Bastard Male Wife

Chapter 33: There is poison in the tea


Chu Mu's expression suddenly changed, and he grabbed the tea because he remembered something.

Back then!

Perhaps the source of everything is not an accident, but this cup of tea.

He remembered very clearly that in his previous life, he didn't know what He Yuanqi was, and he didn't make any preparations. On the day of Mei Yan, he didn't entertain anyone except his friend Lu Li.

The accident happened not at the current location, but the situation was surprisingly similar. It was also a slightly remote warm pavilion. He was sitting alone. Lu Li was worried about him when he greeted others, so he came over to take a look, and only stayed for a moment to talk to him. He left without even sitting down.

The maid also served tea.

If Lu Li left, the tea would be useless. Qin Ping, who took his order to do things, came back and saw that the other party's lips were very dry, so he gave Qin Ping this clean, untouched tea with a suitable temperature to moisten his throat.

Qin Ping drank tea.

Just at this moment, someone outside the window was making a fuss, fighting violently, dishes and dishes were flying around, and there was a big bowl that flew right here.

Qin Ping protected the Lord and stood in front of him.

He was hit on the head and fainted on the spot.

Qin Ping knew martial arts, generally this kind of situation is unlikely to happen, but the head is a vital part of a person's body, and it is not certain that Xu Zheng just hit something fatal. At that time, he had a sudden illness and couldn't pay attention to more information. When he woke up, he had changed his long-term companion, and Qin Ping died.

The family members and Zuo Zuo were very sure that Qin Ping was just unlucky, he was hit in the back of the head, and there was no time for rescue.

It's not that he didn't have doubts, but he couldn't find out, no matter what.

Now looking at this cup of tea, he suddenly thought that maybe he was poisoned!

People who have been poisoned behave sluggishly, is there any difference between knowing martial arts and not knowing martial arts

Qin Ping had an accident, not long after drinking this cup of tea, the same scene appeared now...

Chu Mu broke out in a cold sweat, and tightly held Xie Tingyue's hand: "Have you drank it? Have you taken this tea yet?"

Xie Tingyue felt strange, but still shook her head: "I didn't even touch my lips..."

Chu Mu immediately let go of his strength and closed his eyes: "Okay... that's great..."

His expression was too wrong, Xie Tingyue tasted it and understood: "This tea - isn't it?"

Chu Mu didn't answer right away, but opened his eyes and looked at the cup of tea carefully.

The color of the soup is normal, the aroma is normal, and the shape and posture of the tea leaves are also normal. It seems that there is no difference... But if you look closely, you will see a faint grayish black at the bottom of the teacup.

A lot of tea leaves are also similar to this color, and there are not many gray and black ones, which still look normal, but at this time, it feels wrong.

Chu Mu poured out the tea in his teacup, poured this cup of tea in, and observed the empty teacup.

The gray-black sediment is still there, use a handkerchief to carefully smear a little, close to the nose—

It doesn't taste right.

It's not a tea fragrance, it has a smell similar to mulch.

Just looking at this posture, Xie Tingyue understood that this tea is poisonous!

The opponent's method turned out to be poisoning!

He immediately turned his head to look at Shangcha's maid.

The little maid stood with her arms folded, not knowing what was going on here, and she wasn't guilty at all. Seeing that Chu Mu was pouring tea and dipping in a handkerchief, she was only a little curious, and took a peek.

So this little maid doesn't know anything? Someone borrowed her hand

Is the problem in question the cup, the tea, or the water

Who can access these

Xie Tingyue thought quickly.

Chu Mu didn't know what the poison was, but he had a vague sense of familiarity, as if he had touched it before, and stayed in front of him for a while.

What is it... The color is strange, this smell, mulch...

Could it be Lanyingcao

Chu Mu's eyebrows were slightly frowned, and his complexion was visibly serious.

That's right, it's Lanyingcao!

Lanyingcao has special properties and can detoxify, but it does not target any kind of poison. Doctors call it tasteless, and it is rarely circulated in the market. It is also poisonous, and it is very safe under normal conditions. It is no problem to touch and eat it. It can become highly poisonous in only one situation—burning to ashes.

