Bank of The Universe

Chapter 61: City-state battle!


After the four members of Battle Angel Michael obtained the Ancient Dragon Tomb, they have been moving forward cautiously, not causing trouble or conflicts with others, and ensuring that the Ancient Dragon Tomb could be brought back.

But as they walked, they still got into trouble.

They didn't cause the trouble themselves, it was the trouble that trapped them.

We just stopped to rest for a night, because everyone was very tired after traveling for nearly a month and wanted to rest for a night, and then go to the ancient city in one go.

But just after a night's rest, they were trapped on the battlefield!

Looking at the place in the distance, the restrictions were heavy and fell, blocking all directions. Countless people entered this area. Battle Angel Michael and Bai Di Tian Guangming were dumbfounded.

"Why was this place blocked after a night's rest?" Tian Guangming asked in surprise.

Long Haitao also shook his head in confusion and said: "I have entered the battlefield of heaven and earth many times, and I have never encountered such a situation."

"What do these people who enter here want to do?" Long Yun also widened his eyes, feeling that something was in trouble.

How can anyone be weak who can survive in the battlefields of heaven and earth

Saints may be able to rule the roost and become ancestors in Dali, but in the battlefield of heaven and earth, they are nothing at all. They can only be regarded as very ordinary combat power.

After all, saints are also divided into many levels, small saints, great saints, etc...

"Catch someone and come over and ask." Michael said immediately. There was no time to delay. If it was revealed that they had the Ancient Dragon Tomb, endless encirclement and suppression would be waiting for them.

Long Haitao's face turned cold and he said, "Then let me take action. I'll capture a person and question him clearly."

Long Haitao is a saint, but he only took two steps to reach the realm of transcendence.

The little sage takes three steps, enters the void, comes out of the void, and ends up too empty.

Long Haitao has only reached the second step, but he has taken these two steps very successfully, and he may break through the realm at any time and enter the next step.

So he is not weak.

It was best for him to take action. The three of them hid in the forest and looked outside.

The land of thousands of miles was all sealed off. Many people came in and immediately started fighting when they saw each other's identity and camp.

Different camps, when they meet, they take action. No matter whether you are good or bad, kill them first.

This style made Michael frown. They seemed to be caught in a storm and couldn't get out!

Long Haitao was very fast and struck quickly and accurately. He found a lone boy and captured him directly.


Long Haitao threw him to the ground, frowned and asked, "Tell me, what happened here?"

This thin man's cultivation level was very ordinary. He was trembling with fear and said tremblingly: "This is the battlefield of the city-state war. Since you are here, why do you ask me?"

"City-state war, what do you mean?" Michael raised his eyebrows and asked.

"It's the battlefield of heaven and earth that has organized city-state wars from time to time for thousands of years. People from the two ancient cities are called together on the battlefield, choose camps, massacre each other, and win the final victory, and you can get a lot of rewards." The thin man looked at it. Michael, Tian Guangming and others replied trembling with fear.

"What camp?" Tian Guangming asked.

"Lawful, chaotic, neutral!" The thin man replied immediately.

"What camp do you belong to?" Michael asked immediately.

"I am from the lawful camp. We only need to kill the chaotic camp to win, and we also have a castle to protect us." The thin man replied.

"Then according to what you mean, your opponent is the chaotic camp, and there is also a castle in the chaotic camp?" Long Yun speculated.

"That's right!" The thin man nodded.

"What about neutrality? They don't have a city?" Long Haitao asked with a frown, knowing in his heart that something was wrong. They were involved in a dispute.

"Neutral means you can move freely and form alliances at will, but neutrality requires the elimination of people from both the lawful and chaotic parties in order to win and receive rewards." Thin Man explained.

"Is it too difficult to be neutral?" Tian Guangming frowned.

"It's difficult, but the reward is great. Once you succeed, you will get more than the other two groups combined." The thin man said with envy.

"Does this mean that those who have the ability will choose the neutral camp?" Michael suddenly understood the essence.

"Yes, you are much more powerful than me. Are you from the neutral camp?" the thin man asked cautiously.

"We are not neutral!" Tian Guangming replied.

"It's over." The thin man's eyes darkened, and his heart dropped infinitely.

If they were not neutral, and they captured him again, they must be from the Chaos camp!

This time he is dead!

The thin man is mourning for himself!

"We are not from the Chaos camp!" Long Haitao said amusedly. Seeing how scared the thin man was, he never thought of killing him.

"It's not neutrality, nor chaos. Then we are on the same team. Could it be that you want to kill your own people and then seize the treasure?" The thin man immediately thought of his own way of death.

"We are not from the lawful camp either!" Michael said lightly.

The thin man was dumbfounded. He looked at the four Michaels, looked left and right, and asked cautiously: "Excuse me, the great gods, who are you?"

"For those of you who have nothing to do with it, we rested here last night and didn't go there. But when I woke up today, I found that the weather here had changed, so I caught you and asked about the situation." Long Yun said.

"That's it. It scares me to death. Just keep asking. I'll tell you everything." The thin man said with a sigh of relief.

"How to leave this so-called city-state war?" Michael asked immediately.

The thin man scratched his head and said: "Those who come in and choose a camp should not be able to leave. They must wait until the city-state war is over and the result is determined before they can leave."

"We did not come in voluntarily, but were sealed in here." Tian Guangming emphasized.

"Also, we are not participating in this so-called city-state war. We have very anxious things to deal with and must go out." Michael added.

The thin man thought about it carefully and said, "If you really want to go out, then end this city-state war as soon as possible."

"What do you mean?" Tian Guangming asked confused.

"Do you want us to kill all the people participating?" Long Haitao frowned.

"Of course not, don't think so." The thin man broke into a cold sweat because he was frightened. How could he harm himself

"What I mean is that you can destroy the castle of the lawful camp, and then destroy the castle of the chaotic camp. When both castles are demolished, the war will be nearing the end. Only then will you have a chance to go out, because If the castle is destroyed, the barrier will be weak." The thin man immediately told the solution.

"You can give it a try, but I just don't know how powerful they are." Michael said immediately.

"How long will this city-state war be held in the past?" Tian Guangming asked.

"Three years at least, ten years at most!" the thin man said immediately.

"Let's go and destroy the castle!" Tian Guangming said nothing, pulling Michael to destroy the castle.

Today’s first update, please recommend, collect, and reward, thank you all.

(End of chapter)