Bastard Male Wife

Chapter 51: Qin Ping, slap your mouth!


"Tear me apart—"

Xie Tingyue gritted her teeth, her hands turned red, and finally with a "chick", the hem of her clothes was torn!

He quickly rolled on the spot, and the next moment, a rain of arrows came over, brushing, almost shooting through the place where he was sitting just now!

Xie Tingyue let out a long breath, her heart beating as fast as a drum.

He saw that Yan Hong was shot in the arm and was already injured. Yuan Zhengcheng was clever and hid under the table, holding his head as if scared, but he was fine.

When Chu Mu and Qin Ping are together, there will be no danger. Lu Li seems to know some punches and hide himself well, but his position is not very good.

The rain of arrows came too quickly, he couldn't join everyone, he was forced to retreat again and again, and finally he had to go upstairs to hide himself.

He didn't cry out.

He knew that Chu Mu was worried about him, just as he was worried about Chu Mu, and being quiet and calm was the best reassurance for him. He believed in Chu Mu, and Chu Mu would definitely believe in him. When the figure of the other party disappeared into her career, Xie Tingyue gave her an extremely firm look.

He was telling Chu Mu: Don't worry, I'll be fine, and you should take good care of yourself.

At the corner of the second floor, the rain of arrows blocked the outside, Xie Tingyue was finally safe.

For a long time, no one came to kill him.

So... the other party's target is not him

Xie Tingyue pondered.

He listened carefully, there was no signal from Chu Mu and Lu Li who were injured, they should be like him, not in danger of their lives.

Maybe this unprepared crisis didn't come for the three of them

Who is that


Xie Tingyue narrowed her eyes and quickly looked around the inn. Who else is here

Who can attract such a murderous intent

He didn't have enough information to guess, but this person must be extraordinary.

The arrows rained non-stop outside, as if he wanted to surround and kill the entire inn like this, Xie Tingyue gradually realized in his heart that this was not going to work.

With such a heavy hand, the other party would probably want to kill the grass and kill the grass to silence the mouth. They only had a few entourages with them, Qin Ping was good at martial arts, but two fists were no match for four hands, they couldn't hold on, so they had to think of a way.

How to do it…

Xie Tingyue suddenly remembered the footprints she had seen before, the row of footprints outside the window seemed to be there, facing the footprints outside.

Could it be that the hunted target has already gotten the news and left early

Then they are really an innocent disaster, and they have taken the blame for others in vain!

Xie Tingyue pinched her fingers tightly, no, he had to let those who did it know that it was meaningless.

I have to prove that I don't know anything...

You have to shout out about people running away, but you can't shout directly, you have to be skillful.

And the second floor is not good, you have to go to the third floor.

The space on the first floor can be seen everywhere, there are them and Xie Tingri Yan Hong on the second floor, there is no special movement, the target of others is undoubtedly set on the third floor!

third floor...

Xie Tingyue poked her head out carefully and observed the route.

It's not a little bit dangerous, it's quite dangerous!

In the open space, the rain of arrows is merciless, and no grass grows where it passes. How can this rush to the third floor!

At this moment, an unknown archer shot down the plaque hanging from the beam of the house. With a "pop", the long plaque fell and hit the guardrail of the stairs.

There is room to walk!

Xie Tingyue immediately made a decision, pretended to be in a panic and got out, was 'forced' by the rain of arrows all the way, and climbed upstairs along the small space separated by the plaque.

Faster, faster, faster!

There is no way, the space separated by the plaque is limited, and it is not thick enough to withstand tossing. If he dares to take a slow step, the sharp arrow dares to penetrate the wood and impale him into a hedgehog!

After going through all sorts of difficulties and dangers, she finally reached the third floor, the best location, the door of the best room. Xie Tingyue didn't dare to venture in, so she pulled out an arrow and threw it over to try—

The door squeaked and opened easily.

However, the arrows didn't stop, Xie Tingyue didn't observe for a long time, and she rolled to the corner with just a quick glance.

Even with just one glance, it was enough for him to see something useful.

bright yellow...

Bright yellow!

There was no one in the room, and the things were carefully collected, but they left too hastily, leaving behind some arrangements, such as this bright yellow.

