Bastard Male Wife

Chapter 57: Rectify Xie Ting Day


The rain is like weaving, the silver light is like a light, the lightning and thunder are intertwined, and the distance is now near, and it is reflected on the face of the person, light and dark.

This bloody rainy night is destined to be unforgettable forever.

After Chu Mu finished speaking slowly, Xie Tingyue understood.

The two of them encountered a crisis at the same time! This situation was really unexpected, but everyone coped very well. I was fine here, to a lesser extent. After all, the gangsters didn't intend to directly kill anyone at first. What they did was to make Xiao Yunfeng submit. Let's all work together If it wasn't for the mouse shit Xie Tingri made trouble, they might have chatted with Le Rongrong now and reached a consensus.

Chu Mu is really smart.

According to the analysis of the situation at the time, King Li was a big trouble, but he was also a special gold medal for life-saving. He had something that others wanted, and others weighed the trade-offs. They only dared to threaten, and did not want to kill. Get involved in an incident.

In a short period of time, to see through the whole story of the incident, get a deep insight into the key points, strike decisively, and counterattack with a knife threat, causing the scene to immediately reverse. What kind of brain is this? How did Chu Mu do it

The rain was so heavy, the night was so cold, his vision was blurry, and he couldn't even see the number of people coming. Was he afraid? Surrounded by people, with no way out, unable to walk on his own, how does he feel

Xie Tingyue made up the picture at that time, and could almost imagine what Chu Mu looked like at that time. He will be nervous and worried, but it is impossible for him to accept his fate and give up...

Chu Mu is such a person.

The figure in front of people was weak, pale, and very powerless, but no one knew what a strong heart he had.

But seeing himself, Chu Mu got scared. His hands were trembling, his lips were tightly pressed, and his gesture of hugging her was firm and tough, not allowing rejection.

Xie Tingyue was startled, an idea was beating wildly in her mind.

Does this... mean that he seems to be different in Chu Mu's heart

He is special, different from everyone else, occupying the most important position in the middle, if there is a slight error, the owner will lose control.

"Madam is fine, that's great." Chu Mu wrapped his arms around his waist tightly, his voice mixed with the sound of rain and invaded his ears.

Obviously his voice is so gentle and soft, but in Xie Tingyue's ears, the sound of the rain has become a foil. The only thing that catches your ears and your heart is this sentence, which is extremely gentle and nostalgic, making people's hearts soften .

It seems that everything in this world has disappeared, the house has disappeared, the people outside have disappeared, and there is only the color of the rain in the vast world, and their embracing figures.

At this moment, they are the only ones in the world, and also the only ones for each other.


A warm current surged through Xie Tingyue's heart, hoping that this conjecture was true, he wanted to be that special and different person in the other party's heart, but he was a little apprehensive and worried, was it... I was too greedy? Chu Mu is tenacious and brave, and always has the courage and confidence to move forward. Why should he change for him, become easily fearful, worry about gains and losses, like an ordinary weak person

Chu Mu hugged Xie Tingyue's waist, and let out a satisfied sigh: "I will never let Madam leave my side again."

"Hmm." Xie Tingyue was very distressed about Chu Mu's state just now, and was also a little worried about the current situation. She didn't know if there would be any implicated effects in the future. Naturally, it is best not to separate in a short time.

Chu Mu recovered, and finally remembered and asked, "What happened just now?"

Xie Tingyue recounted what happened after that.

Including how the bandits came here, what kind of thoughts and purpose they have, what is their relationship with Xiao Yunfeng, what they have done here... especially the matter related to salt, the facts are already very clear, Xie Tingyue will explain the details and reasons for it all. Let Chu Mu listen.

And, of course, there's Sheting Day.

Obviously everything was going well, but suddenly it became so dangerous that the bandits were imagining that they would not hesitate to do anything, and it was all up to him to make trouble.

"Oh?" Chu Mu looked at Xie Tingri with a different look in an instant, with a cold air, "Really?"

Xie Tingyue followed his gaze and sighed slowly.

In such an innocent disaster, not to mention Chu Mu, he himself would not spare this brother.

It's not such a trick to cheat people!

