Banished to Another World

Chapter 65: Primary training method


Yan Mo worried as he looked at the elementary training method in his hand.

It would be great if this training method could be directly instilled into his brain, but unfortunately the guide obviously won't be given because of his needs. This time the primary training method is still the same as the previous rewards, it is a real thing, if you lose it, it will be gone.

The real thing is an antique thread-bound book, with five large characters on the cover: Elementary Training Method.

Excluding the upper and lower covers, the book has a total of thirteen pages. Except for the last page, each page has an action or move. The action has a detailed decomposition diagram and is accompanied by a breathing method.

What interests Yan Mo is that the figure showing the movement is not wearing clothes, but has a breathing circuit on his body.

Perhaps it is the primary training method, not only the movements are simple, but the breathing route is also very simple. With the movement, the breathing circuit enters from the nose, passes through the middle pubic region in the center of the chest and abdomen, sinks to the lower pubic region three inches below the navel, passes through the middle pubic region, ascends to the upper pubic region between the eyebrows, and finally exits through the nose.

Yan Mo flipped the pages of the book as it looked like a martial arts secret book in a martial arts novel, thinking it was funny.

For health and fitness, he also learned Wuqinxi and Taijiquan, but he was too busy later, and after getting Dudu again, he left this behind, and now he can still recall some moves.

Having studied Wu Qin Xi and Taijiquan, he didn't find these twelve moves difficult. He felt that these moves looked more like preparatory movements before doing something. The movements of stretching the body, moving joints and stretching tendons were very many. If all these twelve moves are mastered, the human body will probably be exercised very softly.

When the thirteenth page was opened, it was blank, and there was a line of small characters at the corner of the twelfth page, saying that all twelve movements must be practiced to the chest, otherwise there would be no display on the thirteenth page.

There is also a reminder on the first page, requiring learners to learn one movement before learning the second.

What Yan Mo worried about was that if he wanted to use Yuan Zhan as an experiment, he had to learn these movements and breathing techniques by himself first, otherwise how would he teach the other party

But he was afraid that there would be some harm after learning it, but he was unwilling to just show Yuan Zhan the whole book. After deliberation, Yan Mo came up with a bad idea for him.

He took apart the thread-bound book with a scalpel, put away the rest first, and planned to show Yuan Zhan only the first page.

"My lord." A child's voice came from outside the tent.

Yan Mo put the page into his arms, raised his head, "Come in."

Yizimei raised the curtain and walked into the tent, and suddenly knelt down two feet away from Yan Mo's knee.

"What's the matter?" Yan Mo took a piece of dry firewood from the side and set it on the fire.

"My lord, I would like to have a name." Said with a straight eyebrow.

"Oh?" Children of the Awu nationality under the age of twelve basically don't have a formal name, and even the adults of the Awu nationality do not all have a name that resembles a name, and many people still use their physical characteristics To call each other, such as big beard, big nose, no fingers, no ears and so on. Yan Mo originally planned to name these children, but he has been busy all the time, coupled with a strange mentality that he must be responsible for naming people, so he has not made up his mind.

"Yesterday, you said that names are very important." In Yizimei Shunjiu, he can only speak words and some simple sentences. It took him a long time to memorize these two sentences last night before he could speak them so fluently.

"I want the grown-ups to name me."

Yan Mo did not speak for a long time.

Yizimei knelt there and did not speak.

Inside the tent, only the occasional crackling of firewood could be heard.

"Okay, I'll name you." Yan Mo waved to Yizimei, who knelt and walked beside him.

Yan Mo stroked the head of the one-string eyebrow, and straightened his messy hair casually, the rough and dry hair was not comfortable to touch.

He lowered his head with one eyebrow, and there was a deep admiration in his eyes. Obviously their priest is not much older than them, but everyone who comes into contact with him will not treat him as a boy who is only 14 or 15 years old. The clan witch said that the priest is given by God. Wisdom, whose soul waits on God's side, has seen too much before his eyes grow.

Yi Zimei didn't quite understand the words of the clan witch, he only understood that the priest is different from others, the only thing that is young is his appearance.

