Banished to Another World

Chapter 42: Healing the original battle... But it caused a miracle?


In order to save time, this stone house was not built very big. The whole is almost vertically rectangular, about five meters long and four meters wide. The indoor area is only about 20 square meters.

The door and the only window are both square and square. Yuan Zhan and Meng didn't think there was any need for a window, so they reluctantly did so only when Yan Mo asked for a window opening.

The roof is the most difficult thing to get. Although the beams have been put up, how can we fix it so that it will not collapse, leak or slip, but Yan Mo has nothing to do. He has only seen that kind of triangular roof made of tiles and straw. , because one person couldn't figure out a clue, he drew several reference drawings of the roof for the other two to figure out together.

Yuan Zhan stared at the main beam above his head for a long time, and an idea gradually took shape in his mind, "If we make the triangular parts on the left and right walls into the shape of steps you mentioned, and then build a Wood, and then make the stones into thinner long slabs and put them on the wood, with the upper layer covering the lower layer, and layer by layer, can you achieve the tight fit you said?"

Yan Mo thought about it for a while, drew it again, and thought it was feasible, regardless of whether it could be built or not—anyway, it didn't work, so he dismantled it and started over again, and immediately ran to the woods with Meng to find a suitable tree.

He went into the woods so actively, of course, not to cut down trees, because he found that he would be added scum value for cutting down trees, but not for pulling up a weed.

For this reason, he made a special experiment. He deliberately pulled out a Suaeda salsa that had matured and borne fruit, but the seeds had not fallen off naturally, and no scum points were added.

But when he pulled out more than one hundred roots in a row, he was added a little scum value. The justification was deliberate mild destruction of natural vegetation.

Then he chose the natural withered Suaeda salsa that had already borne fruit and the seeds had fallen off naturally, and pulled out more than a hundred of them in a row, but this time there was no response.

Then he experimented with common weeds, with the same result.

It can be inferred from this that the guide implanted in him seems to be not only people-oriented, but also pays attention to the overall environment of the planet and various ecological balances. Simply put, he is an environmentalist.

Yan Mo had a headache. When he first found out that his life was running ahead, his new discovery told him that not only would he want to be a good humanitarian, but he would also be forced to become an environmentalist.

Fortunately, since he came here, except for blood-sucking insects, he has never killed an animal with his own hands. Now he seriously doubts that if he dares to kill any animal with his own hands, he might be given a lot of scum value. Or the guide will judge according to his survival needs, whether he kills for survival, or kills for profit or other purposes

This cannot be verified for the time being, so it can only be put aside.

Having said that, he went into the woods to find herbs and other useful plants, because he found that the woods were worth more to him than he had imagined.

Because of learning to identify medicinal herbs, he also memorized the appearance characteristics of many large trees that can be directly used as medicine, such as cypress.

And this forest is basically composed of large trees such as cypress and thorn hazel.

The cypress tree is full of treasures. The resin, fruit, branches and leaves can be used as medicine. The trunk itself has always been one of the best tree species for making house beams and furniture. When he saw the cypress trees, he knew that their beam problem had been solved. Many of the cypress trees here were more than 20 meters high.

Needless to say about the various benefits of cypress, at present, he values another tree, thorn hazel.

He was stabbed by pieces of thorny hazelnuts that fell on the ground, which made him want to stay away from it just looking at it.

Yan Mo looked at the thick accumulation on the ground, but almost cried, and finally found food other than meat and fruit! It's been cold these few days, he doesn't even have to eat fruit, he only has meat every day!

Yuan Zhan and Meng feel that this life of eating meat every day is very happy, but he can't stand it.

Besides, the hazelnuts would be of great benefit to his present sick and needy body.

This thorny hazel forest is not much shorter than the cypress trees, not to mention the small trees, the shortest of the mature trees is five or six meters, and the tallest is about ten meters. However, luckily, he didn't need to go up the tree, and the thorny hazelnuts that fell automatically this year were enough for him to eat for a whole winter.

Hope the yield rate of these hazelnuts can be higher, Yan Mo prayed in his heart.

