Banished to Another World

Chapter 40: lively day


The little Twolegs no longer lay there motionless, saw it, and waved its paws at it, which made Jiufeng very happy.

"It's convenient for me to go down." Yan Mo stood up, facing the human-faced bird standing on the nest, opened his hands, made two flapping movements, and then squatted down twice in a row.

Jiu Feng didn't understand it at first, but after the little Twolegs went back and forth a few times, lifted the fur on his body, straightened his lower body facing the nest wall, and grabbed a piece of melon rind to squat down, Jiu Feng couldn't help it. When the little Twolegs crouched down, he immediately called out to him.

"Jie!" Don't make the nest dirty.

Yan Mo stretched out his hands and silently looked at the human-faced bird.

Jiufeng tilted his head, trying to reach out a paw at him.

success! This big bird really deserved to have a human face, Yan Mo praised wildly, the brain volume of this bird must be larger than that of other giant birds of the same size.

Yuan Zhan rubbed his ankle, this time he was lucky, when the human-faced bird grabbed him, he didn't directly dunk his claws into his flesh and blood, but held his ankle like a tree branch.

So his right ankle and calf are very painful, but the bones are fine, and it may be swollen for a few days and heal up.

"Zhan, look!" He slapped him fiercely, pointing to the stone pillar.

Yuan Zhan looked up, and saw a man slid down from the nest dangling from the human-faced bird's feet.

When it was about half a person's height from the ground, Yan Mo let go of his hands and bent his legs to the ground, barely landing safely.

Jumping and screaming, shouting at Yan Mo: "Xiao Mo, we are here!"

Got it guys. After waving his hand to the suffering brothers who were trapped in the bushes not far away, Yan Mo walked to the stream yesterday, lifted the hem of the animal fur coat, and completely relaxed.

Huh, so cool!

The boy who hadn't fully developed could not help shaking his body.

Jiufeng folded his wings and stood on a high place, looking at the little two-legged monster below, and then at the two big ones over there.

Shall we let them out to play with Little Twolegs

"Great, you're still alive! Everyone thought you were dead, haha, I almost thought I was going to die too." Meng Meng was incoherent with joy, and kept patting Yuan Zhan beside him.

Yuan Zhan was annoyed by his slaps and kicked him.

Suddenly woke up and jumped, as if just reacting, pointed at Yuan Zhan and shouted excitedly: "Little slave, Xiao Mo, look! Look who this is, Zhan is coming!"

The corner of Yan Mo's mouth twitched, this news doesn't make people happy at all, okay? He would rather have sheep tail than Yuan Zhan.

At least the sheep's tail is relatively easy to control to a certain extent, but Yuan Zhan... this kid is definitely a black-bellied guy.

Yuan Zhan is not a fool, he can also see that his slaves are not very happy to see him, and although the little slaves seem to have lost a lot of weight, they are much more free in their actions. This made him curious about how the other party survived the past few days, and how he gained such freedom.

Yan Mo turned around and yelled at the human-faced bird without complaint: "I'm hungry." While talking, he patted his stomach, pretended to hold something to his mouth, and bit his upper and lower jaws a few times.

This action is easy to understand, the chicks open their mouths and chirp like this when begging for food, Jiu Feng quickly understood.

Jiufeng flew up, but it didn't break through the air immediately, but flew to Yan Mo's side first and stretched out its claws.

Yan Mo didn't understand, but considering that this was not the time to object, in order to show his submission and friendship, he held the paw again with both hands.

Jiufeng brought Yan Mo to the open space, lowered himself, and shook his claws.

Yan Mo understood and jumped down automatically.

Jiufeng flew away at ease, the little two-legged monster had relatives to play with, so there was no need to worry about them running away together.

And Yan Mo, Yuan Zhan, and Meng finally joined forces in the siege of Thor's saliva.

When Yan Mo talked to the mountain god Jiufeng, he was stunned. When he saw that Jiufeng sent the little slave to them, he was so surprised that he couldn't speak. He watched the little slave who jumped down and stared at him stupidly. Watching him for a long time.

Yuan Zhan said, "You are still alive."

Yan Mo was a little puzzled, he seemed to hear some kind of complicated and entangled emotions from this sentence

"Yes, I'm still alive."

"Why doesn't Jiufeng, the mountain god, eat you?" Yuan Zhan asked directly.

When Yan Mo saw these two people, he knew that he would be asked similar questions, and he already had a plan for this, but he didn't expect that the human-faced bird would be called the mountain god by Yuan Zhan and the others. For this reason, he had prepared Immediately, his rhetoric changed slightly, and the words that came out of his mouth became: "Because the mountain god Jiufeng wants me to be its priest."

The boy who spoke was indifferent, but unfortunately his current image didn't suit his expression.

