Bastard Male Wife

Chapter 42: Pick up leaks


Unable to bear the pain of lovesickness, he quietly followed his wife and strayed into the dark room together with his wife. Chu Mu thought that the whereabouts of Shen Sanniang and Qi Yingfei was the whole truth that needed to be chased, but he didn't expect that there would be an unexpected harvest!


That organization that he couldn't find anywhere, just appeared like this

Xie Tingyue felt that Chu Mu's mood was not right, thought he was uncomfortable, reached out to touch his forehead, the meaning was obvious: Are you okay

Chu Mu gently scratched his palm, smiled and shook his head: I'm fine.

There was a fight ahead, and the situation was sensitive. The two of them silently agreed with each other, and gave each other support and strength by holding hands.

Seeing that Chu Mu was fine, Xie Tingyue turned her eyes to the small box thrown in front of them.

The context of the dialogue between the two is clearly visible. It is hard to guess what is in this box, it must be the blue grass!

Chu Mu also looked at the small box and narrowed his eyes.

In the previous life, I slept for too long, and the things around me were unclear, let alone the outside world? When he was on the verge of death, he knew a lot of things later, such as someone trying to kill him, the mysterious organization 'Gen Miao', and He Yuanqi did take out a Lanyingcao later. He was also ready to wait for the opportunity to keep an eye on He Yuanqi, to see if he could get the idea of this Lanyingcao, but he didn't expect this thing to appear so quickly.

These two people appeared in the secret passage of He Yuanqi's wine shop, probably... the buyer this time is He Yuanqi! It's a pity that He Yuanqi is dead, no one will come to receive the goods, these two people are afraid that they just came according to the agreement, and they don't know that the buyer is unlikely to show up again.

With such a favorable time and place, it's a good time for me. If I don't take advantage of the opportunity, I will feel sorry for this great opportunity!

Chu Mu thought, and glanced at Xie Tingyue beside him.

It is always very lucky to have a wife by your side.

Xie Tingyue was not idle either. Seeing that the two were fighting inseparably, she just took advantage of the fact that they were constantly changing the venue and chasing to the farthest point from here. She trotted over and touched the small box.

Immediately stuffed it into Chu Mu's arms, and whispered: "Hide it quickly!"

Seeing that Chu Mu didn't move and was still staring at him, Xie Tingyue frowned and looked at herself: "I don't have a place to put things here, so I can only wrong you."

While talking, he also looked at the wheelchair under Chu Mu meaningfully, with an obvious meaning: How convenient you are!

Only then did Chu Mu lower his eyebrows and chuckle, took Xie Tingyue's hand and kissed it.

Xie Tingyue:! !

When is this time, do something serious!

The two people in front were fighting, and the two people behind were hiding behind the wall and secretly rubbing their eyebrows. The atmosphere was so... delicate.

The two who fought a few times fought a few rounds, turned around and found that it was terrible, the small box was gone!

Originally, it was just a fake hit to vent anger, but this time it also came true.

"Okay, you black seal, you really want to be black and black, where did you hide Lao Tzu's Lanyingcao, and hand it over honestly!"

"The villain will file a complaint first. I, Heiyin, have seen it today. It's alright, Qianliu. I want to steal the money for the medicine, get a fake box and throw it away and beat me up again, right? I have been on the road for so long, and I have never suffered such a loss. You can leave Lanyingcao today, we can still have a good talk, if you still want to play these little tricks, die!"

The two started a real fire, entangled and strangled.

Xie Tingyue is a layman, so she can tell that the two racks are fighting fiercely, but they are not really experts. This fight is going to be a bit of a gnash... It is true that they are ruthless, and their temper is not adulterated.

He considered pushing Xie Tingyue away.

It will be troublesome if it is discovered.

Which direction can we go? It's too dark everywhere, I can't see clearly!

"Ah—you actually brought a knife!"

"Walking around outside, how can you not be prepared to use a dark hand? Oh, die! Ah—you—"

"If you have a knife, who doesn't?"

There were two screams in succession, and the two fighting in front unexpectedly stabbed each other for some reason, and then... died in a flash.

Both knives were stabbed right at the vital point.

Xie Tingyue was stunned when she saw it, she stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyes: "Am I not mistaken?"

Chu Mu nodded: "If what you saw was that two people were stabbed to death by each other, well, that's right, I saw it too."