"Can you stay here alone?" Meng worried.

"It's okay, I won't go deep, just look around in this area."

"Okay." It's a pity that Meng can't continue to be alone with the young man, not because he wants to touch him, but because the young man really knows a lot, which makes him feel that Qiu Ning, the current priest disciple of the tribe, is far inferior to the young man, and even he has a faint feeling that he may Master Qiu Shi, the current priest, is not as good at guessing as the young man.

Speaking of which, the woods they are in the closest to the stone mountain is not too dense in terms of plant density. A valley in the distance is the real forest sea, but it’s just this forest, they didn’t dare to go deep , currently active only in the periphery.

There are many birds and many small animals in the woods. One time, he grabbed two pheasants and brought them out. When Jiufeng saw him, he almost slapped him to the bottom of the cliff with one wing.

After Yan Mo and Jiu Feng's difficult communication, they finally understood that the birds and animals in the forest were untouchable, and they all belonged to the mountain god Jiu Feng.

Jiu Feng snatched the two pheasants but didn't eat them himself, but gave them to Yan Mo.

Yan Mo made roasted chickens, sprinkled them with salt, and ate both chickens by himself. Because Jiufeng didn't let Meng and Yuanzhan touch the two chickens, Jiufeng didn't bring them any other food that day, so he just starved the two of them for a whole day.

But when Jiu Feng took Yan Mo back to the lair on the cliff, the hungry Yuan Zhan and the two immediately slipped into the woods, and before it was dark, they quickly grabbed a white-eared pheasant and roasted it secretly, it couldn't be chewed All the bones were buried deep in the soil.

After that incident, Yuan Zhan and Meng Xue became smarter and tried not to touch the birds and beasts in the woods as much as possible, even if they did, they would take advantage of Jiufeng's absence, and quickly destroy the corpses after eating.

"Remember, at least every five trees should be cut down again. Don't pick one place to cut down, and it's better to pick up a big tree with small trees next to it." Yan Mo pointed out fiercely.


"Because the space cut out can be used for small trees to grow." Yan Mo patiently explained, "The height should not be too high, five or six meters is enough. Do you remember how long a 'meter' is? I explained it to you yesterday."

Nodding sharply, he patted the straw rope wrapped around his waist, "Remember, it is the length from the first knot to the second knot on this straw rope."

Yan Mo expressed his relief, he finally remembered it. He had been teaching for ten days in a row. Yuan Zhan accepted it relatively quickly, but he would always forget it. Later, he simply made a few straw ropes and used the commonly used centimeters, decimeters, The length in meters is actually marked out, and let two people carry it with them.

And this inaccurate length standard was used by the Jiuyuan tribe for a long time until someone made a more accurate scale based on it.

"Also pay attention to the direction when chopping, don't almost smash us both to death like last time." Yan Mo urged again.

"Understood, my lord little priest! Be careful looking for herbs yourself, and call me if you have anything to do." Meng replied casually with a smile, waved his hands and left with the stone ax on his shoulder.

After leaving abruptly, Yan Mo made sure the surroundings were safe again, then squatted down and began to pick up the hazelnuts that fell on the ground.

He was under the influence of fixed thinking before, thinking that herbal medicine bags can only hold herbs. After he remembered that hazelnuts have the functions of nourishing the spleen and stomach, strengthening energy, improving eyesight and walking, he suddenly tried to pack hazelnuts into herbal medicine bags.


If hazelnuts can be packed, can salt, Suaeda salsa and its seeds also be harvested

As soon as the fixed thinking was broken, Yan Mo immediately found an opportunity to tie the herbal bag on his upper body. Just imagine, how many things that can be imported in this world have no medical or health care function? It is food, many of which also have the effects of nourishing the middle and replenishing qi.

Now, he really felt how useful this herbal bag was to him.

With five cubic meters of space, as long as he pays attention to collecting it, he will not die of starvation or thirst so easily even if he is imprisoned in an emergency.

The sound of "嗙嗙" felling trees echoed in the woods, and the sun was fading away. By the time Meng called Yan Mo back to the stone house, he had already picked up no less than thirty catties of hazelnuts.

