Bastard Male Wife

Chapter 59: real sickness


With their feet on the same land and the same starry sky above their heads, the cool night breeze gently brushed against Chu Mu's face and caressed Xie Tingyue's hair.

Xie Tingyue could even feel the other party's temperature and breath.

Even though the distance is so close, it feels like it has never been so far away.

Unable to tell what it was like at this moment in her heart, Xie Tingyue just looked at Chu Mu as calmly as possible, waiting for the other party to give her an answer.

Chu Mu waved Qin Ping back, and turned the wheelchair forward by himself, with an equally calm expression on his face: "If I say that I'm here to find Madam, can Madam believe it?"

Xie Tingyue raised her eyebrows: "What do you think?"

Pack! You pretend again!

Chu Mu sighed lightly, but didn't speak.

Xie Tingyue's heart ached slightly, and the hands in her sleeves subconsciously clenched her fists: "It's not fair, Chu Mu, you know everything about me, yet you keep many secrets from me."

Yes, he just wants a fair, just fair and nothing else.

"It's not fair..." Chu Mu looked up at the starry sky, the bottom of his eyes was filled with tides, and his voice was even more misty. He obviously didn't do anything, and already made people feel very sad, "Are you sure, all your experiences, everything that happened around you Everything, no matter how big or small, you are all honest with me?"

Not jokingly called 'madam', just said 'you'—

The other party asked this question very seriously.

Xie Tingyue was stunned.

No... There is one more thing that he hasn't said, and he doesn't intend to tell anyone.

Chu Mu sighed quietly.

Dressed in the light of stars and moons, his eyes are empty, even with the habitual smile lines on the corners of his lips, he can still see his bitterness and sadness.

Xie Tingyue bit her lips tightly.

He is sad.

He knew what the pause just now meant!

Chu Mu: "In this world, no one wants to be the closest to Madam more than me."

Xie Tingyue felt boundless guilt, even distressed.

He did not do well enough...

But in an instant, he realized that something was wrong. He was clearly the one who caught Chu Mu's weakness, so why did he feel guilty first? Of course, the matter of rebirth cannot be disclosed to the outside world. It is impossible for others to believe it. Even the people around him will inevitably change their emotions if they know about it. Doesn’t he want everyone to be separated? Moreover, who is alive, who doesn't have a little secret, who can fully communicate with a person, and understand everything? No!

He obviously didn't mean that, but Chu Mu deliberately misled him in this direction, obviously because he didn't want to tell the truth!

"Let's not turn over the previous account." After thinking it over, Xie Tingyue immediately became confident, "Just talk about today's matter, if I have to ask, will you answer? Who is that person who met you quietly!"

Chu Mu laughed lowly.

Xie Tingyue really didn't expect this reaction, and froze on the spot.

"Madam insists on asking, I'm naturally happier." Chu Mu looked up at him with a warm smile, his eyes were as gentle as ever, "But Madam... really decided, do you know?"

Xie Tingyue's heart skipped a beat.

Now it is obvious that he is instigating the teacher to ask the crime, why is it himself who is facing the important decision? On the other hand, Chu Mu looked like he had been looking forward to this day for a long time...

Could it be that Chu Mu likes him to lose his temper when he is arrogant and rude

A thought suddenly popped into his head, shaking his mind, he looked at Chu Mu, and said cautiously, "You didn't... want to hide it from me?"

"Why should I hide it from Madam?" Chu Mu smiled and held Xie Tingyue's hand, sticking it to his face, "I said that I need Madam very much, but—I'm not sure if Madam needs me."

Xie Tingyue's heart ached.

So he has been running away

Chu Mu has always been gentle and pampering, waiting patiently, no matter how anxious he is, he is eager and will not rush, and waits quietly for him.

However, the other party has always embraced him, but he has been hesitant...

No, Xie Tingyue frowned, Chu Mu didn't say anything to urge her, but she kept silently inducing her, every jokingly approaching and intimacy, every specious confession of love, maybe it wasn't a joke, but mixed with sincerity. Then he... ignored how much of these sincerities? Will Chu Mu's heart ache when he steps on it with a laugh

Thinking back to the first marriage, the night when he punished Huang's mother, Chu Mu got sick on purpose, and asked him: Do you understand everything? After the Mei Yan, he couldn't sleep at night, and saw the secret passage in the study, and the mysterious Chu Mu himself...

