Banished to Another World

Chapter 70: A battle of wits and courage and torture


The residence of the Awu people.

She reached out and touched Duo Fei's face.

Duofei held the transparent spar in front of her chest, boldly withdrawing her defensive energy.

"You don't have any tattoo marks on your face." Meng said in surprise, "But you have clearly awakened the ability of blood."

Duo Fei's eyes wandered for a while, and in order to avoid the other party's suspicion, she tried her best to speak quickly but selectively: "My family members think that this tattoo is ugly on the face, and it just so happens that the priest of our family obtained the power to remove the tattoo after a psychic trance. "

"Oh? Then how do you determine the fighter level?"

"As long as they pass the verification of the priest, the fighters can get different clothes and accessories according to their level."

"Clothes? Do you know how to make clothes?" When Meng heard about clothes, he remembered the test that Yan Mo gave to the Awu people. The linen he mentioned has not been made by anyone yet, even if it is barely woven, the holes Also too big to be worn as clothes. But when I suddenly saw the hemp fabric with a big hole, I felt that it should be very useful.

"Yes." Duofei affirmed. Although she has not made clothes herself, she has seen the maids do.

He patted her happily, "Okay then, I'll find some women to bring the twine, and you can teach them."

Duofei nodded, with a real smile in her eyes, as long as she is allowed to touch people, that's fine, and women's ears are always softer than men's.

But Duofei was also very happy. She knew how to make clothes, but what she knew was how to cut and sew the woven cloth, but she didn't know how to turn the thread that hadn't been turned into cloth into cloth.

Duofei was ridiculed, so she could only use her healing skills again, hoping to deter these barbarians.

And these savages were indeed intimidated by her, but looking at the people who lined up in front of her tent for him to treat their wounds and remains, Duo Fei almost passed out.

Her abilities are not so inexhaustible, okay

This kind of ability to heal and regenerate residual limbs by absorbing the vitality of surrounding creatures and its own energy, even minor injuries are fine, and it can be used three to five times a day. But if it's a disability like Heipi's, it's very difficult for her to use it once every three days. If it is stump regeneration, the interval is longer.

Now that there are so many people queuing up, many of them are missing arms and legs. When will she be treated

And if the treatment is too intensive, the creatures on this land, including these barbarians, will weaken. The faster she treats, the more weakened these people will be.

Although these people are barbaric, they are not fools. After a long time, they will definitely find out that something is wrong. Even if her ability is still needed, it will definitely not be as shocking as it is now.

Duofei had no choice but to find Meng, the only one who could understand her, and let Meng take advantage of her once, and only raised the question of her limited ability when the other party was satisfied.

Because of the example of Zhan, Meng is quite familiar with the limitations of abilities, so he didn't embarrass her after hearing this, saying that he would handle this matter.

In the end, she left the tent suddenly, turned her head and said to Duofei who was lying there: "You are a slave, even if you don't know how to make clothes, I won't kill you, but you'd better not lie to me in the future."

Duofei was so angry that she had to nod in a gentle and gentle manner.

tribal residence.

Yuan Zhan was not in a hurry to get into the tent, there were so many prey to deal with, and he needed to assign these tasks.

The work of skinning and meat cutting was assigned by Yuan Zhan to those left behind, and the specific division was left to Daze.

Those who stay behind naturally have no complaints about this. After all, hunters are more dangerous and pay more than those who stay behind.

Since there are no women or single families in the residence for the time being, all the people in the residence eat from the same big pot, and the two most troublesome things of dividing meat and fur can be temporarily exempted.

It’s cold, and the meat doesn’t need to be specially marinated. It can be stored for a long time if it is hung outside the tent and frozen.

The most troublesome thing is skinning, which is a technical job. Not everyone left behind is a skinning expert, and the hunters who are not assigned to the job are not really just sitting on the sidelines. They will come when they see that everyone is too busy. help before.

