Banished to Another World

Chapter 88: Cheeky dwarves? Sick of the original war?


Yuan Zhan followed Yan Mo to the dwarves.

"Daze and them have tried to get close to them twice, but their language is different from ours. See if you can understand their words." Yuan Zhan saw that the weapons in the hands of the dwarves were drooping, and he raised his hand and pressed it down. .

The sight was poor in the heavy rain, and a warrior who followed Yuan Zhan was responsible for delivering the leader’s message. When he saw Yuan Zhan’s gesture, he immediately raised his spear towards the dwarf again, and the people behind him followed suit. In this way, one by one, they all put away their spears.

Lang Lang said to Elder Chacha beside him: "Look, I said they are not hostile."

Elder Chacha rolled his eyes.

Lang Lang suddenly pointed at Yan Mo, "That person must have a different status. The things he sits on are very interesting, and I want to have one too."

"Do you want everyone to carry you away? Dreaming!" Elder Cha Cha vetoed it.

"But it gave me a lot of inspiration, we can modify this thing, use it to carry food, carry the injured, and use it to transport heavy things. Do you think they will send me one of these things? "

"Patriarch! Now is not the time to think about these things, they are here!"

Seeing the giants walking up the dirt hill through the mud, Lang Lang turned around and shouted.

The old, weak, sick and disabled of the Momo tribe all retreated to the back of the line when they heard the voice.

And all the dwarves who were sitting on the ground stood up, some scattered around the patriarch, and some surrounded the clansmen who had no fighting power.

Yuan Zhan raised his hand.

The procession stops. After a long period of training, these Awu warriors have now learned how to communicate and execute instructions most quickly in bad weather, so even if the order to stop came suddenly, they did not panic in the scene where the people behind bumped into the people in front.

The distance between the two sides is about ten meters.

The heavy rain blocked the line of sight, but Yan Mo roughly counted the number of dwarves, there were about two hundred of them.

Lang Lang walked out from the crowd, Elder Chacha and two warriors followed closely behind him.

Yuan Zhan also came out, the guards and warriors did not move, they had received orders from the leader before they came, and everything was focused on protecting the priest.

Lang Lang looked up at Yuan Zhan who was striding over, and said loudly: "Hey, big man, don't come here again, I don't want to talk to your thigh!"

Yuan Zhan communicated with the dwarves for the first time, he heard the strong dwarf standing at the front say something to him, but he didn't understand, he also shouted in nine original language: "Little dwarfs, where are you from? What do you want to do here?"

The corner of Yan Mo's mouth twitched when he heard the original words later, maybe his first job when he went back was to teach their leader the language skills first, but what the dwarf said was not civilized at all.

Fortunately, the dwarfs didn't understand Yuan Zhan's words.

Lang Lang said that not being able to communicate was very painful, but even if he wanted to use pictures to represent this damn heavy rainy day, he still had some difficulties.

Yuan Zhan was waiting to see if the other party had any clan witch figures similar to Mo.

Lang Lang considered that he was here to ask for help, so he continued gesticulating and said, "Big guys, we hope to go up to your mountain to shelter from the rain. In exchange, we can give you some combs. Oh, look at your mess. hair, the rain made them worse."

Sure enough, races with rich and fluent languages are not... simple. Yan Mo murmured in his heart, trying to cover the accommodation expenses of more than 200 people with just a few combs, this is no longer shrewd, but cunning, the dwarf must also take this opportunity to find out where their bottom line is, and by the way, he also wants to use this to test What about their IQ

The behavior of the dwarves reminded him of people from some so-called advanced countries in the original world who went to explore the primitive tribes and exchanged a one-yuan plastic lighter for a pile of priceless gems.

Perhaps in the eyes of primitive tribesmen, the value of a plastic lighter is even higher than those gems that cannot be eaten or used. Go for a more useful plastic lighter.