"Ah! Ahh!" Needless to say, the person who made this strange cry was Ermeng.

This man pointed at Yan Mo, then pointed at the sky indiscriminately, and finally looked at Yuan Zhan, struggling to hold back a sentence: "Your little slave is gone."

Yuan Zhan raised his eyebrows, snorted coldly, and refused to admit it at all, regardless of whether you are a priest recognized by the mountain god, anyway, you are my slave, if you want to be my slave, wait until you beat me.

Just when Yan Mo was about to put on a few words, Yuan Zhan stood up suddenly and shouted to him: "Take off the animal skin!"

At the same time, in an open space on the same continent, an old priest who was sitting cross-legged in the sun and practicing penance suddenly trembled violently, then raised his head suddenly, opened his eyes, and opened his eyelids. At the maximum, the whites of the eyes were all turned out, and after trembling lips for a long time, he shouted: "Tribe, a new tribe is about to appear, the mountain god has appointed a priest!"

Hearing this, the young priest disciple sitting cross-legged next to the old priest immediately rushed forward to support the old priest who was about to fall, and shouted anxiously, "Master Resist!"

The old priest grabbed the disciple's wrist, stared at him with white eyes, and exhausted all his strength to utter the last words of his life: "Jiuyuan... this tribe will be our greatest enemy..."

And Yan Mo, who had no idea that his tribe had been regarded as a thorn in the side before it was established, was stunned for three seconds when he heard Yuan Zhan's words.

"What did you say?" He doubted his ears very much.

Meng Ye poked Yuan Zhan, "Don't be so anxious, don't your feet hurt? I'm not even in a hurry to touch!"

Yuan Zhan almost laughed at the two people, "I asked you to take off the fur coat because your fur coat is the largest. You don't want to get out of Thor's saliva?"

"This shrub is called Thor's spit?" It's quite appropriate. In order to show that he did not misunderstand the other party's meaning, Yan Mo took off the animal skin coat as quickly as possible.

"Wow! You are so smart, Zhan!" Er Meng's eyes sparkled, and he looked at Yuan Zhan adoringly.

"You take it off too!" Yuan Zhan said angrily. Why don't these two feel nervous at all? Is the mountain god so easy to serve? I got angry and scratched you with one claw. Besides, the little slave became a priest, so what about him and Meng? A sacrifice to the mountain god? At this time, don't you run away while the mountain god is not there, are you stupid

Yuan Zhan took apart the fierce leather armor, used it to wrap his legs and feet, and tied them tightly with leather ropes. Then he wrapped the leather armor removed from the legs around his arms, while the leather armor on his body remained unchanged.

As for Yan Mo's animal skin coat, he directly covered himself from the head, only trying to expose two eyes.

After being armed in this way, Yuan Zhan walked towards the narrowest bush with his hands wrapped in the animal skins removed from the two leather armors.

Meng watched him nervously from behind.

Yuan Zhan shouldered the heavy responsibility of opening the way, not only to go out, but also to clear a way for the people behind as much as possible.

Once this kind of shrub grows, the roots will be entangled together, but as long as they are strong, they can be pulled out one by one, and the roots that are broken in the soil will not be too threatening if they are trampled firmly with soil.

Yan Mo looked up at the sky, he hoped that Jiu Feng would come back later, not to give them time to escape, but he wanted to prove something to the bird with human face.

Fortunately, until all three of them came out of Thor's saliva safely, Jiufeng hadn't come back yet.

Although they walked out, it wasn't that the three of them didn't get a little bit of juice. Fortunately, Yan Mo already knew how to treat this kind of poisonous injury this time, and didn't let the three of them suffer too much. However, since he was the last one to come out, Yuan Zhan, who came out first, was in pain for a while.

Don't look at Yuan Zhan's whole body wrapped like a bear, but no matter how tightly you wrap the animal skin, there will be more or less gaps, and he just pulled it out with his hands. It would be fine if the animal skin was made into gloves, but there is no such thing here. Something like that came up, and ended up with the most severe injuries to his hands.

Meng was very curious about the pebbles, and seemed to want to take a few away.

Soaking the animal skin clothes in the stream and pressing a few stones to let the water wash away, Yan Mo said to the two soldiers who were about to leave: "You look up and look forward? What do you see?"

Yuan Zhan and Meng raised their heads to look in the direction of Yan Mo's finger at the same time.

"Red grass?" Meng had seen the long purple-red plants a long time ago, but he didn't think about it too much. There are many places full of strange plants in this world.

Yuan Zhan turned around and walked towards the high ground near the stone pillar, stood on the high ground and looked down, slapped his head and ran over.

"Except for the red grass, is... the lake? Is the light red lake stained red by the blood of the sacrifice?" Yuan Zhan asked.

