Banished to Another World

Chapter 80: Blessed accident? Yan Mo feels the pain of life!


Yan Mo waved to everyone, signaling them to come over.

He had tried it just now, and his leg was still numb.

Seeing that the priest was fine, the Awu people gradually gathered around him.

As for Duofei who fell in front of the earthen platform, no one dared to approach them. They had never seen a person who could become so scary in an instant, and many people couldn't help touching their faces. So people can be so old

Some people think that Duo Fei is a monster, even if the concept of a monster has not yet formed in their hearts, looking at Duo Fei is like seeing a dark cave, which makes them feel terrified.

"You'd better not use your healing technique to heal yourself now, the ancestor god doesn't like your method of taking the life force of others to heal." Yan Mo first warned Duo Fei who was secretly recovering himself.

Duofei immediately stopped absorbing the vitality around her, she was really scared. What's more, the secret of her treatment has been exposed. With no one to protect her, who wants to have someone around who will steal her life force? Even if this person can help them cure diseases and regenerate broken limbs.

Duofei didn't even dare to look Yan Mo squarely, because she deeply felt that this young man's strength might be even more unpredictable than Master Ye He. If Master Ye He came to seize the youth's vitality, would it succeed

Yan Mo's words reached the ears of the Awu tribe. The Awu tribe quietly moved further away from Duofei, including those who had been treated by her.

See, this is human nature.

Even if they are just a bunch of ignorant primitive people.

Yan Mo smiled in his heart, yes, he did it on purpose. He wanted Duo Fei to know that if she wanted to stay in the tribe in the future, she could only rely on him and be used by him.

So what if you saved them? If you let them know that you are harmful to them, they can avoid you like a snake and scorpion immediately, and even want to kill you in turn, but if your power can make them afraid, it is awe.

Without Yuan Zhan's ability and Jiu Feng's deterrence, would the three of them want to subdue the Awu tribe

The old witches and their patriarchs are not fools. Being ignorant does not mean they have no brains. For a tribe that can sacrifice their own people to obtain salt and food, how kind can you expect them to be

Kindness and simplicity are only relative terms. For those who can help them and those who can completely suppress them and make them fear and respect, they will become obedient, kind, hardworking, and simple. But if it is against the enemy, those little monsters that look like people can all enter their stomachs.

In this world, without strong force, no matter how determined you are to save lives, how grand plans, and how wise you are, you will not be able to use them, and someone will beat you to death with a sap.

Just imagine, if there is no Yuan Zhan and Jiu Feng behind him, just a few golden needles from him want to scare those primitive people? how is this possible! It is true that his golden needle and scalpel will be taken away.

If you want to pretend to be a ghost, it also depends on whether people are willing to watch you pretend.

You don't have a chance to play, and everything is useless.

It's not that Duofei has no chance, but the place she wants to play and the enemy she wants to deal with are wrong. Will the people he finally subdued, the territory he finally occupied, be so easily handed over to others? Even thinking about it is impossible!

"Kill her?" With a heavy shoulder, a deep male voice came from behind.

Yan Mo shook his head. Not to mention the supervision of the guide, it would be a pity to kill this woman.

Duo Fei's ability may be scary to others, but as a doctor, he only thinks this ability is very useful, the only premise is that he can control Duo Fei who uses this ability.

The so-called seizing the vitality of other living things is not the same as the use of medicinal herbs in Chinese and Western medicine? Blood transfusion, bone marrow replacement, and replacement of any part of the body, don't they all need to be provided by others

How many mice and other experimental animals, bugs, and plants do research medical researchers kill every day

If the diagnosis is wrong, or the wrong medicine is prescribed, or even if there is a problem with the operation, it is not as good as someone who directly uses life force to save people, at least not after wasting a lot, and saves people even worse or even dies.

He dared to bet that if any doctor in his original world asked them if they wanted to obtain the same ability as Duo Fei, nine and a half out of ten would express their desire. people.

Abuse is a big problem, and as long as this ability is well controlled, it can be used to great effect! It would be better if it can be absorbed in a targeted manner.

On the battlefield, it is completely possible to treat one's own personnel while harming the enemy.

In the tribe, if a child of a family has a broken arm or a broken leg, I believe the adults in the family are willing to pay a little life force to restore their child, especially if the head of the family is injured. If you are reluctant to part with yourself, you can also use the vitality of plants, animals, insects and other living things.

There are also some injuries that cannot be rescued in time. If someone can maintain the vitality of the injured by the side, he will have a greater chance of being rescued. In this way, it does not need to consume much life force of others, but it can also save people, which is the best of both worlds.

Anyway, it was Duofei who performed this technique, not him. As long as you don't plunder his vitality, don't increase his scum value.