Yan Mo pondered for a moment, then opened his mouth and said: "Although you are young, you have a calm personality, neither impetuous nor impetuous; although you are ignorant, you can teach it to make sense; and you have a resolute personality, and you have the air of a general at a young age. I wanted to give you The name is Shen, but the tribe has just been established, and Shen has a bad intention, and you are the first child I named, so I replaced Shen with Chen, and took the family name Wu as the surname, and from then on, you will be called Wu Chen."

"Wu Chen?" Most of the eyebrows didn't understand the word, he only caught the last two words sensitively.

"Yes, Wu Chen, your name." Yan Mo asked Yizimei to bring him the sand table, and he wrote Yizimei's name neatly and stroke by stroke on the sand table.

The unibrow stared at the two beautiful square characters, and there was an unbearable joy on his face.

Chen, where the Polaris is, the residence of the emperor. What will this child who he named Wu Chen become in the future? What kind of changes will he bring to the tribe? At this moment, Yan Mo actually looked forward to it.

After Wu Chen learned his name, he left happily, and after a while secretly sent Yan Mo a pile of dry firewood to the door of his tent.

Yan Mo, who came out and saw it, couldn't help but smile. The firewood and weeds collected by Daze and the others were divided equally, and each tent got the same amount. Besides doing the homework assigned by him, the three children were not forced to do so. No job assigned, the dry firewood was probably collected by that child Wu Chen who couldn't stop running out.

Yan Mo walked around the tribe's residence, stepped on the snow and walked to the somewhat interesting defensive wall. A cloud of snow fell on the head of the young man who was burying his head in stirring the soil.

Yuan Zhan raised his head, grabbed the snow and threw it back, "Don't make trouble! I'm working!"

"Don't you want a reward?" Yan Mo asked slowly while squatting on the edge of the foundation pit.

Yuan Zhan rubbed his frozen face and asked, "Are you willing to let me sleep with you?"

Yan Mo threw another ball of snow at him, "Don't think about such things all day long! I think your warrior training method can only be used on the body, and the training method is not very scientific. According to this training method, Although the temporary effect can be seen, once the soldiers pass the prime of life, their bodies will not be able to support this training intensity, and they will suffer from various diseases when they are old, and they may even consume their lives in advance."

When Yuan Zhan heard that it was serious business, he stopped joking, "Did you come up with a new training method?"

Yan Mo nodded, then shook his head again, "It's not me, it's the ancestor god."


"I have a primary training method handed down from the ancestor gods. I don't think it's very powerful, but it seems to train internal and mental strength while training the body, which is the so-called internal and external cultivation. But I don't know. I don’t know if this training method is effective for you, and I don’t know if it will cause other harm. I hesitated for a long time, whether to show it to you. I tell you this, I hope you can think about it carefully, and see if you want it. Don't learn." What is the highest level of deception? Even if you let others know that you are deceiving, he still can't help but want to be fooled.

Yuan Zhan chose to be fooled without hesitation, "I will learn!"

"Then I have to make it clear to you. The ancestor god once told me in a dream that this elementary training method is a double-edged sword, which means that it has advantages and disadvantages. It makes learners cautious. So I have never dared to learn it. , are you still planning to learn?"

"Learn!" What are the disadvantages? harm? But isn't his current warrior training method also harmful to him? The Ancestral God Sect can't be more harmful than the Three Cities Messenger Sect, right? Even if the harm is greater, the power should be greater, not to mention that this training method can also exercise his mental strength.

"Well, this is what you have to learn. If there are any problems in the future, don't blame me."

"No." I'll just tie you up and fuck you hard!

Yan Mo reached into his arms, and showed Yuan Zhan the first page of the dismantled training method.

In the distance, Wu Chen, who was sitting at the door of the tent with a fire and rubbing salt on the fish, looked up at the two adults. His eyesight was very good, and the priest turned sideways to him, so that he vaguely saw the priest holding the fish. Out came something very strange like a large leaf.

The big eyes were impatient to work, so the priest asked him to learn to weave something called straw sandals out of wild grass, but he couldn't even weave a bottom after many days of weaving.

"Hey, what are you going to see the adults for today?" Big Eyes asked Wu Chen forcefully.

Wu Chen ignored him.

The big eyes threw the weeds away, "Say, did you secretly go to the adults to beg for food?"

Do you think I'm like you? Wu Chen still ignored him.

Big eyes got angry, stood up and scolded: "You are the worst person, I won't play with you anymore! I'll go find Sa!"

