Banished to Another World

Chapter 45: Yan Mo's ability?


Yuan Zhan followed, and the human cat walked back and forth in the wetland, aiming at the left eye corner of the eye-shaped salt lake.

The salt lake covers a vast area. If it wasn't for the nine winds singing in the sky, they would never have noticed that someone had come to the corner of the salt lake.

This is the first time they have crossed the entire wetland where Suaeda salsa grows, to the edge of the salt lake.

Yuan Zhan caught up with the boy in front, and pressed down his upright back.

Yan Mo looked back at him, followed his hand and bent his back, and imitated him to walk with the soles of his front feet.

The feeling of walking barefoot in the semi-snow wetland in winter is nothing to mention, but I don’t know if the bodies of the natives here have adapted to the environment. His hands and feet are so cold that they are cracked, but there is no chilblain. .

But when you are free, you must try to make a pair of shoes with bottoms, otherwise your feet will suffer too much.

Jiufeng was still hovering in the sky, making a cry from time to time.

Yan Mo quickened his pace, he was worried that by the time they arrived at the left eye corner of the salt lake, those two-legged monsters would have already left.

Facts have proved that his worries were unnecessary. When he and Yuan Zhan touched the left boundary of the wetland, the two-legged monsters were still there.

Let me talk about the overall environment around the salt lake first.

From the inside to the outside, the surrounding environment of the salt lake can be roughly divided into three parts. Both, dead land, wetland and common land.

Radiating from the shore of the salt lake to the surrounding area, a piece of land within a considerable range is basically barren of grass, Yan Mo called it a dead land.

On the periphery of this circle of dead land is a large wetland with several small streams flowing and covered with Suaeda salsa. The source of the streams in the wetlands seems to come from underground springs, which are continuous all year round. Some flow into the salt lake, and some flow to other places in a tortuous way, such as near the stone mountain where Yuan Zhan and his family live now.

The periphery of the wetland is ordinary land. The land closest to the wetland is covered with weeds and tall and low bushes. Looking further away, the terrain becomes more and more complicated, with forests, grasslands, hills and lakes, etc. .

The terrain and ecological environment at the left eye corner of the salt lake are almost the same, but maybe the terrain is lower there, and more salt water flows through the salt lake, causing the wetland to be disconnected there, and Suaeda salsa grows very sparsely there, and the range of dead land where there is no grass is also wider. wide.

Now there is a group of people standing on the dead ground in the corner of the eye.

When Yuan Zhan saw the group of people from a distance, he pulled Yan Mo, led him around a little, walked out of the wetland, and hid behind the harmless bushes.

Those people probably didn't expect that there would be other humans in this sacred forbidden area, and most of them looked up at the sky, paying attention to the movements of Jiu Feng.

Those people looked at Jiu Feng, pulled out a girl from the crowd and pushed her out.

The unkempt girl with only a piece of dry animal skin on her body staggered out and fell to the ground. Although she got up quickly, she just stood there in panic, neither running away nor shouting anything.

Yan Mo wondered, "What are they doing?"

"As a priest, don't you know? They are offering sacrifices to the mountain god Jiufeng, and they probably want to exchange the sacrifices for some red salt in the salt lake." Yuan Zhan whispered in his ear. After speaking, he opened his mouth, wanting to bite the little slave's ear, but forcibly held back.

"Jiu Feng doesn't care about such sacrifices." Yan Mo muttered, Jiu Feng was complaining in the sky.

Yuan Zhan did not refute him, but after carefully observing the actions of those people, he said truthfully: "They should have successfully exchanged before."

What about the people who were swapped before? where are you now? Yan Mo didn't ask Yuan Zhan the obvious answer.

He didn't care much about whether Jiu Feng had eaten human flesh before. People eat animals, and animals eat people, all for survival. If you eat others, why not let them eat you? There is only one way to avoid being eaten in this world, and that is to make yourself stronger, or by force, or in other ways.

And maybe those sacrifices ran away by themselves

Those people in the clearing didn't know what they were making judgments on—maybe it was because Jiufeng had been circling in the sky, and there was no sign of flying down? The two of them came out and dragged the girl back, this time pushing a younger boy out.

The boy was shivering from the cold, with his arms around himself, and tears in his eyes. After being pushed out, he wanted to walk back, but was pushed out by those adults again.

The boy sank down on the ground, sobbing, looking back at the crowd every now and then, as if longing for someone to come and pull him back, or someone else.

Jiufeng shouted dissatisfiedly in the sky: "No, no, I already have a little Twolegs, don't want anything else, take it away!"

Yan Mo pressed the center of his eyebrows with a headache, it has been hurting since the morning, he thought it was because of a cold.

Yuan Zhan turned to look at him, and suddenly raised his face, "Have you ever had a sudden fever a while ago? It's very hot, it's like a fire is burning in your body, especially in your head, it hurts a lot."

"Huh?" Yan Mo thought about his fever after the heavy rain that day, "What?"

"You're awakened." Yuan Zhan judged based on some common sense he had heard before and the changes he saw with his own eyes.


"Just now on your face..." Yuan Zhan brushed his thumb over the cheekbone of the boy's left cheek, "here is an extra hexagonal star."

Yan Mo was dumbfounded, "You mean I became a first-class fighter?"

Yuan Zhan nodded, "Once the divine ability inherited by the bloodline is awakened, even if you are not a warrior, the warrior's mark will appear on your face."