But there is one thing he has to consider, that is, if he agrees or takes the initiative to let Duo Fei stay after he already understands Duo Fei's ability, will he be added as scum

And this point, he had to wait for Duofei to stay before he could know.

But Yan Mo thought about it again and again, and felt that it was worthwhile to keep Duo Fei, as long as she was well supervised, not allowed to abuse her abilities, and tried to obtain the permission of the surrounding creatures when treating her

Seeing that Yan Mo disagreed, Yuan Zhan didn't insist on killing Duo Fei.

He is more curious now why he just pressed his hand on Mo's shoulder and felt a warm current flow from his palm to his whole body

That feeling was really comfortable, as if... just like the feeling Mo Mo had when he "tortured" him last time.

In other words, should he find a chance for Mo to torture him again

Yan Mo frowned, ever since Yuan Zhan put his hands on his shoulders, he felt that he was being gradually emptied, which was not very comfortable.

Could this be the pain of loss of vitality

This is still the first person, if five people in a row...

"My lord!" Wu Chen rushed over, but just stood in front of the stage and looked at Yan Mo eagerly.

"Are you okay?" He now knew that his master didn't like people touching him very much.

Wu Chen's face was also very ugly, he was also very close to Duo Fei just now.

Yan Mo shook his head, and put his hand on Wu Chen's head, "I'm fine, it's you who has trouble. Wu Chen, you're fine, this is the blessing from the ancestor god and me."

While he still has strength, let's restore the child first, as a reward for his loyalty and caring.

Wu Chen blinked, but he didn't understand what it meant, but after a while, he felt it.

The kid with thick eyebrows opened his mouth wide, his face was full of surprise and emotion, "My lord! I, I..."

Wu Chen clenched his fists, and suddenly let out a loud roar in his soft voice, and then swung his fists vigorously. At this moment, he felt that his body was full of strength.

Yan Mo withdrew his palm, fatigue hit him like a wave, and he was almost unable to sit still.

Behind him, Yuan Zhan saw his body shaking, so he naturally gave him a hand.

So far, no one has noticed Yan Mo's strangeness, because just after Wu Chen's roar, there was a sudden exclamation from the crowd, and the people in the front row were in chaos.

"Fire! Fire!" the Awu tribe yelled in surprise. The animal skin of the former Awu tribe leader Mu Changming fell on Mars. The man was stunned at first, but he was kicked down before he remembered to roll on the ground to put out the fire. .

The others also rushed to pounce on him with the snow that hadn't been swept away. Fortunately, the flames were not big and were quickly extinguished.

Mu Changming stood up with a bewildered expression on his face. How could his fur coat suddenly catch fire

And some people looked at the little boy Wu Chen in front of the earth platform in surprise.

Ye Xing and Sa Yu stared at Wu Chen closely, their eyes full of disbelief.

Yuan Zhan also put his hand on Yan Mo's shoulder, and looked at Wu Chen with strange eyes.

Yan Mo raised his eyebrows, he is probably the only one who knows and is sure that this child will definitely use the blood vessel ability, so he will teach him the elementary training method, just to see how long the child can use the ability, by the way Take part of the credit for the child's ability to appear on himself. But he didn't expect that the child would use his bloodline ability today and on such an occasion.

Well, yes, what a great opportunity to find! Yan Mo looked at Wu Chen's thick eyebrows more and more pleasing to the eye. This child must be his little lucky star. Ever since he met this child and accepted him as his disciple, he has encountered many good things.

Wu Chen himself didn't know what happened, seeing Ye Xing and Sa Yu looking at him strangely, he still stared back strangely.

"Huo... Wu Chen, you just threw out the spark, it was you! I saw it!" Ye Xing hesitated at first, but then he was sure, and shouted like crazy.

"Yes, it's Wu Chen, I saw it too." A warrior standing at the front murmured.

Wu Chen said "ah", raised his fist and stared foolishly for a while, then he didn't know where he got the hang of it, he suddenly started to do a few movements of the elementary training method in front of the stage.

While doing this, the child suddenly exhaled, clasped his hands, with his index finger and thumb facing each other, forming a pistol shape, and swung it hard against the ground.

Yan Mo felt that the child's movements looked familiar...

This time, many people saw it with their own eyes. A spark fell from Wu Chen's fingertips. Although it didn't burn on the ground for a long time, everyone could see the flickering spark clearly.

"Blessings from the ancestor god and the priest..." Ye Xing pouted, with envy and jealousy on his face.

Sa Yu walked over and grabbed Wu Chen's hands, looked over and over again, and wanted to open his mouth to bite, but was kicked aside by Wu Chen.

The child's words quickly spread to the crowd, and the crowd was in a commotion.

"It seems that the Awu tribe has the blood of Vulcan." Yuan Zhan said.