If you want to say that he was wrong, he didn't do it on purpose, he was just too stupid, his brain didn't develop well, and he had some evil thoughts in his heart, but he didn't want to kill someone, and he didn't do it himself, what could he do? Even if this matter is reported to the government, it is impossible to sentence him to beheaded. How can he kill him? He, Xie Tingyue, hated Lin's mother and son, but he was not so tyrannical, taking people's lives casually, and it would be fine to deal with them heavily.

But how to rectify it so that Xie Ting can learn the lesson and dare not do it again next time

Xie Tingyue had a headache.

Xie Ting shrank into the corner of the wall, trembling like a chicken, his expression still panicked. But no matter how slow he reacted, he should have understood by now that he just said something wrong.

Now that Chu Mu's eyes were piercingly sweeping over, the threat was obvious, how could he not feel it

"No, it's not my fault, it's those villains, it's all the fault of those villains..."

Chu Mu laughed, but didn't speak.

It's not that he doesn't want to say it, but the battle outside is over.

With Qin Ping's strong joining, Xiao Yunfeng can deal with it more easily, and he can also have a clear advantage in two vs. four. But the bandit leader had already been shot and killed by Chu Mu, it didn't hurt or itch for them, but it was not a good thing for the other party.

The brothers hang out together every day, and they always have feelings. When the boss dies, how can the people below not be sad and angry

There are more and more killing moves under his hands, and his emotions are getting more and more agitated, so he no longer keeps his hands.

The sword has no eyes, they didn't hold back their hands, Xiao Yunfeng and Qin Ping naturally became more wary, and after going back and forth, two more bandits died.

The eyes of the only two remaining were red: "Xiao Yunfeng, how dare you lay hands on us like this!"

The bandits are not fools, they know they are invincible, so of course they will not fight recklessly, jump out of the circle and leave desperately.

"Do you think there are really only five of us? You're so wrong! I'll recruit all the brothers right away, you just wait to die!"

The opponent's attitude is quite rigid, and with the background of severe wind and rain, it seems that this moment is still decisive.

In the near future, I am afraid that there will be a fierce battle to be fought, and there will be no end to death.

Xie Tingyue pondered in her heart, this round of wind and rain has not stopped, but another round is already brewing, the road ahead is really difficult.

But it doesn't matter, as long as there are people, there is a future.

When the scene became quiet, Xiao Yunfeng put away the long sword in his hand, and nodded to Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu: "I'll ask someone to clean up this place, and then I'll sit down and accompany you all to calm down."

Xie Tingyue: "The head of the family will take care of himself, and I will wait for a few people to take care of themselves."

The big scene is over, so it’s okay to suppress the shock, but what is expected to happen in the future needs to be discussed.

The original intention of Xiao Yunfeng's arrangement should be the same.

Xie Tingyue is still thinking about something, Chu Mu has already started to clean up Xie Tingri.

"Qin Ping."


"Take off his clothes and hang him outside on a tree."


"No-don't!" Xie Tingri covered his neckline, pressed against the wall tightly, panicked, "You can't do this, you can't, you can't!"

How could Chu Mu be afraid of him, and immediately smiled: "Then why don't you just talk about it?"

Xie Tingri suddenly stopped.

He doesn't have that much ingenuity, he can make up reasons to persuade the other party at any time, and Chu Mu is a hypocrite who is vicious and vicious, he has even done things like slapping him, so why is it strange to issue such an order

"... no... no..."

He wanted to blow his head, but he couldn't think of any powerful excuses, so he could only press his clothes tightly in vain.

How can he surpass Qin Ping with that little strength

The other party stretched out his big palm, and with any force, Xie Tingri's clothes were torn apart.

Seeing his body exposed little by little, Xie Tingri was ashamed and annoyed, his face flushed red: "You killed me, if you have the ability, you kill me!"

Chu Mu said slowly, "I'm not your mother, why should I satisfy your humble wish?" He pointed at Qin Ping, "Find a good place and hang him up."

The last piece of clothing on his body was ruthlessly stripped off. Xie Tingri covered it with both hands, and looked at Xie Tingyue who had been silent all this time: "Xie Er, you useless thing, are you just watching your brother being bullied! Parents raised you like this!" For many years, where is your conscience, has it been eaten by dogs!"

