Bastard Male Wife

Chapter 52: There are such blind people in the world


The torrential rain seemed to be tired from playing, and gradually stopped, letting off the pedestrians on their way.

But the sky is not clear, the haze is quiet, the coolness bursts, I don't know what plans are hidden.

The road was muddy and the car was moving slowly, but at least we were able to walk.

In the past few days, Xie Tingyue has been particularly concerned about Chu Mu. From time to time, she pokes her forehead and wraps her clothes, asking for this or that. Chu Mu's physical condition remains good, he has no fever, and there is no abnormality.

Brother Qin Pingdong was a little idle.

After careful consideration and observation, Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu decided that the danger was over, so they simply sent them out, changing shifts to inquire about news.

It is difficult for them to inquire about the internal situation of Xiao's family in the capital, but now they are in Qing County - it is much more convenient.

The carriage moved forward slowly, and according to the distance, it would soon arrive at the place where the Xiao family lived together.

Xie Tingyue looked at the wet scenery outside the window, her eyebrows were slightly drawn, and she was a little nervous.

Not only the strange place, the situation that is about to be faced, the possibility of uncertainty, but also the gloomy weather.

Before long, the site will experience its once-in-a-century flood, caused by uncharacteristically continuous downpours.

Xie Tingyue only knew that this incident had happened in her previous life, but he was far away in the capital city and was troubled by troubles, so he did not personally participate in it. clear. He only found out about it after the fact, in other people's chats. He couldn't tell whether the words in the mouth of the idle man at the tea stand were a false sigh of pity, or an intentional exaggeration to attract attention.

What he can do here, what he can do, can only depend on himself.

"... madam? madam?"


Xie Tingyue came back to her senses and saw Chu Mu's eyes, only then did she notice her gaffe just now, which made him worry.

"I'm fine, I was just thinking..." Xie Tingyue looked around, and said in a low voice, "How do you know that there were people living on the third floor and they ran away? Lu Li is even more powerful, just tell me that person is—"

He made the mouth shape of a king of ceremony.

Chu Mu smiled: "Didn't you also immediately guess what happened on the third floor? You even charged into battle and acted."

This seems to be a bit of a grudge...

Xie Tingyue carefully looked at Chu Mu's face, and sure enough, the smile didn't reach her eyes, with some disapproval and grievance.

Xie Tingyue: ...

You can disagree with my actions, but what does it mean to be wronged

You are blaming me and I haven't felt wronged yet!

"Madam, don't be like this," Chu Mu held his hand, "I'll be worried."

Xie Tingyue: "Let go."

Chu Mu: "Don't let go."


"Don't let go."

Xie Tingyue closed her eyes: "You are like this, how can I pour you tea?"

"Pour tea... ok."

Chu Mu let go of Xie Tingyue's hand obediently, and waited for tea with a smile, with a relaxed expression on his face.

It's like—a sigh of relief. He just thought that he must hold Xie Tingyue's hand tightly, otherwise the other party will get angry and leave in anger.

Xie Tingyue: ...

Simply get back to the topic: "We were separated by the rain of arrows, you can't go up to the third floor to observe for yourself, so, how did you tell?"

Chu Mu: "As soon as we arrived at the inn, Lu Li and I felt something was wrong."

Xie Tingyue: "So early?"

Chu Mu nodded: "The inn in a remote place is not a special season. There are not many pedestrians passing by. Why is it raining heavily and the inn is full and there are no rooms?"

Xie Tingyue pondered, this is true.

Chu Mu said again: "It is said that it is full, but there is no movement from the third floor."

Xie Tingyue: "That's all?"

"Of course it's more than that," Chu Mu smiled, "Every one of us, because of our different backgrounds, the environment we've been exposed to, and our education, our behavioral characteristics will also carry the signs of our respective groups. Ordinary people are not sensitive to royal secret travel rules and styles, but Lu Li is not I am used to it. Coupled with the news in the capital in recent days, and the disturbance caused by the Prince of Li, it is not difficult to make a bold guess and carefully observe the scene to confirm it."

Xie Tingyue nodded.

That's right, Lu Li seems to have no idea what to say, but he is actually very careful and smart enough, even he can see a thing or two, how can others not see it

"and you-"

"I'm different," Chu Mu said with a deepened smile on his face, slowly, "I just know Madam better."

