Bastard Male Wife

Chapter 41: Ma'am, don't be afraid, I will protect you for my husband


He Yuanqi has a lot of business, and the main industry chain is catering. Since he came from a foreign country, he must not be able to do the Qi family at the beginning. He simply took a slant and did not immediately focus on high-end luxury restaurants. Instead, he made a lot of restaurants that ordinary people can consume. The restaurants and wineries started.

This restaurant by the riverside of the city is not high-grade, the decoration is more friendly to the people, and its advantages are obvious. The place is big, with four floors. Both the atrium and the boxes have enough space. The gate faces the main street. The place is easy to find. It is located by the pier, with a large flow of people, so there are naturally enough guests.

Probably it is too convenient to come and go, He Yuanqi often talks with people here.

Because of the high flow of people, Xie Tingyue didn't suspect this place at first, and there were no clues about the private houses outside. He changed his way of thinking, and he suddenly remembered that although this place has a lot of people, most of them are passing by, and few people pay attention to things around them. However, He Yuanqi is different. He has been operating the restaurant for many years, and he is very familiar with it and has enough control over it.

Without any visible evidence, Xie Tingyue was not sure, so she came alone without telling anyone.

It's not his own territory, and he's not a member of the government, so he can't say which neighborhood to enter and search casually, and it's easy to scare the snake. So when he came, he didn't go in right away, but walked around the wine shop.

Here... is there any secret

Ordinary streets, ordinary shops next door, and even the sound from the moat is nothing special. When you don’t pay attention, it feels small and unobtrusive, but when you want to be quiet, it will feel a little noisy and annoying.

Wrong again

Xie Tingyue frowned slightly.

Just as he was considering whether to find another way, a big black-faced man blocked his way.

"Boy, what are you doing sneaking around here?"

The big man was tall and strong, with a black and thick face, with a hostile expression on his face.

Brother Dong immediately stood in front of his young master: "Who are you? What do you want to do when you block my young master's way? Are you looking for a reward for seeing my young master dressed so well, or are you sent by the enemy to cause trouble?"

Although he is not strong, his tone is very arrogant.

He also deliberately named Xie Tingyue as the 'young master'. He is rich and powerful. No matter what you are guessing, you'd better be careful not to cause trouble!

The black-faced man didn't retreat, he sneered: "What's the matter, young master, you guys are hanging around outside, why haven't you seen a few young masters?"

Xie Tingyue's forehead tensed, her heart said that she was broken and careless.

If he didn't find anything in these two laps, or if he was stopped by someone unexpectedly, and he was no longer embarrassed to see that he was a person of status, then there was nothing unusual about this matter, and he probably found the wrong place again.

But not only was he stopped, but the other party was also very vigilant, forcing him to ask for an answer!

Is someone else stupid? No, everyone is hanging around outside, the first thing to increase is the mind and knowledge, which should not be the case under normal circumstances. Not stupid, of course it was intentional...

This place has been arranged in advance!

The sudden accident gave Xie Tingyue confidence that Shen Sanniang and Qi Yingfei might be locked up here!

With a sudden turn of her thoughts, Xie Tingyue signaled Brother Dong to get out of the way, and she cupped her hands and smiled at the dark-faced man: "I was just careless at the moment and lost my way. I don't know what to call you?"

The black-faced man sneered: "Young master is very good at getting lost. He has circled our restaurant three times. How did you do it? Why don't you teach me?"

The look of the words is endlessly ironic.

Xie Tingyue: ...

Before he could come up with an idea quickly, the black-faced man had already waved for someone: "It must be a conspiracy, come on, brothers, take him down—"

Xie Tingyue has already considered whether to come by force.

Before going out, he brought enough people, but he didn't like hugging, most of them fell behind. If this black-faced man wanted to force him, he might not be able to do so. But he really insisted, leading people to break in, frightening the snake, what if the hostages were transferred

In the midst of this dilemma, a familiar voice suddenly appeared: "Madam, why are you so stupid that you haven't found me yet?"

The visitor was dressed in moon white, sitting in a wheelchair, with clear eyes and an elegant smile, who was it not Chu Mu

Xie Tingyue was determined.

There was no need to correct words at all, the other party threw out a sentence and gave him a look, and he immediately understood what kind of script it was.

Xie Tingyue smiled slightly, and glanced at the black-faced man: "Isn't this... lost?"

