Bastard Male Wife

Chapter 55: Emergency moment


Xie Tingyue encountered bandits.

real gangster.

He just came here to say thanks out of politeness, and by the way, deepen the relationship between everyone, make the connection closer, and overcome the disaster together, but Dao Guang was so unreasonable and suddenly appeared.

Xie Tingyue has the ability to face crises, but when she suddenly bumped into the knife light, she couldn't react in time, so she paused on the spot.

Xiao Yunfeng, Hang Qingxi and his wife reacted very quickly. Xiao Yunfeng rushed out almost immediately, not forgetting to take down the sword on the wall. In the heavy rain, the sharp sword was unsheathed, drawing an arc like a practice, like a dragon singing beside him!

Hang Qingxi quickly hid by the wall, pulled Xie Tingyue down and squatted down, and at the same time kept gesturing to the outside. The Xiao family, no matter whether they were clan members or servants, were very well-trained to disperse and dodge. nobody.

No one was hurt.

Xie Tingyue watched in amazement.

What a quick response!

Taking a deep breath, he turned his mind back and could observe the scene calmly.

Not many people came, there were five in total, but none of them had a low sense of presence and could be ignored.

They are similar in stature, with big arms and round waists, fierce and fierce, and they have no intention of hiding themselves. Except for the weapons they carry, their luggage is very casual, and the corners of their clothes are even tattered. Everyone has beards and their faces are not very clean. , Even in the rain, you can see the oil on the hair...

With such a temperament and such a performance, he is not a villain!

But after a closer look, Xie Tingyue became suspicious.

The martial arts of these five people are really powerful, and should not be underestimated. Xiao Yunfeng's swordsmanship is also vigorous and majestic. The scene is fiercely intertwined, but... they are not immortal. Xiao Yunfeng seemed to know where the gaps in the opponent's combination were, and he could always find out exactly where the punches were. The five of them also seemed to understand Xiao Yunfeng's weaknesses, and they would never let him be complacent for too long.

It's like being familiar with each other.

Not only martial arts methods, but also character and behavior habits.

Is it someone you know

The next moment, someone gave Xie Tingyue the answer.

Among the group of five gangsters, the tallest one with a prominent hairline seemed to be the boss, who was not idle in fighting or talking, and directly scolded his opponent: "Xiao Yunfeng, you bastard! Things! How dare you fight with us, have you forgotten what your ancestors said!"

Even the sound of the heavy rain couldn't stop the angry yelling, even the name was yelled out accurately, so naturally it wasn't an unrelated stranger.

Xiao Yunfeng was not agitated at all, his voice was as calm as his state: "It is you who have forgotten."

The bandit leader of a strong man with a high hairline: "Bah! Don't be fooled by this kind of deceptive trick, thinking that after two days of studying, you can convince people with virtue? This is a big story Go to Lao Tzu's point of view, the words of our ancestors are clearly written in black and white, let us do a good job of salt for the benefit of our descendants!"

"Then what do you think is beneficial to your offspring? To encourage people to make progress, make the family business flourish, and the family have a bright future, or—" Xiao Yunfeng's eyebrows are stern, his voice is low and full of sharpness, "Do nothing but seek money, and the family will pass on the father's legacy Licking blood on the edge of a knife, living in hiding like you for the rest of your life, can't even be an upright person?"

"Cang Lang—"

The bandit leader blocked Xiao Yunfeng's sword vigorously, and spat vigorously at the opposite side: "You have the nerve to say such a thing? You go to study with a thick body, and the hand that plays with the sword takes the brush. If the handwriting looks good, it is still a ghostly talisman. Are you a handsome man? Are you an upright person? Did you get promoted or let go? Who will give you a little face when you go out of Qing County? Don’t talk about other places, even here in Qing County, you are still a coward was bullied by me!"

The bandit leader became angrier and more forceful as he spoke: "What else would you do other than hide from our brothers! What else would you do other than train the clansmen to follow suit!"

The opponent gained momentum and once fought fiercely, Xiao Yunfeng had a little difficulty coping with it, so he didn't reply immediately.

