Banished to Another World

Chapter 34: Lost Yan Mo


In the grass, a group of twelve people carried each other's poor people on their backs and ran quickly.

Behind him, a huge leopard was pierced with a big hole in its neck, its abdomen was deliberately cut open, and blood flowed everywhere on the ground.

A group of no less than twenty hyenas surrounded the dead giant leopard, feasting on it.

Some hyenas seemed reluctant to give up tracking their prey all the way, but when they raised their heads, they found that the position was being contested, and rushed in to snatch the ready-made fresh flesh.

The smell of blood attracted more hungry animals, including large birds in the sky. But one bird acted strangely. When all the birds were staring at the pool of flesh and blood below, it broke away from the group and chased the twelve escaped people, as if something was attracting it there.

There were rumbling footsteps approaching the group of hyenas, but the greedy hyenas were reluctant to part with the flesh and blood that had just arrived, until a female hyena as the leader gave out a low warning growl again. But the growl was too late...

Yan Mo, who had gone away with his companions, didn't know that a new hunt and killing was about to start at the place where they left just now.

Yan Mo covered his face, his face was scratched by the leopard, he felt that half of his nose might be missing.

The terrifying giant leopard had its neck pierced by the wooden spear, yet it still had the strength to greet him on the face.

Now he and Yangwei became a pair of troubled brothers, but his situation was much worse than Yangwei's, half of his face was ruined!

The blood pouring out of his face not only attracted some beasts to follow them, but also attracted more flying insects to pounce on his face.

Yan Mo was in so much pain that his whole body was trembling. Just now, he thought he was going to die.

He didn't even react when Yuan Zhan put him on his back.

Following the hunter in the front, they ran all the way without looking back for an unknown how long, until they ran under a big tree with a huge crown, and everyone stopped.

"Huchi, Huchi." Many people breathed heavily, and Mosquito put his hands on his knees, so tired that he couldn't even stand up straight. Xia Fei was the most pitiful, as soon as he stopped, he collapsed.

Three ill-behaved slaves were either thrown or set to the ground. Bing was not happy to run with the sheep's tail on his back, threw the sheep's tail to the ground, and couldn't help kicking him again.

As soon as Yuan Zhan put down the boy, he turned around and scratched his face, "Let me see, how is the injury?"

Yan Mo has gradually recovered from the severe fear, he slowly put down his bloody left hand, and slowly raised his face.

Yuan Zhan grabbed his chin, his eyes suddenly shrank, and then he quickly raised his palm to spit a few mouthfuls, and then seemed to be casually wiping the little slave's face vigorously. While wiping, he said it was nothing serious. Said: "Fortunately, the blood flowed a little more, but the wound is not very serious, it is not as severe as when the sheep's tail was caught, just apply some saliva, and it will be fine in a few days."

impossible! He clearly felt...

Yan Mo quickly touched his face, he thought that the whole cracked nose remained on his face, and the half of his face that he thought had been destroyed now only felt a few small scratches that hadn't healed .

His healing ability seems to be accelerated again

Could it be that his healing ability is not only related to the nutrients he absorbs, but also the number of times he is injured? Could it be that every time he gets injured, his healing ability increases again

Cheating Oh! So can he get hurt again

And healed up so quickly, why didn't his body and brain respond at all? What about the law of conservation of energy? Feed the dog? Or is hunger the response

These can be ignored for the time being, Yan Mo waved his hand. But more importantly, how is he going to hide this

If it was in the safe original world, he wouldn't have to worry about being discovered about his superhuman healing ability, but in this world, it would be strange if he didn't get hurt someday.

His extraordinary healing ability will definitely be discovered by others. He has to think of an excuse to explain this matter. He doesn't want to be incinerated or ground into powder as a special medicine.

In addition, fortunately, when the leopard pounced on his face just now, he subconsciously covered his face.

"Is the little slave all right?" He rushed over to look at Yan Mo, "I thought his face was scratched to pieces just now, but the leopard's last kick was ruthless."

"It's okay, the leopard had a wooden spear stuck in its neck, and it didn't have much strength when it jumped in front of me. I just didn't dodge it in shock, otherwise I wouldn't suffer this little injury." Yan Mo bent down and grabbed a handful of grass. Rubbing, trying to get rid of the blood that has basically dried up on his hands.

Meng wanted to take a closer look, but Yuan Zhan grabbed his neck and pushed him to the side of the tree, "You are the most flexible, go climb the top of the tree and watch."