Chu Mu lowered his eyebrows slightly, stroked his legs, and suddenly became depressed: "I know, Madam let me go. My legs can't even play other people's couple's games. I feel regretful, and I don't want to wrong Madam. , I want to fulfill my wife, but I don’t want my wife... but I am perfecting me."

With just a few words and a look of loneliness, a vivid picture has emerged.

This is a newlywed couple, the husband has a disabled leg, and he can't even play the small game of hide-and-seek 'you catch me, you come and catch me'. He felt ashamed of his wife and wanted to try it, but the wife felt sorry for her husband, so she Pretending to be 'Oh, you ran so fast and so fast, I lost my way and couldn't find you', I gave enough face.

It was so emotional that those who heard it were sad and those who saw it wept.

Facing such a pair of wall people, the black-faced man felt that he was completely a bad person.

so bad!

Yes, how can you get lost in such a clear place, getting lost is intentional! But people lost their way because they felt sorry for their husbands, and you actually doubted their intentions? Do you have a heart!

Chu Mu's performance was not over yet, and his slender and beautiful right hand was stroking his left chest, as if something was hurting inside: "Madam has never disliked me, I am always grateful for this gift from God, but sometimes, I would rather Madam dislike me , abandon me, and go far away... Madame deserves a better person and a better life."

Xie Tingyue: ...

If he hadn't already lived a lifetime and had enough concentration, he might have to break his kung fu on the spot.

Chu Mu is so good at acting, this is so sincere, sincere and sad, he almost believed it!

Think about the other party's scheming methods, and think about the man in the dream who was full of abstinence, tied him up and pressed him against the wall to kiss... This kind of thing is absolutely impossible! Even if he gave up and ran away, maybe this person would tie him back and lock him by his side.

Shocked in her heart, Xie Tingyue suppressed her thoughts and walked over to hold Chu Mu's hand, her eyes were as gentle as possible: "Since you understand everything, please cherish it. I won't allow you to say anything like this in the future."

Tsk... What a pair of mandarin ducks, sweet and sour.

The expression on the face of the black-faced man couldn't hold back anymore, and the hunk couldn't hold back the tenderness. This couple is so damn touching, so touching!

Thinking about it further, that's right, who wants to do bad things with bad intentions and bring a disabled man with him? Afraid that things will be done too smoothly, can't wait to find someone who is holding you back!

Chu Mu caught Madam's hand and did not let go, his eyes were soft and warm, pity and reluctance: "After walking for so long, Madam must be tired, go in and have a rest?"

Xie Tingyue didn't speak, but looked straight at the black-faced man.

Big black-faced man: ...

After a long time of silence, the black-faced man stepped aside and pointed at the door of the wine shop: "Two distinguished guests, please—"

Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu were watched respectfully all the way to the box.

"It's dangerous," Xie Tingyue finally took his hand out of Chu Mu's hand and poured tea out of Chu Mu's hand, "It's a good thing he doesn't know us, otherwise he'd be a gangster. By the way, why are you here?"

The warmth in the palm left, and it was empty for an instant. Chu Mu clenched his fists behind his back, as if trying to grasp the last bit of warmth in vain: "I know it, and I don't know how to pass it off."

Xie Tingyue: "Huh?"

Chu Mu said in his heart, because this was originally true.

Xie Tingyue was not attached to this question, but just casually said, what he wanted to ask was the latter sentence: "When did you come?" Why are you here

Of course Chu Mu wouldn't say that I followed you all the way and only showed up to save you, otherwise you wouldn't know it, and just threw out your own perfect plan: "I always cared about the Lanyingcao last time. The post asked Boss Qu of Jishitang to have a chat, and Boss Qu was very busy during the New Year’s Eve, so I just got a reply today, so I went out.”


It's not that Xie Tingyue didn't want to believe it, but the previous illusion picture resurfaced again. Maybe the figure in white clothes that he glimpsed before was not an illusion, but Chu Mu

Chu Mu has something to hide from him

"Huh? Why do you ask that?" Chu Mu seemed surprised by his suspicion.

Xie Tingyue recounted the previous scene: "... At that time, I seem to have seen you. Have you really never been to He Yuanqi's private house?"

Chu Mu lowered his brows, with a slight smile on his lips, as if he was very happy: "They say that they think about it every day, dream about it at night, and it's common for them to worry about it. Madam sees me in broad daylight—but do you miss me?"

Xie Tingyue almost choked on a sip of tea, and stared at her: "I think you're the one thinking wildly! You're not sick enough, you still want me to beat you!"