At this time, people were not very selfish, and there were very few people who were lazy and idle. Once there were such people, they would be rejected or even abandoned by the entire tribe. Only children under five or six years old could be completely exempted from hard labor, but they also Be responsible for babysitting younger children.

Yan Mo found that besides twenty wild goats, there were several roe deer, a dozen fat rabbits, several foxes, and four donkeys with long heads and faces, but rich fur on their backs and four claws. Such as wild beasts, wild beasts with whip tails, and about fifty wolf skins.

There are so many wolf skins! Yan Mo narrowed his gaze.

"There are too many prey to bring, and the wolf meat is not tasty, so I just peeled off the belt and brought it back. This is a long-headed beast." After assigning the task, Yuan Zhan took the time to tell Yan Mo, and pointed to the strange-looking beast, " I like to act together as a family, and this time I called all the family."

"You didn't keep the small one?" Yan Mo felt that this thing looked like the legendary donkey-headed beast.

"No. This thing holds vengeance. As long as it sees you killing its own beast, it will definitely sneak up on you in the future. This pack of wolves is the same, so I killed them all! These leathers are not all, and some of them are too broken. bring."

Yan Mo's face twitched, and with the number of wolf skins, Yuan Zhan probably killed about a hundred beasts this time, no wonder the guide would add 20 scum points to him all of a sudden.

A ratio of five to one, which means that the guide agrees that one person can kill less than five beasts to satisfy his hunger? But maybe this number may vary according to different beasts.

"Surrounded by wolves?"

"Yeah." Yuan Zhan's face suddenly turned cold, probably thinking of the scene surrounded by wolves, "Except for me, no one else is a fighter. With so many wolves, there will definitely be casualties."

"So you killed them first?"


"Maybe they just want to hunt goats, not you." Yan Mo said bitterly. According to the guidelines he summed up, if the wolves had the intention to attack Yuan Zhan, he would definitely not get so many scum points.

"Perhaps. But I am the leader, and seeing the danger must be eliminated."

Yan Mo didn't bother about this anymore, "It's hard work, let's go, go back to the tent, I heard that the patrol team sent someone back to report that you are back, so I cooked a pot of delicious food, and I will wait for you to come back to eat."

When Yuan Zhan heard this, there was no reason for his refusal, so he dragged Yan Mo to the tent on the spot.

Sure enough, a pot of meat with a special aroma was already stewed in the tent.

"The fish broth is all stewed, it can dispel cold and warm the body, and replenish energy."

Before Yan Mo could finish his introduction, Yuan Zhan had already sat down by the firepit, scooped it from the pot with a wooden spoon and ate it.

After taking a bite, he found the taste good, took another spoonful, looked up to see that Yan Mo had no intention of eating, and wondered, "Why don't you eat it?"

"I've eaten it. It's specially made for you. You can eat it."

Yuan Zhan stirred the stone pot with a wooden spoon, and said dissatisfiedly: "It's delicious, but the meat is too rotten. Later, you can roast me that honey-glazed meat that you roasted last time."

Think beautifully! Yan Mo smiled, "Tomorrow, it's getting late, eating too much at night won't make you sleep well."

"What's wrong?" Yuan Zhan murmured, he was about to have a big meal and work hard, he had been looking forward to it for a long time!

Yan Mo didn't pick up his words, and asked, "How effective is the training method?"

Yuan Zhan saw the seriousness of the other side, so he told his feelings truthfully. Generally speaking, he felt that his actions were faster and more accurate than before, and some difficult actions could be performed more smoothly. The most important thing It is the precise control of the ability that makes him feel more handy than before, and the distance and range that the ability can reach is farther and larger than before.

"In the early days, you may feel that the progress is particularly obvious, but as you go on, you may feel that the progress gradually slows down, and this is a normal phenomenon." Yan Mo said based on his previous experience in exercising.

Yuan Zhan nodded, seemingly indifferent, but remembered every word Yan Mo said clearly.