Xie Tingyue opened her eyes wide.

Chu Mu: "Under what circumstances, what kind of judgments and attempts Madam will make, and what kind of results she wants... I know everything."

Xie Tingyue's ears were red.

It was obviously very normal words, but Chu Mu's words were provocative and ambiguous, making people blush and heartbeat.

Xie Tingyue simply stopped talking, didn't look at him, and spoke again after a while: "Then...why did you encounter such a crisis? Who wants to kill him?"

Chu Mu chuckled, letting go of the shy madam, and said sternly, "About the members of the royal family, while enjoying the envy and wealth of others, they also bear risks that others don't understand."

His voice was not heavy, and there seemed to be no hidden meaning, Xie Tingyue still noticed the difference in the middle.

"But?" He looked at Chu Mu.

Chu Mu lowered his eyes: "But it's really because of this, or something else, you and I are ordinary people, I don't know."

Xie Tingyue understood what Chu Mu was talking about.

People in the royal family are in charge of the country, and their authority is unmatched, but there are always a few people who refuse to accept it. When the current situation is tense, if you can't assassinate the emperor, you can assassinate those who are close to the emperor. Wouldn't the clan be unlucky

Prince Li is an idle prince, because of his loyalty, he is very close to the emperor, so it is not impossible to be regarded as a target. However, the blood of the same surname is flowing on the body, and the prestige and imperial power on the Golden Luan Hall is fatally attractive. Is King Li really just an idle prince? Never thought of making trouble

However, the common people of Dousheng think these things are unfounded and worrying, and the distance is too far to see clearly. Xie Tingyue simply gave up and cared about her 'best friend' Lu Li: "Lu Li's leaving in such a hurry has something to do with this matter?"

"It's irrelevant, it's also related." Chu Mu shook his head, and nodded again, "His official duties have nothing to do with King Li, but the arrival of his clan relatives will affect the atmosphere of the local officialdom. Get things done early, and you can feel at ease sooner."

I see.

Xie Tingyue understood that when King Li came to Qing County, there was such a big commotion before he arrived. It is impossible for the officialdom here not to hear any news. He would be nervous if he heard it. How should he be received? There won't be any trouble, whether to curry favor with personal connections, and what to give as a gift, all kinds of different considerations have to turn hundreds of times in the minds of different officials, and they have to let go of business first. Lu Li went to the local government on business, wouldn't it be delayed? If you are unlucky, you will encounter endless small troubles.

"I hope he can go well and come back after two days."

"It can't be done in two days," Chu Mu smiled, "The matter of the salt road is cumbersome."

Xie Tingyue was startled.


He didn't mean to inquire about the secrets, but it was clear that no matter Chu Mu or Lu Li, they both had a sense of proportion, trusted him, and had no intention of hiding anything.

Chu Mu said: "Qing County has a very special geographical location. It is a southward fortress and a hub of waterways. Whether it is food or salt, it is very easy to cause trouble. Before, there were big gangs here, and there were countless gangs, large and small, from the Cao Gang, the Salt Gang, and the Haihu Gang. , the flood of private salt, through the efforts of the first emperor and the present and the previous two generations, it is finally on the right track. It is hard to say that it is absolutely controllable, but there will be no more big troubles. Every year, the imperial court will send people to inspect carefully. Come, for this."

Chu Mu's voice was warm, and he explained very clearly, but Xie Tingyue was thinking now, and it was inevitable that he would have associations in his ears.

salt, grain...

Gangsters are powerful...

The flood of private salt...

"After all, it's not a business on the surface. Did these people need the help of others to do business before?" Xie Tingyue narrowed her eyes, "For example, there are some powerful people in the capital who can talk everywhere."

Chu Mu frowned, and understood: "You mean - the account of the family?"

Xie Tingyue nodded, her eyebrows pondered: "What do you think?"

Chu Mu thought for a while, then smiled: "I can't think of any new direction, Xu Zhenzhen is like that."

