Bastard Male Wife

Chapter 16: Don't refuse me


Chu Mu was very quiet.

With cold lips, slightly frowned eyebrows, and tightly closed eyes, under the faint candlelight, the whole person is very fragile.

But Xie Tingyue knew that the illness could imprison this person's body, but not his soul. He is strong, tenacious, and will not admit defeat.

He will never have an accident at such a time, and he will definitely survive!

Thinking about it this way, self-confidence is self-confidence, the frequency of the heartbeat... Xie Tingyue can't control it.

He held Chu Mu's hand.

This hand is very big, with slender joints, glowing with jade-like warmth, it is very beautiful, it does not look like a patient's hand at all, but its temperature... is frighteningly cold.

Are you scared


It was like standing on a thick ice surface, with the howling north wind blowing by, and he was alone in the world, not knowing where he was or where he was going, hesitant and at a loss. Unknowingly, the apex of my heart seemed to be pierced by something sharp, and the whistling north wind poured in, making it cold and painful.

Xie Tingyue lowered her eyes, he was afraid of this kind of emotion, and didn't like the state of uncontrolled heartbeat.

When I woke up that day and made the decision to have this marriage, I expected this situation, didn't I? For this reason, I have carried out more than one drill in my mind. I have imagined how to deal with emergencies, how to deal with them gracefully and gracefully, and why do I still panic when I actually face them


Small lights burst out from the candle, which was especially loud in the quiet night.

The wind blew, and the candle shadow swayed slightly.

Xie Tingyue was shocked, and suddenly remembered that this scene should have happened earlier.

There was an accident in the big wedding in the previous life, and Chu Mu passed out firmly. He didn't go to Dr. Ling's clinic, nor did he come out properly. Instead, he was directly carried back to Chu's house. It was more than two months before the crisis was turned into safety... He knew that, so he made a plan before getting married, and was ready to face the comatose Chu Mu directly, but Chu Mu didn't pass out that day.

Not only did he not faint, but he seemed to be in good spirits. He helped him a lot and made a lot of jokes.

Everything went smoothly, and my nervousness took over, and in the panic, I forgot about it.

It's true that Chu Mu was seriously ill and weak, and it would definitely be affected by sudden accidents. This could there be no danger

No, no, no, Xie Tingyue shook her head vigorously. Of course it's a good thing if there is no danger. You can't curse someone else's body and be reborn. He is no longer the original him, so how can he expect everything to be exactly the same as in his previous life


It was too embarrassing for me to be tricked in my previous life. As a husband who entered into a marriage contract, Chu Mu couldn't stand the stimulation, so he fainted

My family is weak and weak, but I can live well.

Thinking about it this way, Xie Tingyue felt even more uncomfortable.

Falling into his stepmother's tricks, showing his ugly face, was absolutely not what he wanted. Others almost had their lives in danger because of his behavior, and it was even more... not what he wanted.

The night was silent, and the charcoal stove warmed people up. Xie Tingyue held the hand of Chu Mu who had calmed down, her thoughts flowed, and before she knew it, her consciousness was hazy, and she fell asleep.

He dreamed of Chu Mu.

The person in the dream is very strange, as the reality is so laughable and gentle, the dream is as icy and tough as it is.

Chu Mu didn't sit in a wheelchair, but stood on two feet, with a handsome posture and a tall figure, obviously not a little fat, but the pressure on people was like a mountain.

Probably because of his tall stature, his eyes drooped slightly when he looked at people, giving him a sense of aggression. Xie Tingyue noticed that his pupils were very light in color, like transparent glass, with an expressionless face and a tight neckline. There was a rush of Huanghuang prestige.

He said-

"It's right here, don't go. If you dare to take a step, your feet will be tied."

"You can only look at me, not others."

Every word is an order, with paranoia and domineering that cannot be refused.

Xie Tingyue was a little scared, and subconsciously took a step back. With just one step, Chu Muzhen tied him up, grabbed his wrist, and trapped him in a corner.

"Don't refuse me."

"Don't leave me."

"I'm dead, I'm not allowed to remarry."

Chu Mu's palm was very hot, his Adam's apple was beautiful, and the distance was too close, as if he would kiss him the next moment.

"Don't forget me!"

Xie Tingyue's eyes widened suddenly, he really kissed her!

Chu Mu used his tall body, chains and powerful arms to press him against the corner of the wall, bowed his head and kissed him very hard and deeply.

"... Remember?" The other party gasped, as if a fierce beast had been locked in the bottom of his eyes, "If you don't listen, I will - kill Xie Tingxing!"

Xie Tingyue woke up suddenly.

Look around, his waist is almost weak, why did he have such absurd dream!

"woke up?"