Perhaps all of these have hidden meanings, and they were all intentional by Chu Mu.

Chu Mu was waiting for him to open his mind, for him to muster up the courage to take a step forward.

"Why?" Xie Tingyue suddenly asked this question.

This time it was Chu Mu who was stunned, as if he didn't understand: "Why?"

Xie Tingyue: "Why are you so kind to me?"

Obviously there is no previous relationship, getting married is the first time we meet, isn't it? Why did Chu Mu have such a deep affection for him and miss him all the time

Xie Tingyue didn't understand.

I don't understand very much.

"Why..." Chu Mu lowered his eyes, and the long eyelashes cast shadows under his eyes, "I don't understand either. I just feel that it's impossible to live without a wife in this life."

To be honest, Xie Tingyue doesn't believe in love at first sight. In his understanding, it is more appropriate to replace these four words with love at first sight. He believes in the companionship of fine water and long-lasting love, but at this moment, there seems to be no other way to explain it. The current situation is the only way to believe it

He touched his face subconsciously: "I look... pretty?"

Chu Mu laughed lightly, his chest twitched, and he was very happy: "Madam is so beautiful, it makes people's hearts sway, and they can't extricate themselves."

Xie Tingyue blushed suddenly.

Can't say that? He is a man and not a woman!

Chu Mu brought his hand to his lips, and kissed lightly: "In my life, Chu Mu, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape Madam's palm."

The back of his hand was hot, Xie Tingyue subconsciously pulled it back—

Can't move.

Chu Mu held his hand tightly, and his eyes were full of stars and moonlight: "I've been waiting for this day for a long, long time. Since Madam bumped into her by herself, don't even think about running away."

Worried that Xie Tingyue would back off, he went straight down and said, "That's right, I have secretly raised some people who only listen to my orders and do things for me alone. The one of that is just one of them."

It's normal to raise people, many big families even have private guards, but Xie Tingyue's focus is not on this, but on secrets.


Why is it so tightly covered, and who is it guarding against? But is there someone around who wants to harm Chu Mu

Thinking of this, Xie Tingyue's heart tightened.

Chu Mu: "Because I have a life-threatening matter that must be investigated and done."

Xie Tingyue was impatient: "What's the matter?"

Chu Mu suddenly stopped, his expression...

Slightly distorted, or painful

Xie Tingyue frowned slightly, did she regret it? Don't want to tell yourself

Chu Mu grabbed his hand more and more vigorously, as if he wanted to crush his palm so much: "... madam, I hurt..."


Xie Tingyue thought, are you going to pretend to be sick again

As a result, Chu Mu tilted his head, lost his strength, and passed out directly.

When Xie Tingyue probed the other party's forehead, she was frightened half to death, and immediately shouted: "Qin Ping!"

Chu Mu had an illness, a real illness, and he was very aggressive.

Xie Tingyue has been married for such a long time and has been with her to take care of her. Chu Mu had a few minor illnesses and fever, but they were not considered serious. If he took good medicine and took care of him for a few days, he would return to normal. He had never been ill so quickly and so severely.

There was no fever, or only a short-lived fever, and the physical condition took a sharp turn for the worse, and the whole body was cold, and this time there was no trembling, and there was no consciousness at all.

" have to take it," Xie Tingyue was anxious, and looked at Qin Ping, "Don't you have life-saving medicine there, take it out!"

Qin Ping was also in a hurry, his brows were knit together, but he didn't take the medicine: "The medicine - I finished it two days ago, there was continuous heavy rain, the mountains couldn't fall, and there was no way to make new ones. The ingredients for the pills are hard to find. Even if I have them, I can make them." It takes a lot of work to get up…”

After serving the master personally for a long time, he is the most familiar with the master's physical condition. He is usually fine, but the disease has reached this level today, and no medicine is as effective as his own willpower. This time, he may have to rely on the master himself to bear it.

Xie Tingyue didn't know the root cause, and couldn't think about it carefully. There was only one question in her mind, what should I do!

There is no medicine... just go and collect medicine!