He laughed fiercely, threw the backpack to his brother, quickly climbed up to the top of the big tree like a monkey, and stuffed a few leaves into his mouth.

In the distance, a big bird hovered high in the sky.

I took a second look at the big bird and saw that it didn't intend to jump down for the time being. While guarding, it swept in other directions.

Yan Mo found that everyone recovered faster than him after experiencing the danger, including the only two women. No one seemed to take the danger just now to heart, and they all looked relaxed and let it go. The soldiers, in particular, had already tapped the bushes with their wooden spears to check their surroundings.

After observing your partner, look at your surroundings.

The environment here is very interesting, surrounded by weeds that are half the height of a person, but there are also a few big trees scattered here and there. The trunks of these trees are quite thick, and the crowns are also very large, but some of the trees have lost most of their leaves. , and some are still flourishing.

And under the big tree they were in, with the trunk as the center, there were not many weeds in the area of nearly ten meters around, and the weeds did not become dense until they were about twenty meters away from the big tree. It seems to be the same situation that other big trees can see.

If you look further into the distance, you can see rolling hills. These mountains are near and far away. The near ones can be reached in a day, while the far ones are completely impossible to measure the distance.

Yan Mo wiped the blood on his face with saliva and weeds, and slowly turned around. Because of the wide field of vision, he could clearly see that this prairie seemed to be surrounded by mountains, which felt like a basin.

But it doesn't look like the climate, why? Because of the height distribution of the mountains? Because the grassland is too big

Behind those distant mountains is another plain continent, or...

Yuan Zhan came back from the nearby grass with a very long bone in his hand, "There is no suitable tree, only this one."

"... Thank you, this one is fine too." Yan Mo took the thighbone of an unknown animal, leaned on the ground, and thought it was okay. He "kindly" gave the stick prepared by the eagle to the sheep's tail before, so he could only beg Yuan Zhan to get him another one nearby.

"Has anyone ever reached that mountain?" Yan Mo asked, pointing to the farthest and highest mountain.

Yuan Zhan looked in the direction of his finger, "You mean Father God Mountain? I have never been there, and no one in the tribe can reach it. But I heard that there is a lower city at the foot of the mountain there, and occasionally people will trespass there. Pass Longbei Mountain in front of Father God Mountain, then pass through the entire grassland and black forest, and come here."

"Have you ever thought that maybe the sea is behind those mountains?" Yan Mo said casually.

Unexpectedly, there was a frenzy in Yuan Zhan's eyes, "If I become a fourth-level fighter, I must climb up the Father God Mountain or the Mother God Mountain, and then turn over them to see what is behind them. Someone once said that those mountains It is the end of the continent, but the people in the lower city have left rumors that the end of the continent is not behind the mountain."

Yan Mo looked at the Mother God Mountain that Yuan Zhan was referring to. It was another high mountain just across the prairie from Father God Mountain. It was impossible to tell which one was higher and which was lower. Their main peaks had been inserted into it. sky.

Coincidentally, Father God Mountain is in the north and Mother God Mountain is in the south. There is Longbei Mountain in front of Father God Mountain, and Longtou Mountain in front of Mother God Mountain. Although Hasa Mountain is also to the south, it is much closer to them than Mother God Mountain.

Looking at the mountain running dead horse, he can't choose to settle so far away, he can only choose the nearest one. I don't know how the feng shui of the residence temporarily occupied by the Stingers is, if it's good...

While Yan Mo was busy studying the surrounding environment, Kusamachi walked under the big tree with a wooden stick, reached out and picked a few leaves, and gave them to her master carving first.

The eagle who was mowing immediately put the leaves in his mouth and chewed them.

Cao Ding took another leaf and handed it to the thoughtful Yan Mo, "Eat it, you can drink it as water."

Yan Mo calmed down and took it in doubt. He didn't know this plant, but looking at the eagle's casual appearance, it seemed that they had eaten this kind of leaves before

At this time, other free people also went to the big tree to pick leaves, and they didn't pick more, just picked one piece and ate one piece.

Seeing Yan Mo's hesitation, Cao Ding smiled, with a sad and nostalgic expression on his face, and said: "This is a generous gift from the God of the Earth to our family. We call it the Water God Tree. It never bears fruit or blooms. , but as long as its leaves are chewed, a lot of clear water can be chewed out, and it will not lose its leaves all year round."

"Your family?"