In today's world, who dares to use bright yellow things on a large scale

Royal family.

Bright yellow is honorable, representing the supreme grace, no matter how yearning the common people are, they would only dare to use turmeric, ocher, yellow and goose yellow, and bright yellow would never dare.

The third floor of this inn has lived in people of high status!

Xie Tingyue was shocked and kept thinking.

Today, the Holy Majesty and the Empress have a very strong relationship. There are only two sons, both of whom were born in the middle palace. The second son has been established as the crown prince. The sick bed, especially in recent years, has been unconscious and lethargic, and bad news may come out at any time.

It is impossible for these two people to have time to come here.

It is even more impossible for the Holy One.

So... which clan is it

What Xie Tingyue was even more worried about was that if they came here to shelter from the rain, they might unknowingly get involved in something terrible...

It is impossible to accept fate and give up, Xie Tingyue cannot choose a dead end, her brain thinks quickly.

Time is running out and the situation is tense, what can he do? What effect can it achieve

Slowly, an idea took shape in Xie Tingyue's mind.

But at this moment, his good brother came over and did something bad.

He just said, why didn't I see Xie Tingyue and that girl Rou just now, it turned out that the two of them were not thinking about eating, and went to the third floor to have a secret tryst!

If Xie Tingyue hadn't come up, he wouldn't have run into each other, but if he had to do something, if he turned around a little, the two of them would be exposed without a doubt.

When encountering danger, the two of them were obviously also very nervous. Miss Rou was crying like pear blossoms and rain, so pitiful, Xie Tingri was finally able to hold the beauty in his arms, and comforted softly: "Rou'er is not afraid, I am here... Although I am not brave as a warrior, I will definitely keep you safe, if anyone wants to hurt you, first step over my dead body! I will never let go of your hand and let you and my mother work hard for half your life... "

Xie Tingri's voice trembled, his palms trembled, and he started talking nonsense regardless of the occasion, obviously very scared.

Xie Tingyue could hear the implication from these words.

He said why Xie Tingri's mind was not clear, and he insisted on getting entangled with a woman outside, so it was because of a knot in his heart.

In Xie Tingri's eyes, he must have been very pitiful when he was a child, and his biological mother Lin was very pitiful. Life was hard and difficult, and these should not be what they should bear. He pityed his young self, pityed his mother, Lin Shi, who took him to make a living, and hated Xie Liangbei, his father, in his heart.

If he comes this way, he must be better than Dad!

So he wants to prove that he wants to walk the exact same path himself.

Xie Tingyue couldn't comment, but it was a pity that Mrs. Lin protected her son too tightly, and at such an age, she was so ignorant and innocent.

"Xie Tingyue, what are you doing! Don't mess around!"

Over there, Xie Tingri had already seen Xie Tingyue, and was very worried that Xie Tingyue would act recklessly, making the thieves angry, and the intensified attack would implicate him.

Xie Tingyue ignored him, and looked around, considering the next angle.

At times like this, it is useless to hide. If others want to kill the grass and root out the arrows, they will inevitably come in to search for people and find ways to save themselves. The only thing we should do is to change the situation!

However, Xie Tingri didn't understand. Holding the fluke mentality of 'as long as I'm careful, I'll be fine', seeing that Xie Tingyue didn't listen to him, he rushed over, grabbed Xie Tingyue and led him to the corner: "Forget it, I'm also a rescuer." If you die, the heavens have the virtue of being good at life, and will definitely protect my safety!"

Xie Tingyue slapped Xie Tingri's hand vigorously: "Let go! You let me go! This is a bad thing for you!"

Xie Tingri didn't listen to him, he was too frightened, this time he tried his best, Xie Tingyue didn't take the shot no matter what.

Xie Tingyue: ...

I'm really not afraid of not having good helpers, but I'm afraid that there will be idiots in the team! It doesn't count if this guy ruins himself, he has to bring someone else along!

If you want to die, can you die alone, don't drag me!

Xie Tingyue didn't even have time to reason, and didn't have the mood to speak, so the other party probably wouldn't understand. He simply hit the back of the head hard—

Xie Tingri groaned, his nose bleeds, and he let go of his hand naturally.