Only then did Wu Chen look up at him, "You haven't finished weaving your straw sandals yet."

"I won't make it up anymore! If you dare to tell my lord, I will never talk to you again!" Big Eyes dropped this sentence and ran to play with Sa.

Wu Chen lowered his head and ignored him, continuing to work. The neighborhood is very safe, there are no large and ferocious beasts, and Big Eyes and Sa are not stupid, so they play in the nearby stream or small lake and will not run far.

But Wu Chen didn't expect that Big Eyes was in a bad mood today, and Sa was a little ignorant, and felt that the neighborhood was safe, so he started to run away with Big Eyes.

Here, Yuan Zhan didn't doubt his priest's words at first, but now when he saw the exquisite paper and pictorial text that he had never seen before, he firmly believed that this was one of the treasures left by the ancestor god.

"What's this made of?" Yuan Zhan wanted to reach out and touch the paper, but when he saw the dirt and snow on his hands, he immediately retracted and wiped the fur on his body several times.

"This is paper."


"Pulp is made from bark, flax, bamboo or straw, etc., and the pulp needs to be treated in the middle, and then the pulp is evenly placed on the shed, and it can be turned into paper after drying. I don't know the details. , I only have a general impression. We will study this when we have time when the tribe is established.”

"Okay." Yuan Zhan finally felt that his hands were wiped clean, and touched the paper carefully.

Yan Mo let go and let him pick it up for a closer look.

Yuan Zhan held it carefully as if he had found a treasure, he was afraid that his rough fingers would accidentally poke a hole in this delicate and fragile treasure.

"I can't give this to you, because the paper is very fragile. It will be destroyed if it is soaked in water or exposed to fire, and it will also be damaged if it is not stored properly. You usually return it to me after reading it."

"Well, of course you have to keep this kind of baby."

Yan Mo raised his eyebrows, the kid was quite sensible.

Yuan Zhan stared at the page, his body had already started to stretch naturally, and he started to try this action on the spot. For a fighter who has undergone high-intensity training since childhood, this movement is really simple. The difficulty is how to cooperate with the breathing circuit in the picture.

"What is this?" Yuan Zhan asked, pointing to the red line.

"That's the breathing path. Look at it first, and I'll explain to you if you don't understand it. From now on, you should practice for an hour every morning and evening. When you have mastered this move, we will learn the second one."

"Is there a second one?" Yuan Zhan thought that the so-called primary training method only had this piece of paper and one movement.

"There are twelve moves in total. You can only learn the second one after you have learned one." Yan Mo has already made up his mind, and will test the person's physical health every day to see where the harm of this training method is and whether it can be avoided .

After Yan Mo explained the breathing circuit, Yuan Zhan couldn't wait to start training, even putting aside his recent persistent ability training.

He has a beast's intuition, and this training method, explained by Yan Mo, can be trained from the inside out and even mental strength, which is definitely of great benefit to him.

After that, Yan Mo checked Yuan Zhan's body every morning and evening, especially before and after training. After a few days, Yan Mo found that Yuan Zhan's appetite suddenly increased. The young man who used to be able to barely eat two rabbits would now give him half a sheep. Can eat them all.

Yuan Zhan's change was not only a bigger appetite, but also a larger range of control over his abilities the day after his appetite became bigger. And this change was so obvious that Yuan Zhan himself was very surprised, and he took the initiative to come and tell his priest happily.

Yan Mo frowned. Does this double-edged sword mean that when the ability becomes stronger, the appetite also increases? If there is only such a shortcoming, is it necessary for the guide to specifically tell learners to be cautious

Yan Mo once again dispelled his enthusiasm for the training method, and decided to continue monitoring Yuan Zhan for a period of time.

It was getting dark, and seeing that the hunting adults had come back, Wu Chen couldn't sit still, and ran out to find Wanye's other two friends.

"Sa! Big eyes!" Wu Chen just ran to the first small lake near his residence, when he saw the two people holding something in their hands and hurriedly running towards this side.

"I'm coming!"

Wu Chen glanced at the things they were holding in their hands, they were some small yellow-purple fruits.

Sa leaned in front of Wu Chen, and showed him the fruit in a flattering and fawning way, "Look, I'll share the delicious ones with you."