"Well, my original clan, the Chun clan. It's just that... it doesn't exist anymore." Kusamachi lowered his eyelids and raised them again, "It turns out that my clan lives in this area. It turns out that there are many water god trees on our clan land, but there are many water god trees nearby. After the greedy tribe wiped out my tribe, it wasn't enough, they also dug up the water god tree and wanted to bring it to their own tribe."

"But no tribe can make the water god tree survive on its own territory." Yuan Zhan, who sat cross-legged on the ground and sharpened the tip of his spear with a stone, answered, "Our tribe also got a few back, and they all died."

"Why don't you just occupy this place?" Yan Mo wondered.

"Because there are many tribes who want this land, and it is located in a location with abundant water and grass. If you can't occupy it quickly, you will be harassed by countless wild beasts and raptors, and you will be attacked by other tribes."

Lie, who came over, explained casually, and specifically mentioned to Yan Mo: "After passing this tree, the distance of three flying spears is the residence of the Stinger tribe. Let's take a rest here, wait a while Split up to find the flock of sheep, whether you find it or not, everyone must come back here before the sun goes down."

"We are so close to that stinger, will we be attacked?" Seeing that no one asked, Yan Mo could only ask himself.

Before Lie answered, Bingxian sneered: "Have you never heard of this savage tribe? They don't know what defense is, and they don't have fighters like our tribe. Just don't run to their house and don't rob them." Food, they don't care about you."

Yan Mo ignored Bing's provocation, took a handful of water god leaves, and headed due west with Yuan Zhan.

After walking about two hundred meters, Yuan Zhan put Yan Mo down and said with certainty, "You should be able to leave, right?"

Yan Mo didn't deny it, "Yes."

"Hit the grass with the bones in your hand when you walk, like me." Yuan Zhan taught the young man how to walk through the grass, "Because of the relationship between the Spring Clan that used to be here and the Stinger Clan that came here later, the beasts Not many. So as long as you are careful, you don’t have to worry about being knocked down by a sudden beast.”

No wonder Lie dared to let us spread out.

"The little flock of sheep likes to eat the leaves of the water god tree, so they have been wandering around."

"The stingers and you have been hunting here for many years, and haven't killed them all?"

Yuan Zhan turned his head and squinted at him, and said clearly with contempt: "Kill them all? You fool, kill them all, what will we eat next year? Even the savages of the Stinger Clan know that they can't kill all the sheep."

"I know this truth, I thought..." You don't understand.


"It means reason and reason. If you hear me say some strange things in the future, don't ask me. If you have to explain, I will explain it to you. And some... "

"I understand, what you are talking about is a unique spell in the priest's inheritance." Yuan Zhan automatically gave him a very appropriate reason.

Yan Mo nodded deeply, "Yes."

"Hey," Yuan Zhan tapped his calf with a wooden spear, and said in distaste: "I said, my future priest, can you take your steps lightly? You step so hard, you want to tell others, come... Be careful! Get down !"

Yuan Zhan wanted to push down the boy, but the big bird that jumped down was much faster than him. Before his hand touched Yan Mo's shoulder, the boy had already been grabbed by the big bird's shoulder and lifted into the air.

Yuan Zhan threw the wooden spear forcefully again, but the big bird caught a person in its claws, and was still able to dodge flexibly in the sky. With a flap of its wings, it dodged the flying wooden spear.

Yuan Zhan beat his chest in despair and pain and roared angrily, chasing the big bird and rushing forward!

Yan Mo, whose shoulders were tightly clasped by the big bird, was speechless and tearful.

Why am I always the one who's hurt? Who did I offend

Yes, almost forgot, I offended God.

... But how do you want me to make a good transformation? Or do you always want me to learn from Buddha to cut meat and feed eagles to reduce the value of scum

"If this is really possible, as long as the points are suitable, it is not non-negotiable. Can one tael of meat be exchanged for a thousand scum value reduction? If not, can I die when I am completely cut off? It will come back to life."

After Yan Mo finished crying, he sneered again, laughing so hard that the big bird that caught him couldn't help but want to look down at him—why did the screams of the prey caught this time be so strange

The big bird suddenly raised its height, and Yan Mo, who was sneering, was suddenly dumb, almost choked to death by the cold wind, and the flesh on his face was instantly deformed. The severe cold wind cut on his body like a knife, cutting Yan Mo to the point where he couldn't scream, because he couldn't even maintain his own breathing.