Xie Tingyue didn't expect this elder brother to be so lively now, so he paused for a moment before speaking: "Elder brother's words are so unreasonable. I was bullied just now, and elder brother just watched? My parents have raised my elder brother for so many years, and my elder brother's What about the conscience, was it eaten by a dog?"

Xie Tingri gritted his teeth: "The bandit leader didn't really fall for you again!"

After saying this, the person who was most angry was none other than Chu Mu, and the smile on his face immediately disappeared.

Xie Tingyue quickly patted her back to appease Chu Mu, it was not worth getting angry about these words.

"Brother's words are very reasonable." He smiled and turned to look at Xie Tingri: "So my husband didn't intend to kill you either."

Xie Tingri immediately became angry, treating him like this is no different from killing him!

"You little bastard, you must die!"

However, he started to scold people.

Xie Tingyue was even more amusing: "Brother, don't you think about the hanging posture? Although my husband has no intention of killing, we can't control others if they want to kill themselves, right?"

Xie Tingri immediately stared.

It’s really impossible not to pay attention!

Qin Ping stretched out his big hand, grabbed him like he was catching a chicken, and walked out, it was very easy! Look at that flowing gait without pause, the location must have been found!

Xie Tingri immediately faltered, and looked at Xie Tingyue, tears were about to fall: "Xie Er...Second Brother...Brother, count me as a brother, please, please, please? Just this once, please forgive me." I do it once, just once, if I dare to do it again next time, how about I kill myself without you doing it?"

Xie Tingyue sighed deeply.

In order to survive, being so flexible, skinny and shameless...

He is still a man with a handle, and the worry-free younger sister in the family is better than him!

"Ah, thank you, you bastard! Let me go! Let me go!"

In fact, men and women are different about the shame of taking off their clothes. Men are more proud of their masculinity. It is not a big deal for them to expose their bodies. When they are wild and arrogant, they have done such things. , but being willing and being persecuted are two different things.

If this 'masculinity' is a little less domineering, I don't like others talking about it.

Especially not all the Xiao family are around here, there is also a girl named Rou.

Chu Mu reminded very thoughtfully: "I suggest that you can yell louder, so that girl Rou can come and cry, and feel sorry for you."

Xie Tingri shut up instantly.

Embarrassment in a small area can be tolerated, but there will be more ridicule in the future, but Miss Rou must not let this matter know, otherwise he will lose face and how will he stand in the world in the future!

The raindrops were rushing and fast, crackling and slapping, his flesh ached, the water curtain covered his eyes, his vision was forever blurred, his hands were tied up, let alone covering his body, he couldn't even wipe off the water...

Xie Tingri really cried this time.

Why is he so mean, he has to suffer this time!

Xie Tingyue took a look, Qin Ping chose a good location, bright, open, and sheltered from the wind. Although the rain is heavy now, there is no thunder and lightning, and there is no risk of being struck. It is just that the rain does not blow the wind, and Xie Tingri will definitely suffer. , there will be a serious illness, and it will be enough to be eye-catching and embarrassing, but it will not be life-threatening, and Qin Ping will keep an eye on it at any time.

If you rectify it like this, Xie Tingri will definitely know that he is afraid, you have suffered two rounds of losses at Chu Mu's hands, you will not dare to do it again, and you may run away when you see them.

Seeing that Qin Ping had done a good job, Chu Mu nodded in satisfaction. When he looked at Xie Tingyue, his eyes were solemn: "I will write a letter to clarify this matter with my father-in-law."

Xie Tingyue paused and understood.

Chu Mu is good or bad.

According to his father's dislike of the poor and his love of the rich, the benefit is everything, Xie Tingri provoked Chu Mu, and Chu Mu got angry, which was damaging his interests, even if Xie Tingri had already been punished, it would not be good for him. Will be fined. His stepmother, Mrs. Lin, had better not make too many moves, the more he did, the heavier his father's punishment would be.

In the days to come, Xie Tingri would be in bad luck.

"In the future, I won't let him get close to you." Chu Mu held Xie Tingyue's hand very seriously, "If he dares to do it again, I won't hold back."

The next time, it will be really terrible.