But the problem is that he is not a primitive aborigine who knows nothing, and his values have already formed, so when he heard that someone wanted to exchange a few combs for the long-term accommodation of 200 people, he was even more irritated than funny— Is he being treated as an old hat by the aborigines

Yuan Zhan seemed to sneer when he heard his priest, but he didn't hear Mo speak. He didn't know whether Mo didn't understand what the dwarves said, or he had other plans. In the end, he chose to remain silent for the time being.

A group of giants kept silent in front of them, without a smile on their faces, and it was still raining heavily in the cold. Lang Lang and the other dwarves expressed that they were under a lot of pressure.

"Well, I thought you were a group of smart people, but you are obviously just a group of idiots who don't know how to express and communicate." Lang Lang sighed, pulled his beloved comb from his hair, and took a few steps forward. He raised his hand to Yuan Zhan.

Yuan Zhan took the comb and glanced at it casually. This comb, which was silently called, looked more refined than the one I picked up last time. The teeth of the comb were very even and smooth, and the back of the comb was carved with exquisite vines.

"Hey, did you see it? Do you like it? Show it! Do you want more?" Lang Lang wiped the rain from his face and asked urgently.

Yuan Zhan inserted the comb into his belt. When Mo's hair grows long, this comb can be used. Then continue to look at Lang Lang silently.

"Hey! Big man, you can't just take my comb without saying anything!" Lang Lang jumped up and waved his hand, "Hey, talk, didn't you just talk? Oh, my God, Maybe you are not hostile, but your heads are obviously harder than rocks!"

Lang Lang turned his head back and said sadly to Elder Chacha and the others: "That idiot took my comb and didn't plan to return it to me. Are we going to declare war on them?"

Elder Chacha really wanted to cover his face to show that he didn't know the person in front of him. He really wanted to change to a more normal patriarch, but the other elders and clansmen disagreed.

Just when the dwarves didn't know what to do, another elder emerged from the crowd.

When Elder Chacha saw this, Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, there was someone in the clan who could control the clan leader and was more reliable.

"Lord Zuwu." Lang Lang and Elder Chacha saluted the elder together. Zuwu was the most special existence among their dwarves. Although they were also elders, both the patriarch and other elders would respect them very much.

Elder Zu Wu with long braids was a very beautiful female dwarf. She nodded to Yuan Zhan, handed the newly carved wooden board to Yuan Zhan, and then looked up at Yan Mo who was sitting on the chair.

Elder Zu Wu clenched his fists and bumped them up and down, with his left hand on top and his right hand on the bottom, placing them vertically in front of his chest, and nodded to Yan Mo at the same time. This is the etiquette of the dwarves.

"Dear shaman, your divine power cannot be concealed even by the tears of the water god. I am the ancestral shaman of the Momo tribe, Katie."

Listen, this is the beginning of the exchanges between the two "countries"! Yan Mo sat up straight, pressed his right fist to his left chest, and nodded in return, while staring at the dwarf less than one meter tall.

What's the matter with the other party saying that he can feel his divine power? Why would Katie go over the original battle and talk to him directly? Because they are all witches

Seeing that Yan Mo just returned the salute but didn't speak, Katie was a little disappointed. She didn't expect the giant wizard to understand her words, but she hoped that the other party would take the initiative to do something.

"Before the snow fell, the spirits of the ancestors whispered to me that the blood of the gods appeared in the land of the mountain gods. The danger was approaching, and greed devoured everything. I thought the spirits of the ancestors were telling us that the danger came from the blood of the gods. But not long ago Those monsters attacked us, and I know the danger refers to them. When I asked the ancestor spirits for help again, they pointed in this direction. Respected witches, my family is asking for your help, if you will help us through During this difficult time, our clan will definitely repay you."

Katie thought that since the other party couldn't understand, she told the truth, and this would make her request look more sincere.

Ancestral spirits? Does it mean that the ancestral witches of the dwarves can communicate with the ghosts of the dwarf ancestors? Are there really ghosts in this world? Or some kind of conscious energy body

Yan Mo carefully deliberated on Katie's narrative, trying to find out more information about the ability of this ancestor witch and the dwarves.