Everyone in the audience looked up at him. With the support of his disciple Wu Qing, Wu Cheng squeezed tremblingly to the front, grabbed Ye Xing and asked him to explain to himself. He subconsciously felt that what the leader said now was very important.

"Vulcan?! My lord said that we have the blood of Vulcan? Is this true or not?" How many people couldn't believe it.

Wu Cheng looked so excited that he was about to faint, chanting ancient mantras that no one else could understand, as if he was praying to heaven and earth.

"It can't be fake, adults can't lie to us, Wu Chen became angry just now!" The child chirped the most excitedly.

And Yuan Zhan once again affirmed: "Wu Chen, who has been blessed by the priest and the ancestor god, has awakened the bloodline ability passed down from the Vulcan God. From then on, he will also be a member of the God Warrior! His face will appear within three days. Warrior Mark."

"Aww!" the Awu tribe let out a loud cheer.

Their clansmen, their own clansmen, have awakened the warriors of God! God, the surprise was simply too much for them to bear.

Mu Changming walked up to Wu Chen and patted him on the shoulder heavily. At this time, not to mention only burning a few holes in his animal skin clothes, even burning all his animal skin clothes, he is willing!

There were tears in Wu Chen's eyes, he was so excited, the little boy grinned his lips, suddenly turned around and knelt heavily in front of the earthen platform, before Yan Mo, crying with tears streaming down his face: "My lord...Master!"

Wu Chen's kneeling made the Awu people also kneel down one after another.

In the past, following the Lord Priest, one could have meat to eat, clothes to wear, a place to live, and one would not have to worry about getting sick or injured. Now, following the Lord Priest can awaken a god-like ability!

How long has Wu Chen been with the priest? Their future is full of infinite hope and possibility!

Yan Mo regretted, he really shouldn't have taught this kid the word "Master", it sounds like his teeth are sore, he might as well call him a teacher.

Master? Yuan Zhan thought this is a new word? Is it the new name of the priest

Seeing that Wu Chen was still alive and kicking when he used his ability for the first time, Yuan Zhan was also a little jealous. This kid was so lucky. Not only was he discovered and specially cultivated by Mo in advance, but he also received the mysterious blessing from Mo again. The second time was even better, holding back all his abilities.

Yan Mo felt that this was a natural result, and Wu Chen might just be a little less stimulating. Under normal circumstances, if he practiced the elementary training method again, he would still be able to come out with a needle prick.

Ye Xing and Sa Yu all looked at Yan Mo eagerly, they didn't dare to follow Wu Chen's call of Master, let alone kneel down.

The last time they knelt in the snow, the adults got very angry and said that they would never teach them again next time. My lord said that he had already considered accepting them as disciples, but because of what happened last time, my lord made their test time longer and made the test subjects more difficult, woo woo!

Not only the two children, but many Awu people are looking at Yan Mo eagerly and eagerly. Everyone wanted to step forward and ask the priest to bless them. They didn't want to be able to throw sparks immediately like Wu Chen, as long as they had a chance.

They are also from the Awu tribe just like Wuchen. Wuchen can become a warrior of the gods and awaken the power of blood. Is it possible for them

Yan Mo looked at those eager eyes, not wanting to be self-defeating, and said directly: "Wu Chen is very talented, and he has been studying with me all the time, and his performance satisfies me, so I don't hesitate to spend my vitality and the gift of the ancestor god to bless him. It is also possible for him to inspire his bloodline ability today. But such blessings cost me a lot, and the blessings of the ancestor gods are not acceptable to everyone. If the blessings are given indiscriminately, the ancestor gods will definitely send down punishment who give me and give me blessings."

Yuan Zhan could hear that Yan Mo's tone was a bit wrong, the man was still very energetic just now, but after such a short time, his voice was full of fatigue.

Yan Mo's abnormality was finally noticed by the Awu people.

Wu Chen didn't speak, only tears flowed more fiercely. If Master wasn't here to bless him, how could he be so tired

Seeing the obvious disappointment in the eyes of the Awu people, Yan Mo paused, "Others... are not without opportunities, but the nine rules also stated that only those who have contributed to the tribe, or those who have studied and worked well at ordinary times, can have a chance." Rewarded. Today, the two people whose names I reported came forward, although I cannot help you awaken your bloodline ability, but I will give you the blessing of life. And if your own bloodline is relatively strong, it is not impossible to awaken it."

Hearing this, all the Awu people were refreshed. They still remember the blessing of life that the priest gave them for the first time. Although I heard that they cannot be rewarded to activate the bloodline ability, it is good to get the blessing of life from the priest. What's more, the priest also said that if the blood is strong, they might have a chance to become warriors of the gods!

