Banished to Another World

Chapter 77: use of punishment


Yan Mo, who is super depressed, can't see anything right now.

The damn guide, punished him for being blind before, and made him paralyzed this time, what about next time

There is no way to escape, he is struggling to sit up now!

Yuan Zhan helped him sit on the animal skin cushion, knelt down on one knee beside him, and looked at him with a solemn expression that he had never seen before.

"What did you do this time? Tell me the truth."

What truth? Tell you, I was punished by the guide

"The last time you suddenly lost your eyesight, it was because you asked Jiufeng to forcefully save the cub that should have died, and the ancestor god punished you. What did you do this time?"

Yan Mo sighed, his face slightly pained.

Yuan Zhan held his chin and raised it, "Say!"

"There must be a price for everything. I used the knowledge passed down by the ancestor gods to build a tribe, and both the mother god and the god of the earth punished me."

"What?!" Yuan Zhan was shocked, "Why did the Mother God and the God of the Earth punish you?"

"Because of the elementary training method I taught you, I said it was a double-edged sword, but I didn't expect that one of the edges would be right not only for you, but also for me."

"say clearly."

"Indiscriminate killing, brutal killing, unscrupulous killing, any unnecessary killing, when the mother god records your sins, she will also impose the same sins on me, and because I am a priest who has received the inheritance of the ancestor gods, I can directly listen to the voice of God, and punish me before my soul returns to the embrace of the Mother God, who has already brought the punishment on me."

Yan Mo told Yuan Zhan that the Mother Goddess is in charge of both life and death, as well as the judgment of good and evil. If someone did something wrong during his lifetime, the mother god will usually punish him later, if not, then he will directly punish the soul of the other person after his death, and he will not be punished by the mother god until his sins are redeemed. God turned into a living body.

"You never want to know how painful the punishment is on the soul." I am an example, and I can't die if I want to.

"That's why you made those nine rules, making it clear that you will be punished if you do something wrong?"

"Yes. It's better to redeem your sins while you're alive than to settle accounts after you die."

Yuan Zhan was silent for a long time before he said solemnly: "I am a warrior, and I must kill."

"I know. The rule of punishment is that if other people or other creatures attack you actively or are malicious towards you, you can fight back. As for killing for food, as long as it is not excessive, the Mother God will not punish you."

"It's hard to tell."

"I'm telling you this, not to tie your hands and feet. You should kill or you have to kill, as long as you do things according to your conscience." Yan Mo stretched out his hand and pressed it against Yuan Zhan's heart, "The mother god will judge by herself. But Remember, avoid indiscriminate killing and cruel killing."

Yuan Zhan didn't make any promises, but Yan Mo really smiled, he even reached out and gently touched the face of this big boy who is not really old but always makes people forget his age.

Yuan Zhan tilted his head and rubbed his palm.

The firewood in the firepit was crackling, and the water in the stone pot set up on the stones began to churn and churn. There were still those two people, and it seemed that something had happened in the tent, but nothing had changed.

Yuan Zhan grabbed Yan Mo's hand, that hand was not pretty, but he couldn't help but opened his mouth and took a bite.

Yan Mo withdrew his hand with a "squeak" and said angrily, "If you're hungry, cook your own meat, or eat yourself!"

The corner of Yuan Zhan's mouth moved, "Why did the God of the Earth punish you? Because of this city and two moats?"

"You guessed it." Yan Mo patted his unconscious legs with both hands, judging how serious the situation was, "As you said before, human beings are not the master and only one in this world, gods are equal. Treat every one of her people seriously. When we enclose land and build a city, the creatures we have drawn within the range will inevitably be affected or even destroyed. Moreover, any major changes in the terrain will inevitably change the living environment of nearby creatures."

"The god of the earth should punish me. I am the one who actually changes the terrain. You are just suggesting."

