Bank of The Universe

Chapter 115: The leader of scholars!


Tian Guangming finally let Li Xiandao be thrown into the Library of All Nations, so that he could calm down, control his power, and stop complaining about his mother.

Li Xiandao had previously rewarded Michael and others to enter, and this time he also rewarded Tian Guangming with a chance to enter the Library of All Nations.

But it’s just this time. If you want to go in next time, you need to make meritorious deeds.

In Tiandi Bank, Li Xiandao and Xiao Qi were discussing things.

"When do you plan to help Long Mixu become the queen?" Xiao Qi asked.

The contract states that Tiandi Bank must help Long Mixu become the queen.

Li Xiandao said thoughtfully: "How likely is it that you think it is possible to help Long Mixu become the queen with our current strength?"

Xiao Qi thought about it seriously and said, "If you don't take action, there will be no chance of winning."

Li Xiandao nodded and said: "I think so too. Even if I take action and subdue the masters in this world, others will also have their thoughts. The Wanlong Empire is too big. It is impossible for me to pay attention to Wanlong all the time for Long Mixu." Dragon Empire.

Li Xiandao can rush into the palace now and force the emperor to write an abdication edict and declare Long Mixu as his successor.

But is it useful


Li Xiandao heard from Long Mixu before that the selection of emperor of the Wanlong Empire must be approved by the Royal Council of Elders.

This Elder's House is the foundation of the Wanlong Empire. Every generation has many royal masters living in seclusion in it. Unless the Wanlong Empire undergoes great changes, is on the verge of crisis, or changes the throne, they will not appear.

This Elder's House is the core of the Wanlong Empire. If they don't agree, Long Mixu can't be the queen.

And even if she becomes the queen, without the people under her command or the support of the army, she will be ignored and become a puppet queen.

This goes against Li Xiandao's original intention of immortality.

Xiao Qi said thoughtfully: "In other words, Long Mixu must have his own army."

"Since ancient times, political power has come from the barrel of a gun. As long as Long Mixu has an invincible army and officials who can help her manage the world's trivial affairs, a coup can occur. Without these, she wants to be a female emperor, and there is too much resistance. ." Li Xiandao nodded.

"Then how should we help her?" Xiao Qi asked doubtfully.

"Long Mixu's control of the Wanlong Empire is equivalent to my control of the Wanlong Empire, so when necessary, I will give her an invincible army." Li Xiandao seemed to be pointing out something.

"Then there are officials." Xiao Qi said.

Now that we have an army, where are the people who govern the world

The army is suitable for conquering the world, but it is not suitable for governing the world. It still needs a group of literati to support Long Mixu so that she can control the center and regions so that she can control the world and dominate the country.

This needs to be managed slowly.

Li Xiandao waved his hand and said: "There is no rush for now, we have just arrived in the ancient land, everything is unfamiliar, and Long Mixu is still young. When our strength becomes stronger, we will directly support her to ascend the throne."

Xiao Qi nodded obediently and asked, "Then what are we doing now?"

"Forgot our original job?" Li Xiandao asked.

Xiao Qi immediately remembered: "A debt?"

"That's right, most of the things that Dali Land owes us have been repaid, but the Ancient Land has not repaid them at all. Now that we are here, we can't let them live happily." Li Xiandao snorted coldly.

Although Li Xiandao is very strong now, he is still the one who never forgets his original intention!

Debt collection is what Li Xiandao thinks about most at the moment.

Xiao Qi added: "There are many contracts in the ancient land. Except for those whose hosts have died and the contracts are invalid, there are still many contracts waiting for us to deal with."

"What's the most urgent thing?" Li Xiandao asked. He gave this task to Xiao Qi last time, so he didn't read the contract or ignore it.

Xiao Qi immediately took out a contract and handed it to Li Xiandao, saying: "The most urgent thing is of course this contract."

Li Xiandao took the contract and opened it, then looked at Xiao Qi in surprise: "Are you sure?"

"Yes, that's the contract." Xiao Qi nodded.

Li Xiandao looked at the contents of the contract.

"Mortal Zhang Xiaoer borrowed a share of the cultural wisdom of the sages from Tiandi Bank for a period of ten thousand years. After ten thousand years, he will return more wisdom and his own life." Li Xiandao read out.

"Why did this mortal borrow the wisdom of the sages and saints?" Li Xiandao asked in surprise.

This contract is messed up.

Xiao Qi complained: "What this boy longs for most is to study and learn knowledge, but he is also very stupid and cannot succeed at all by studying hard. By a lucky chance, he entered Tiandi Bank and then expressed his request. The previous owner felt that It was very interesting, so I agreed.”

"Very interesting?" Li Xiandao didn't quite understand his ex's mind.

What's the point

What can a mortal give in exchange for the cultural wisdom of sages and saints

"Maybe it's because it would be interesting for a mortal, an illiterate mortal to gain the wisdom of the sages and sages, and then show off his power and show off everywhere." Xiao Qi said helplessly.

"This is his own bad taste!" Li Xiandao sneered.

"Where is this Zhang Xiaoer now?" Li Xiandao asked.

Did Xiaoqi use the power of Tiandi Bank? He started to investigate and said in surprise: "Zhang Xiaoer has become the leader of the Confucian Academy of the Wanlong Empire in the past ten thousand years. He is called a saint by countless people and is the Wenzong of the world."

Li Xiandao asked strangely: "Can you get to the top just by relying on the wisdom of a sage?"

"I don't know, but he should have his own abilities, and he also changed his name." Xiao Qi guessed.

"What's it called?" Li Xiandao asked curiously.

"Zhang Shengren!" Xiao Qi showed a funny smile and held the contract in his arms.

"It's quite straightforward." Li Xiandao smiled, but suddenly he thought of another question.

"This Zhang Xiaoer is the scholar leader of the Wanlong Empire. Is he very famous and surrounded by many people? Many people will listen to his words?" Li Xiandao asked.

"Probably, otherwise I wouldn't be called the leader." Xiao Qi nodded.

"In this case, it seems that we can take advantage of it." Li Xiandao opened the contract and saw the price of breach of contract.

"Once the contract is violated, I am willing to keep my soul as a slave forever, to be driven and enslaved by my master!"

Li Xiandao pointed to the breach of contract and said: "He has already breached the contract. According to this contract, I can now arrest his soul and get back the wisdom of the sages and saints given to him."

"That's right." Xiao Qi nodded.

Li Xiandao smiled strangely and said, "Do you think he would be afraid if he knew someone from Tiandi Bank was coming?"

Xiao Qi was stunned.

"This person will be helpful to Long Mixu's dream of being queen. If he is sensible, I will spare him a life. If not, then we will act in accordance with the contract." Li Xiandao snorted coldly.

The fifth update, I’m a little tired.

(End of chapter)