The bandit leader was very angry: "I don't understand, wasn't it good before? Inherited father's will, practiced martial arts well, you also swore by snatching salt when you were young, how can we change? We are the same as before. , take good care of your back for your brother, stick a knife in your ribs, drink heavily together, eat meat, don't worry about money, what's wrong! It can also make your mother-in-law feel less angry, less worried and frightened, so that you don't have to toss for so long You can't even have a baby!"

Xiao Yunfeng remained unmoved, and his tone became more and more indifferent: "If you want to fight, you can fight. It is useless to talk too much."

It is obvious that he is soft and hard.

The eyeballs of the bandit leader's anger were all red, and he didn't hold back, and went straight to Xiao Yunfeng's vital point: "I just don't understand, the road under my feet is so simple, and the ancestral deed paper is in your hands, a man is not lacking in courage, Just do it, why are you so hesitant, you are obviously not such a person!"

Xiao Yunfeng used all his strength and skill to narrowly escape the blow, and blood was wiped from his shoulder: "No reason, I just don't want my child to have nowhere to go!"

"Isn't your son my nephew, with uncles watching, how could he have nowhere to go!"

"You do not understand."

The two of you come and go, and swords and swords are urging their lives, and no one can convince the other.

Xie Tingyue gradually understood.

Make good use of salt for the benefit of your descendants...

The words of the ancestors...

The relationship between the bandit leader and Xiao Yunfeng is probably unusual. According to the information available, they are either relatives connected by blood, or their ancestors are fateful brothers.

The ancestor's words are clearly written down, it's just a few words, no one can read them wrong, but the two understand differently, one focuses on the first half of the sentence, and the other focuses on the second half of the sentence.

The first half of the sentence is too clear, do a good job with salt. A few decades ago, the situation was extremely chaotic. Private salt was a good way to make money, and the law does not punish the public. No matter how much they messed around, they would not have to worry about genocide, and they could accumulate a lot of property so that their children and grandchildren could live a good life.

But things have changed, the situation is different now, the imperial court is very strict on salt transportation, after several times the governance system has matured, private salt is still a money-making business, but the risks it bears are greatly different from before .

But these things, some people can see through, some people can't.

The bandit leader didn't see through it, thinking that he inherited the ancestor's will, the most obedient, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Xiao Yunfeng's understanding focuses on the second half of the sentence, for the benefit of descendants. He believes that the form is not important, but the result is important. What the ancestors care about is not the private salt business, but the prosperity of their descendants.

Hang Qingxi had a lot of embarrassment on his face.

Although she has known each other not long ago, she also knows that Xie Tingyue is a smart and transparent person. What can others not see in the current situation? Can you continue to hide it

" the origin of the contract between our Xiao family and the Chu family. It's hard to tell the inside story. I hope Second Young Master Xie will forgive me."

Xie Tingyue smiled and said: "I understand, Madam don't have to be so polite."

It didn't take a moment for him to know the twists and turns.

He guessed right about the deed paper related to the Xiao family at home, the reason why it was written so vaguely was because this matter could not be written clearly in black and white.

There were too many salt smugglers a few decades ago. The various forces in Qing County are intertwined. If they really do things hand in hand, they can only do it, and only they can do it. cooperate. However, if the locals of Qing County want to make this business bigger and better, it is not enough to be cruel to themselves. It is best to have the help of big forces outside.

So the cooperation between the Xiao Chu family began.

One side is powerful, and can even help to get a few real salt quotations, and the other side is capable, and has dominated the local area for many years, so naturally the cooperation is pleasant.

But the situation and people's hearts will change.

During the time of the first emperor, there was a nobleman in the Chu family who was in the harem, and he was able to run the business himself, and he could protect some things, but up to now, the airs are still there, but he can’t say so much, and he doesn’t dare to force the tiger’s beard. , I dare not touch it casually.

As for the Xiao family, the owner of the family has changed, and their philosophy has changed. They don't want to live the life of the past, and they have never been active in selling salt, and even quit altogether.

The Chu family couldn't provide all kinds of convenience, and the Xiao family just happened to transform and didn't want to continue, so this contract naturally became empty talk. As for why everyone didn't tear up their faces and start a fight, they just wanted to save face for each other, and it was tacit understanding.

Thinking of this, Xie Tingyue felt it was funny, where did Second Aunt Sun's confidence come from? I also want to ask people to owe money, have you ever helped them, and I want them to pay you!