Xie Tingyue: ...

At this time, it seems that it is not appropriate not to blurt out a bad word.

What luck is this!

He wanted to go over to see if the two of them were completely dead, and if there was still a chance to be rescued, but was stopped by Chu Mu.

"Don't go, dirty."

Seeing Xie Tingyue's brows furrowed, Chu Mu immediately added: "The injury is critical, there is no cure."

Xie Tingyue had no choice but to go over, put on clothes for the two who had passed away, and blindfolded them, talking was better than nothing.

"We can't stay here, we have to move forward."

The two agree on this point.

Unknown secret passages, unknown spaces, sudden accidents, now is far from the time to sit back and relax.

"Is the buyer they are talking about He Yuanqi?" Chu Mu can think of this, and Xie Tingyue can, but he doesn't know anything about Lanyingcao. "What's so special about this Lanyingcao?"

Chu Mu couldn't give him an answer, and his voice was as light as a sigh: "Who knows? Maybe someone is waiting for it to save his life."

But there are so few of these things.

Xie Tingyue has reservations about this, but no matter who the person who needs Lanyingcao is, it has nothing to do with them. They are just unlucky and encounter each other every time: "Now that I think about it, it's a good thing that He Yuanqi died, otherwise I might have to make a fuss. How much wind and waves."

Once reborn, Xie Tingyue wanted to live happily and live as she wanted, and didn't want to be involved in any strange incidents, so her life would be short.

The time stolen from God should be cherished.

"This secret road is so long," Xie Tingyue frowned after walking for a long time without seeing the end, and often turned into a fork in the road, "The more this is the case, the more I feel that the direction is right, Shen Sanniang and Qi Yingfei must be locked up here .”

Chu Mu held Xie Tingyue's hand: "Yes."

Xie Tingyue looked down at his hand and asked.

The two died before, there was no movement outside, and the current situation is not dangerous, why are they still holding hands

There was a slight smile on the corner of Chu Mu's lips: "I'm worried that Madam is afraid."

Xie Tingyue: ...

You are afraid!

However, people like Chu Mu should not say 'I'm afraid' to others in a leisurely manner, and this kind of 'showing weakness' is probably the most they can do.

Xie Tingyue had no choice but to let him go, and the two walked forward hand in hand.

Considering the surrounding situation, he remembered that when he fell into the dark room, Chu Mu did nothing else and immediately hugged him tightly—

Xie Tingyue suddenly realized, could it be that Chu Mu is afraid of the dark


"There is movement."

The two uttered their voices in unison, and they held hands against the wall together, looking ahead vigilantly.

Chu Mu felt that something was stuck in the wheelchair. He reached down and found a wooden stick. He picked it up and gave it to Xie Tingyue.

Xie Tingyue took it over and weighed it, at least as a self-defense weapon: "What about you?"

He spoke in a low voice, and Chu Mu replied in a low voice, "I'm waiting for Madam to protect me."

Xie Tingyue could feel the other party approaching, her warm breath was sprayed against her ear, and she could hear the warm smile in the other party's voice.

His ears turned red, he pressed his palm against Chu Mu's chest, and pushed him back—

Just talk, can you talk well, stay away!

Afraid of hurting Chu Mu, he used relatively little strength, his vision was too dark, and he miscalculated the distance. As a result, he didn't push at all, as if he just put his hand on the opponent's chest.

Quite ambiguous.

Chu Mu grabbed that hand, brought it to his lips and kissed it: "Madam loves me, I know it, so there's no need to swear."

Soft, warm and slightly moist to the touch, it makes people feel hot.

Xie Tingyue: ...

Who is going to swear!

If the timing wasn't right, he really wanted to fight this rascal!

Why are some gentlemen so thick-skinned that they are not embarrassed at all to talk to themselves


Chu Mu squeezed his hand to remind him that the movement was approaching.

Xie Tingyue opened and clenched her ten fingers, holding the wooden stick firmly, and focused on staring ahead.


only one person.

Walking a little faster, seems very impatient.

A person who is impatient... will not be overly wary of other places. As long as they keep quiet, they will be able to sneak attack successfully!

The appearance of this kind of place is more likely to be an enemy rather than a friend. In view of the encounter just now, Xie Tingyue did not hesitate at all, in short, subdue it first! It doesn't matter if it's Qin Ping, one of his own, Qin Ping knows how to fight, and he will be able to escape...