Chu Mu pressed his fist to his lips, chuckled lightly, stopped teasing him, and pointed his other finger out of the window: "Ma'am, look—"

Xie Tingyue looked in the direction he pointed, and she saw Qu Qi.

The man frowned slightly, and hurriedly walked towards his carriage, obviously finished meeting and was about to leave.

Chu Mu: "Is Madam trustworthy now?"

Xie Tingyue nodded.

The facts were right in front of his eyes, and he couldn't tolerate disbelief.

But he didn't know that Chu Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

I had to think about everything ahead of time, knowing that my wife came here again, so I hurriedly asked the subordinates to arrange and notify Qu Qi to change the place, so I caught up with it...

But Chu Mu is Chu Mu, just like Xie Tingxing's evaluation of him, a fake fairy. 'Pretending' is already his daily habit, how can he fail if he is overwhelmed by Mount Tai without changing his face, and is so round and perfect

He also asked very naturally: "Ma'am again, why are you here?"

"I came after the clues..."

In this regard, Xie Tingyue didn't doubt Chu Mu at all, and told all the places she had walked before, all her thoughts and doubts.

"... That's why I think this place is suspicious. It's fine if the black-faced man doesn't stop me, but he does, and he's very wary. I think there's something wrong with this wine shop."

Chu Mu thought about it before and after the contact, and agreed with Xie Tingyue's suspicion: "But this restaurant has four floors, with many customers and many private rooms. If Shen Sanniang and Qi Yingfei are really locked up here, how can we find them?"

They are not officials, even if they are officials, there is no reason and no evidence and they cannot conduct a comprehensive search. How can they transfer all the rooms down, and for what reason

Can't cause chaos, can't startle the snake and make the people behind suspect suspicious...

Even if he was as smart as Chu Mu, he couldn't come up with a suitable solution right now.

"Could it be... continue to hide and seek?"

Chu Mu's eyes were bright, and he looked at Xie Tingyue.

Xie Tingyue rolled her eyes directly.

Little fun is true, but there is no couple who play hide-and-seek every day and never let go. Do you want others to think that the two of them are mentally retarded

At critical moments, the books you have read are still useful.

Xie Tingyue suddenly thought of something, rolled her eyes, and smiled: "Yes! Brother Dong, come here!"

Brother Dong has always been obedient and clever, so he gritted his teeth and patted his chest after hearing this: "Don't worry, young master, leave this to me!"

What did Xie Tingyue ask Brother Dong to do

He asked Brother Dong to knock on the door to sell.

The entire restaurant, regardless of the floor, as long as it is a room, you can enter. If there is no one, of course, take a good look to see if there are people hiding. If there are people, you are not afraid, and put on a smiling face to sell your new products.

What is this grandpa talking about? A toast to my little one! Seeing that all of them are men with rehearsals, do you know Lan Yingbu? No no, the point of the villain is not Lanying Cloth, but a new product from our shop—Fragrant Powder!

It is thin and fragrant, smooth and smooth on the face, not powdery or smudged, and the smell lingers for a long time, no matter if you have a wife, mother, sister or concubine in your family, you are sure to like it! If you don’t believe me, smell it—how is it? Does it smell good

door-to-door sales. It will be annoying if you encounter such a thing too often, but for the first time, people will feel that it is new, and since they have nothing to do to eat, drink and chat in restaurants, it is inevitable that they will ask a few more questions.

Brother Dong is quick-talking, good-looking and not bad-looking, so he won't be annoying, even if he has a bad temper, he can just swear a few words and understand the movement in the room.

Brother Dong has done a good job of this job.

Once again, Chu Mu looked at Xie Tingyue with admiration.

In the madam's little head, what other extraordinary things are hidden, which always surprises him so much!

Xie Tingyue didn't feel very complacent, he was more worried about the road ahead, and he didn't know if it would go well this time, were Shen Sanniang and Qi Yingfei here

As a result, not long after the good news came back, it was bad news.

Brother Dong replied, he saw Qingfang.

Qingfang is from the Xie family. She is twenty-seven years old, far below the age of her mothers, but she showed her intentions by combing herself early on. She wholeheartedly serves her stepmother, Lin, and is Lin's confidant.

It was definitely not her own idea that she would appear here, she must be doing something for Lin.

Brother Dong was very nervous just thinking of this. The enmity between the two young masters and Mrs. Lin was almost on the surface. Mrs. Lin was fined and grounded and continued, something must have happened!

After listening, Xie Tingyue pondered: "What is she here... for?"