The blue yingcao in the ashes state is highly toxic, and the throat is sealed with blood, and the poisoning performance of the deceased is not obvious, just like a sudden sudden death.

Where did the blue yingcao come from

Recently, there will be some on the market, or he collected them and released them on purpose. Is this one of them? Why are you here

Xie Tingyue didn't know what Chu Mu thought of, but—"This cup of tea is for Lu Li."

He had a bad feeling in his heart.

Chu Mu immediately confirmed: "The other party's target is not me, but him."

"Then what are you doing staring at your room?" Xie Tingyue had just finished speaking halfway before she understood, "They want to search for something related to Lu Li."

Chu Mu's eyes fell silent: "Yes."

He has a good relationship with Lu Li and talks about everything. Lu Li is willing to discuss many things with him, and he doesn't avoid suspicion about official affairs. He can see that Lu Li only told him some things, and didn't talk to anyone else. mentioned.

But because of his poor health, the two of them didn't meet frequently, but they wrote a lot.

He knew that some letters were delicate and not incriminating, so he was reluctant to burn them, so he just kept them properly...

In any case, it is certain that Lu Li is in danger, Chu Mu immediately called Qin Ping: "See where Lu Li is, and bring him here properly, don't eat, don't drink, don't leave your sight for half a step!"

Qin Ping was obedient to his master's instructions, and secretly observed from a distance. He was a little strange when he received the order. The master seemed a little anxious

At the critical moment, he even forgot to complain, he immediately responded and went to do it.

In an instant, Xie Tingyue also understood.

He was staring at the empty teacup on the table, so the source of Lu Li's danger appeared so early!

In his previous life, Lu Li was not counted successfully at the May Banquet because of other accidents

Don't be afraid of thieves stealing, just be afraid of thieves thinking about it. As long as you don't realize it, you can dodge it once, twice, but you can't dodge countless times...

Chu Mu looked at the teacup with serious eyes: "I stole your tea."

Xie Tingyue nodded: "I even poured out the tea, all kinds of research."

Chu Mu: "So—"

Xie Tingyue: "That's right, the person who did it must know."

When others plan to kill, of course they will keep watching. They will watch before they find the opportunity, and they will watch when they find it. They will watch and wait for the result. Whether the target has successfully won the bid or not, has any accident happened

This poisonous tea has been left unused by no one, and the other party didn't mind that much, but it was researched by Chu Mu in this way, what does it mean

On behalf of Chu Mu, he noticed that the place was poisonous, and knew that there was a villain at the scene!

He is the master, and knowing it, it is impossible to do nothing.

Is the murderer waiting to be caught? It must be either running or covering up his whereabouts, and pushing the blame to others!

Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu looked at each other, and the emotions in their eyes were similar.

I didn't want to startle the snake, and planned everything slowly, but the reality caught me off guard.

what to do

Let others run

How willing!

Chu Mu immediately sneered: "Come here, find out where He Yuanqi is!"

Other uncertainties, this person is certain.

If you can't catch big fish, you can't catch small fish


Today at Chu's home stadium, the servants are busy, the information is quite flexible, and it is very convenient to find someone. Chu Mu and Xie Tingyue quickly got the news, and they are right next door, a bustling venue separated by a window!

It's also too sensitive.

Xie Tingyue stood up and pushed Chu Mu's wheelchair: "Let's go and have a look."

Chu Mu nodded: "Yes."

He Yuanqi didn't slip away, but walked into the crowd, bragging about all kinds of topics.

"... The quality of the things from my He's business is the best... The princess's house has also used things from my house... Qi Wenhai's hair hasn't even grown. I heard that he liked to study when he was a child. The pedantry in his bones can't be changed. How could he do it?" But I... think it's okay if you hug your thigh? Hehe, it seems that he doesn't care about his sister's reputation... "

I don't know how the topic developed, but it finally fell to Qi's family. It was not enough to dismiss Qi Wenhai, and Qi Yingfei, Qi Wenhai's younger sister, was brought up.

