Banished to Another World

Chapter 74: Resolve conflict one


After Ramon finished speaking, he coughed: "We know the strength of the original war leader, and the water will definitely not drown him. We really just want to help, but..."

"I know you are kind, and you blame me for not explaining the matter clearly to you. Our leader is a clumsy person, and I didn't expect to explain it to you."

The clumsy Yuan Zhan squinted at Yan Mo, dissatisfied. Do I have so many shortcomings in your eyes? Unsightly, clumsy, barbaric, unhygienic, what else

Ramon was moved, and the little priest was indeed a sensible and good person.

"But can you return the water? Otherwise, the moat that our leader has worked so hard for two months alone will be in vain." Yan Mo's face showed sorrow, "Winter is over half, and spring is coming , while our self-protection fortifications..."

Ramon felt guilty, and the mermaids who heard Yan Mo's words felt that what they had done was a little too much. After all, when Ramon and Yuan Zhan said they wanted to get through the last barrier, although they spoke in a bad tone, they did clearly say that the water would not pass through for the time being, but they...

Yan Mo observed Ramon's expression carefully, and seeing that the heat was about the same, he took a step forward, left Yuan Zhan's palm, walked to the bank of the moat, waved to the mermaid and Ramon in the river, and when people gathered, he squatted down Draw pictures with branches on the snow, and explain in detail the function, shape, and construction requirements of the moat.

"... So in order to be strong, and to ensure that the foundation of the city wall will not be invaded by water, both sides of the moat and the bottom of the river must be reinforced to prevent water from seeping through the embankment. And in the case of water, the leader wants to reinforce the embankment , the river bottom and the river bank are more difficult, and we dare not build a defensive wall directly on the river bank."

The mermaids understood and understood, and Ramon said on the spot: "It's okay to retreat, but the former leader of the war needs to help us block the gap between Qingyuan Lake and the moat, so that it will be easier for us to retreat."

Yan Mo immediately agreed instead of Yuan Zhan.

Yuan Zhan went directly to the lake to plug the gap with soil.

"We have a healer here, if you have any wounded, you can ask her to heal you." Yan Mo waved someone to bring Duo Fei up.

When Ramon saw Duo Fei, he focused on her feet, and said in surprise, "Her feet... There are ape-footed people in your tribe?"

Yan Mo brought Duofei here, not only because he was worried that there would be wounded people that he couldn't handle, but also because he wanted to let the mermaids with rich inheritance knowledge identify Duofei.

"Do you know the ape-foot tribe?" Yan Mo asked calmly.

Ramon nodded, then shook his head again, "It's just that there are records in the clan. I've seen pictures carved on stone slabs, but I haven't seen real people."

"I don't know much about this race. This girl was rescued by A Zhan on the road. According to her own account, she was brought here by a tornado." Yan Mo explained what a tornado is, and added a sentence by the way: "A Zhan see It sounds fierce, but it has a good heart."

The "good hearted" Yuan Zhan who was working in the distance touched his nose and felt itchy.

Ramon laughed, he didn't think that the warlike and violent Yuan Zhan was a kind person, "I'll go back and ask the clan witch for you, he should know more, I only know that the ape-foot clan lives on the other side of Father God Mountain, They are far away from us, and they seem to be good at using the power of spar."

"Spar?" Yan Mo thought of Duo Fei hanging around his neck and the gemstones on his ears and forehead.

When Duofei came, Yan Mo and Ramon stopped talking together.

Yan Mo asks Duofei to help treat the most seriously injured mermaid first.

Duofei didn't want to let go of this opportunity. Seeing that Yuan Zhan, who scared her, was not there, she immediately made a tentative request to Yan Mo, who seemed to be very talkative: "I don't want to be a slave anymore. I'm already tired of treating people in the tribe. I need time to recover and recuperate, and I'm willing to heal them, but I hope the people of the tribe will respect me." Damn, don't let her do the hard work and dirty work anyway!

"Yes." Yan Mo agreed.

Duofei didn't seem to expect that the priest would be so easy to talk, and was a little dazed. But after looking at Yan Mo again, she thought to herself: Maybe she guessed wrong, for the first half month, this guy didn't mean to leave her alone, or make her anxious? After all, this person usually looks very busy.

A young, soft-hearted little priest should be easier to control, right? Duofei was thinking.

"Go, I will have someone record your work starting today." Yan Mo smiled.

Duofei didn't understand the word work, but she thought that it should have the same meaning as merit, so she smiled appropriately at the moment.

Before treating the mermaid, she simply arranged her clothes and hair, and gave herself a "vitality plunder" to make herself look radiant.

The mermaids were suddenly touched, and Ramon looked suspiciously at the woman who suddenly became bright and beautiful.

After Duofei treated the most seriously injured mermaid's scales and wounds on his chest and abdomen, the mermaids politely refused to let Duofei continue to treat them.

Ramon looked at Yan Mo and seemed to want to say something, but Duo Fei was there, and this was not a place to talk, so he didn't speak.

When Duo Fei was treating the mermaids, Yan Mo also went to treat his own people.

For those with minor injuries, they wiped each other with medicine, and for those with slightly more severe injuries, Yan Mo took care of it himself. Fortunately, none of the injuries were serious, and Yan Mo took care of them very quickly.

When bandaging the wound, Yan Mo used the sparse cloth strips woven by the Awu people using hemp thread, and the mermaids looked curiously at the cloth strips.

Seeing that Duo Fei was sent back, Yan Mo didn't say anything, but let her go to the side to rest.

Duofei was happy to be at ease, secretly looking at the mermaid and Yan Mo, thinking about how to use them. She wants to make friends with the mermaid, but the mermaid seems to be wary of her.