Xie Tingyue seized this opportunity and got out, at the same time, she slashed the back of Xie Tingri's neck with her palm—

Xie Tingri rolled his eyes and passed out.

The Rou girl sitting on the side cried out in fright: "You, you, what do you want to do!"

"Shut up for me, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will kill you!"

Xie Tingyue stared, not gentle at all.

In fact, he is not a very skilled person. This trick was specially learned from Qin Ping after experiencing danger last time. He can only rely on taking advantage of people's unprepared opportunities to deal with people like Xie Tingri, no more.

But things like fighting and threatening rely on momentum. When he made such a move, Miss Rou hiccupped in fright, and she shrank back to the side regardless of Xie Tingri.

Xie Tingyue doesn't care where she goes, as long as nothing bad happens anyway.

Clean up my mood again, take a long breath, and finally be able to continue with my plan.

He aimed at the door of the room, ready to go.

In fact, he doesn't really want to do this. He's not Qin Ping, he doesn't have martial arts, it's too dangerous to do it, but the arrow has to be shot, the time is only now. At this moment, when Qin Ping comes over, the day lily will be cold.

Can only fight!


Xie Tingyue pretended to be at a loss, and rolled out of the corner in a panic. When she was in a hurry, she hid in the space and entered the room—

Naturally, he entered the room that he 'accidentally' opened.

"Damn! It's for nothing! There is no helper!"

He scolded very loudly, as if he was grasping at straws full of hope, but the straws did not exist, and he was disappointed and resentful.

He believed that this crisis was not an accident, but someone deliberately did it, and he must be hiding somewhere to watch. His performance, the other party will not miss it.

Next up is...

Xie Tingyue closed her eyes and stepped to the window.

The third floor was a bit high, he tried his best to pay attention to his posture, he would definitely not die, at most he would get hurt a little bit.

Get ready, take a deep breath, and with a slap in the face, Xie Tingyue's entire figure flew into the air and jumped out of the window!

"Huh? Madame!"

Xie Tingyue thought that she would fall hard, but Qin Ping got down somehow, and with a wave of his big hand, he stabilized Xie Tingyue's figure.

The other party blinked at him, while moving steadily like an old dog, while pretending to be anxious and flustered: "What's going on! Ma'am is hurt!"

Xie Tingyue understood at a glance that it was Chu Mu who sent him here.


Did the other party guess it too? Not only guessed the development of the situation, but also guessed his plan, knowing that he might do this, sent Qin Ping to help

If so... too smart!

"I don't know where the bandits dare to commit crimes in broad daylight. I searched everywhere and found nowhere to hide. I finally found a room, but there was no one in it! Huh? These footprints—could it be that the man ran away early? I said It looks like someone is living in the room!"

Xie Tingyue spoke very loudly, made clear her position, and asked the other party: "Why are you here?"

Qin Ping replied very loudly: "Isn't I also a headless chicken running around? Who knows that there is something wrong with this place, it seems that someone has made a trap, and I fell several times!"

The heavy rain like a waterfall can't stop the voice communication between the two, as long as they are not too far away and they are not deaf, they can be heard.

Xie Tingyue: "It must be that guy with the treasure on his body that attracted the thief!"

Qin Ping: "It's too much! He ran away and brought us into this disaster!"

Xie Tingyue: "If I had known earlier, I would have stopped a few boxes of silver and went on the road together. At least I will keep my money safe!"

Qin Ping: "What madam said is true! If this hurdle is passed today, I will definitely follow the trail and chase after him. Even if I can't get revenge, it's good to get angry!"

The two sang together and quickly explained the situation thoroughly.

They don't know why this disaster happened, who did it, and who the target is, but based on their own experience, they think that someone was careless and exposed their wealth in the wilderness, attracting bandits.

The person who fled was definitely gone, and he hadn't left for a long time. It was still too late for the person who started the attack to go after him now.

The bunch of outsiders who were implicated had no skills, and they might not be able to escape this difficulty, but Qin Ping is a martial artist, if the whole army is wiped out, he will be the fish that slipped through the net, and he has hatred in his heart. What will he do? He must have exhausted all his abilities to track down the culprit and kill him for his life.

And the other party's actions today, the offensive is intensive, which means that they want to kill people, but they don't want the news to be leaked and known. It may not be beneficial for them to fight to the death and break the net, and those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes.