They have been thinking about the origin of this debt before, but they have no direction. The deed was vague, the Chu family gave them a certain protection, and the Xiao family offered a reward at the end of the year. In the old Shennian accounts, this amount was very large, but then it suddenly decreased, until now it is nonexistent. What is this shelter? Why is the remuneration so vague, without even a specific figure, is it difficult to determine the amount for this matter, or can it not be stated on the surface at all

And the Chu family has always been rooted in the capital, and their network of contacts is also in the capital. There was a concubine in the capital earlier. To be honest, the local relationship is too small. What's so special, a small place attracts the favor of the Chu family, and can offer so much 'filial piety'

It’s okay to talk about food, after all, food is the most important thing for the people, and the business can be generous, but the salt is not.

The word "private salt" is a capital offense, and the sale and purchase of salt has always been profitable.

Xie Tingyue admits that this way of thinking expands a bit unconstrained, but if no other direction can be found, this may be the only direction.

Now that Chu Mu actually accepted his conjecture, he dared to think about it even more. If this was the case, it would be a big pit, what should he do? How to talk with the Xiao family

The thoughts in my heart don't stop, and the carriage keeps moving forward.

After an unknown amount of time, Chu Mu shook his hand: "It's just ahead."

Xie Tingyue turned his head to look outside the car.

This place is not far from the city center, it looks like a deliberately repaired outreach street, and it also looks like a group village. The houses are very new and look good.

The ancestors of the Xiao family were a bandit gang, united with other chief executives to become local snakes, they behaved quite domineeringly, outsiders, outside business, no matter what they had to ask them to nod. Things changed later, and in the Taiping era, the younger generation and the grandparents had different ways of living. Now they are good citizens. Those who read books, and those who farm the land are no different from ordinary people outside. Now they live in groups and take root here. clan.

The only difference is probably the special cohesion and inheritance method. In some places, they still maintain the habits left by their ancestors, and the rules are very strict.

The gangster turned around, the background is too shallow, and it is a bit difficult to come up with achievements in all aspects. The Xiao family now also farms, reads books, and does business, and has never been an official. Fortunately, the clan is very cohesive and will not be bullied. Life is very easy to go on.

Outsiders don't know this information. If you come here, wander around the teahouses and listen to the bragging of the people nearby, you will know it all.

The car stopped, Brother Dong put the car bench outside, Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu got out of the car one after another.

As soon as I got out of the car, I felt something was wrong, Xie Tingyue listened: "It seems... there is movement?"

He could hear it, and others naturally heard it too, especially Qin Ping, who is sensitive to five senses, and directly gave more detailed information: "There is a quarrel ahead."

Chu Mu held Xie Tingyue's hand: "Go, go and have a look."

"The weather is changing drastically, fear of disaster, the silkworm eggs must be moved to high ground!"

"The weather is so cold, and the silkworm eggs are delicate, if you move them rashly, a lot of them will die. There will be no harvest in the future!"

"If you don't turn, disaster will come, and the silkworm eggs will die."

"Who are you scaring! It's not just a rain, so what if it's bigger, how dare you lose your courage! Xiao Yunfeng, I'm afraid you don't even know how to write the surname on the top of your head, you have forgotten the courage of your ancestors Let me tell you, no! You can entice others to listen to you, but I, Xiao Wenshu, also know the etiquette of reading, and I am no shorter than anyone else. My silkworm species just doesn’t move. If I want to move, I just step on my corpse! "

"Xiao Wenshu, you should know the rules of my Xiao family. As long as your surname is Xiao, you have to submit to my patriarch's control. Today's silkworm eggs, you have to move it, or you have to move it."

"I just don't accept it! You want to die alone, why do you have to drag us!"

There were two people in front of them arguing about whether to move the silkworm eggs, and the atmosphere was very tense.

Xie Tingyue observed it for a while, and she knew it in her heart.

The one on the left, with the corners of his clothes pinned to his belt for the convenience of movement, a tall, tall young man with a stern face, is the head of the Xiao clan of this generation, Xiao Yunfeng, and he is also the person he is looking for.

From the words just now, one can tell that this person is resolute and resolute, and has a leadership momentum, more than Fang Zheng, less than tactful. He is a person with great ideas and will never follow the crowd.