From the analysis of Katie's words, the muttering of the dwarf ancestor spirits is not like a prophecy, but rather like they have picked out the key points and content related to the safety of the dwarves and told the ancestor witch what they have seen, and then any It is up to the ancestral witch to analyze and understand it himself.

Yuan Zhan over there has also seen clearly the content engraved on the wooden board, which is a simple but clear stick figure.

In the painting, a group of dwarves walked into the city, and a dwarf gave something to the giant, and the giant already held some fruits and strange items in his hands.

Yuan Zhan walked back to Yan Mo's side and handed him the plank.

Yan Mo lowered his head and glanced briefly, then looked up at Katie and the group of dwarves again.

"They probably want to exchange with us and let us take them in. The same thing happened in the original tribe before. Usually we would ask for food or slaves, but a group of dwarf slaves? What can they do when they are so young?" Yuan Zhan's tone was extremely disgusting, "Can you understand them?"

"Yes. And don't underestimate the dwarf, concentration is the essence."

"What?" Yuan Zhan didn't understand.

Yan Mo didn't explain either, he asked the guards to lift him closer to the dwarves, he didn't have such a loud voice, and he didn't carry his voice so far in the heavy rain.

The dwarves all looked at each other and whispered to each other when they saw the strange giant who was not a boy and an old man not an old man sitting on that strange thing approaching them.

Elder Chacha asked Katie respectfully: "Lord Zuwu, is that man a clan witch of the giant clan?"

"It's very possible that his status is high among those big men, but he doesn't look as strong as those big men. Then he is either the patriarch or the clan witch, or at least an elder." Katie said her analysis.

Lang Lang stared at Katie with extremely enthusiastic eyes, but said something very serious, "Those big guys should understand what we mean after seeing your painting. Do you think they will agree?"

"I don't know. It's a pity that we don't speak the language with them. It will take some time to communicate."

Chacha looked at the tribe worriedly, "Although our bodies are strong, I am afraid that the children will get sick after being exposed to the rain for such a long time."

"I'm also worried about your children." A voice that sounded very comfortable suddenly entered the ears of the dwarves.

Katie, Lang Lang and Elder Chacha turned around and looked at Yan Mo in surprise.

The dwarves who were talking in low voices raised their heads in shock when they heard this sentence.

Yan Mo consciously made his voice more gentle, "So let's go to the city to shelter from the rain. I think you must really want a safe, dry, and warm place to recover your body temperature. It's best to have a bowl of hot water." Steaming thick broth?"

Many of the dwarves swallowed their saliva. They hadn't eaten anything for a whole day.

Fire, hot soup, shelter from the rain, those are the things they crave most now.

"You, you... can you understand us? You still speak our language? No, your pronunciation is wrong, but why can I understand what you are saying?" Katie was so shocked that her eyes widened.

The other dwarves also had disbelief on their faces.

Seeing the shocked appearance of the dwarves, the Awu warriors puffed up their chests together, full of pride. They can't understand, but they can see what the other person's expression means.

Yuan Zhan smiled triumphantly, only I have such a priest! The God of the Earth must have found his descendant very pleasing to the eye, so he would let him pick up Mo.

Yan Mo smiled, "Because I am a priest of the Jiuyuan Tribe. Dear Elder Katie, I know you have a lot of questions, and I do the same. Let us go back to the city to settle down. The tribe has just been established, and the city is still very simple, but the settlement There's still room for you."

This is the advantage of building such a large city ahead of time. A large number of temporary visitors will not be able to vacate the place to live. Just the turrets on the city wall and the four towers, if you squeeze in, it will definitely not be a problem to live in two hundred dwarves.

That night, a total of 206 dwarves lived in the north tower and turret under Yan Mo's arrangement.

The dwarves already knew that Yan Mo could understand what they said, so they didn't hide any more - when they thought the other party couldn't understand, they had already leaked a lot.

Yan Mo learned all about the death and escape of the dwarves from the chief Lang Lang and Zu Wukadi.

First of all, when Katie communicated with the spirits of the ancestors, they were reminded of the danger. They made preparations, but because they didn't know where the danger came from or who would bring them danger, they were not fully prepared.