He grabbed Qin Ping: "This mountain is so big, I heard that there are many herbs growing there. I remember Chu Mu's prescription. Do you know herbs? Can you pick them?"

"I know it, and I can pick it, but I'm afraid that I won't find it all—"

Qin Ping thought, now the master is not the only one beside him, there are people protecting him secretly, it doesn't matter to go away temporarily, although the master's will is the most right now, more medicinal materials and more help will be better, there will be hope in the end, so he agreed immediately : "If you can't find all the villains, go!"

Brother Dong also jumped out from the side and looked at Xie Tingyue: "Master, my grandfather has been in the medicine business, and I know a lot, so let me go with you!"

Xie Tingyue nodded indiscriminately, and the two left quickly.

The maid Ginkgo reminded from the side: "Madam, let's carry the young master to bed? The doctor will be here soon."

Xie Tingyue just remembered, yes, there is a doctor, Lu Li sent a letter before, saying that the doctor will come soon, Lu Li is an official, and he is worried about the disaster situation of the people. The doctor must not be incompetent.

It will definitely stabilize Chu Mu's illness!

Cover Chu Mu with a few layers of thick quilts, and then pour a few Mrs. Tang into it. Ginkgo is busy with herself, but Xie Tingyue is too scared to move.

He held Chu Mu's hand tightly: "I won't ask anymore, I won't ask again, don't scare me, okay? You shouldn't die at this time, you won't die..."

He didn't know why, he was very calm before, but when something happened, he knew to be calm and focused, and arranged follow-up in an orderly manner, but this time, he was in a hurry.

Feeling restless and unable to concentrate.

While comforting himself with the fact that Chu Mu was alive in his previous life, he was extremely uncertain about the future.

It's not about reliving once, with a prophet, you can grasp everything, it's considered exhaustive. People are changing, and many things are changing, and they will not be exactly the same as before. For example, the flood came early.

In his previous life, Chu Mu was living well at this time, but in his previous life, Chu Mu didn't go out. This time Chu Mu came out, and there was an accident, and he became ill without any medicine. Who knows if it will—

Will not!

Certainly not!

Xie Tingyue refused to think about that possibility.

The courtyard quickly became chaotic, Xiao Yunfeng couldn't leave, Hang Qingxi personally brought the doctor from the clan over, the doctor only took a look, his face changed drastically as soon as he pinched his pulse, saying that he was powerless.

Hang Qingxi was very guilty, but manpower was not enough, and there was no other way, so he had to ask the people below to prepare enough things to ensure that no matter what they wanted here, they would give them the greatest support.

Qin Ping and Brother Dong were fighting outside, and several kinds of herbal medicines had been sent back, but not all of them, Xie Tingyue didn't dare to let Chu Mu eat ginkgo decoction.

When the sky was bright, the doctor Lu Li took pictures of arrived.

Ginkgo noticed early in the morning, and immediately invited her into the yard.

The doctor's name is Guangbai. He is quite old, with gray temples and a goatee. He is very well groomed, but he has a bad temper. When he saw Chu Mu's appearance, he became angry: "How can you be so sick? calling?"

Before Xie Tingyue had time to feel guilty, the old doctor had already put down the medicine box, took out the cloth-wrapped golden needles, opened the quilt, and gave Chu Mu acupuncture.

The head, chest, lower abdomen, and even the soles of the feet were all tied up.

Xie Tingyue looked at Chu Mu who was tied up like a hedgehog, feeling very distressed.

Not long after the needle went in, Chu Mu began to tremble, and cold sweat began to break out on his forehead, palms and feet.

Xie Tingyue touched it, but Chu Mu's body was still cold, without any warmth: "This..."

Guangbai knew what he wanted to say, and sighed directly: "It's good to have a reaction, but it's even worse if he doesn't even know the cold and is afraid of shaking."

Xie Tingyue murmured, before Chu Mu had an illness, he fainted so blissfully then died, but he didn't know the cold...

"Okay, I can't die in a day or two." Guangbai estimated the time and began to pull out the needle.

Xie Tingyue's heart beats again, what does it mean that she won't die in a day or two

Is it still dangerous after a day or two

He wanted to ask the doctor to take a look again, but he was afraid that talking too much would make people upset, so he simply backed away and only looked forward with his eyes, waiting for the old doctor to do something.