What is Lin's plan? in this wine shop

Brother Dong: "I saw that she was meeting someone, surnamed Yan, who seemed to be a wealthy businessman from Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Judging by his appearance, he was very powerful."

Chu Mu tapped his slender fingertips on the table: "A wealthy businessman from Jiangsu and Zhejiang, whose surname is Yan—Yan Hong?"

As he spoke, he glanced at the servant behind him.

Brother Dong took Xie Tingyue's order to act, of course he would not be alone, Chu Mu also had someone following behind, and they could help each other if something happened. Some people are not familiar with Brother Dong, but Chu Mu's people know, seeing the master looking over, they nodded slightly.

it's him.

Chu Mu lowered his eyebrows: "Looking at the current situation of the Lin family, it's either to seek credit for her father-in-law to let her be restrained, or the daughter's marriage—"

"And take revenge on me, let it out," Xie Tingyue raised her brows slightly, with a sarcastic tone, "Or count the birds with one stone, and finish everything together."

Chu Mu: "Yan Hong is a businessman, is she willing?"

Scholars, farmers, businessmen, and businessmen are at the bottom of the ranking, and their status can be imagined. With Lin's heart, would he make such a choice

Xie Tingyue sneered: "My good stepmother is not ordinary, she would rather have real things than false fame."

As long as the benefits are sufficient, Xie Tingyue does not doubt that she will marry her daughter to a businessman, but Xie Ru's husband in her previous life was not a businessman, but an official.


Xie Tingyue narrowed her eyes slightly, this method was probably aimed at him.

Isn't he playing in the business world now? Mrs. Lin wanted to find a strong one, and use tricks to trip him up

"Has the person left already?"

"It's still there," Brother Dong replied, "it's in Room A, No. 3 on the second floor."

Xie Tingyue thought for a while, then got up: "You continue to work, I'll go and have a look."

Chu Mu followed him: "Let's go together."

Worried that there would be too much movement, the servants would stay far away, watch out for the wind, watch out for the place, even Qin Ping was taken a big step behind by Chu Mu, and he and Xie Tingyue walked slowly towards the No. 3 Room A - Prepare to eavesdrop.

Things were going well, Xie Tingyue had already heard Qingfang's voice, but she didn't know where she bumped into, maybe it wasn't him, but Chu Mu bumped into something, the wall suddenly cracked, and the two of them fell in together!


Naturally, Qin Ping would not allow his master to be in danger, so he jumped into the gap immediately after.

This is obviously a mechanism, hidden in a dark room, even if it comes and goes quickly, the servants outside can't react in time to rush over, and they have disappeared.

However, this was not the worst. The worst thing was that when Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu Mingming saw Qin Ping rushing in, their eyes dimmed, and they were gone, as if they had disappeared out of thin air!

Of course people don't disappear out of thin air, Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu suspected at the same time that this secret passage must be complicated in design, and there is not only one direction of passage!

There is no time to think about other things right now, so Xie Tingyue holds Chu Mu's hand tightly and sits on his lap...

Yes, Xie Tingyue sat on Chu Mu's lap.

Just a moment ago, before they could react in time, the two of them fell down together. Chu Mu grabbed Xie Tingyue's waist with one hand, and hugged him tightly in front of him, so this posture - Xie Tingyue could only be sitting on his lap .

And he also discovered that he and Chu Mu were not falling straight down, but were walking a slope, very sloped, very smooth, and very fast. If a person falls suddenly, if there is no preparation in advance, the leg will definitely be injured, but the wheelchair is different, and this kind of time is conducive to playing.

Xie Tingyue was sitting on Chu Mu's lap, and Chu Mu was sitting in a wheelchair, feeling faster than a carriage, so fast that his eyes were squinted by the wind!

At the end of the charge, it is a gentle slope, which is made into a roundabout style, which will not stop and hurt the falling people suddenly, but give a buffer, allowing people to reverberate twice and stop calmly.

Xie Tingyue was so scared that her heart almost jumped out, but Chu Mu was very calm: "Yes, this design is very friendly."

Friendly shit!

Xie Tingyue quickly touched Chu Mu up and down: "Are you okay? Did you get hurt just now?"

Chu Mu shook his head, held his hand, and smiled: "I'm fine."

Xie Tingyue still had lingering fear, her brows were tightly frowned.

Chu Mu seemed to be rather nostalgic for the taste just now, so he made an inch of it, not only holding Xie Tingyue's hand, but also embracing his shoulder: "Madam, don't be afraid, I will protect you for my husband."

Xie Tingyue looked at him without words: " should take good care of yourself."

