Zhan immediately asked him: "What's wrong with the sun? Are we going to leave here?"

Seeing that the old priest was trembling and about to shout something, Yan Mo suddenly laughed out loud, and said to Yuan Zhan: "The sun is nothing, I heard the ancestor god tell me before, this kind of situation is just the mother god and the father god In a fight, the mother god won today, she will swallow the father god little by little, and after a while, when she is in a better mood, she will spit out the father god again."

Hearing this, the corners of Yuan Zhan's mouth curled up, Hao and the other soldiers also breathed a sigh of relief, they obviously thought the explanation was reasonable.

The old priest suddenly shouted loudly: "That's not the case! Someone made the Great God Kama angry, and the Great God Kama sent down punishment, wanting to make the sun disappear and let us live in darkness forever! We only have to kill the angry Kama People of the Great God, sacrifice to him, and the Great God Kama will return the sun to us!"

"Fart!" If Yan Mo didn't want to give face to the warriors of the Yuanji Tribe, he would have risked punishment and tried to kill the old man.

"Father God and Mother God often fight, just like our men and women. Who doesn't live without a little anger? When the Father God wins the Mother God, he will also swallow her. You will notice that sometimes the moon It will be like being swallowed by something suddenly, that is, the father god is swallowing the mother god, but they are a very good couple, and they will spit out each other after a while."

"No! You're talking nonsense! It's because you have offended and angered God Kama that God Kama will be angry!" The old chief suddenly looked at the trench and wailed loudly: "Chief, this man must be taken away!" If you arrest him, you must kill him to appease the anger of God Kama, otherwise... "

"I said the sun will come out in a while, and it will come out! Qiushi, you keep saying that I offended Kama God and let Kama God swallow the sun. Well, I will go talk to Kama God and let Kama go! He let out the sun." Yan Mo thought to himself that if I didn't want to play tricks, you would have been killed by me in the name of an oracle.

Witch doctor, witch doctor, in ancient times witch and doctor were one. He is a doctor who knows a lot of medical knowledge. He uses his knowledge to forge some miracles and oracles. Don't be too simple, he is just too lazy to do it. But he's too lazy to do it, not that he can't do it at all, when necessary, such as now...

"Ah!" Qiu Ning screamed suddenly. He was closest to the old priest, and he could see the changes of the old priest most clearly.

Chief Hao was also standing near the old priest, but he couldn't help taking a step back when he saw the change in the old priest.

The other soldiers also saw it clearly, and couldn't hide the expressions of surprise and disgust on their faces.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me?" The old priest couldn't help shouting seeing the faces of the people around him, but soon, he started scratching himself, "It's so itchy! Why is it so itchy?"

The old priest raised his hand, and saw the changes in his hand. The back of his hand and the exposed wrist and arm were covered with red bumps.

He hurriedly looked down at his legs and feet, and as expected, his legs and feet were also covered with red bumps.

It's all over his face and body!

At this time, Yuan Zhan suddenly said grimly: "Master Qiushi, you have insulted the priest who has been passed down by the ancestor god himself several times. The ancestor god has already been angry, but Mo is kind and has been praying for everyone and you, and did not let the ancestor god come down." Punishment, but this time, Lord Mo said that it was only the father and mother gods fighting in the sky, and they would reconcile in a while, but you insisted that it was God Kama’s anger against Lord Mo, and you still want to live Lord Ji Mo, how could the ancestor gods not be furious? You suddenly became like this, probably because the ancestor gods punished you."

Yan Mo sighed softly at the right time.

"No! The ancestor god will not punish me! This, this..." The old priest was so itchy that he scratched his body with both hands. He wanted to say that Yan Mo had poisoned him, but he had never seen such a poison at all, and Yan Mo Mo has never been close to him, and he has never seen Yan Mo raise his hands at him, and he doesn't think Yan Mo can do this to make his whole body covered with red bumps in an instant. .