Guangbai snorted, muttered in a low voice that he was still sensible, sat down, closed his eyes and felt Chu Mu's pulse.

It took a long time to feel the pulse this time.

His expression also changed.

The frown became deeper and deeper, and there were more and more movements. Not only did he feel the pulse with his left hand and right hand, but he also opened Chu Mu's eyelids to look at his eyes, carefully held his head to look behind his ears, and asked Xie Tingyue to help Chu Mu's body look at the back...

Xie Tingyue became more and more anxious. Seeing that the old doctor did not move any more, she cautiously asked: "But is it time to write a prescription? I have prepared my pen and ink."

"There is no rush to prescribe."

Guangbai performed acupuncture on Chu Mu again, but this time the scope was slightly smaller, only on the feet, which was quite different from the last time.

Acupuncture, look at the needle, then carefully observe Chu Mu's skin condition, and ask Xie Tingyue: "The patient is usually weak and has frequent symptoms, right?"

Xie Tingyue: "Yes, but take care of her carefully. The situation has always been stable and not so severe."

Guangbai: "Where's the prescription you've been using, do you remember?"

"Remember." Xie Tingyue immediately recited Chu Mu's prescription to the old doctor.

After Guangbai listened, he stroked his beard and sighed long: "It's just that you took care of it too carefully."

Xie Tingyue didn't understand: "You mean—"

"The prescription used by the patient is fine. The best medicinal materials are the most warming and tonic. Of course there will be no problem if you take it, but it is impossible to count on this medicine to cure the disease." Guang Bai looked at Chu Mu who was on the bed, his gaze Slightly sympathetic, "The patient is not weak, but poisoned."

Xie Tingyue was shocked: "Poisoned?"

impossible! It didn't happen in my previous life!

After only a moment, he realized again, maybe... It's not that this happened in his previous life, but that he didn't notice it.

Or if they found out, Chu Mu didn't announce it, and no one else knew about it.

Now, does Chu Mu know that he has been poisoned

It's a pity that Chu Mu was drowsy and unconscious, so he couldn't answer him.

"Yes," Guangbai was very sure, "If he didn't get sick normally and his physical condition was stable, I wouldn't be able to see it. But now that he's sick, without the medicine to cover it up, the toxicity will come out. It's just that I don't know much about it. What is this poison? , I don’t recognize it, I only know that it is very domineering and full of coldness.”

Xie Tingyue: "Then what can we do now?"

Guangbai thought for a while: "I'll give him several injections to stabilize his life, and then warm him up with the same medicine as before. After his body stabilizes, you can invite famous doctors to find a way to get rid of the poison."

Xie Tingyue nodded, and wrote down all the doctor's words, but there was a question that kept lingering in her mind.

"Doctor, may I ask, how long has the poison been on his body, do you know?"

Guangbai felt his pulse again, and sighed: "It's deeply rooted, at least ten years old."

Xie Tingyue: "But he is about to reach the crown..."

"So he was infected with this poison at a very young age, maybe he was born with it." Guangbai is highly skilled in medicine. He has seen the world and treated people from high families. Seeing one or two, the meaning is more compassionate, "Born from a high family..."

Xie Tingyue's nails dug hard into her palms, causing pain.

"No," Guangbai suddenly remembered something, "There is a kind of herbal medicine that should have a miraculous effect on the patient's current condition, but it is not easy to find."

Xie Tingyue was very excited as if she had found a life-saving straw: "Please tell the old man frankly, as long as there is hope, we will work hard!"

Guangbai nodded: "It's called Yanshuihuang, it looks like this—"

He also brought a pen and paper and drew the appearance of the herbs.

"It's also your luck. It's a good time. Although this smoke water yellow medicine is strong, it is very special. It likes colder and not too cold weather. It doesn't exist in summer or winter. It only grows in late autumn and early spring. It also likes it very much. Humidity, generally not enough humidity, heavy rain is needed, the season is right, it can’t grow without heavy rain, this Qing County’s continuous heavy rain is a natural disaster for people, but it’s right for it... "

As he spoke, Guangbai lowered his voice: "This medicine is also a cure for epidemics, so it can be seen that God will bring disasters to people, and will never cut off people's vitality..."