Then winter came, and a large group of hungry little monsters rushed into the forest. They were meat-loving. After killing a few dwarves by chance, they even targeted the Momo tribe living in the edge of the forest. These monsters could not only climb trees, They can also drill holes, and their learning ability is particularly strong. They saw that the Momo tribe used wood as weapons, and they imitated them quickly.

After that, the dwarves fled to the edge of the forest, while resisting the attacks of those monsters, they went out to look for food. At this time, Katie communicated with the spirits of the ancestors again and received instructions to flee to the northeast. So the dwarves spent a lot of time digging a tunnel leading to the northeast grassland from the edge of the forest. They dug from deep winter until a month ago, and in order to confuse those greedy monsters, they also dug Quite a few other short authentic.

Later, when the rainstorm came, the water in the underground caves could not be drained out, so the dwarves had to leave the more hidden caves and escape to the trees. The dwarves thought that the monsters would also go to hide from the rain during the rainstorm, but it turned out that those little monsters were Attack them in the rain.

In desperation, the dwarves had no choice but to temporarily abandon their homeland. After discussion, they were divided into two groups. One group fled to the depths of the forest to seek help from other dwarves, and the other group attracted those monsters to hunt them down and use The tunnel dug before escaped from the ground to the edge of the forest and fled into the grassland.

The next night, Yuan Zhan, who came back from a busy day, asked Yan Mo: "Did the caves they escaped be blocked by some special method? I strengthened the defense and patrol last night, but I haven't seen those caves until now." The little monster chased it out."

"I asked them about this." Yan Mo said: "Katie didn't tell me the secret that the dwarves are good at digging holes, but she also reassured us, saying that the holes they dug and don't use will be blocked, and those little monsters can't Find here."

"If that's the case, how come they couldn't get rid of those little monsters in the forest and insisted on escaping here?"

Yan Mo gave him a thumbs up, "I asked the same question. Katie said that they plugged the hole very quickly, but it took time to dig the hole. It also took most of the winter to dig the hole where they fled here. .And I think they don't dig tunnels deep into the forest, except that the roots of the trees are entangled underground, and it is difficult to dig holes without damaging the roots, and they probably don't want to lead those monsters to other dwarves."

Yuan Zhan said that he would continue to observe the dwarves, and asked Yan Mo to pay more attention to the secrets of their digging.

The dwarves, who thought they were very sincere, quickly lost the shyness and reserve of the guests after explaining everything, and started wandering around the Jiuyuan tribe on the third day after they came.

"What is this?" Elder Chacha asked impatiently.


Lang Lang: "What is it for?"

"It is used to protect the residents and resist foreign enemies."

Katie has more questions, "Why is it built like this? What is the opening for? How are these turrets and towers built? Can it be done by just adding bricks to the top? Why is the city wall so thick and high? That moat…”

Yan Mo was tired of answering, and directly put on an expression that this is a secret of the tribe that cannot be revealed.

"My lord priest, please answer one more question! What kind of material did you use? Why is it so strong?" Dede and Geget asked questions, and even took out the stone pickaxe they got from the little monster and threw it at the wall. and smashed on the ground.

Yan Mo raised his eyebrows, and the guard was furious.

The patrolling Awu warrior happened to see it, and rushed up to lift Dede and Gege up.

The Awu warrior was very angry, Elder Chacha covered his face, Lang Lang and Katie turned their heads and pretended not to see it, Yan Mo said kindly: "Everyone be gentle when beating, and the medicinal materials are also very precious."

So the Awu warrior who was angry that Dede and Gege tried to destroy the city wall "lightly" beat the two dwarves.

Although the dwarves were beaten, they were full of great interest and enthusiasm for the whole city. Even the heavy rain outside couldn't stop them from exploring, let alone some flesh injuries.

Because the city had just been built and there was nothing inside, Yan Mo was not afraid of them seeing it, so he let them visit and study.