A pot full of broth, Yuan Zhan ate it all by himself, but he was not satisfied after eating, seeing Yan Mo refused to do it, so he had to cut a piece of meat by himself and come back to roast.

This appetite! Yan Mo couldn't help wondering whether the prey caught today would really last until the beginning of spring as expected. This is only based on the food intake of more than 30 people. If the remaining Awu people arrive later, there will not be enough prey.

But why isn't this guy down? Did he take less medicine? Or did he still not know enough about the poison resistance of these fighters

Yuan Zhan, who was finally full, wiped his mouth and got up, like a wolf staring at its prey, a pair of long and narrow eyes with burning desire stared at Yan Mo.

He walked up to the young man who was sitting on the grass ball, playing with a knife to practice the dexterity of his fingers, and reached out to touch his face.

Yan Mo looked up.

Yuan Zhan licked his lips and pointedly straightened his lower body forward, "Sleep."

A gold needle flashed out of Yan Mo's finger, "You sleep by yourself."

"Together." Yuan Zhan said with no refusal.

"Do not."

Yuan Zhan glanced at his golden needle, and when the opponent raised his hand to threaten him, he suddenly backed away.

Yan Mo was thinking that this person was quite sensible, but suddenly he was surrounded by the rapidly rising soil and fixed most of his body, the most important thing was that even his hands on both sides were fixed.

"That's how I dealt with those wolves. In the beginning, I could only deal with one. Later, I could trap more than 20 wolves at once. It's a pity that some of the wolves at the beginning were stabbed to death with soil thorns. "Yuan Zhan's eyes revealed the greed and cruelty that Yan Mo was familiar with.

"They are screaming. They don't know why the ground suddenly has sharp thorns, and they don't understand why the ground suddenly traps them."

Yuan Zhan walked to Yan Mo's side again, and reached out to touch his face again, this time he stroked slowly and thoroughly, "Because I am the blood of the God of the Earth, everything that grows on this land must be affected." I control it, and so do you, my lord priest."

Yuan Zhan lowered his head and gnawed hard on the face of his lord priest.

Yan Mo's face twitched in pain. But what frightened him even more was this man's ambition. The ambition of human beings grows because of desire and ability. This sentence is really true.

"You want to sleep with me like this? How do you sleep? Open a hole in the soil?"

Yuan Zhan laughed out loud when he heard the words, he squeezed Yan Mo's face, pulled his ears again, touched the soil that fixed his body with his hands, some of the soil separated from Yan Mo's body.

Yuan Zhan smoothly stood up Yan Mola.

Yan Mo looked at the soil circle that bound his arms and waist like a cloth wrap, and then looked at the two feet that were still buried in the soil, and the two feet were still pulled apart a little bit by the wrapping soil.

Yan Mo sighed, "You really practiced your abilities to the extreme just to sleep with me."

Yuan Zhan felt that this was a compliment to himself, so he went around behind the boy and lowered his upper body forward.

"Fuck! Are you going to stand up? Are you an animal? You!" Yan Mo couldn't believe that this guy could persist until now. Why hasn't the effect of the medicine started yet

"It's easy to fuck." Yuan Zhan didn't understand the word "animal", otherwise he would have bitten Yan Mo hard.



"I have to wait!" Yan Mo yelled: "Yuan Zhan, do you know that every time you sleep with me, my body will suffer a big injury!"

The hand of Yuan Zhan's leather skirt stopped, "Damage?"

"Yes! Did you forget that after you slept with me last time, I was in pain for the next few days?"

"It's not because of your leg injury?"

"Of course not." Yan Mo softened his voice and slowly straightened his body, "A Zhan, if you really value me, you shouldn't hurt me like this. I don't want to hate you, so don't let me hate you, okay?"

"Sleeping... how could it hurt you? If it's bleeding there, you can apply some animal oil. Mosquitoes are like this." Yuan Zhan was puzzled, but he didn't continue to force it.

"The ancestor god said that the human body is immature until the age of eighteen, just like a cub that has not grown up. Have you ever seen an adult beast force a cub?"