The dark figure moved from far to near, and when she saw the front of her, Xie Tingyue swung the wooden stick forward vigorously—


Chu Mu suddenly pulled him back.

The wooden stick paused for a moment, and the force given to it could not be removed immediately, making a piercing sound: "咻—"

The black shadow on the opposite side hastily bent down to avoid it, fell down and rolled in embarrassment, and escaped just now.

The wooden stick was swung in the air, but no one was hit.

Xie Tingyue didn't understand, why did Chu Mu stop him

The posture until the black shadow got up was very familiar...


Xie Tingxing almost cried: "Brother? Why did you hit me!"

Xie Tingyue carried her younger brother to her body, looked up and down several times in the weak light, saw that the person was in good condition, except for being dirty like a mud monkey, and had no injuries, she was relieved and turned to Chu Mu: "How do you know it's him? "

Chu Mu pointed to his ear: "Footsteps."

I have been bedridden all year round, and have not developed any good skills. The skill of listening to footsteps is very proficient. Seeing the black shadow from a distance, he didn't notice anything special. When someone came close, he felt that something was wrong. Fortunately, he stopped it in time and did not cause the tragedy of the elder brother beating his younger brother.

After checking that the environment was fine, Xie Tingyue finally had time to clean up Brother Xiong: "Why are you here?"

Xie Tingxing saw that his brother's face was not looking good, so he knew that this test might not be easy, so he didn't try to defend himself, and said straight to the business: "Shen Sanniang and Qi Yingfei are locked up here, I don't know which one it is!"

Xie Tingyue really didn't want to deal with her younger brother immediately, and asked seriously, "What's going on?"

"I went to find He Youwen, He Yuanqi's nephew, that little fat guy's classmate, brother, you know, the two of us never get along, we always quarrel when we meet, but this time we didn't quarrel, and met a people." Xie Tingxing said angrily, "Long Qingfu!"

Xie Tingyue frowned: "Long Qingfu?"

"Yes, that's him!" The child clenched his fists, his round tiger eyes burst out with anger, "Brother, he is not a good person! He seems to have some interest in the He family, and the little fat man doesn't dare to go too far if he doesn't like him. He said that He Yuanqi died of poison, he didn't kill him, but he didn't kill Boren, and Boren died because of him, he owes the He family a debt of gratitude to help... deal with me."

Xie Tingyue suddenly became angry: "What about you?"

Xie Tingxing quickly patted his brother on the back: "He saw that I was not getting along with the little fat man, so he thought I was going to be bad for the little fat man, but he is very sinister, the little fat man can't see it, but I see it for real. He just used words to coax the little fat man! It seems that he is reasonable everywhere, and he is the most reasonable, but he actually persuaded the little fat man to confess everything, and even said that he would kill me!"

Xie Tingyue had bruised veins popping out of her forehead, her arched forehead hurt, and she held her younger brother by the back of his neck: "You're doing well, you're going outside to cause trouble, and the people who attract them want to kill you? Your leg doesn't hurt anymore, does it?"

Xie Tingxing lowered his head in embarrassment: "It's... not bad, it's not a big deal, the doctor insisted on splinting me, but it's not necessary..."

As long as you can bear the pain, you can do anything.

"But I have enough people around me!"

Anyway, the matter couldn't be hidden, so Xie Tingxing simply pulled Chu Mu into the water, winked and motioned for Chu Mu to help speak, otherwise everyone would die together!

Chu Mu took Xie Tingyue's hand: "When my younger brother comes home, I'll send enough people to be by his side, no matter where he is or what he's doing, to ensure his life is safe, Madam, please don't be angry, okay?"

Xie Tingyue sighed: "Xing'er is too skinny, please worry about it."

Not wanting him to say any words of rejection, Chu Mu immediately changed the subject and asked Xie Tingxing: "I sent you many people, why are you the only one now? What about the others? Shen Sanniang and Qi Yingfei are here, how do you know?"

"Here came this secret way, and everyone separated for some reason..." Xie Tingxing stomped his feet angrily, "It wasn't that Long Qingfu, the little fat man who coaxed him to tell the truth. The little fat man knew that his uncle planned to kidnap Shen Sanniang before he was alive. Regarding the matter with Qi Yingfei, and knowing that the place of delivery is in this secret passage, Long Qingfu suggested that it is not easy to kill people on the street outside, and if you get troubled later, why not throw me here as well. Unknowingly, don't worry about it..."