From the conversation and contact with the dwarves, he has found that although these dwarves are a little too familiar, they are really not ordinary smart. Communicating is much easier than communicating with the Awu people.

While the dwarves were observing the Jiuyuan tribe, the residents of the Jiuyuan tribe and Yan Mo were also observing them.

Gradually, Yan Mo had an idea. One day, he asked Wu Chen and Meng to deliberately discuss the production of the suspension bridge in front of the dwarves. The model they made last time failed. This is the second attempt after correction. As expected, Gege and Dede passing by were attracted by the novelty of the suspension bridge, and quickly threw their hearts into it.

Wu Chen suddenly felt a sense of crisis. He began to study more diligently, automatically reduced sleep and exercise time, and almost forgot to sleep and eat to study the making of the suspension bridge, trying to come up with a feasible solution before the dwarves.

Yan Mo quickly discovered that something was wrong with the only disciple, and quickly stopped his irrational competition behavior.

"Your specialty is not here. I was really short of manpower before, so I let you and Meng take charge of this matter. But just like Meng is more suitable to be a warrior and warrior leader, you are more suitable to be a comprehensive manager As an operator, he minored in medicine and arithmetic, and if he wants to be a good manager, force is also essential. Remember, no matter what you do in the future, you must ensure daily sleep, three meals, and warrior training. If you fail , or if you behave like this again, I will throw you into Qingyuan Lake to feed the mermaid!"

Wu Chen nodded seriously, and then smiled foolishly. Master is caring about him!

Yan Mo casually slapped the stupid disciple on the back of the head, and when his palm touched Wu Chen's hair, he realized that he was still in the punishment period, but it was too late to stop.

Wu Chen felt that his whole body was once again immersed in that warm and comfortable feeling, and soon, all the discomfort accumulated in the past few days disappeared.

"Master!" Wu Chen was moved to tears.

Yan Mo also wanted to cry, another waste! But what Yan Mo didn't expect was that he not only wasted a chance to pretend to be a magic stick and give grace, but his stupid disciple also tricked him by the way.

Yuan Zhan also noticed what was wrong with Wu Chen in the past few days, but now when he looked at the boy who was walking towards him with a happy face, he felt that his face was no longer tired like when he saw him in the morning, and he no longer dragged his feet when walking. The footsteps and eye circles are no longer dark.

Seeing Yuan Zhan, Wu Chen immediately stopped and saluted.

"You just came out from Mo's place?" Yuan Zhan asked him.

"Yes." Wu Chen was honest, and he was more afraid of Yuan Zhan. After hearing his question, he immediately said everything that should be said and should not be said. After speaking, he still did not forget to stab his master with a knife, and said with a genuine expression of emotion: "Master is so kind to me. He blessed me twice in such a short period of time. He told me not to speak out. Of course I won't!" But telling the leader certainly doesn't count.

He was just skeptical just now, but he didn't expect...! Yuan Zhan gripped the wooden spear so tightly that it broke in the palm of his hand, so he could not resist kicking the boy who had taken advantage of the opposite side to the bottom of the city wall.

On the same day, Yan Mo discovered that Yuan Zhan also started to feel wrong.

After Gege and Dede, the dwarves discovered that Yan Mo was teaching the children of the Awu nationality. Many people came uninvited, and the very cheeky people squeezed into the "classroom" with a slate and a charcoal pencil.

The children and teenagers of the Awu nationality rejected them at first, and the language barrier caused many misunderstandings between the two tribes. In just three or five days, there were more than three or five fights.

Patriarch Lang Lang and the elders of the dwarves said that children need to do more hands, and the brain can be more active if they do more hands, and the hands referred to here also include fighting. As for the fact that many of the dwarves who did the work were not children, they pretended not to see it, and would retort when asked: Come on, your five-year-olds are as tall as us, and it would be unfair for your six-year-olds to beat us up!

It was very hard for Yan Mo to hold back his laughter. Seeing that his students didn't suffer, he didn't care. He just asked Wu Chen to coordinate the relationship between the students and the dwarves intentionally or unintentionally.