"You guys don't know, his younger sister, Nine Girls, is very white and looks thin. In fact, she has grown up at a young age. I feel sorry for her because she doesn't understand human affairs. I wanted to let her watch a show and teach her first, but in the end She vomited! Hahaha—this is a joy in the world. She dared to resist without thanking me for teaching her. Tell me, if you learn this kind of thing early, you will know how to get along with your future husband? Pity me Painful..."

"But this is also very interesting. The more frightened she is, the more she trembles, and the more she pretends to be strong and aggressive, the more I want to hear her beg for mercy, saying that uncle begs you to let me go..."

Xie Tingyue was so disgusted that she almost vomited.

So his guess is true, Qi Yingfei was really bullied by this beast!

Seeing He Yuanqi in the crowd for a moment, he thought, probably the task has been completed. As a businessman, He Yuanqi naturally likes to seek business. It is normal to want to network in such a scene, but what do you mean by saying these words

Who would listen to such disgusting things? Who can have a good impression of him

Is He Yuanqi crazy

As the host, this kind of accident can't be ignored. Just as Xie Tingyue was about to stand up, someone was faster than him.

"Who allows you to tell her!"

A blue figure stepped forward quickly and kicked He Yuanqi, who fell heavily to the ground.

"Who the fuck dares to do it—" He Yuanqi was obviously dissatisfied. Before he got up, he was swearing, but when his eyes touched the person who kicked him, his voice suddenly stopped, and his whole body trembled.

This is... know

Xie Tingyue was a little surprised, he had seen this blue dress before, and had sat with Chu Mu Luli, and because of this scene, he remembered the accident of Luli in his previous life.

"Who is he?" Xie Tingyue tugged on Chu Mu's sleeve.

Chu Mu narrowed his eyes: "Long Qingfu." Knowing that Xie Tingyue was not familiar with him, he said carefully, "The Mu family is an imperial merchant, as you know, He Yuanqi hugged the Mu family's thigh and recognized his godfather, this Long Qingfu But it's the real nephew of the Mu family."

Xie Tingyue understood: "Oh, in-laws."

Seeing that He Yuanqi's attitude towards Long Qingfu was a bit different, he guessed that the Mu family probably treated this nephew very well and had a higher status than He Yuanqi.

Chu Mu added: "The Long family is an official in the court, and the family background is not bad."

Xie Tingyue had a deeper guess. The Mu family's business is so big, and they were re-elected as imperial merchants. I am afraid that it is due to the credit of the Long family, and of course they attach more importance to Long Qingfu, a nephew.

Long Qingfu stepped on He Yuanqi's body with a stern look, as if very angry: "I don't care about the messy things you do on weekdays, but you say Qi Jiu, who gave you the courage?"

He Yuanqi's eyes trembled wildly, he didn't beg for mercy, he didn't call for help, he just accepted it speechlessly.

"She is pure and pure, and she didn't collapse under all kinds of threats from you, a beast, and didn't let you take advantage of her. You still have face? I didn't know about this at the time, otherwise I would have killed you at that time, how could I have saved your dog's life?" Until now!"

The position of defending Qi Yingfei was obvious, and everyone could see it.

Xie Tingyue: "He likes Qi Yingfei? But he seems to be in his prime—"

That little girl was only twelve years old, one should have been married long ago, and the other was far from her age.

Chu Mu didn't know about the emotional relationship with outsiders, and he didn't pay attention to it, so he could only tell the truth: "He is nineteen years old and hasn't been engaged yet."

I don't know what picture Long Qing made up in his mind, his eyes were gloomy, he didn't relieve his anger at all, and he kept kicking He Yuanqi under his feet.

He Yuanqi didn't dare to answer back, he didn't even dare to hide, he could only beg for mercy in a low voice.

Everyone at the scene watched, no one went up to stop the first time.

Anyway, this can be regarded as a family affair, one's own people teach one's own people, outsiders are not very easy to intervene, and kicking two feet will not kill them... Everyone is thinking, go up to stop and persuade when it's almost time.