He didn't know about this matter. It's impossible for the Sun family to be completely ignorant after they've been married for so many years. They just deliberately tricked him!

But those uncles and aunts... I really don't know, or were they used by the Sun family as swordsmen

In an instant, Xie Tingyue was full of thoughts and thoughts.

Hang Qingxi was still on the side telling: "... this sword has no eyes, I'm not very good at martial arts, you must be careful about your own safety, don't let them catch you, let alone let them know that you are Xie Er, the eldest son of the Chu family wife."

Xie Tingyue suddenly thought, yes, since the bandit leader knew so clearly, he must also know about the Chu family, and he couldn't win against Xiao Yunfeng, a tough guy. If he knew that he and Chu Mu were coming, he would definitely have other plans!


He can't let this happen!

Xie Tingyue is more active in self-protection.

But the current situation is not ideal.

Xiao Yunfeng fought five against one, and I don't know how long he can hold back. The Xiao clan should be used to similar scenes, and they scattered very quickly, leaving no one in sight, only Hang Qingxi who didn't want to leave, who was inconvenient to escape because of the geographical location He himself, and Xie Tingri who didn't know the situation.

Wait, Xie Tingri, why is he here!

Hang Qingxi looked at the direction he was paying attention to, and helplessly spread his hands: "Maybe I'm not used to it, I didn't keep up."

It was raining heavily, and they brought their clansmen all the way through the hardships, so they didn't care about themselves or their own people, and of course they helped others when they saw others in trouble, but they didn't know that these days were so ungrateful, they were scared and refused to leave.

They were not good at chasing away guests, so they had to tell him to rest here temporarily, and talk about it later, but who knew that the situation changed suddenly, and someone came to kill him...

Xie Tingri did not receive similar training, and did not run away with the clansmen, so he could only stay here.

Xie Tingyue's eyebrows twitched, feeling very bad.

The fight outside also reached the most intense point, and the bandit leader said like he was in a desperate situation: "Our brothers are desperate, and we can't even eat. We didn't come here today just to fight and leave. Let's end it with you, Xiao Yunfeng! There are rules in our business If you want to kill or cut the men, go on, don't hurt your family, but I'm starving to death, I can't pay attention to these things, Xiao Yunfeng, if you are willing to talk to us today, we are still brothers, you still have to be obsessed with no regrets , don’t blame the brothers for being rude!”

The four next to him nodded in agreement: "That's right!"

"Really think you can pick five of our brothers by yourself?"

"Brothers are letting you!"

While talking, a person actually jumped out of the circle and ran towards the direction of Hang Qingxi in the room.

Xiao Yunfeng rushed forward with a flick of the sword flower, his eyes were about to burst: "How dare you!"

"Hahaha—" The bandit chief smiled slyly, "Look at me, dare you!"

The brother next to him responded: "I thought you, Xiao Yunfeng, were invulnerable to all poisons, isn't that something to be afraid of?"

"Have a good discussion and if you don't listen, you have to force the brothers to be tough!"

"Come on, brothers, let's 'take care' of my sister-in-law!"

Hang Qingxi should have never encountered such a situation. Xie Tingyue was not calm when she saw her fingertips trembling.

But she was not afraid, and pushed Xie Tingyue backhand, making the push more concealed and difficult to be noticed by others, she stood up by herself: "Then you have to do it well, don't let sister-in-law down!"

"Tsk, how dare you speak hard—"

A big hairy hand stretched out and pointed straight at Hang Qingxi's shoulder.

Xie Tingyue doesn't know martial arts, and knows that the situation is dangerous, but how can he see a woman being wronged, especially when this woman is trying to protect him

If you can't do it, you have to do it!

He grabbed Hang Qingxi's arm and pulled him back. At the same time, he stood up, his leg popped out, and kicked the man opposite him hard!

The light was dim, and it was difficult to grasp his head when he acted. He missed the man's vitals, and only forced him to step back a few steps.

The gangster didn't expect that there was someone behind Hang Qingxi, let alone that these people were not the only ones in the room. When he stopped back, he stepped on someone's foot.


Xie Tingri screamed.