Thinking about it this way, it would be meaningless to continue the attack, and it would not achieve any expected effect.

As long as the opponent's leader is not stupid, he will know how to choose.

Xie Tingyue is also very confident in his acting skills. In the previous wave, he really worked hard!

Sure enough, after a while, the arrow rain stopped.

Still can't see where the other party is, how many people there are, just like the tide at night, silently attacking and retreating silently.

Xie Tingyue didn't bother to observe and guess, for some things, the less you know, the safer. and…

His legs are weak!

Scared to death, I can't stand at all, okay!

Qin Ping didn't dare to help his wife, so he dared to stand aside, watching his wife slowly recovering from the wall, and when he regained his strength, he pointed to the door: "Master is waiting for you inside."

Xie Tingyue: "He guessed it?"

"I don't know." Qin Ping shook his head honestly. He didn't know what his wife was thinking, nor why his master made such an arrangement. "I just came to meet you according to the master's order, and said the above words."

Xie Tingyue understood, and Chu Mu really guessed it.

How wise and close to a monster, this is a monster!

Back at the inn, Lu Li was already sitting firmly at the table, and when he saw Xie Tingyue, he smiled and waved his hands: "Thank you, come and sit!"

By the way, hold the pot with your own hands and pour tea for the heroes.

As for Chu Mu... he was training someone.

Who should I train? Xie Ting day.

Xie Tingyue's move was really bad, it knocked people unconscious, but within two strokes, he woke up, his eyes were red, and he rushed downstairs, intending to kill Xie Tingyue.

He has no elder brother, yet he dares to make a move, making him lose face in front of Rou'er. If he doesn't teach him a lesson, where will his elder brother's face be

He cursed the bastard and rushed downstairs.

Can Chu Mu let him go? Naturally, with a flick of the hidden weapon, the person was left behind.

"Your Excellency is really majestic, and I don't know who the shrinking tortoise who was frightened and hid just now."

Xie Tingri was furious: "Who are you, come and teach me a lesson?"

Chu Mu smiled: "Even Cong can teach you a lesson. You know how self-aware you are, and how low your opinion of yourself is."

Xie Tingri gritted his teeth: "I am the eldest son of the Xie family, how dare you be so rude!"

Chu Mu spread his hands: "I can't help it, I can't see dirty things, especially those shabby households who eat pots and pans, I really can't bear it."

Xie Tingri: "What do you know! I have a lot of burdens on my shoulders, what I have experienced, how much pressure I have, do you understand! I am a good man, full of passion, bravely pursuing what I want, what is wrong!"

"As a man, courage is paramount, and there is nothing wrong with bravely pursuing what you want. You should pay as much as you want for it, but—" Chu Mu's voice was cold, "It's wrong to be shameless."

"If you are dissatisfied with the arrangement of your elders, you can be persuaded to change it. You dare not speak up, you are greedy for the wealth and glory behind this arrangement, and relying on the saying 'not what I want', you chase after and beat people outside, and you feel that you are the most wronged—Fame Wants Yes, I also want the real benefits, this bitch wants to set up an archway, the routine is very familiar."

Chu Mu sneered: "Based on your mother's ability, she can find a way to solve everything for you? Then I bullied you today, do you want to go back and file a complaint and let her come to me to judge?"

Xie Tingri blushed with embarrassment at his words: "You—"

Chu Mu was upset when he thought about the anger his wife had received at home, and because of the crisis today, he had nowhere to vent his anger. When he saw Qin Ping came back, he ordered directly: "Qin Ping, slap your mouth!"

Domineering and direct, without any psychological burden.

Qin Ping has always only listened to his master, never asked why, didn't pause, came over and shook his hand—

Throwing Xie Tingri to the ground, his face immediately swelled up.

Xie Tingri burst into tears: "You—"

"How is it? Feel ashamed and embarrassed?" Chu Mu smiled, "Do you want to go back and complain to your mother?"

Xie Tingri's mouth was bitter, his tongue was numb, and he couldn't speak for a while.

Chu Mu narrowed his eyes, with a ghostly expression on his face: "My wife is soft-hearted, some things I don't bother to do, I am different... Whoever dares to disrespect my wife, I will repay ten times!"