To cover it up, he packed a bunch of hazelnuts in animal hides and went back.

When people are busy with work and full of hope for the future, they can grit their teeth and get through no matter how difficult the conditions are at that time.

Yuan Zhan was busy fixing stones every day, and he also found time to make a stone pot, a large water tank, two stone knives, and a stone saw at Yan Mo's request.

Meng works with wood every day, and even learned to use a stone saw to saw thick wood into pieces of wood without a teacher.

Yan Mo seems to be the most relaxed, but it is not easy at all. In addition to taking over all the hide tanning work, he also has to be responsible for boiling water, grilling meat, and appeasing Jiufeng for everyone.

In addition, he is constantly collecting and adding to himself various things that he finds useful.

Although he was busy, Yan Mo was quite happy, especially when he found that the communication between him and Jiu Feng became smoother and smoother.

Yuan Zhan and Meng were also very happy, because on the afternoon of the third day after the first snowfall, they could finally live in a stone house with a roof.

On the spot, Meng happily did dozens of back and forth somersaults on the spot in the relatively wide and tall stone house.

Yuan Zhan wanted to put the fire pit outside the house like before, but was dissuaded by Yan Mo, "Let's dig the fire pit inside the house, it can dry the house to get rid of the cold, and the house will also be warm."

The three of them walked into the stone house, and Jiu Feng walked around the stone house a few times outside, finally stretched the bird's head towards the window, and called happily: "Jie Jie, gulu gulu."

For some reason, Yan Mo felt that he heard the meaning of the other party, and the big bird seemed to be saying: This hole is interesting, get me one too!

Yan Mo slapped his head, feeling that he was thinking too much, how could he understand what Jiu Feng was talking about? This must be an illusion, it must be that he was too tired these days and the weather was too cold, which caused some nerves in his brain to twitch.

"What's wrong?" Yuan Zhan happened to see this scene.

Yan Mo immediately put down his hands, "It's nothing, I'm thinking about how to lay out this room better."


"Well. Although there is no need to make a real partition, it is best to divide the functional areas first, so that the furniture, fire pits, etc. can be arranged according to the functional needs." Yan Mo doesn't care whether they can understand, in the Walked around the room, thinking about how to arrange it.

Although he doesn't sleep here for the time being, there must be many opportunities to stay here during the day, and he has to think about how to do it for his own comfort. What's more, he plans to use this house as a model to study what kind of house is the most practical, and then trick Yuan Zhan and Meng to build him a stone house alone while they are free in winter.

"Fight!?" Meng, who was scurrying around excitedly, suddenly screamed.

Yan Mo turned his head, and saw Yuan Zhan, who was talking to him just now, suddenly closed his eyes and fell backwards.

He rushed over quickly, grabbed Yuan Zhan's fallen body, and shouted anxiously: "Zhan!"

Yuan Zhan fell into a coma.

Yan Mo calmed down the fastest, knelt on the ground and felt Yuan Zhan's pulse, and commanded a temporary fire pit in the house, moved the outside fire in, and lit four fires in the four corners of the house at the same time .

"He's fine, he's just tired." Yan Mo said authoritatively.

Anxiously seeing the young man's calm expression, he felt inexplicably relieved, and gradually calmed down, "It scared me to death! I knew Zhan couldn't use his abilities like this."

Is it really related to the ability he used? Yan Mo carefully inspected all parts of Yuan Zhan's body. In fact, Yuan Zhan's physical condition is not as light as he said, and even slightly worse.

The pulse condition is not only a slight illness due to overuse, but also a pain and stagnation of qi invasion, stagnation of qi and blood, and a ruffian knot of insufficiency of true qi.

In short, it is the excessive overdraft of energy and spirit, and the excessive use of abilities makes the body unable to bear it.

In addition, his leg injury was not properly treated before, and then Yin Qi invaded his body during the recovery period. However, in the past half a month or so, he not only exceeded his body's capacity to use it, but also endured the pain in his legs and stayed in the cold wind and snow. He was hot and cold, and he was repeatedly frozen and tortured until now, which caused him to stay latent. The Yin Qi in his body also burst out together.