Wu Chen looked at him strangely, and then looked at the big eyes that were also a little uneasy, "What did you guys do? Why didn't you come back until now?"

"Nothing!" The two said in unison.

Big eyes pouted, "I'll give you the fruit, but you still ask so many questions!"

Wu Chen looked behind the two of them, but he didn't find anything. After all, he was still young, so he didn't think too much about it. He casually grabbed a fruit and stuffed it into his mouth. After he tasted the taste, he said, "Give it to your lord. He will be very happy."

The two little ghosts who usually have good things would definitely be presented to the priest like a treasure, but today they hesitated a little, and secretly elbowed the head with their big eyes.

Sa scratched his scalp, and said in a polite manner: "Not much, let's eat."

The big eyes also said anxiously: "Give it to your lord, and your lord will give it to us, but if you let him know that we came back so late for fruit picking, I'm afraid he will be angry."

Wu Chen didn't want the priest to worry too much, so he only caught two and didn't want the others.

Big Eyes and Sa Wang didn't pursue Wuchen, and when the other turned around, they glanced at each other and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye, and Yuan Zhan, who had quickly mastered the first movement, began to ask to learn the second movement.

After confirming that the other party had mastered it proficiently, Yan Mo also taught him the second move.

In ten days, Yuan Zhan has learned four moves in a row, and they can perform them in a row. If it wasn't for him not being quite used to the need to cooperate with the breathing circuit when doing movements, ten days would be enough for him to learn and master all twelve moves.

"Inhale when closing the movement, and exhale when performing the movement. Then, can I also breathe in this way..."

"Law." Yan Mo taught him new words.

Yuan Zhan continued: "Then can I also breathe according to this breathing pattern?"

Yan Mo looked at him silently.

Yuan Zhan was puzzled, "Can't you?"

"...Okay." Yan Mo couldn't help asking again: "When you learned these moves, did you feel any discomfort in your body?"

"There is no discomfort, it is very comfortable. After training before, sometimes I feel some joints are very painful, and some unexplainable places will also be throbbing, but this training method will not."

"That's because the ligaments of your body have been pulled apart, and you are used to high-intensity training. This kind of stretching and recovery movements will naturally not harm you. But if you have never undergone any physical training and your body is relatively stiff Ordinary people, these movements will be learned very hard."

"Have you learned?"

Yan Mo, who refused to admit that he secretly practiced in the tent until his back hurts and his legs cramp, insisted: "No." He only practiced the first movement. If there is a problem, he can do it without practicing, he told himself.

Yuan Zhan patted him on the shoulder, "Actually, I don't think this training method is harmful, so I just eat more. I'm going to hunt in Shishan today, are you going?"


Yuan Zhan moved his wrists. During this period of time, he felt that he was in good health, and his whole body seemed to have endless energy. Building a mixed earth wall could no longer satisfy the wildness he wanted to fight. He had to find a place to vent completely. Bring back some prey.

When Hu Hu and Daze heard that Yuan Zhan was going to hunt in Shishan, they both shouted excitedly and wanted to follow. They are tired of eating fish every day, and the fish is so unpalatable that it smells fishy no matter how they do it.

Yan Mo, who was reluctant to part with the collected herbs, even if there were substitute deodorizers in them, was kept for his own use and did not make any contribution, he also looked forward to having more meat, so in the end, only ten guards were left in the temporary residence. Warrior, everyone else followed Yuan Zhan to Shishan to hunt, and they would not come back for at least three days.

It was getting dark, and Big Eyes and Sa hadn't come back yet. Wu Chen was surprised, usually these two would run faster than anyone else when it was time to eat, why haven't they come back today? And this is not the first time, in these ten days, they have come back very late several times.

Wu Chen put down the half-woven straw sandals to cook fish soup, Big Eyes couldn't make it, but he looked at the picture and figured out a little way, he wanted to teach Big Eyes after he made it, but the two of them always went out to play Not paying attention to the homework assigned by the adults, he decided to hide this matter for the time being.

But where did those two go to play? And why every time they come back late, there is a smell of the yellow-purple fruit in their mouths? If they found a lot of this fruit, why didn't they tell the priest

Wu Chen couldn't figure it out, so he decided to follow those two guys secretly tomorrow to see what they were doing.