The dwarves are not just taking advantage, they like to give combs to others. After staying for ten days, the Awu people basically have a special wooden comb made by the dwarves.

"Mo..." Suddenly, Ai Ai moved closer to Yan Mo's side.

"What's up?"

"Did you fight Zhan?"


"No? I know!" He slapped his thigh fiercely, "Then you must have failed to satisfy him these few days. He is so angry that you can see the black smoke coming from his head twenty miles away!"

Yan Mo, "..."

Shaking his head violently, he looked sympathetic to his brother, "Mo, how long has it been since you let him sleep? Last time I asked him if his ability has grown so fast, is it related to sleeping with you often? In the end, he not only didn't answer me, but also He beat me and my subordinates one by one. These days he came again, always said to train us, and then beat us hard, look at my face, now everyone is walking around when they see Zhan."

Yan Mo, "..."

He suddenly wanted to pat Yan Mo on the shoulder, and then paused in mid-air, "Ah, I forgot, Zhan said you can't touch it now. By the way, is this the reason why you didn't sleep with Zhan? Mo, why can't you let Zhan Human touch? How long will it take to recover? Besides Zhan, I have been waiting for you... What is that word called? By the way, research, when will you be able to study me?"

"Er Meng, Duofei still looks like an old woman, you can sleep well, should I say you are true love?"

"True love? What is that? Why can't I sleep when I become an old woman? Anyway, I can't see at night."

Livestock! Yan Mo signaled to the guards, "Get this guy out."

The two guards walked up to Meng with strange expressions.

Scratching his head violently, he didn't understand why the little priest was suddenly angry.

When he walked out of the city tower, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind. what! He knew, it must be because Xiao Momo couldn't be touched by others, and Zhan couldn't satisfy him, so both of them were very angry, tsk, it's so pitiful.

At night, it was said that Yuan Zhan, who was very angry and extremely irritable, walked into the East Tower with a dark face, and now he and Yan Mo are temporarily living here.

Seeing that Wu Chen was still there, Yuan Zhan pointed at the door.

Wu Chen immediately stood up, looked at Yan Mo first, and after Yan Mo nodded, he saluted the two and left.

Yuan Zhan went over and pressed down the animal skin curtain with stones, before they had time to make wooden doors.

While preparing the medicine, Yan Mo casually said, "Is it uncomfortable? It has been raining for almost 20 days. I heard from the dwarves that the rain will stop in at most three or two days. If you bear with it, The sun will come out."

Yuan Zhan walked up to Yan Mo's side, sat down beside him, stared at him, his eyes were full of urgent longing and almost cruel desire.

Yan Mo couldn't stand being stared at by him, put down his work and looked up at him, "What's the matter with you these days? Do you want me to give you some medicine to clear fire and detoxify?"

"Thirty-one days!"

"You remember wrongly, it is thirty-three days, and I will be able to walk in three days."

"I remember correctly, I haven't touched you for thirty-one days!" Yuan Zhan's expression seemed to be cannibalistic, and he seemed to be patient to the extreme.

"I want to touch you! I want to hug you! I want to touch you! I want to sleep with you!" Yuan Zhan moved his buttocks, and moved closer to Yan Mo with a fist. Now the two are very close.

Yan Mo couldn't go anywhere sitting on the animal skin, and he didn't want to play the discordant game of chasing and crawling, so he said calmly: "Your condition is a disease, the disease is called skin hunger and thirst, and it usually occurs when you are young. People who lack love will get sick."

Speaking of this, he suddenly thought about it, "In this way, I am afraid that more than 90% of the people in this world suffer from this disease." Primitive people don't pay much attention to cuddling and cuddling when raising children, and they often throw them in tents when they were young. In the garden or at the feet of the worker, throw it out and let him play by himself when he grows up, or let the older child take the younger one.

"You said I was sick?" Yuan Zhan said in a strange tone.

"Yes." Yan Mo didn't hear it, he was still thinking wildly.

Yuan Zhan grinned ferociously, raised his hand and stripped himself naked, puffed out his chest, "Then treat me!"