Yan Mo looked at him in surprise, "You didn't see that..." Ah, it's no wonder Yuan Zhan could see it, he almost forgot what kind of salt the people of the Yuanji tribe ate.

Probably in the understanding of everyone in the original tribe, salt is something like a yellow-black semi-crystalline stone.

"See what?" Yuan Zhan inexplicably felt that this matter was extremely important, staring at the boy and asked.

Yan Mo didn't answer directly, but said first: "We can't leave here, because even if we escape now, we will still come back in the future."

"Come back? Why?" Meng Ye leaned over and asked.

"Because there is salt here."

One sentence stunned two people.

Yuan Zhan was the first to react, grabbed the boy, and asked forcefully, "Where is the salt?"

"Haven't you already seen it?" Yan Mo frowned, this kid's hands are really strong.

If you weren't required to be a coolie... Someone suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart.

Yuan Zhan suddenly turned his head to look at the light red lake, the force was so strong that one wondered if he would twist his head off.

Meng was still a little dazed, looking around, "What do you see? Where is the salt?"

"That's called red salt." Yan Mo pointed at the lake and explained plainly: "Have you seen those crystal blocks? If you don't refine them, you can eat them directly. The side effects are probably similar to the salt blocks provided by the Yanshan tribe. But if you add those crystalline blocks with appropriate amount of water and boil and refine them several times, you can get fine salt with almost no peculiar smell. Fine salt... as long as you eat it once, you will understand its benefits."

Yuan Zhan and the others didn't understand some words, but they understood the meaning of Yan Mo's whole sentence.

Surprised and unbelievable, he pointed at the huge lake ahead of which he couldn't see the edge, and asked stutteringly, "You, you mean...then, all those flower-like transparent stones in such a big lake are salt?"

"No." Yan Mo shook his head.

Exhaling fiercely, he thought, if the transparent rocks in such a big lake are all salt, then why should everyone be so economical about salt in the future, just eat a bowl or a bowl.

Yuan Zhan was not as simple as Meng thought, he thought of the sea water that the boy had said, he said that the sea water is full of salt, so what about here? Is the water in this lake...

Yan Mo gave an affirmative answer: "Except for those crystal blocks, the water in this lake can produce salt as long as it is sun-dried."

"What?!" Almost fainted, "You mean so big... the water in a lake can be turned into salt?"

Yuan Zhan looked very calm, except that his hands were trembling slightly.

Meng's reaction was the most real and direct, and he didn't believe it. He asked Yan Mo repeatedly, and kept chanting after his buttocks: "Really? Is it true? There is so much salt? You wouldn't Lie to me? Or... maybe I'm dead, eaten by mountain gods, and I'm dreaming now."

"If you're eaten, you'll still be dreaming of farting!" Yan Mo annoyed him, and burst out swearing.

Grabbing his hair with both hands, he still had a dreamy expression on his face.

Yan Mo can understand Meng's state. As the soul of modern people, salt is not uncommon, but for these natives in this era, let alone owning these salts, even seeing such a large salt lake, they can be happy immediately. die past.

Yuan Zhan calmed down a little bit, and his brain began to turn normally, "It is impossible for such a large salt lake to be here, and no one knows about it. If no one knows, it means that there are no human tribes living within at least five days' distance. "

"And what if someone knows?"

"Occupy." Yuan Zhan said affirmatively, "But there are no people here, and there are no tents or grass nests. It can be seen that even if someone knows this salt lake, they dare not approach it."

"Because of the mountain god Jiufeng." Yan Mo whispered.

Yuan Zhan nodded, "Yes, because of the mountain god Jiufeng."

Yan Mo said solemnly: "So we can't just run away. If Jiufengji hates us, we won't be able to come here to get a grain of salt in the future. By the way, are you hungry? Since we don't want to run away, let's find something to eat Bar?"

That stupid bird doesn't know when it will come back. It's a pity that such a big two people don't need it here. It happened that he was going to explore the wetland of Suaeda salsa.

The sudden turning point made Yuan Zhan silent and excited Meng. He had seen several fish in the stream just now, and what excited him most was that today he could rub a lot of salt on the fish!

For this reason, when Jiufeng flew back with a horned bull in his paws and a bunch of fruits in his mouth, he saw the three two-legged monsters that he had thrown into Thor's saliva ran out together.

But none of the three two-legged monsters escaped, and they squatted together in the open space in front of the stone pillar, busy doing something.

How did they escape? Jiufeng felt extremely miraculous.

"Except for the Suaeda salsa you mentioned, there is only Thor's saliva and weeds around here. Where can I find branches for you to drill wood to make fire?" Yuan Zhan was angry at the little slave's pickiness. Why can't the fish be eaten raw? It's just a little bit fishy, as long as it can fill your stomach.