Xie Tingyue looked at the other's hand and smiled: "Yes."

Hang Qingxi quickly brought the Xiao clan over to tidy up the yard and settle everyone down. Naturally, he also appreciated Xie Tingri's unrestrained posture with his limbs wide open.

"Ouch - what is this -" Hang Qingxi immediately covered his eyes.

The clansmen next to him booed: "Hahaha, look there, it's so small! Sister-in-law, don't cover your eyes, you can't see it at all, and it won't grow a needle eye!"

"No, I have to go up and have a look. Which brother is this brother who is so ruthless that he has practiced what kind of book?"

"Damn it! Everyone, come and take a look, it's really small at a closer look!"

The Xiao family doesn't care about the affairs of other families, they are all familiar with their own people, and they only have a few faces. After arguing before, Xie Tingri and Xie Tingyue, no matter the name or the content of the conversation, are clear and clear. People are brothers. Brothers are tossing about their own family affairs, how can they intervene? Others have no rules, but their surname is Xiao, so they can't have no rules!

And after going through a dangerous situation just now, Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu helped out. Who should be on the side of who should stand? Is there any consideration

So no matter what Xie Tingri said or not, whether he begged for mercy or not, no one paid any attention to him.

Xie Tingri... Xie Tingri's heart was ashamed.

There were enough manpower to move swiftly, and the scene was cleaned up quickly. Although the conditions were limited, hot soup and refreshments were quickly put out.

Xie Tingyue thought that Chu Mu had just been frightened for a while, and now she has fully recovered, but she didn't expect that to be the case at all.

Chu Mu kept holding on to his hand, and followed him everywhere. Wherever he was, Chu Mu would be there. Whatever he was doing, Chu Mu would accompany him. He never left, even going to the toilet alone was not allowed. If he refuses forcefully, Chu Mu will be more angry than him.

It was the first time Xie Tingyue saw Chu Mu being so persistent, and she was still so persistent. His lips were pursed, his brows were furrowed, he was serious and harsh, and there was no trace of a smile on his face.

But for some reason, Xie Tingyue felt that Chu Mu was the one who felt more uncomfortable among the two.

Xie Tingyue sighed deeply, bent over and hugged Chu Mu tightly: "Don't worry, okay? Look, I'm fine now, I'm fine everywhere"

Chu Mu: "Yes."

Xie Tingyue: "Then let me go?"

Chu Mu: "No."

Xie Tingyue: ...

"Are you... still angry about what happened before?"

Chu Mu didn't speak.

Not speaking is also a gesture, even if he is still angry.

Xie Tingyue was helpless.

This time, Chu Mu was really angry, very angry.

There is no other way, her own people can only be coaxed, Xie Tingyue endured her temper, and lowered her voice like a child: "I just leave for a while, and I will be back soon, okay? You just wait outside, you can't count." You can see me when you are twenty, okay?"

Chu Mu pursed his lips tightly and looked aside.

Xie Tingyue: "If you do this again, I will be angry."

Chu Mu froze for a moment.

After a long time, he asked, "Just for a while?"

Xie Tingyue: "Just one moment, I promise."

Chu Mu: "Okay, I'll see you off."

Walking forward for a certain distance, Chu Mu looked at Xie Tingyue's hand reluctantly: "Then I let go?"

After finally convincing, Xie Tingyue was very cooperative, with a particularly bright smile: "Yes! I promise, I will be back soon!"

Chu Mu let go of Xie Tingyue's hand.

In order to reassure Chu Mu, Xie Tingyue kept showing Chu Mu her smiling face, but she didn't pay much attention to her feet.

Then I stepped on something, the soles of my feet slipped, and my body suddenly staggered!

Xie Tingyue struggled to stabilize her figure, and slipped due to inertia—straight into Chu Mu's arms!

Chu Mu had already stretched out his arms, and immediately embraced the man.

Xie Tingyue: ...

Chu Mu rubbed his face, his voice hoarse: "Look, it was the heavy rain that sent you into my arms, and I didn't do anything."

Xie Tingyue: ...

How shameless! How shameless!