As soon as the danger came out, he was terrified, his legs went limp, he couldn't run and walk, he didn't even dare to look outside, he just hugged his knees and trembled, muttering to himself: "I can't see Me, no one can see me, I'm fine, I'm sure I'll be fine..."

It's okay to be timid, but now being stepped on by the bandits, the roots of my hair stood on end in fright, and I screamed again and again.

"No, don't catch me, I have nothing to do with this place! I have no money! I really have no money! If you want to catch them, they are all powerful..."

While talking, he was so frightened that he rolled his eyelids and passed out.

The villain is now relieved: "Hey, there is a surprise here? Not bad!"

There are bandits outside to restrain them, it is not too difficult for the brothers to catch Hang Qingxi and Xie Tingyue, but with Xie Tingyue interfering, their words can be provocative, but if they really want to get close to Hang Qingxi, it is impossible.

"Where did this stupid person come from, so fierce!"

The gangster who was kicked again was very angry.

Fortunately, they mainly wanted to persecute Xiao Yunfeng, as long as they could achieve their goal, they didn't necessarily want to bully Hang Qingxi too much, according to Xiao Yunfeng's character, too much would have the opposite effect.

His wife and Xie Tingyue were restrained at the same time, this fight was impossible, Xiao Yunfeng jumped out of the circle and stopped.

The bandit chief held his sword on his shoulder, and squinted his eyes: "How about it, brother Xiao, can we have a good talk now? It doesn't matter if you can't figure it out for a while, it's raining outside, and we can't go, you can think about it slowly, see Do you not want to lose face in front of your friends, or do you not want to lose face with your wife?"

Following his whistle, the dagger in the hand of the bandit who restrained Hang Qingxi moved up and gently rubbed against her face.

Very slow, very slow, very suggestive.

The situation on Xie Tingyue's side became more and more dangerous, and Chu Mu's side couldn't hold on anymore.

There was no one around King Li, Qin Ping was the only one Chu Mu could use, but judging from the number of Arrow Rain, he knew that the number of opponents would not be small.

what to do

Think, think hard!

Chu Mu's eyelashes trembled slightly, thoughts in his head were mixed, he was thinking of various ideas, he thought of one, shook his head, no, thought of another, still shook his head, no...

We must find a way, he can't die here!

However, no matter how the battle between heaven and man was in his mind, his expression was always steady, and no one could see the slightest tension.

King Li was in a hurry and turned around.

Chu Mu asked him suddenly: "You said that these people chased and killed you, have you encountered this situation more than once?"

King Li: "Yes! I can't even run these few days!"

Chu Mu: "Where did they attack you for the first time? When?"

"At..." King Li suddenly scratched his head. He was being hunted down, and his spirit was tense all the time. He couldn't remember the details for a while, "Where is it and when is it important? The key is that they are going to kill me now!"

Chu Mu looked at him quietly: "But they haven't come in yet. This issue is very important, please think about it carefully."

King Li paused: "When I was near Qing County, the Suburban Inn..."

This time Chu Mu knew, did they catch up with the first time

He thought quickly: "Who knows about your honor's coming to Qing County? Has anyone followed you all the way?"

"I came out suddenly, and my whereabouts are very casual... No one should be very clear," Li Wang frowned, "As for the tailgating, I didn't notice it."

Chu Mu raised his eyebrows slightly.

The guards around King Li are all good players. If someone is following him, it is impossible not to notice it. If he didn't notice, there is only one person in the end. King Li went out of Beijing, and even this way, no one thought of him. When he arrived in Qing County, he changed. up.


If it was King Li's enemies, opponents, or spies around him, who knew the itinerary early on and wanted to ambush him on the way, it would not be suitable to choose Qing County as the destination. Choosing a destination will reveal that they know this information.

Something must have happened on the way...

What kind of thing happened to attract such a large-scale pursuit by others without giving them any face? Do these people know the identity of King Li

This accident and the killing organization are quite problematic.

Chu Mu's gaze was like lightning, looking out at the vast rain and fog through the window.

The line of sight in the rain is not good, and the opponent's archers can no longer hide in the periphery like last time at the inn. They have to get very close to launch an attack.

This time, Chu Mu was given a chance.