Chu Mu: "Qin Ping will find him."

Xie Tingyue nodded, he believed it.

Qin Ping is loyal and has martial arts skills. No matter where he is now, he will definitely find a way to find Chu Mu at the first time, but at present, there are only the two of them, and in strange places and strange scenes, he can't be too careful.

The only good direction is to be more sure that there is a problem here, Shen Sanniang and Qi Yingfei are locked up here!

The vision ahead was dim, and the light was pitiful, and it took a while to get used to it before groping forward. The air was very humid, and there was even a slight dampness on the walls. Xie Tingyue could smell a faint smell of water, and there was the sound of running water far away.

Is it a moat

Strangely, the sound of the water outside the restaurant is submerged in the bustle of the crowd, and it is not noticeable, but if you listen carefully, you can definitely hear it. When you get to this secret passage, the sound becomes quieter, and even the noise of the crowd outside disappears.

What method did the secret passage use to block these voices

"It's underground." Chu Mu held Xie Tingyue's hand, his voice was light and calm, "We fell very fast just now, and it took a little longer, definitely more than one floor away."


Xie Tingyue touched the wall and felt the humidity of her fingertips, it was really like underground!

Feeling around, he turned in a direction, and was about to go forward, when he was suddenly pulled back by Chu Mu.

Xie Tingyue was about to ask why, when Chu Mu's slender hands were already sealed up, covering his mouth.

Chu Mu has been ill all year round, his body temperature is very low, and the palms of his hands are a little cold, but when he touches his lips, they suddenly become hot, and slowly, they become hotter than his lips!

Xie Tingyue's ears were so red, it was like he kissed Chu Mu's palm and Chu Mu felt embarrassed and shy!

Conscience, he didn't do anything!

Chu Mu leaned close to his ear, his voice was so soft that it seemed to be blowing: "There is someone."

However, life was in danger, even though her heart was beating like a drum and her ears were red, Xie Tingyue couldn't get any ambiguous thoughts and focused on listening to the movement ahead.

Sure enough, there was a sound, it was the sound of footsteps, and the sound of talking, slowly approaching.

It was two men who were arguing, one was a bit reckless and full of spirit, the other was a little thinner and shrewd.

"I bought this blue yingcao with all my life, and I should take half of the silver taels if it sells for it. There's nothing to discuss about it!" The former voice was anxious and angry.

The latter is more stable, showing cunning: "That's not the case, you picked the grass, yes, but I spent all my time and money to find the buyer, and all the effort was spent on things you can't see There is a lot of investment in the place, and if it sells for silver, naturally I should get more than half of it."

"You fart! There are people who want this thing. As long as I let it out, countless people will come to inquire about it. It will take you to spend a lot of effort and money to find it!"

"Oh, there are quite a few people who want to buy it, but believe it or not, as long as you dare to spread the word that there are blue yingcao around you, your blue yingcao will be lost before you get the money. Well, maybe you This 'insider' will also be silenced by the way. I'm afraid that what you need is not a bank note, but a ghost note."

The arrogant man seemed to be stunned and did not speak.

The man with a shrewd voice said again: "So in this business, I spent all my money and took all the risks. I deserve the most credit for this business."

"Who knows if you're lying to me! How long has passed since the agreed time, and the buyer hasn't come yet!"

"Big people always want to show off their money to show their specialness, don't worry."

However, the waiting time is the most difficult, and no amount of willpower will be smoothed out. The reckless man's patience has been exhausted. For some reason, he suddenly thought of a direction, and when he had the other party, he began to scold him: "You bastard, don't you want to take advantage of others! I killed, robbed my grass, how much money I sold, you can get it alone!"

The shrewd man was also angry: "What do you mean! Don't you know my reputation as a black seal? How can I do such a villainous behavior!"

"That's something so expensive that you've never had before!"

I don't know why, but the reckless man seemed to believe that the other party was going to be black and white, and he didn't listen to the explanation, and suddenly started fighting.

The person who called himself Black Seal was very shrewd, and he seemed to have some kung fu in his hands, and he didn't immediately fall into the disadvantaged.

I don't know who's movement was wrong, a small box suddenly flew out from the boorish man, and with a "pop", it landed in front of Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu not far away.

The reckless man was furious: "You really want to be black and black!"

Hei Yin: "I didn't do it on purpose! I won't be polite if you come again! Do you think we are easy to bully!"

When Chu Mu heard this, his pupils shrank suddenly.


Is it the organization he was looking for