Because of his impatience, Xie Tingxing said something urgently and quickly, and he didn't explain the details so clearly, but Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu were both smart people, and they quickly picked up the main points.

Xie Tingxing and the little fat man, who is He Yuanqi's nephew He Youwen, met Long Qingfu by chance during the fight. Long Qingfu was related to He Yuanqi's death, as a nephew, the little fat man must have disliked him, but due to the disparity in class status, the little fat man didn't dare to be too presumptuous, maybe he didn't even dare to curse at others.

Long Qingfu's heart was cunning, and his tongue was so eloquent, the little fat man believed him, and for some reason, he even confessed all the things that He Yuanqi didn't understand for outsiders.

Xie Tingxing already had old grievances with the little fat man, but now that he has added a secret matter, no matter how you look at it, he 'knows too much', as long as someone else pushes him a little, it is not impossible for the little fat man to be young and energetic thing.

How to kill is another problem.

Xie Tingxing has an elder brother who loves him very much, and his elder brother married Chu Mu as his wife. Although Chu Mu has been ill for a long time, but if he does not die for a day, his status is extraordinary. Xie Tingxing is killed, it is best to act in secret.

And what He Yuanqi did during his lifetime has become a good thing that can be used at this time. Once something happens, just push it on the dead...

Xie Tingyue looked at her brother who was in a mess, dirty like a little cat, no matter how angry she was, she couldn't bear to beat her up again.

Just by looking at it, I know that I have suffered enough.

Xie Tingxing is so old, he knows how to look at his brother's face the most, and when he sees his brother's heartache, he will act coquettishly and wronged, his eyes are red: "I...I have something wrong, I could have run away when they were discussing how to kill me, the people around me are enough to protect me My, I will definitely not let me have an accident, but I heard they said that they threw me to the place where Shen Sanniang and Qi Yingfei were held, so I waved my hand, telling the people below to back off, and they took the initiative to cover their heads and threw me over... I am I thought, if you ask directly at the place where people are locked up, they will definitely not say anything. Why don't you just go into the tiger's lair, anyway, there are many people with you, who knows that there are secret passages here, and there are twists and turns, no matter how closely everyone follows, no matter how clever Before I knew it, I was forced to separate when I entered here, and I was the only one left... Brother, I was so scared. When you swung your stick just now, my heartbeat almost stopped..."

The child was so pitiful, she hugged Xie Tingyue's waist while speaking, Xie Tingyue couldn't bear it, and rubbed her brother's dog's head: "Okay, brother is here, don't be afraid."

Xie Tingxing enjoyed the love from his brother for a while, then suddenly came back to his senses, he grabbed Xie Tingyue and was about to leave: "No, it's not safe here, we have to hurry, the little fat man is still behind!"

Xie Tingyue: "What's going on?"

Xie Tingxing almost turned around in a hurry: "I just want to know where the person is being locked up. I will run away when I see the place. How can the little fat man rest assured? I will definitely send someone to follow!"

"Don't worry, this secret way is very big," Chu Mu asked Xie Tingxing a very crucial question, "It was He Yuanqi who made the plan to kidnap people, but after he died, how did he complete it later?"

Xie Tingxing: "He Yuanqi sent Yinzi to the underworld and paid the down payment. As long as he sends out the instruction signal, there will be action immediately. The little fat man knows this. His uncle is dead, and the down payment cannot be returned. When he lost the money, nothing would happen. But he felt resentful, knowing what the signal his uncle had agreed upon, so he simply called out... "

Xie Tingyue frowned: "Why would he do this? Shen Sanniang and Qi Yingfei are both women, and they have no grudge against him."

Xie Tingxing said, 'Brother, you are still too kind': "But the He family and brother have a grudge against Qi Wenhai, the little fat man is just such an uncle, if he wants to avenge his uncle, he can't do anything else, this matter has already been half done, You can do it easily."

Chu Mu: "He wants to kill someone?"

"No," Xie Tingxing thought for a while, then shook his head, "I don't think he wants to kill someone, but just wants to scare and vent his anger, so that we can get annoyed and annoyed, and pay a proper price to show that he is not easy to bully. Yes, or they simply didn't think about anything, and prepared to take a step forward, but unexpectedly, they were tricked out by Long Qing."