"Fourteen is not young."

"Who said that? Even you, you are still a teenager, your body is not fully developed, your body is still growing, and your height is still getting taller, this is the proof!"

"You mean that people have to grow until they are no longer tall?" Yuan Zhan sneered.

"Don't laugh, it's a fact. And doing that kind of thing before you grow up, the younger you are, the more hurt you are. Have you ever noticed that some slaves or your people, especially some who were killed when they were young Forcible, regardless of men and women, they will not live long when they grow up? And usually the health is not good?"

Yuan Zhan walked to the front and faced him face to face, with a gloomy expression, "You said I'm sleeping with you now, will you live long in the future?"

Yan Mo nodded, "You should have noticed too, right?"

Yuan Zhan didn't say anything. People in the tribe often died inexplicably, let alone slaves. Who would study the reason? But apart from fighting and being killed, it seems that non-warrior men and women always die earlier, especially young slaves.

If Mo didn't lie to him...

Yuan Zhan gritted his teeth, "Then I want to sleep with you again, not waiting for four springs to come!"

You'd better never sleep with me. Of course, Yan Mo would not say this right now, he could only use delaying tactics, and before he was fully strong enough to deal with this person, he could delay as long as he could.

So, he made his voice softer and softer, "Four years is not very long, and you are still growing up, it is not good to do too much of that. On the contrary, you are still young now, the more you Conserve your energy, and the faster you can improve your abilities."

Yan Mo told him the facts and reasoned, pointing out that if a man does too much harm, many of them are exaggerated.

"One drop of essence and ten drops of blood, it's cool now, and you will be miserable in the future. Otherwise, I'm a priest, and I can find a woman to have children according to what you said at the age of fourteen, but why didn't I look for it? I couldn't before, Awu I can always find someone who is willing to serve me, right? Am I not thinking about my own body? Ah Zhan?"

The man standing in front of him suddenly jumped on him.

The sudden force pushed Yan Mo to the ground. Fortunately, after the man lost his strength, he loosened his control over the force, and the soil that trapped his feet became loose, otherwise his two feet would be broken on the spot.

As soon as Yan Mo felt that the soil that trapped him was showing signs of loosening, he immediately broke free with his hands and feet, turned over, and vigorously pushed the man who was still half on top of him to the side. Hold your feet.

If he continues this fight, the animal will definitely doubt his words, and the animal fight just now did not really force it after hearing that it would hurt him. In a short time, the already weak friendship between the two was destroyed.

Yuan Zhan was so depressed to death!

"... what did you... do to me?" He even struggled to speak.

"I am a priest, if I don't want to, no one can sleep with me!" Yan Mo would not tell him all his trump cards, "Just now was just a test for you."

" it over?"

"Reluctantly." Yan Mo knelt down in front of him, and poked his face, "Dare to bite me? I have your teeth marks on my face!"

Yuan Zhan stared at the tooth marks, and smiled smugly, but his face was not affected much, "Want... wait until... eighteen, really?"

"It can't be true anymore." Yan Mo sullenly said, "When the tribe is established, I'm going to officially announce to the tribe that you can't marry under the age of sixteen. Anyone who violates a child under the age of sixteen must be punished."


"Did you only hear this?" Yan Mo couldn't do anything about this young animal with a brain. Only people over sixteen can protect themselves. Do you agree?"

Yuan Zhan didn't want to agree at all, because if he agreed, he would really have to wait until the head priest of his family turned eighteen before touching him.

"If you don't agree, just lie down." Yan Mo stretched out his hand into the animal skin skirt of the animal war.

Yuan Zhan let out a hiss and narrowed his eyes.

"Agreed? Huh?"

It's the first time that Yuan Zhanchang has received such "severe torture" at such a young age, not to mention that it was his priest who "tortured" him, and he couldn't hold on after a while.


"... Mmm!" Yuan Zhan surrendered in humiliation.