But it's okay, I can take my time. Duofei thought, anyway, she couldn't walk back to her father's castle by herself, and... coming here might be her chance.

Yan Mo saw that the mermaids were interested in linen, so he gave them one.

"I'm sorry, it's troublesome to make, and we don't have many of them at the moment." Yan Mo took another bundle of twine and gave it to Ramon. He swore that he really didn't intend to let the mermaids weave for him because of the legends in the original world, but if the mermaids can research the weaving method, it will be a good thing for everyone.

The matter is basically settled now, Yan Mo saw that the female fish caught by Yuan Zhan still had a bit of grief and indignation on her face, and another young girl who looked only fifteen or sixteen years old also stared angrily at her. They thought to themselves that this grudge must be removed, so as not to plant a hidden danger between the Jiuyuan tribe and the mermaid tribe.

Yan Mo got up immediately, turned back to the Awu warrior, and said in a half-joking tone: "Tell me, who stole the little girl's tail?"

More than 20 big men looked at me and I looked at you, and finally focused their eyes on a young man who was not very old.

The young man who was about twenty years old stood up with a blushing face, "My lord, it's me, I, I saw that she has a pretty tail, I..."

"You should tell this girl, you come with me." Yan Mo asked him to follow him.

The young man was a little worried, but he still followed Yan Mo to the river bank.

"Don't worry, with me here, they won't do anything to you. If you are a soldier, you should stand up and admit your mistakes." Yan Mo whispered in the young man's ear.

"Yes!" The young man straightened his back. How can I say that half of the cause of this fight is also with him. He has been guilty for a long time. If the tribe and the leader really had an affair with the mermaid tribe, he would not dare to go back to the tribe. Fortunately, the priest came, and fortunately the mermaids were not. Those ferocious monsters with only humanoid appearance.

Yan Mo grabbed the young man's arm and waved to the fifteen- or sixteen-year-old mermaid girl in the river, "Come on, I've caught the murderer for you. If you're not happy, just beat him up. You're welcome. Punch him down! Let him know that girls are not allowed to touch casually! No matter how good-looking they are, they can't touch casually!"

"Pfft!" The little mermaid girl didn't hold back, and burst out laughing. Although her face tensed up immediately, the atmosphere around her was completely different.

The young man was facing the beautiful little mermaid, and he seemed to be going to faint. Seeing the mermaid girl still smiling at him, his face became bloodshot quickly, and he stammered in nine original languages: "You , I, I, I will let you hit, hit whatever you want."

"Lana! Hit him! Come on!" Ramon and the mermaids cheered for the girl indiscriminately, fearing that the world would be chaotic.

Seeing that the danger was lifted, the warriors of the Awu tribe immediately turned into beasts. Regardless of the brotherhood, they all leaned over and shouted excitedly: "Beat him, beat him!"

When these people shouted, the last bit of unhappiness disappeared from the faces of the mermaids.

Everyone was yelling for the little girl to beat her up.

The youth giggled. Seeing the young man's silly appearance, the girls of the mermaid clan's disgust towards him also disappeared a lot.

The little girl Lana raised her sharp claws at the young man. The young man looked at the claws a little sadly, but he still straightened his chest, beat his own chest with his right fist, and shouted in nine primitive languages: "Come on!" !"

"Hula!" The water in the river suddenly rose, and a big wave of water hit the young man, drenching the young man completely in an instant.

The young man was shivering from the cold, so it would be better to scratch him a few times, and freeze him to death!

"Lana!" Ramon, Devon and other mermaids saw the little girl attacking with water, and it was too late to stop it. In their tribe, attacking each other with such a little water is like playing, but human beings don't know their customs. Being doused in such a cold weather is almost like killing people. It was fine for them to fight before, and then their leader, Yuan Zhan, helped them to cover them with earthen walls, but now it's a bit like this... and they are still defenseless!

Ramon immediately raised his hand to take back as much moisture as possible from the young man, and at the same time explained: "Lana is just joking, and she doesn't really want to hurt you."

Yan Mo also quickly said: "This kid doesn't really want to insult Lana, he just saw that Lana's tail is beautiful, so he couldn't help but reach out and want to touch it, didn't he, you?"

The young man shook his head and nodded.

I heard that the young man wanted to touch her because she saw her beautiful tail, and the last bit of anger from the little girl Lana disappeared. The long-tailed tribe always regards their tails as beautiful, and she was very happy when they were praised for their beautiful tails. It was given, and the anger was also released. Immediately, it raised its shiny tail high and submerged into the river.

"Lana is shy." Ramon and several adult fish all laughed.

The Awu warriors didn't know what they were excited about, they came up and slapped the young man one after another, Huhu shouted directly: "You are flooded like the leader, it's terrible!"

Someone else bumped his arm obscenely, "That mermaid girl looks good, your eyes are straight!"

The young man was so cold that his teeth began to chatter, and none of these bastards sympathized with him.

Yan Mo smiled, and ordered the young man to take off the animal skin coat on his body, and took off his own animal skin coat to wrap around the young man.

As soon as the animal skin coat with the body temperature of the priest was on his body, the young man was completely moved. In addition, the excess water on his body was removed by the mermaid, and he immediately felt warm from the heart to the body, "My lord! I don't need it, you wear it." …”

"It's okay, I still have one more." Yan Mo pointed to the fur coat on his body. If you don't buy people's hearts at this time, when are you waiting

The eyes of the other Awu warriors were red with envy, and their fists were clenched loudly, as if they really wanted to rush up and beat up their companions instead of the little mermaid girl.

The young man was pulled into the middle by his companions, and one or two cries of pain could be heard from the young man from time to time.