He looked at the other party's chaotic and orderly footsteps in the rain, the hem of the robe with water droplets, and the wet shoes, and suddenly noticed a pattern.


Huge thunder and lightning passed by, and it was as bright as day at this moment, Chu Mu could see it more clearly, it was indeed a pattern, he had seen it before!

The slender fingers holding the handle of the wheelchair turned white, and Chu Mu's pupils shrank slightly.

After searching for so long and collecting so much information, the 'Gen Miao' organization is hidden too deep, so far there are not many clues, but this pattern has been confirmed a few days ago, and it is what this organization will use!

The identity and status in the organization are different, the expression of the pattern is different, and the position is different, but as long as someone shows up with the pattern, it must be a member of this organization!

They want to kill King Li? Why

Chu Mu lowered his eyes and thought quickly.

What benefits would they get from killing King Li

No, there will be more troubles than benefits. These people have been hiding in the dark. The last thing they want is to be discovered and kill the important clan of the imperial court. Can they still hide

But to do it at the expense of exposure, what do these people—what do they really want

Chu Mu thought of Lanyingcao, and thought of the law of this organization's disappearance. Maybe it's not human life, but something... or a secret

A thought floated up in his heart, Chu Mu didn't hesitate, made a decisive decision, and tried it out!

"Someone is coming over there! Sir, please move quickly!"

He pretended to be nervous and reminded King Li.

The location of King Li Station is not good, the direction of movement is only left and right, go left, you will reach the door, go right, lean against the window, no matter which direction you go, you will be within the range of the arrow rain.

King Li himself was also very nervous, so he had to dodge when he heard the reminder, but turned to the window—


She screamed and turned back immediately.

Chu Mu could see very clearly that his movement was clearly within the shooting range of others, but the arrow didn't land on him, and only slanted across his arm. Unfortunately, King Li was very lucky and didn't lick a trace of oily skin.

It was obvious that no one wanted to kill him at all.

I don't want to kill people, I just want to take pictures of this person's body!

Chu Mu immediately asked: "Have you encountered any unusual things recently, and obtained unusual and rare things?"

"This... is a bit much," Li Wang frowned, "I just like to collect new gadgets, I can't count them all."

Chu Mu: "Your Excellency, please think about it carefully. How could someone chase you down for no reason? There must be a reason."

"But I don't know! Can't think of it!"

The rain of arrows was getting closer and closer, and the opponent's head was looming, slowly approaching, Qin Ping couldn't stop it.

King Li was anxious like something: "Ah, they are coming in soon, you should find a way to save me!"

Seeing the situation, Chu Mu really couldn't delay: "So, there is only one way."

King Li: "What way?"

"I'll offend you more, please trust me." Chu Mu looked at King Li quietly.

King Li smiled wryly: "I have no other choice but to believe in you."


Chu Mu smiled, and suddenly raised his palm, striking the back of Li Wang's neck vigorously.

King Li fainted.

Within two breaths, the rain of arrows stopped, the room was surrounded, and a masked leader walked in.

Qin Ping was naturally in front, followed by retreating, and tried his best to protect Chu Mu.

As a result, the picture in the room caught everyone off guard.

King Li was lying on the bed, completely unconscious. Chu Mu was holding a dagger in his hand, and it was pressing against his throat, and the light was cold.

The masked leader froze.

"I am a person who cherishes life very much, and hates being involved in innocent disasters the most," Chu Mu said in a slow and cold voice, "Both left and right are dead, if you take a step forward, I will kill him."

The scene was quiet, no one moved.

Chu Mu: "I don't know who your lord is, and who this is, and I don't want to know. After today, the sky is high and the sea is wide. If this one leaves, you can continue with the past, what have you got to do with me?"

The masked organization hates being discovered and noticed, and they are skilled at cutting grass and roots. For example, if Xie Tingyue hadn't performed a play in the inn on that day, they would not have simply escaped and ascended to heaven. It is the same today. Chu Mu.

So he simply put on a posture, protecting the king and protecting himself.

If you have made up your mind to kill King Li, well, I have nothing to say, you can kill me as much as you want, but if you are afraid of trouble, you just want to restrain people and ask for things, and you don't want to kill yourself, sorry, this is my life-saving match up.

If you don't want King Li to die, back off!