"I don't suggest, I don't draw pictures, I don't explain, would you want to build a city and dig a moat?" Yan Mo said without waiting for him to answer: "At least you won't think of these in the short term."

Yuan Zhan clenched his fist, and the punishment God gave to the priest made him feel frustrated. It's a pity that he can't see God, otherwise, even if he can't beat them, he won't make them feel better!

"How long is this punishment?"

"Thirty-six days."

Yuan Zhan let out a breath slowly, "It's okay."

"What a fart! Try to paralyze your lower limbs for a month? How long will I be able to walk? It also made my legs so bad that I can't walk." Yan Mo was so angry.

Yuan Zhan was obviously very sad, but he wanted to laugh a little. Recalling this, the little priest of his family was just crawling on the ground when he first met him.

"Laugh! Laugh again! Tonight you will eat boiled pork! Don't even think about eating a grain of salt!"

Yuan Zhan immediately made a serious face, "Don't worry, if there is no need to do this month, I will not leave the tribe, nor will I leave your side. If there is anything you can tell me, I will give you all the food, drink and lazard!"

"No, if there is something to do, the disciple will do his best, and I have Wu Chen."

Yuan Zhan understood the general idea, and immediately gritted his teeth, "That kid's thighs are not as thick as my arms, what can he do?"

"He can do anything." That child Wu Chen is diligent.

The man snorted disdainfully, "Go away, at most he can pour shit and urine for you, do you still expect him to carry you around in the snow?"

"There isn't much snow in the place where I live." Yan Mo didn't know that a smile appeared on his face.

"There's ice! Do you want to be thrown by that kid so that you can't move? Let me tell you, many people in our original tribe just stepped on the ice and slipped and broke their arms and legs. Some people fell to death directly. Or you How many bones do you want to break that kid?"

Yuan Zhan's expression was too serious, making Yan Mo even ashamed to suspect that he was lying.

"I'll bring that woman later and see if she can heal you."

"I don't think she's more powerful than a god." Would the guide allow such a bug? Even thinking about it is impossible.

"At least try." Yuan Zhan frowned, indicating that the topic was over, he was hungry and wanted meat!



"Tomorrow she will probably take the initiative to help me with treatment." Yan Mo has a plan in mind, and since that's the case, it's better to make good use of it.

Seeing that Yan Mo had made up his mind, Yuan Zhan didn't force him, got up and went back to the fire pit, and continued to slice the meat.

Yan Mo also took out a few things from the herb bag and started making dipping sauces.

One of the most important condiments is the pseudo-sesame paste made by frying and grinding Suaeda pterygium seeds, adding animal oil and salt—as a Chinese, he has always been so tireless in researching and eating.

The other main seasoning is the sea buckthorn fruit given to him by the mermaids. The pulp of these small fruits is smashed with a stone pestle, mixed with pseudo-sesame paste, and then a little bee milk and a little fried salt are added. After mixing, it becomes sour A sweet, slightly salty, tangy dip.

Yuan Zhanguang started drooling just by smelling it. He felt that even if his lord priest knew nothing, as long as he knew how to cook and eat, he could conquer an entire tribe.

Yan Mo is also very satisfied with this dipping sauce that he has worked out after several attempts. Last time, he used this dipping sauce to dip the mutton in white soup because his mouth was too weak and he wanted to change the taste, but it turned out to be surprisingly delicious.

He thought bitterly: In the primitive society lacking seasoning, as long as the tongues of the primitive people get used to this thing, he will immediately become a god, a god of food!

The foodie Yuan Zhan remembers it after eating it once. In the last meal, with the dipping sauce, he ate a whole two lamb legs by himself. This guy could probably eat half a sheep.

When Yuan Zhan saw that the dipping sauce was ready, he immediately poured the sliced meat into the pot eagerly, and scooped it out as soon as the spoon whirled.

"Hey, hey, I told you a few times last time, can you just boil a little each time? It's very expensive, don't you know? This bowl is for you, and it's gone after you finish eating!" Yan Mo protected his bowl .