There are too many people who know, and they have already been roasted, what else can they do? I can only bite the bullet and keep going!

The more he thought about it, the more it happened, Xie Tingxing seriously complained to his brother: "Brother, let me tell you, that Long Qing is not a thing, you must be careful! He saw that I fell into the palm of the little fat man and couldn't run away, so he dared to tease me like this Little Fatty is bad, and he may grow up to be a villain with evil intentions in the future, but not yet. He dares to fight bravely, kill people and set fire to him. Seriously, rightly speaking, just like an honest gentleman, the little fat man changed his mind... "

"Long Qing Fu..."

Xie Tingyue read this name, a little puzzled, what is this person trying to do

But the current situation is urgent, and we can't stay any longer!

Xie Tingyue took Chu Mu with one hand and her younger brother with the other, left the spot, and carefully explored the secret path to see if she could find the mechanism.

After an unknown amount of time, the three of them came to a wall.

This wall is different from other places, it is a little uneven, and it feels very connotative at first glance. The three of them lined up, reaching up and groping on the wall.

I don't know who bumped into it, or someone moved somewhere else, the wall suddenly moved and began to sink!

The speed of the sinking was very fast. Before the three of them could react, they lost the barrier of the wall, and there was a person standing opposite.

It was the little fat man He Youwen!

"Xie Tingxing!" The enemy was extremely jealous when he met Xie Tingxing. The little fat man's eyes changed when he saw Xie Tingxing, "Buy one get two free, two more? I was still hesitating at first, but now I don't need it. You all, one by one, all of you Everyone has to die, in, here, in!"

The little fat man changed in an instant, he was sinister and ruthless, he didn't look like a child at all, while talking, he rushed over with a knife in his hand.

Xie Tingxing's heartstrings tensed, and he grabbed Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu with his left and right hands one by one: "What are you doing in a daze, run!"

Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu didn't move, Qi Qi grabbed him and held him in place.

Xie Tingxing's eyes widened, this is... the rhythm of going to die together!

Xie Tingyue: "He is still a child."

Xie Tingxing turned around with his cerebellum: so

Xie Tingyue: "There's only one person."

Chu Mu added, pointing to himself and then to Xie Tingyue: "And there are three of us."

The meaning couldn't be more obvious. Two adults plus one and a half-year-old children restrain each other's one child. What's the problem

Xie Tingxing was a little confused: "But he has a knife in his hand..."

Adults are so stupid to fight, don't you think about bringing weapons!

Moreover, he is also a child, and his physique is not as strong as the little fat man. Although his brother is an adult, Chu Mu is a patient, and he is still sitting in a wheelchair waiting for his brother to take care of him! Can the three of them hold down a man with a knife

Chu Mu told him with practical actions that this matter is no problem.

He stretched out his slender right hand and snapped his fingers casually.

Qin Ping suddenly jumped out from behind the little fat man, jumped lightly, unloaded his knife, subdued, and a series of movements flowed smoothly.

Chu Mu smiled relaxedly: "Look, isn't this a subdue?"

Xie Tingxing:! !

This is how the three of them subdue the little fat man, obviously there is foreign aid!

Adults are so cunning! He was lied to... He almost believed it, and was going to roll up his sleeves to do it!

Xie Tingyue patted his stupid brother's dog's head: "At any time, don't forget to observe more."

Ever since he entered the secret passage, Qin Ping hadn't appeared, and he didn't know where he was trapped. As soon as the wall sank, the little fat man appeared, and Qin Ping's figure also appeared in the corner. Qin Ping Huiwu strayed into an unknown space, and would definitely hide his presence carefully to avoid danger. He probably saw that his master was relieved, so he flashed on purpose and told Chu Mu that he was there.

Brother Xiong is still a bit weaker, he is impatient when he meets him, and he is not observant enough.

The wine shop secretly thought, the owner He Yuanqi is dead, and his nephew He Youwen has been restrained. Now that another problem is determined, the danger will be directly reduced.

Xie Tingyue took a step forward: "Where is Long Qingfu?"

The little fat man was moving all fours, struggling hard, trying to break free from Qin Ping's restraint, and didn't bother to speak.

"Did he come here with you?"