It was also thanks to Yuan Zhan's good health, otherwise he would not have collapsed and passed out now, but could directly prepare the coffin.

But without him, whether Yuan Zhan could recover himself enough to survive this catastrophe is still unknown. Without a doctor to give him thorough treatment and recuperation, even if he survives this time, he will never be lucky next time.

Waiting for the fire to heat the ground, Yan Morang moved away a fire, spread hay and animal skins on top, and moved Yuan Zhan over.

"I'm going to give him acupuncture treatment. No matter what you see, don't ask me... It's best not to look at it."

"I know, you have to use the means of the priest." Suddenly saw the sparks and ashes being blown around the house by the wind, and stood at the door trying to block the cold wind blowing in.

Jiufeng originally wanted to squeeze his body in through the window, but when he lit a fire in the house suddenly, it flew away angrily.

"You hang those animal skins that haven't been tanned on the doors and windows first... Can't hang them? Will you dig holes? On the top sides of the doors and windows..."

Shouted in embarrassment: "You don't need to say it, I know what to do!"

"Don't be shy, Meng, you are smarter than you think." Yan Mo comforted casually, "After hanging the curtains and curtains, please help me boil a pot of water."

Yan Mo didn't do anything to the sick Yuan Zhan's body, because he didn't care.

He may not respect life, but he respects his medical skills.

Yuan Zhan's physical problems could not be solved by acupuncture alone, and had to be combined with a long period of medical treatment.

"You are lucky to be brought here alive by Jiufeng. If you are in the Yuanji Tribe, you don't have to ask for anything. Even if I want to help you, I can't completely cure your problem."

On the same day, he gave Yuan Zhan two acupuncture treatments at different time intervals. On the way, Yuan Zhan woke up once, and was stunned by Yan Mo's golden needle again, "You need to sleep and relax now, boy, don't break my signboard."

At night, Yan Mo told Yuan Zhan to keep warm, and left with Jiu Feng who came to pick him up at the door.

The next day, Yan Mo went into the woods accompanied by Meng, and found a variety of herbs to bring back.

After returning, he ordered the water to be boiled fiercely, poured it directly into the large water tank, and lit a fire around the water tank.

"What are you doing?" Meng Meng was extremely curious.

"Cooking the original battle." Someone pressed the excitement and smiled slightly.

two days later.

Yuan Zhan, who had to be boiled once a day, was lying on the edge of the water tank, with a strange and complicated expression in his eyes, and said: "Everyone in the tribe knows that if a person with strong divine blood is born in a certain tribe, they will not only You can become the most powerful warrior, and you can also inherit part of the abilities of the god of the clan."

Moving a stone as a bench, Yan Mo, who was sitting there rubbing salt on the raw meat, raised his head and said mockingly, "Hey, hello, Son of God with rich blood."

Yuan Zhan curled his lips, "Each of us is the son of God. You are the priest chosen by the mountain god, aren't you closer to God than us?"

"Don't be jealous, if you want to sleep with God and feed the fleas every day, I can recommend you to him."

The man who was putting together the door panels with the mortise and tenon structure laughed fiercely, and interjected: "I heard from my brother that when the Sirang people first merged into the tribe, there were still people who could manipulate the soil and rocks, that's why the tribe chose that rocky mountain as a place of worship." However, when the last Xirang patriarch with this ability returned to the embrace of the God of the Earth, no warrior in the tribe had that god-like ability anymore, even the most powerful man in the tribe except the chief He is also a Sirang tribe. The priest said it was because of the fusion of the three tribes, but the chief said that as long as you are a warrior, if you work hard, you may have the power of your tribe."

"What about you? Why did you awaken this ability? Could it be that you are the descendant of the chief of the Xirang clan?" Yan Mo was slightly surprised that Yuan Zhan was the only one in the entire Xirang clan to have this ability? Then why is he hiding it

Yuan Zhan scoffed at Yan Mo's speculation, "Who said that the patriarch inherits the most blood? Our patriarch has always chosen the most powerful person in the clan. Every member of our clan may awaken that ability, but only Some people are very early, and some people have to be after the third or even fourth level fighters. He will definitely be able to awaken in the future, but it will only be a matter of time."