Everyone was looking forward to it, waiting for their names to be called, and even the old witches stared at Yan Mo eagerly.

Yan Mo called two people, one was an old clan witch, and the other was Shi Dong, a warrior who had discovered and told where the gelatinous mud was.

The two were ecstatic. Especially Shi Dong, who was so happy that he seemed to be thrown into his arms by a goddess who fell from the sky.

The others looked disappointed and envious as they walked up to the platform, but no one expressed dissatisfaction with them.

The old witch is getting old, and his vitality was absorbed just now. Without the blessing of the priest, he might not survive this spring. He was selected, which was expected by everyone.

Shi Dong's selection made everyone a little surprised, but they were not surprised. Everyone can see the role of colloidal mud in city construction. Who told people to be lucky? In terms of contribution to the tribe, Shi Dong, who discovered the colloidal mud, has indeed contributed more than everyone else.

Yan Mo stretched out his hand, and the old witch automatically lowered his head and placed it under Yan Mo's palm.

Yan Mo, " don't have to do that, just give me your hand."

The old witch quickly stretched out his withered palm, and wiped it on his body before stretching it out.

Yan Mo held his hand, "Wu Cheng, you wholeheartedly heal and pray for the clansmen, and you usually listen to the orders of me and the leader. You have done a good job in everything that is arranged for you. As a reward, I will bless you with my life. I hope you can become my right-hand man in the future, and work hard with me and the leader to build a better tribe."

"Yes, my lord!" Wu Cheng wanted to kneel down, but was held back by Yan Mo.

After a while, changes visible to the naked eye appeared on the old witch.

But Wu Chen and Yuan Zhan took a step forward together, as if they wanted to stop Yan Mo.

The old witch was obviously old after being deprived of his vitality, but now he is recovering a little bit, and even his gray hair has begun to turn black.

The opposite is Yan Mo, his face is more fatigued, and more than half of his half-finger-long black hair has begun to turn white.

The Awu tribe didn't notice it when they were far away, but Wu Chen and Yuan Zhan could see it clearly.

The old witch also noticed this change when he opened his eyes. He was excited by the lightness and comfort of his whole body. He was about to raise his legs and kick his feet to show that he was not old yet, but when he saw Yan Mowu turned After Bai, his face darkened, he knelt down on the ground.

The Awu people didn't know what happened, but the old witch's straight back made them understand that the priest's blessing had taken effect. But why did the old witch suddenly kneel down

"Master!" Wu Chen cried out, but Shi Dong was not allowed to step forward.

Seeing the priest like that, Shi Dong didn't dare to go forward, and shouted in a low voice in panic, "What's wrong with the priest? I, I, I don't want to bless you, as long as you get better!"

Yuan Zhan walked back and picked up Yan Mo, with an ugly expression on his face, he yelled at the audience: "Enough! That's it for today! The priest has done enough for you!"

Ye Xing and Sa Yu also cried out. As children, they don't know what it means for a man to cry without flickering. They can only cry loudly when they feel scared and anxious and unable to vent their emotions.

As soon as the three children cried, things gradually spread.

Standing in the front row, Mu Changming and the others also saw Yan Mo's suddenly graying hair, and even saw his gray and lifeless face. When he was picked up by the leader, the priest's limbs were weak.

"grown ups!"

Yuan Zhan was filled with cold and murderous aura, no one dared to come within three meters of them, everyone followed Yuan Zhan until he carried Yan Mo into the tent.

The Awu people stood outside the tent for a long time, refusing to leave. There are too many things that happened today, and they still can't fully digest them.

The original joy of Wu Chen becoming a warrior of the gods became less exciting after the fall of the priest.

At the end of the fierce walk, he walked to the earth platform, looked down at the old woman curled up on the ground, and raised the corners of his lips, as if mocking.

Duofei hugged herself tightly, the tears she shed earlier had already frozen on her face.

He walked over, walked back, squatted down, and hugged the extremely old and ugly woman.

If this continues, the woman will freeze to death. He told himself this way, he didn't feel sorry for this woman, he just... didn't want the priest's plan to go to waste!

Xiao Mo hit her like that, but he didn't kill her, and he didn't let someone throw her out, didn't he just want her to die

Turning around abruptly, running in the opposite direction from the crowd, he carried the woman and walked towards the small tent assigned to her.

Duo Fei didn't dare to use her abilities to restore herself immediately. Although she looked so old that she was about to die, she knew everything that happened outside.

She bit her lip as she sprinted towards her.

Great resentment erupted in her heart as she slammed past her.

When Meng came back and picked her up, she grabbed Meng's fur coat and cried loudly.

The cold wind is still bitter, but the ice and snow have begun to melt, and the tenacious weeds can't wait to push the soil to breathe the breath of spring...