This He Yuanqi was too scumbag and beast, Xie Tingyue didn't move immediately.

The accident happened suddenly.

Long Qingfu stepped down and found that He Yuanqi didn't move, not only didn't move, he didn't hum and beg for mercy.

"Stop pretending to be dead, go back and receive the punishment!"

He said he would let He Yuanqi go for the time being, but He Yuanqi also did not move.

what happened

Long Qingfu bent down suspiciously, pushed He Yuanqi, frowned and poked his nose, his expression changed.

He Yuanqi is dead!

How dead!

There was an uproar at the scene.

how can that be possible? Let people kick two feet to die? They really looked at it, even though Long Qingfu was very angry, he still had a sense of propriety, the footholds of the kicks were all on the buttocks, not even touching the waist, let alone the vitals

A big living person died after being kicked a few times? Or were they blind and didn't notice that Long Qing kicked somewhere else

Accidents happened one after another, no matter how smart Xie Tingyue was, she couldn't react to it.

Wasn't He Yuanqi the murderer who wanted to strike, why did he die instead


He hurriedly pushed Chu Mu forward.

The two of them are masters, and no one can criticize the current situation.

When Chu Mu came closer, he squeezed Xie Tingyue's palm suddenly, raised his chin slightly, and motioned him to look in one direction.

Xie Tingyue took a closer look and found that there was some light gray-black powder on He Yuanqi's collar.

There are very few traces, and you can see it clearly if you look closely. It is completely different from the dust traces on the ground, but it is exactly the same as what was in the poisonous teacup before!

Killing with poison, the two sides are actually a kind of poison

The most critical question is, did He Yuanqi commit suicide, or was someone else poisoned him

Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu exchanged glances.

Chu Mu pinched his eyebrows.

Lanyingcao, blueyingcao again.

After someone died, Mei Yan couldn't continue cheerfully. As the host, Xie Tingyue immediately started to deal with the follow-up.

He Yuanqi is a businessman, a good citizen, not someone's servant with a legal status, and he must report to the officials if he dies. Of course, after reporting to the official, how the government will deal with it and how the Long family operates, they don't care about Tingyue's affairs.

What he has to do is to stabilize everyone's emotions and make sure that the incident is clear. The Chu family has done nothing wrong and is also a victim.

He wants to protect the Chu family's reputation as much as possible.

The elders of the Chu family realized it later, and rushed over after hearing the report from the servants, all of them were surprised and wary, and the second wife, Sun's expression was especially unstoppable, full of fear of accidents, almost overflowing with fear.

Long Qingfu was very upset, obviously hated such an accident, but he didn't lose his temper, he cooperated with Xie Tingyue's opinion, and knew that he had to go through such a situation.

In this way, both the host and guest are satisfied.

This kind of laborious work was not Chu Mu's turn, he was pushed away from the crowd by his servant girl, and found Qin Ping and Lu Li. Seeing that Lu Li was safe and hadn't encountered anything, he was relieved and asked someone to take him back properly.

Lu Li originally wanted to joke a few words, but when he heard what happened before, he didn't say anything, smiled and waved at Chu Mu, and left.

Chu Mu took Qin Ping to a place where no one was around, and asked him, "Have you found the pattern on the silver bead?"

On the day of the chamber of commerce, Qin Ping cut something from the person who took Lanyingcao away, a small silver bead with a pattern on it.

Chu Mu remembered seeing this pattern in his previous life, at the Mei Banquet, but he forgot exactly where and from whom he saw it.

Today, he actively came out to entertain the guests, in fact, he was observing, but he didn't find anything, all the guests' clothes and accessories did not have the same pattern. At one point, he thought he had made a mistake and handed the matter over to Qin Ping.

Qin Ping nodded: "Return to master, yes."

Chu Mu raised his eyes and smiled, "Oh, really?"

"In a carriage, the subordinates found the same pattern on the window curtains, exactly the same, only slightly larger."

"Who is the owner of the carriage?"

"It's Long Qingfu."

Longqing Fu...

It was Long Qingfu again.