"But you are earlier than everyone else." Yan Mo grasped the key point, "What does this mean? Your aptitude is better than everyone else's? Or are you returning to your ancestors?"

Yan Mo was so curious about this world where supernatural powers actually existed.

And according to some ancient myths and legends of his homeland in the original world, in ancient times, it seems that human beings on the earth also had various abilities comparable to gods. If these legends are not legends but true, then the descendants of the earth will lose these abilities Is the reason the same as the people here, because the blood of the gods is gradually thinning due to the frequent intermarriage of various races, so the ability belonging to the gods is gradually disappearing

But this is a paradoxical fallacy. Because if there is no intermarriage between different races, and only the same race and the same blood breed, then what if there is another god? The entire ethnic group cannot continue, and it is meaningless to create a god.

And if the legend about the gods is true, where did those gods come from

To Yan Mo's question, Yuan Zhan answered him honestly: "I don't know why either. It comes as it comes, without any warning."

Yan Mo was dissatisfied with the answer, and asked again: "Since this kind of awakening ability is common in your clan, why do you still hide it? Did you hide it in the tribe before? You are the only one who is good." Does your partner know? And these people are the ones who came out with you, right?"

He hurriedly said: "Yes, only my brother, Diao and Brother Shanhe know about this."

Yan Mo looked at Yuan Zhan and felt that this person didn't seem like someone who would take the initiative to tell his secrets, so he immediately asked pointedly: "Is there a last resort?"

Yuan Zhan touched the scar on his face with a dark face, and recalled: "The situation was very dangerous at that time. We threw all the wooden spears in our hands, and there were no weapons around us. There was only a huge rock, but we couldn't lift it at all. It was too big, but the earth dragon was about to catch up, and I was thinking that if I could break that boulder... As a result, when I touched it with my hand, it was really broken in half."

Meng Meng excitedly said: "With the stone as a weapon, we smashed the earth dragon desperately, and finally scared it away. Speaking of which, we were all shocked at the time. When the earth dragon ran away, Zhan suddenly fell to the ground , We didn’t know what was going on at first, or my brother figured it out later.”

"Then why are you hiding it? Isn't it good that warriors in the tribe have such abilities?"

Yuan Zhan and Meng were silent together.

Yan Mo seemed to understand, "Is it because of that old priest?"

Yuan Zhan didn't speak, and nodded bitterly, "Master Qiu Shi has always been afraid that other tribes besides the Heiyuan tribe will replace the chief of the tribe, because he is the priest of the Heiyuan tribe. He has always felt relieved that no other warriors who have awakened their blood and divine power will appear. But the candidate for the next chief he is looking at is not as ferocious as the Xirang tribe, and the next candidate he is looking at is not as good as Xirang in everything. Clan battles, just like this, he has already disliked the battles, if we let him know about the battles, he would have awakened the god power of the Xiyang Clan so early... "

"I don't want to drink some water and lie on the ground and never get up again, and I don't want to suddenly go crazy on the way to hunt, so I decided to hide all this." Yuan Zhan said frankly.

Yan Mo raised his eyebrows upon hearing this, the old priest's method of using poison should be good. Then he asked: "This time you were sent out to find salt, do you plan to never go back to the Yuanji Tribe no matter what the result is?"

Yuan Zhan was silent for a while, "... yes, unless I have become a fourth-level fighter, I will not go back again. I don't want the tribe to be divided because of me alone."

Tsk, quite loyal to the Horde. Yan Mo shook his head, "Level are only two levels now, what year of the monkey will you have to wait until you reach level four?"

Yuan Zhan raised his eyes and said abruptly, "I've already reached level three."

"What?" Yan Mo and Meng yelled together.

Yuan Zhan looked at Yan Mo, felt that his surprise was not fake, and also felt puzzled, "Isn't it because of everything you have done to me that you made me upgrade?"

"Huh?!" Yan Mo opened his mouth wide.