"There are stones." Meng picked up two pieces of gravel from under the stone pillar, and presented them to Yuan Zhan like treasures.

Yuan Zhan gritted his teeth, "Too small! Can't exert strength!"

Pushing away Yuan Zhan, he turned his head to look at Yan Mo curiously, "Xiao Mo, what are you doing?"

Yan Mo wiped off his sweat, and said not seriously: "I'm using salt crystals to make a magnifying glass. When I was a child, I used a magnifying glass to light toilet paper against the sun."

"Xiao Mo, what are you talking about?" Meng Meng was confused.

Yan Mo sat down on the ground, threw away the salt crystals in his hands, and didn't care whether he was naked or not, just sat with his legs open, "I'm exhausted, it's really fantastic to use this thing as a magnifying glass, there are so many impurities, The transparency is so low, I’m afraid it won’t be effective if it’s made. No matter, bring the fish and eat it raw! Even if there are parasites, we’ll talk about it later.”

Yuan Zhan and Meng suddenly raised their heads together, and jumped up together to prepare for defense and attack, although they no longer had wooden spears.

It took Yan Mo a step too late to feel the black shadow above his head, and when he looked up, he saw a huge horned bull that was bleeding down.

"Bang!" The solid sound of hitting the ground made people feel that the ground trembled three times.

Jiufeng dropped the horned ox, and flew to the sky above the three of them with fruit in its mouth, circling incessantly.

Yan Mo woke up immediately, and shouted to Yuan Zhanhe: "Give up the attack, don't make any attempt to attack, relax!"

Giving up the attack and guard is easier said than done. Yuan Zhan and Meng, who have suffered a lot from Jiufeng, know that Yan Moyao may be the most correct way, but they are still afraid that the mountain god, the human-faced bird, will suddenly Come down and peck their eyes out or scratch their heads.

"Jiufeng! Lord Mountain God, this way!" Yan Mo ran away from the two of them to the open space, raising his head and waving at Big Bird while running.

Am I saving lives? If one person does not lose one hundred points, at least one person will lose fifty points!

Jiufeng stared at the two big monsters below from the sky, and heard the voice of the little two-legged monster, turned his head to see him running away a little bit, immediately gave up the two big ones, and went after the smaller one.

Yan Mo looked at the human-faced bird with its wings slid down to him from the sky, and tried to get two steps closer to it, "You're back, we didn't escape, we just came out to find food, you know, we're all hungry."

Jiufeng couldn't understand what the little Twolegs said, but seeing the movement of him touching his belly and opening his mouth, he guessed that he must be hungry, so he stretched out his head and brought the fruit to his mouth.

The interaction between the giant human-faced bird and the boy surprised Yuan Zhan and Meng again.

The young Yanmo was not only not afraid of the human-faced bird, he also dared to reach out and touch the other's hard beak after receiving the food.

"The mountain god really admitted him." Meng murmured.

At this time, Yuan Zhan suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart, like pride, and also like a kind of unhappiness about being snatched away by others.

Yan Mo looked at the large piece of fresh beef that Jiufeng was going to share with him, and licked his lips. If only it could light a fire.

Jiufeng tilted his head to look at him, "Gulu Gulu." Don't you eat? Only dead, not bad.

"Fire, I want fire." Yan Mo imitated the sound of thunder and lightning, touched the ground with his finger, and then made a movement of exploding.

Jiufeng, "Gulu Gulu." Come again!

Yan Mo came again several times, and painstakingly changed the last action, trying to make the other party understand what "fire" is.

Jiu Feng bowed his head happily, picked the most tender piece of meat from the horned ox, tore it off, and gave it to Yan Mo as a reward.

Yan Mo held the bloody forest piece of meat, wept silently for a few seconds, lowered his head, and bit down hard.

On the opposite side, Yuan Zhan and Meng, who were thrown into Thor's saliva again, drooled at Yan Mo's painful expression.

He was so hungry that he screamed, "Xiao Mo, give me a bite, the mountain god won't even give us a hair! It snatched all our fish! Xiao Mo, you two can't finish eating such a big fish!" Cow!"

Yuan Zhan sat in the open space and didn't speak. It's not that they can't run out again, but every time they run out, Jiu Feng will fly over and sweep them into Thor's saliva with their wings.

The two were scalded a few times, learned to be good, and then they were driven in and couldn't come out.

It wasn't until Lord Mountain God was full and generously stated that the rest of the meat would belong to the little Twolegs, that Yan Mo found the opportunity to tear off two pieces of meat with his hands and teeth and sent them to feed the two.

As night came, this time Jiu Feng did not throw Yan Mo into the lair on the stone pillar, but took Yan Mo to another lair on the cliff.

And Yuan Zhan and Meng were just forgotten by the mountain god in Thor's saliva...