Bank of The Universe

Chapter 153: New guests! (8)


After killing the invading enemy, Li Xiandao turned around and returned to Tiandi Bank.

The old Taoist priest also came with him.

Li Xiandao thought for a while and focused on all the people currently under his command.

The second conference of Tiandi Bank begins!

President: Li Xiandao!

Secretary: Xiaoqi!

Participants: Battle Angel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Fallen Angel Lucifer, Moon Angel Ursula, Bright God Tian Guangming, Tianxin Monk, Wu Xian'er, Old Taoist Priest, Ramo, Long Mixu, Autumn white.

Li Xiandao told the shocking story and asked the purple-gold armored warrior just now, "Which of you is willing to follow me to eternity?"

Li Xiandao planned to go to the Eternal Land and let him take action personally from a distance. He also sent people to the Ancient Land to kill him. Li Xiandao remembered this revenge.

Furthermore, by going to the eternal land, Li Xiandao can practice quickly.

Including the group of talented people under his command, all of them need to enter eternity before they can fully utilize their talents.

Dali Land and Huanggu Land are too remote and cannot receive much spiritual energy from the Nine Heavens. They are very desolate.

The old Taoist priest stood up first, raised his hands and said, "I will definitely go to eternity."

Li Xiandao nodded, he must be taken with him, it was written in the contract.

"We'll all go too."

Lucifer, Ursula, Michael, Gabriel, Monk Tianxin, Tian Guangming, Qiu Bai, and Wu Xian'er all chose to follow Li Xiandao.

Lamo and Long Mixu shook their heads.

They won't go!

Li Xiandao also understood that Lamo wanted to make arrangements for the Gaoshan tribe, so he would not go.

Long Mixu had just become the queen, and it was even more impossible for her to go to eternity at this time.

"Okay, just La Mo and Long Mixu stay and manage the Wanlong Empire. If you have any trouble, contact me and I will send someone to help you." Li Xiandao nodded and said.

"This boundary-breaking blade?" Ramo asked doubtfully.

The boundary-breaking blade belongs to Li Xiandao and is an immortal weapon. If Li Xiandao leaves now, he must take it with him, right

Li Xiandao shook his head and said: "Immortal weapons are very valuable, but I also have a few in my hand. I will leave the world-breaking blade to you for self-defense."

"By the way, help me manage the world-class teleportation array. When the time comes, you will need your boundary-breaking blade to open the world-class teleportation array." Li Xiandao ordered.

Ramo said seriously: "Promise to complete the task."

Li Xiandao nodded, no longer looking at them, but at Xiao Qi.

"Now that everything is ready, what else are we missing before we leave?" Li Xiandao asked.

He was afraid that he had missed something.

Xiao Qi said calmly: "Of course you can leave the Ancient Land, but if you want to go to the Eternal Land, are there any coordinates?"

Li Xiandao frowned and then remembered that the world-class teleportation array needed coordinates to locate it.

He is in eternity without any coordinates, so they can't go there now.

Li Xiandao frowned and said, "Then we have to think about it carefully."

Just like when Li Xiandao entered the ancient land, he needed someone to help him set a coordinate.

Xiao Qi smiled slightly and said, "I'll help you solve it."

Li Xiandao looked at Xiao Qi in surprise and asked, "How to solve it?"

"I asked the blood-red pocket watch to find a native of Eternal Land in the battlefield of heaven and earth, let her come in to trade, and then help us set a coordinate. That's it." Xiao Qi said slowly.

"Yes, Xiao Qi has made a great contribution this time." Li Xiandao praised Xiao Qi and secretly gave Xiao Qi a thumbs up from below.

Xiao Qi saw it and glanced at it. She was neither happy nor sad, but the corners of her mouth were inexplicably raised, which represented her good mood.

"Then when will this guest come?" Monk Tianxin asked.

"Already here, on the way." Xiao Qi said.

Li Xiandao stood up immediately and said: "The meeting is dismissed!"

The second conference of Tiandi Bank is over!

There were only two people in the trading hall, Xiao Qi and Li Xiandao.

"Xiao Qi, thanks to your carefulness this time, you arranged this guest in advance." Li Xiandao said gratefully.

Xiao Qi felt very grateful to Li Xiandao, but said calmly: "This is my duty."

Li Xiandao didn't care about this and wanted to continue to praise.

Praising a woman more is better than not praising her at all, right

Li Xiandao has never been in love, but he also knows that when you praise others, even if they won't be happy, they won't be angry or conflicted.

Xiao Qi stretched out her hand and said, "The guests are here. I'll tell you what you want later."

It wasn't that she didn't want to hear Li Xiandao's praise, but she was worried that after hearing it, she would feel too happy and unable to maintain her aloof persona.

She is an aloof Xiao Qi, not Xiao Qi who gets so happy after being praised for a few words.

Xiaoqi told herself this in her heart.

The guest came, and to Li Xiandao's expectation, he turned out to be a little girl.

She looks about ten years old, has a pretty face, and is about 1.3 meters tall. She lost her cuteness and gradually became more beautiful.

Wearing a long skirt and walking gracefully, she looked like a woman from a big family.

Li Xiandao sat there, waiting for the girl to come over.

Who would have thought that when the girl came, she bowed to Li Xiandao first, and then said, "Grandpa Immortal, can you really exchange anything here?"

Li Xiandao's face froze.

Not only was his face stiff, but his body was also stiff.

What did he hear

grandfather! ! !

Is Li Xiandao that old

Li Xiandao did not answer, but looked at Xiao Qi and asked with his eyes: "Where did you find this little bastard?"

Xiaoqi shrugged helplessly, saying that he didn't know, it was the pocket watch that he found.

"Grandpa Immortal, why don't you answer me?" The little girl asked cautiously when she saw that Li Xiandao didn't answer.

Li Xiandao was speechless and choked, and then said helplessly: "You get up first. We can indeed exchange anything here, but we need you to come up with enough treasures to exchange it."

The little girl stood up slowly and timidly glanced at Li Xiandao's mask. To a child's eyes, this mask was very scary.

But fortunately, the little girl was strong enough to stand up by herself, sit upright on the chair, and look at Li Xiandao.

"How can you enter the battlefield of heaven and earth when you are so young?" Li Xiandao asked in confusion. The little girl is only in her teens, and her cultivation has only just laid the foundation. She is only in the realm of pioneering wasteland, so how can she enter the battlefield of heaven and earth

"I followed my grandpa into the battlefield of heaven and earth. Please ask the immortal grandpa to save my grandpa." The little girl said anxiously. When she mentioned her grandpa, she became as panicked as a child, and her eyes were filled with tears.

Li Xiandao asked: "What happened to your grandfather?"

"Grandpa is about to die. He was bitten by a poisonous snake. He was in the battlefield of heaven and earth. I couldn't save grandpa, so I smashed the pocket watch." Although the little girl was anxious, she spoke clearly and coherently.

"Your wish is for me to save your grandfather?" Li Xiandao asked.

"Yes, save my grandpa." The little girl nodded firmly.

"Okay, Grandpa Immortal can save your grandpa, but Grandpa Immortal also needs you to do something for me. Will you agree?" Li Xiandao gave up on himself and called himself Grandpa Immortal.

There are still two chapters left. Friends who are sleeping, go to sleep, they will be there when you wake up.

Keep coding hard

(End of chapter)