Yuan Zhan agreed with his mouth, but his eyes had already set his sights on Yan Mo's bowl.

He has a way to deal with his stingy priest. When he finishes eating, he will squat next to his priest and stare at him to eat. In less than a minute, the other party will definitely surrender.

That night, Yan Mo thought that Yuan Zhan would do something to him, he even prepared the golden needle, but the man just pulled him into his arms, bit him twice and fell asleep obediently.

The body wrapped around him is hot, there is really no better stove than this in the cold winter, Yan Mo is greedy for that warmth, and is also used to being hugged by this guy to sleep, his vigilant heart slowly relaxes, his body relaxes, and he Soon fell asleep.

Yuan Zhan opened his eyes in the dim light of the flames, his young body and a large amount of mutton made him uncomfortable, but...

Yan Mo dreamed at night that he was being chased by a monster with a human face. He ran desperately, but he couldn't run no matter what. The monster with a human face threw him down and grabbed his neck.

He begged for mercy, but the man-faced monster didn't kill him immediately, but tormented him like a cat playing with a mouse. Just when he was exhausted by the monster and thought he would be eaten by the monster, he was indeed eaten by the man-faced monster. It's another way to eat...

Waking up in the morning, Yan Mo's face was covered with black lines. He knew that feeling without an examination, he had a wet dream, and this body had grown up.

But the content of the dream was too heavy, right? Not only do I dream of being crushed, but the object is... at least a person!

Yan Mo was irritable and wanted to settle accounts with a certain energetic animal that rubbed against him most of the night last night. He remembered that human face very clearly, and those narrow, long and ferocious eyes were no one else but the animal.

The door curtain was lifted, and Yuan Zhan came in with a stone bucket in his arms.

Yan Mo immediately stretched out his hand and shouted: "Quick! I'm going to explode!" He was in a hurry to urinate.

Yuan Zhan smiled triumphantly, and put the stone bucket in front of him, "Look, I just made it, and you will use this in the future. It's cold, so you don't need to go out."

Yan Mo stared at the stone bucket, is this the world's first toilet

"The priest's legs can't walk anymore!" The children who came to class in the morning quickly spread the news to the whole tribe.

"What happened? Why is the priest's legs suddenly unable to walk?" Everyone panicked and asked the children.

The most well-informed Ye Xing told everyone in pain: "Because the leader used the power of God to build the city for everyone, the ancestor god wanted to punish us for being lazy, but the priest took all the punishment."

"Ah..." The Awu people, who are used to sharing everything and have not yet learned to sit back and enjoy it, are full of guilt and shame.

Seeing Wu Cheng and others who came to visit him with anxious and worried faces, Yan Mo took advantage of the situation and asked them to call everyone together, saying that he would explain the matter in public.

At noon, all the tribal residents consciously appeared in front of the stele.

Yan Mo appeared, was carried by Yuan Zhan and walked in front of everyone.

The ground rose automatically, and Wu Chen carried a piece of animal skin and spread it on the soil platform.

Yan Mo signaled Yuan Zhan to put him on the ground and let him sit cross-legged.

The earth platform is high enough, even if he sits down, everyone in the tribe can see him clearly.

Yan Mo raised his hand.

The audience immediately became quiet.

"My people, my hardworking and brave people, spring has come, the ice and snow are melting, we have a lot of things to do. The ancestor gods will punish our laziness and reward our hard work, people, give full play to your Let the ancestors see the power! Let us work together now to build our home!"

The crowd became agitated, they didn't know how to respond, and many shouted.

Yuan Zhan spoke, and his voice overwhelmed everyone: "The hardworking people stay, and the lazy people get out of the tribe. You haven't passed the test of the ancestor gods yet, and this land is only for you to live in temporarily. My lord priest and I Give you safety, give you food and clothing, just because God doesn’t want to give up His people. But if what you do doesn’t satisfy God, you won’t be able to stay here anymore.”