The old priest scratched harder and harder, and the red bumps on his body began to change, becoming transparent, like pustules.

Qiu Ning was too frightened to approach the old priest. The old priest looked terrible now, with transparent yellow pustules all over his face and body. He even scratched them with his hands. Some of the pustules were scratched by him, but there was no bleeding. But water came out.

The warrior leaders also took a step back in unison.

"You! You're the one who hurt me!" The old priest felt that the white-headed priest didn't have this ability. He already believed in his heart that the ancestor god was punishing him, but he was unwilling to admit it like this.

Yan Mo sighed again, "Lord Qiushi, if I really want to harm you, I will bet you that the sun will come out. I can also deceive everyone, if I don't tell you that this is the fight between the Father God and the Mother God It is said that the ancestor gods angered you, let everyone punish you, and then called out the sun."

Everyone has never heard of the word bet, but they quickly understood the meaning.

"Will the sun really come out after a while?" Hao couldn't help asking, when the sun in the sky was completely covered.

"Of course." Yan Mo nodded, and looked up at the sky, "Mother God is about to spit out Father God. When Father God just came out, he has a big temper, and those who stare at him will hurt their eyes."

Yan Mo's voice just fell.

"Ah! The sun is out!" A soldier shouted happily.

Some people didn't listen to Yan Mo's words. Some people are always very curious. The more you don't let him do something, the more he wants to do something. When the sun comes out, they will stare closely.

After a while, someone yelled, "My eyes are blurred! I can't see!"

"My eyes hurt! Master Mo, what should I do if my eyes keep streaming tears?"

Yan Mo knew that someone would be like this, so he looked at a few people and saw that the situation was not serious, so he said: "Close your eyes, cover them with your hands, don't rub them, it will be fine after a while."

Compared with the joy of everyone seeing the sun again, the screams of the old priest seemed so abrupt and disharmonious. The tragic situation on his body made many soldiers feel disgusted and pitiful when they saw him.

Chief Hao walked up to Yan Mo in embarrassment, and said embarrassingly, "Lord Mo, Qiu Shi... didn't do well, which angered the ancestor gods, but he is old, and our tribe still needs him to pass on the priest's inheritance." Go down, you, can you do anything... "

Before Hao finished speaking, Yan Mo shook his head and said, "This is the wrath of the ancestor god, and there is nothing I can do about it. When the ancestor god calms down, he will recover naturally."

"Then how can we appease the ancestor god?" Hao asked hastily.

Yan Mo smiled, Hao understood. Qiu Shi was angered by the ancestor god because of several insults and wanting to kill Lord Mo. If he wanted to appease the ancestor god, Qiu Shi would probably have to seek forgiveness from Lord Mo.

But Hao knew Qiushi well, and if he wanted the old priest to bow his head to another priest of another race, he would rather die like this.

The sudden disappearance of the sun and its sudden appearance did not cause much panic among the original tribes. Many people were working without even noticing it. Go on and do your own thing.

However, many people still ran to find the chief and the old priest. Gan Yu was among them, and several women followed her.

The screams and plight of the old priest caught the attention of these people the fastest. No one dared to get close to the old priest, and all watched from a distance. Compared with the sun disappearing and reappearing in the sky, the scene of the old priest is much more terrifying.

Gan Yu carried the child on her back and covered her face, because she was afraid that the uncontrollable expression on her face would reveal her madness. The lives of her four children, it is not enough for the old priest to become like this!

The author has something to say: Hospital Story 1:

It is said that I slept on the hospital bed the first night, listening to the grunts of the patients on both sides, I felt very calm, but I couldn’t fall asleep, and I fell asleep in a daze.

Please don't be surprised, and don't think that Mantou is promoting superstition. Mantou has a problem. Once you feel nervous or can't sleep well, such a strange problem will appear.

Some people said it was because the hand was pressing on the heart, but it didn’t. The way I got out of trouble was to move one of my fingers, or increase my breathing to force myself to wake up.

I don't know if anyone has the same problem