Both sides are related to Lanyingcao. Only one accident was related to him, so Chu Mu probably wouldn't doubt it too much, but two things... are a little more subtle.

Long Qingfu made such a high-profile carriage, because he was sure that outsiders would not know the secret of this pattern, and he was not worried about being discovered, or was he really innocent and didn't know anything

Chu Mu was thoughtful.

He has never been afraid of difficult problems. It is nothing more than solving riddles. What he is afraid of is that there is no direction.

He will definitely investigate this pattern and Lanyingcao to the end.

Xie Tingyue stood at the front and made everything clear, the government soon came and Long Qingfu cooperated very well, everyone was happy.

The plum banquet is over, and the Chu family sees off the guests.

The female relatives boarded the car at the second gate, and the male guests were accompanied by Xie Tingyue, and said goodbye in the outer courtyard.

At today's banquet, no one could fault Xie Tingyue, everyone had a very good impression of him, especially the extremely popular Lan Yingbu, who wouldn't want it? It must be right to make friends!

Xie Tingyue laughed until her face froze.

Fang Huai, the son-in-law, has stayed until now. After He Yuanqi's incident came out, he had been standing by Xie Tingyue's side to help keep the place down, and he left at this time.

Xie Tingyue was sincerely grateful, and gave a long bow: "Brother Fang is too tired today, and I will definitely thank you very much in the future."

"Why are you being polite to me?" Fang Huai smiled, "I'm afraid there will be more troubles in the future, so don't dislike Xie Er."

Xie Tingyue smiled wryly: "How dare you? Whenever Brother Fang needs it, I will walk backwards to meet him."

Fang Huai approached and blinked: "Your blue cloth is not bad, do you want me to recommend it to Prince Li's Mansion?"

Xie Tingyue was startled.

Fang Huai was signaling that he could help him. But the foundation of my own shop is too shallow. When there is no rise to a certain power, the most likely result of the product becoming a "tribute" is to be taken over by someone, and I have to buy this "fruit" and develop it myself. If he wants to keep his success, his own momentum is the key.

"Thank you son-in-law for your kindness, but it is really difficult for my shop to enter the Daya lobby..."

Fang Huai understood Xie Tingyue's scruples, and didn't say any more. Anyway, in his perception, Xie Tingyue would be able to soar into the sky. It was only a matter of time. He could help at a later time. Anyway, he could help with anything like this. .

"Then about my princess's clothes—thanks to Erwu for your help, so I'll hurry up."

"What's so difficult about this?" Xie Tingyue was a little surprised, but the son-in-law was also so afraid—isn't it, my beloved wife

Fang Huai stroked his bald and beardless chin, and patted Xie Tingyue's shoulder: "The ones in the house naturally have to be pampered, don't you do the same?"

Xie Tingyue was taken aback.

I... What's the same

"Okay, let's go, there will be no one here soon, you also go to have a good rest, and have a good time with Chu Mu."

Xie Tingyue: ...

Sweetheart... what

After rubbing her face, Xie Tingyue took a deep breath, forgetting about kissing, there are some things that need to be discussed with Chu Mu.

For example, the inexplicable poison, the sudden death of He Yuanqi, and the second aunt Sun—

The emotion of being unexpectedly scared doesn't look fake, she must have never thought that He Yuanqi would die, maybe she didn't know what He Yuanqi was doing

In this way, what he and Chu Mu faced was the worst outcome.

Are you afraid

Xie Tingyue asked herself.

He thought he should have been scared, but looking at the sky in the distance, looking at the white snow on the red plum petals, and thinking of Chu Mu's face, he felt calm for some reason.

With someone by your side, the road is not walking alone.

Why be afraid

It was time for Chu Mu to take his medicine. That person looks personable and elegant, but in fact he is very delicate and willful. As long as he is not watching, he will not take medicine properly.


It's really sad.

Xie Tingyue turned around the veranda briskly and walked towards his and Chu Mu's yard.

As for Chu Mu, Qin Ping had already asked Qin Ping to light a candle, leaned on the soft pillow, held a book in his hand, and put on the most perfect profile, waiting for him to come back.