The crowd became quiet again, and when Yuan Zhan's words were explained, many people showed panic on their faces.

When the tribe has not been established, they have expectations, but they are just happy with the situation, and they do not have a strong sense of belonging to the tribe.

But when two moats appeared, the outer city was covered by earthen walls, and the inner city had a stronger defensive wall, and the land became safe, they no longer wanted to leave.

There are nine newly issued rules, and the Awu people who have gradually understood the meaning are looking forward to the future life.

Expect, expect, desire. Compared with the present, their previous lives were more like going through the process of life and death numbly, and every day seemed to be waiting for death.

No one wants to leave the tribe.

This winter was still cold, but they had never had such a happy and contented winter, with enough food and enough dry firewood, no one died of starvation or freezing, and no one was eaten by wild animals.

After such a winter of abundance, who wants to continue living that precarious life

"The industrious stay, the lazy get out of the tribe!" Someone in the crowd shouted.

Immediately, the same cry resounded.

"Very good!" Yuan Zhanhuan looked around, "Master Priest has a kind heart and thinks that it is difficult for everyone to work in the severe cold and permafrost, so he has undertaken the punishment of the ancestor gods this time, but only this time, and I will only allow this time! The severe cold is not an excuse, we can’t break ground, there are other things we can do, not to mention that spring has arrived. If you want to let the priests of the ancestor gods protect us, please work hard with me, my people!”

Knowing that they had not been given up and that they still had a chance to work hard, all the Awu people who could speak cheered.

"Work hard! Build a tribe!"

"Aww! Be hardworking and not lazy!"

"Work hard! Study hard! Let the priest stand up as soon as possible!"

Yan Mo heard these childish shouts like slogans, the corners of his mouth twitched, he wanted to laugh but held back. Those bastards!

Taking this opportunity, Yuan Zhan and Yan Mo announced several important things.

First, the Council of Elders was established, and two members were appointed on the spot, Wu Cheng and Mu Changming.

Second, establish the Habayashi Army and Warrior Corps respectively. In addition, Wu Cheng was appointed to be in charge of the tribe's medical care and sanitation, Sa Yu's mother Sa Yun was in charge of weaving, and Ye Xing's grandfather Ye He was in charge of leather making.

The Habayashi Army is responsible for guarding the leaders and priests, mainly priests. Yan Mohui decided to use this name because the word "feather" happened to be related to Jiufeng.

There are currently only four members of the Habayashi Army, and they work in two shifts. The four selected are so excited that their faces are full of brilliance, causing others to look at them enviously.

For the Warrior Corps, Yan Mo directly borrowed from some armies in the original world, and was mainly responsible for defending tribes and foreign wars, as well as building and hunting. At present, the latter two are the focus. After the number of people grows and develops, it will be subdivided.

The leader of the warrior group is Meng, the deputy leader is Mu Changming, and there are two captains Pang Ze and Hu Hu.

Finally, Yan Mo told everyone the concept of tribal functional zoning.

Although the people in the tribe haven't figured out why the tribe is divided into residential areas, market areas, production areas, administrative areas, and military camps, they have at least figured out one thing, that is: construction can't be done randomly, and it must be done according to the instructions.

Duo Fei, who was in the crowd, was pale. From the size and composition of the city, as well as the nine rules and everything he announced today, she was quite sure that the young priest must be from the upper city of the three cities, and it was even possible From the most mysterious and most terrifying holy city.

As the daughter of the lord of Tianzhu City, one of the lower cities, she had never heard of many things the other party proposed.

Seeing that the rally was over and the crowd was about to disperse, Duo Fei didn't want to give up this opportunity, even if the other party really came from the legendary holy city.

"Master Priest!" Duo Fei squeezed out of the crowd and walked to the earth platform, "Maybe I can help you walk again, because my ability is also given by God."