Xie Tingri was really hard to see the extreme, he felt like a dog, being bullied and beaten at will, but the situation was unfavorable, he couldn't fight back!

Xie Tingyue didn't feel sympathy for this elder brother at all, she sat in the same room with Lu Li, and asked with a wink: "What happened just now, is there anything to gain?"

Lu Li didn't hide it from him, dipped his fingers in water, quickly and lightly wrote the word 'Li', and quickly erased it.

The hands that have been practicing calligraphy all the year round are different. Except for Xie Tingyue, no one else can see his movements clearly.

Xie Tingyue's eyes suddenly stopped!

What does the word 'Li' represent? The only thing related to etiquette in the clan is the King of Li who is titled Li!

King Li actually came to Qing County

Xie Tingyue frowned slightly, what are you doing here

Does Yan Hong know

He has a younger sister who works as a concubine in Prince Li's Mansion...

Xie Tingyue looked at Yan Hong immediately.

Yan Hong was shot in the arm before, he could only endure the danger, but now that the enemy has receded, how can he bear it? He yelled in pain, beckoning his servants to bandage him, even Xie Tingri didn't care to help him wipe his butt.

All kinds of performances, panic and fear are not adulterated at all.

Obviously don't know.

This is interesting, Xiao Xiaoqing County, almost met each other, and didn't even say hello to 'brother', what the hell is King Li doing? As we all know, this is an idle prince, he has done many ridiculous things in the past, he doesn't come from afar, he just walks casually, just to chase a bird, right

But chasing a bird, why would it attract assassination

Xie Tingyue was thoughtful.

Lu Li saw it and didn't bother.

Before the few people were separated by the arrow rain, Xie Tingyue's direction was the most unfavorable, but also the most favorable, and finally broke a bloody path, which made him very admired. But he himself is not idle. His experience in the officialdom has cultivated his unusual sensitivity, and what he discovers is naturally different from others.

He had quickly discussed the details with Chu Mu, but right now he has no time to talk to Xie Tingyue.

"We agreed to go together all the way, sorry, but I have to leave first."

Xie Tingyue looked at Lu Li who stood up, surprised but not too surprised: "Are you back?"

Lu Li nodded with a smile: "Yeah. I'll look for you later."

He left very simply and did not bring anyone with him, but Xie Tingyue knew that he was definitely not walking alone, there must be arrangements around him.

As for the present—

Xie Tingri knew that the situation was unfavorable and he couldn't beat Chu Mu, so he just smashed the jar and lay down on the ground pretending to be a dead dog.

If he wants to resist, Chu Mu can continue to attack, and if no one says anything, what else can Chu Mu do? Of course he turned around and ignored him.

Is it still impossible to kill

Xie Tingri was helped up by Miss Rou, covered half of his face while walking while hiding, wishing he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

When they left, Xie Tingyue looked at Chu Mu: "Why are you bothering? Isn't your reputation called fame?"

In the future, it will be spread that Chu Mu is not a gentleman, so it's not good to be a villain who specializes in face-slapping.

"Who told him to bully Madam?" Chu Mu was very arrogant, "I just can't stand it."

Xie Tingyue sighed.

Chu Mu stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder: "Madam, don't worry, I know my husband well."

Things are already like this, what else can I do

Xie Tingyue looked at the rain curtain outside the corridor: "Lu Li is gone."

Chu Mu: "I know."

"Then we..."

"Leave early tomorrow morning, no matter if the rain stops."

Both Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu knew that within a month in the future, there would be floods in Qing County. Floods in this season are very rare, neither the people nor the government are prepared for it, and the losses are great.

But there is still at least half a month to see the clues. Did the heavy rain come too fast

The two looked out, with the same worry hidden in their eyes.

Is everything I am experiencing now exactly the same as in my previous life, is there no deviation at all

However, no matter how the weather changes, their itinerary will not change. On the second day, when the rain subsided a little, Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu set off again to Qing County.

This time, in one breath, I arrived at the destination, the Xiao family.

The head of the Xiao family of this generation is named Yunfeng, twenty-six years old, and married a wife named Qingxi from the Hang family. The two have been together for several years and have no children.

All Xie Tingyue knew was almost only this information.