Xiao Wenshu, who was standing opposite him, was a lot thinner. He was wearing a long gown with books. His skin was fair and his temperament was refined. He was very bookish. At a glance, he knew that he was studying in a closed room every day, but this posture... a little Some are aggressive.

It's not that Xie Tingyue has sharp eyes and can see through the world at a glance, but mainly because Xiao Wenshu looks a little familiar to him.

His restless brother Xiong often quarreled with him, with the same expression on his face. Relying on the fact that he won't beat and scold excessively, he indulges in arrogance, and disturbs three points even if he doesn't reason. Naturally, he is more righteous when he is reasonable.

The two quarreled quite fiercely, and the atmosphere was tense. There were many tribesmen around, but everyone was very quiet, and no one spoke.

Xie Tingyue glanced around and suddenly paused.

There are even acquaintances at the scene!

The Rou girl I met before, and his good brother Xie Tingri were also present. The two did not have any intimate behavior, and the distance was not too close. They both stood beside Xiao Wenshu. Supporters of this person.

Why is there him everywhere!

Xie Tingyue was a little upset.

He is not afraid of Xie Tingri, but is it uncomfortable to have a fly flying around his eyes at any time

The palm felt hot, it was Chu Mu who squeezed his hand.

Xie Tingyue lowered her head, only to see Chu Mu blink quickly with one eye, and smiled ambiguously: "Madam, don't be afraid, if he dares to mess around, Husband will take care of him."

Xie Tingyue squinted at once: How do you teach me a lesson, slap your mouth

Chu Mu smiled even wider, obviously admitting it, with a look of honor for his wife to make the decision...

Xie Tingyue stroked her forehead silently.

There are so many people here, so don't be ashamed casually.

He knew that Chu Mu was often not a gentleman, but he still hoped that everyone's image would not be shattered. I hope this unlucky brother can understand something today.

The quarrel over there is still going on, and it's getting to a climax, and it's starting to shake. Xiao Wenshu's voice is stern: "Don't use any clan rules to suppress me, what time is it now, who still eats that? My things It's my stuff, why do you have the final say! When my father passed away, it was not easy for my widowed mother to drag me. How many things you embezzled from my house, isn't it enough? Now you have to rob me, you have to have nothing to be satisfied, right? "

Xiao Yunfeng frowned: "Your father's death, the whole clan is very sorry. Those properties are to support your mother and son's life, the clan decided to share them with you temporarily after discussion, and agreed to take them back within a certain period of time. You have passed the deed, why? Do you still want to dwell on this matter?"

"My mother is dead, of course you mean whatever you say!" Xiao Wenshu's eyes were stern, "I know you don't like me, I just read books better than you, so you just want to avenge yourself, Xiao Yunfeng, Ask yourself, are you worthy to be the head of this clan?"

Xiao Yunfeng was about to laugh angrily: "So I'm not worthy, but you are?"

Xiao Wenshu: "I, I didn't say that!"

The two were fighting, and the girl Rou on one side came out: "Master, please let my cousin go!"

She knelt down in front of Xiao Yunfeng with a plop, weeping pitifully: "Cousin, he concentrates on his studies and scientific examinations, and doesn't care about outside things. He is the most polite, content and grateful. As long as he has a place to live, he eats three meals a day. If he succeeds, he will be satisfied, he really won't hinder the son of the patriarch, and if he grows up to become an official in the future, he will also help the clan, I beg the patriarch, for the sake of the future of the clan, stop pressing each other!"

These words are sensible and reasonable, and in the long run, plus a face that looks like flowers and jade, with pear blossoms and rain, it will make a lot of impressions.

Xiao Yunfeng frowned: "There is no need for outsiders to intervene in the affairs of my Xiao family."

There was no mercy for such a beautiful woman.

Miss Rou blushed slightly, lowered her head and lowered her eyes, revealing a snow-white, beautifully lined nape: "I... my cousin has already been engaged..."

Xiao Yunfeng: "Are you married?"

Miss Rou lowered her head further, and shook her head slightly.

Xiao Yunfeng: "If you are not married, you are not a member of my Xiao family."

He had a tough attitude, and the girl who forced her blushed like blood, and she was so ashamed. He has no pity, but some people have pity.