Do you think I didn't see you pursing your lips and smiling

He's not an idiot like Xie Tingri, he didn't realize it just now, but now he sees the result and looks back, he understands that this scene was all caused by Chu Mu! He had taken a good look at the terrain early on, and he might have rehearsed various plans in his mind, and sent him here on purpose, just to play this one!

The routines of this handsome gentleman are so endless that no one can think of them!

Chu Mu was still pretending to be wronged: "I've already listened to Madam, let me go once, Madam must also keep her promise, obediently hug your husband."

Xie Tingyue had quite a headache, she didn't play tricks like this!

But he also wondered if Chu Mu was overly stimulated and his nostalgia was too inflated, so he couldn't bear him to leave. It's probably like this for a while, and it shouldn't be the case after a long time.

This is not a good deal.

He sighed in his heart, he had no choice but to hold hands with Chu Mu, like a naive three-year-old child, going everywhere together, even going to the toilet. Fortunately, everyone is a man, which greatly reduces the problem of shame. It is embarrassing at the moment, and it will be enough to digest it later.

Even so, Xie Tingyue still felt more and more strange.

At the beginning of their marriage, he didn't feel awkward getting along with Chu Mu at all. At that time, he could change clothes in front of Chu Mu, and he didn't think about avoiding it at all. Later...he began to be particular about avoiding any private matters and taking care of Chu Mu. At the beginning, I got used to everything at the beginning, but later, when I encountered a sensitive position, I would think about it...

And now, Chu Mu felt inexplicably shy about things that he could do with other men without burden.

But looking at Chu Mu, he wasn't embarrassed at all! Be calm and calm! Even from time to time, his eyes flickered slightly, as if looking forward to his body...

Xie Tingyue blushed suddenly, I could see you turning your head!

Ahhh - what a disgusting picture, why is he the only one blushing and embarrassed!

However, no matter how embarrassing, life goes on and time moves forward.

The pursuers on King Li's side left temporarily, but did they really leave? They were very tight on the target of King Li, and Chu Mu was eager to threaten them with a sword, forcing them to retreat, and they would not go far when they retreated. There must be watchers staying down. When Twilight is gone, they will come back.

King Li said he would separate from the guards and leave when he was safe, but the rain was so heavy that Dongshan had become an isolated island. How and where could he go

Moreover, what Chu Mu did before made him look very impressed. Before the guards found him, he didn't want to leave. He felt that it was very safe to be by Chu Mu's side!

How to deal with Li Wang is a problem, how to guard against the pursuers who are biting Li Wang is even more problematic.

On Xiao Yunfeng's side, Chu Mu killed the bandit leader, and then everyone tore their faces apart, and two more died. It was already an unending situation. Before they left, they uttered harsh words, and they must fight back for revenge. How many people are there, when will they come, all of these are unknown, so we must guard against them.

But the damned rain didn't stop for a moment!

what to do

No matter how worried you are, you must find a way to deal with it.

Several parties communicated and made peace, everyone gathered in the room, sat around the table, Xie Tingyue offered tea instead of wine, and made a toast to Xiao Yunfeng: "Sorry, I seem to have caused trouble for Patriarch Xiao."

"It's okay," Xiao Yunfeng knew he was talking about the bandits, "I don't agree with their ideas, there will be a battle sooner or later, and I'm happy to have an end soon."

Hang Qingxi spoke to her husband from the side: "Mr. Xie, don't worry. My husband can solve the follow-up of this matter by himself. It's just that the heavy rain has not gone. If the other party rushes over like this, I'm afraid it will implicate several people. What's the matter?" I hope you don’t get offended.”

King Li also spoke: "So, then I will be in more trouble here, and I am afraid that I will lead you heroes."

He didn't reveal his identity, and made up a rich man's story, and everyone believed him. He had to act like an ordinary talent, and he would give up when he spoke.

Chu Mu pondered: "So how to deal with these two difficult things is the key."

The current problem is that they are small and single, if the opponent happens to attack together, they will have no way to resist.

The two difficult issues target different people, and they are involved in other important things. For example, Xiao Yunfeng's case is about salt, the Chu family, and Xie Tingyue, whom the bandits have seen before. Knowing what other people want, and Chu Mu who has shown his face in front of others.

Everyone here has been involved in the game, and no one is immune.