A hoarse voice sounded beside her ears, Xie Tingyue tilted her head, and met Chu Mu's eyes, which were warm and moist, as if there were tides rising and falling, and her smile was gentle.

have a laugh...

Right, this is Chu Mu.

Xie Tingyue's consciousness has not been completely withdrawn from the dream, she stared blankly at Chu Mu... with her lips close to her eyes, her face was a little red.

Chu Mu raised his eyebrows slightly: "Madam looks at me like this again, I might not be able to bear it."

For a moment, Xie Tingyue felt that the way Chu Mu looked at her was not right, it was too deep, too thick, and she couldn't understand...

This man suffered from a serious illness and almost passed it, how dare he be blind and poor!

Xie Tingyue sullenly said, very sincerely: "If you were not a patient, I would have killed you long ago."

"In front of me, madam don't have to bear it."

Chu Mu raised his eyebrows, and there was a dark light in the bottom of his eyes, which seemed to be a pity.

What a pity, didn't get beaten!

Xie Tingyue rolled her eyes in her heart, she didn't have the same knowledge as this guy, and turned to the table: "Thirsty? Have some hot water?"

"Thank you ma'am."

Probably the medicine was very powerful, and after waking up for a while, Chu Mu's spirit visibly improved: "What time is it?"

"It's almost dawn, you haven't slept for long." Xie Tingyue's voice was slightly soft, with a sense of comfort, "Is it better? Are you still uncomfortable?"

Chu Mu was silent for a long time, then looked at Xie Tingyue: "You are always by my side... have you seen everything?"

Xie Tingyue nodded: "You are seriously ill and need someone to take care of you."

"At home, do you understand?"

Chu Mu meant something.

Of course, Xie Tingyue knew that Chu Mu had a special status in the Chu family because of his background, but also because he might die at any time, everyone had already expected it and gave up. The young master of the Chu family was not the favorite here, he died as soon as he died, and no one was seriously sad.

As for the back house, it's all drama.

The two of them want to live a good life, other than taking advantage of their sick and weak identities, they can only use the opportunity...

But the timing of asking this question was too strange, Xie Tingyue suddenly narrowed her eyes: "You - did it on purpose?"

Are you pretending to be sick

Chu Mu paused for a moment, the corners of his lips raised slightly, and the bottom of his eyes rose and fell: "Madam said that about me, I'm so sad."

Xie Tingyue: ...

I really didn't see it.

But the other party's health is really bad, and it is true that he often gets sick. Living is already very hard, who would live a comfortable life, but is willing to be sick and uncomfortable

Xie Tingyue reflected on whether she had any prejudice: "Sorry."

Chu Mu looked at him with a deeper smile on his face.

Xie Tingyue: "What are you laughing at?"

Chu Mu: "Mrs. Xiao is really soft-hearted. People like it and feel distressed."

Xie Tingyue glared at him: "Whose situation is more distressing? Please treat yourself better and don't cause trouble for others!"

Chu Mu raised his eyebrows high, as if he was a little proud: "It's such a trouble, didn't you take it too?"

Xie Tingyue: ...

I'm really sorry, I seem to have let you down!

"Xie Er, save me—because I am your husband, the eldest son of the Chu family, or because I am Chu Mu?"

Xie Tingyue was caught off guard that Chu Mu suddenly asked such a question, and was a little stunned for a moment, isn't it... the same

Chu Mu left this question behind, planted a seed and ignored it, changed the subject willfully, looked out the window and sighed: "Winter is so cold, this time, I don't know how long I can live."

"You will be fine." Xie Tingyue lowered her eyes and covered him tightly with the quilt, "I will protect you well."

The words were very plain, without excitement, and without accent, but somehow it hit my ears and my heart.

Like a casual oath.

Chu Mu froze, Jier laughed.

His chest throbbed with joy.

"Then Mrs. Lao will take care of you for the next few days."

He grabbed Xie Tingyue's hand and pressed it to his face, with a smile in his eyes and a bright stream of light, his voice was lowered like a lover's whisper: "Ma'am, you must watch carefully, there are many bad guys out there, and all kinds of monsters are coveting your husband. Danger."

The warm breath fell on her hand, it was itchy and too ambiguous, Xie Tingyue was so eager to throw Chu Mu out.

I think the most dangerous is you! I'm sick, can you please stop!

Considering that the other party was a sick person and couldn't push, Chu Mu quickly backed away to avoid it—he didn't have eyes at the back of his head, so he didn't know that this retreat would hit the bedpost. Chu Mu saw it and quickly grabbed him.

Xie Tingyue was afraid of hurting him, so she quickly let go of the strength of leaning back, so... being dragged into her arms, the two of them rolled into a ball.

Xie Tingyue was furious.

"Take care of your body for me!"

He simply tied Chu Mu up tightly with a quilt, and threatened with his eyes that he would be beaten if he moved again!