Yan Mo simply didn't know what expression to use to express his mood at this moment. He always regarded others as magical species, but forgot that his body was also a local aborigine.

"What would be the divine ability of the Yanshan tribe?" He asked unconsciously.

"Are you asking me?" Yuan Zhan was slightly surprised and sneered.

Yan Mo was vigilant and added: "Although I accepted the inheritance of the ancestor god, he didn't tell me what the power of the god of our family is, nor did he tell me what kind of god he is, and the priests of my family never mentioned it to me. Yes." The main reason is that Heiqiao usually doesn't care about the affairs of the clan, and the Yanshan clan has never heard of anyone with special abilities appearing.

Yuan Zhan didn't know if he accepted this explanation, he just said: "I only heard that the Yanshan tribe was not called the Yanshan tribe before. They were called the Yanshan tribe by the surrounding tribes after they migrated to that Yanshan mountain."

"Have the people of my family never told the outside world about their origins? For example, which god are they descended from?"

Yuan Zhan thought for a while, then shook his head, "No."

Then he asked him strangely: "Don't you know?"

Yan Mo was also curious. Even if Heiqiao was ignorant, it was impossible for him not to know about the origin of the entire tribe. However, Heiqiao didn't know anything about it. It could only explain one thing, that is, everyone in the Yanshan tribe Reluctant to mention their origins, or prohibited from mentioning their origins.

but why

This is a mystery, until we meet the Yanshan people, we can only let it go.

Yan Mo rubbed his eyebrows, could it be because he had always wanted to communicate with Jiufeng, and this desire was too urgent, which caused him to break through a certain level and awaken the divine power hidden in the blood of his body

The ability to understand the song of a human-faced bird...can he get another one? He had no interest in dedicating his life to the study of a single bird.

And whether he can communicate with Jiufeng is not important to him at present. He would rather change to one with more fighting power, even if it is one with greater strength.

"Now I believe that you are really the priest recognized by the mountain god Jiufeng." Yuan Zhan patted his head.

"Hey!" Could it be that you didn't believe it all the time

"You have awakened the divine power of your clan at such a young age, without even receiving any warrior training. Tsk, your clan will definitely regret abandoning you in the future." The young man seemed to be lamenting his luck, I am also happy for the blindness of the Yanshan people.

"By the way, what ability have you awakened?" the young man asked curiously.

Yan Mo decided not to tell him and strangled him to death.

In the open space, the act of exchanging sacrifices continued.

And those people's expressions became more and more disturbed.

From the moment they came here to now, they have changed many people in succession. Almost every one of them stood up, but none of them got the permission of the mountain god.

Why is that? It wasn't like this before.

These people panicked.

An old man in a long animal sweater knelt down, and when he knelt, the others knelt down too.

The old man raised his hands up, and made a continuous strange humming sound from his mouth. Every time he sang, he would throw himself on the ground and hit his forehead.

After several times, the old man's forehead was bleeding.

The old man stood up, seeing that Jiufeng still had no intention of flying down to take away the sacrifice, his body swayed, and someone supported him from behind.

The old man turned around, grabbed the youngest boy from the crowd with his own hands and dragged him to the lake, then picked up the boy and threw him into the lake.

Yan Mo almost rushed out!

He's a scum, yes, he's indifferent to the world, yes, he's the kind of person who will never act bravely, but that doesn't mean he can pretend not to see a child being thrown into a lake alive .

Besides, if he refuses to save him, he will be given at least ten scum points!

Yuan Zhan was quick, and held him down just as his body moved, "Don't go out! Do you want to die?"

Yan Mo forced himself to calm down. The water on the edge of the salt lake is relatively shallow, and the salt water has a certain buoyancy. If the child is not too frightened and struggles desperately in the water, he will not choke on the water. But even though the child won't be drowned so quickly, I'm afraid it won't last long, because in this weather, he will freeze to death too.

He must immediately rescue the child, otherwise it will be too late!

When the boy was thrown, someone in the group yelled and seemed to want to rush out, but was held down by the people around him.

The person who was held down shed tears and wailed in pain.

Give the child to the mountain god, he can't see his death, and he can still be regarded as he was taken by the mountain god to live a good life just like the priest said.

But now the priest throws his child into the freezing lake, his child is crying, he will freeze to death and drown soon, even if this is not his only child, he can't just watch .

God! Please, take my child away!

The man broke free from the hand that was holding him down, imitating the appearance of the old man, he also raised his hands high, and knelt down without stopping.

Yan Mo pushed Yuan Zhan away, turned and ran back, ran to a corner where those people couldn't see, put his fingers into his mouth quickly, and blew a loud whistle.

Jiu, who was angry, turned around, huh? Little Twolegs calling him

This whistle was the tone they had settled on after several times of tormenting each other during this period of time. Now that Jiufeng heard the whistle of this tone, he knew that the little Twolegs was looking for him.

"Jie!" Jiufeng responded, flapped his wings, slid sideways, and dived directly.

The crowd in the open space didn't react at first when they heard the whistle, but when they saw the human-faced bird in the sky suddenly swoop down, the crowd burst into cheers of joy.

The old man thought that his method had worked, and excitedly looked up at Jiufeng, thinking that it would rush towards the lake.

The man who was kowtowing desperately also showed a smile, his son was about to be picked up by the mountain god to live a good life.

In the salt lake, the little boy was still struggling, crying and shouting. Gradually, amidst the cheers of the clansmen, the boy's struggle became weaker and weaker, and his crying gradually became weaker.