Xie Tingri immediately jumped out and pointed at Xiao Yunfeng's nose: "You are so shameless! Embezzling other people's property is not enough, narrow-minded, jealous, and now you are still robbing, you have to let other people's homes be destroyed and killed to make you feel at ease!"

Xiao Yunfeng narrowed his eyes: "I just said that the affairs of my Xiao family cannot be discussed by outsiders."

Following his words, most of the people behind him took a step forward.

Xie Tingri didn't see it at all, and was still yelling: "You can talk so harshly to a girl's family, you can imagine what kind of rude and unreasonable person it is!"

Xie Tingyue: ...

There are really such blind people in the world who are eager to die.

Don't mention your surname, go to other people's land, point at the nose and scold the head of the family, how can you be so bold, just say that your behavior is to stand up for a woman, this woman is someone else's fiancee, and your cousin is right in front of you. What do you think, love your house and love you, like women and even support their husbands? Is it so comfortable to wear a green hat

Besides, don't you have any analysis and judgment on the current situation, this quarrel

There are thousands of clans in the world, and there are all kinds of patriarchs. There are indeed those who are very selfish and seek their own interests everywhere, but there are also those who are upright and clear, virtuous and ethical, and have a sense of responsibility above all else.

Xie Tingyue has met many reliable patriarchs. There are old people who have lost their children, children who have lost their parents, and those who are disabled and cannot take care of themselves. Everyone supports them together, and the clan contributes money. It is easy for a widower to bring children, and he can remarry. If it is difficult for a widow to live with children, the clan will give some property to help until the son grows up to support the family.

He's new here, so he doesn't know the ins and outs, but from his personal performance just now, his expression and words, he will also think about it.

Seeing that all the clansmen support their patriarch, no one speaks for Xiao Wenshu

Xie Tingyue tilted her head, just in time to see Qin Ping's vigilant expression, so she asked: "Do you also think that this head of the Xiao family is inappropriate?"

Qin Ping shook his head and was very honest: "I don't know, and I don't have any fantasies. I'm just afraid that in case of accidents, I must protect my master and wife."

Xie Tingyue looked at Chu Mu again: "What do you think?"

Chu Mu's smile was very meaningful: "Often, the more one wants to seek to seize other people's property and interests, the more he values reputation."

The worse a person is, the more he likes to wear a gentle sheepskin. If he really wants to grab something, who will do it in broad daylight? You have to think a lot about it in the early stage, and no fool will do the "robbing" in front of you now.

Xie Tingyue also laughed: "Moreover, this property is too risky, and it may not be possible to obtain it."

If the weather is bad, there may be disasters. Xiao Yunfeng is not a god, he did these things just as a precautionary measure, and he didn't dare to say that there would be disasters, but the silkworm eggs were transferred, and the loss was certain. If he really "robbed" at this time, he might end up fetching water from a bamboo basket, let alone A real businessman, even a child would not be willing to suffer such a loss.

So he basically concluded that Xiao Yunfeng was bravely fighting for a chance, and Xiao Wenshu's accusation was probably his own ignorance.

Regardless of studying or living, it is not Xiao Yunfeng who has knots, but Xiao Wenshu himself.

There is something wrong with the accounts at home, whether it is because the salt road is still uncertain, everything is just guesswork, now considering Xiao Yunfeng's character-

Xie Tingyue believes that when dealing with decent people, beating around the bush will make her look too small and hideous, so it's better to be upright and straightforward.

And this disaster, other people don't know about it, but he, who has lived a new life, knows about it, and there is a high probability that it will happen. It is not advisable to say this in advance, and others will not believe it. Do something to make the impact of the disaster less, but you can work hard.

Xie Tingyue took a step forward: "I think what the patriarch said makes sense. The silkworm eggs should be transferred."

Another outsider!

The Xiao family was all quiet, although they didn't know who the other party was, but for the sake of supporting the Patriarch, they endured it.

Xiao Yunfeng didn't express anything, he was just observing.

Others don't know Xie Tingyue, but Xie Tingri does. Seeing this, he jumped up: "At this time, don't help your brother talk, but help an outsider?"

Where are you from

"You should be on my side!"

Xie Tingri was so angry that his voice became thinner.

Xie Tingyue smiled slightly, and replied with one word: "No."