Xie Tingyue saw that the doctor was distracted: "Master Da Da? Master Da Da?"

"Oh, I just think it's hard to find this smoke water yellow, and there must be one on this mountain at this moment," Guang Bai handed the drawing paper to Xie Tingyue, and said solemnly, "As soon as the sky clears and the temperature rises, the herb will wither and die. , The survival period is very short, you have to hurry up and let people search for it in that foggy place, maybe you will gain something."

Xie Tingyue was very grateful: "Thank you, sir!"

Guangbai waved his hand reservedly: "It's nothing. It's best if you find it. It's okay if you can't find it. The patient's tattered body is just like that. At most, I won't wake up until a few days later."

He made such a joke, Xie Tingyue was not angry at all, but rather happy.

If you are sure, you dare to joke like this!

No matter what the road ahead is, Chu Mu will not die!

Xie Tingyue immediately borrowed a helper from Hang Qingxi, went to the mountain to send a message to Qin Ping and Brother Dong, and made several copies of Guangbai's painting of Yanshuihuang in detail, and sent them over.

Since Hang Qingxi had borrowed someone to help, he naturally wouldn't just send a letter. After the message was delivered, he directed one person to go back to support him, while the others stayed and scattered in several directions to look for Yanshuihuang together.

Qin Ping didn't know what was going on with the others, but once again he encountered the people from the Genmiao organization who were chasing King Li.

Probably most of them went after King Li, but not many remained, and scattered, one of them rummaged on the ground with a stick in his hand.

The cliffs are thick and the fog is thick. This situation is too familiar. Could it be that he is also looking for herbs

The master was ill, Qin Ping didn't want to cause trouble, so he simply avoided these people and looked elsewhere.

Master, you must hold on!

The weather was fine, the traces of the flood receded quickly, the Xiao family house at the foot of the mountain had been cleaned up, and there was not much damage. Everyone began to move happily. On the top of the east mountain, it gradually changed from bustling to quiet.

The people who were close to Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu were a little bit reluctant, and wanted to invite the two of them together, but seeing that Chu Mu's body was really not suitable for moving, they gave up.

In the past few days, Xie Tingyue has been guarding Chu Mu's bedside day and night, and has done all the work of the long-term servant girl. Hang Qingxi looks distressed at this, because she... didn't do it so well back then.

Can't help telling Xie Tingyue: "In the current situation, you should take good care of yourself. Only when you have energy can you take better care of Young Master Chu."

"I know." Xie Tingyue smiled, "I want to thank Mrs. and Mrs. Xian for your generosity for bothering me."

Hang Qingxi waved his hand: "What's the matter? As the old saying goes, white hair is as new as it was before, and you and my Xiao family are already close friends. I'm going to be angry when you say this! Let me tell you, this The yard at the foot of the mountain is ready. I will go over to buy things now. When Mr. Chu recovers and the doctor says he can move, send me a letter. I will send someone to lift the soft couch and move Mr. Chu down. , don't worry, I'm sure he won't be able to bear the slightest bit of crime!"

Xie Tingyue: "Thank you so much."

Hang Qingxi left, and the Xiao family members also descended the mountain in batches. After the terrible heavy rain, there was no worrying scene, and there was no epidemic. The old doctor Guangbai was very satisfied. He was relaxed and focused in seeing the doctor, Xie Tingyue was also very satisfied.

The only thing he was dissatisfied with was Tobacco Yellow. After finding it, he fed it to Chu Mu. He no longer trembled and was no longer cold, but he was still awake.

"It's just a yellow tobacco plant, what else do you want, let your man jump up and dance immediately?" The old doctor Guangbai picked up a jug of wine on the table, "You are content! You have stayed for so many days, what is the matter?" It's almost time for me to go—"

Xie Tingyue turned around immediately: "I also ask you to take pity on me, and it won't be too late to bring up this matter after my husband wakes up."

Guangbai clicked his tongue: "I see that you are also smart, why can't you understand the old man's words?"

Xie Tingyue's posture was very firm.

"Okay," Guang Bai walked out with the wine in his hand, "I'll bid him farewell when he wakes up!"

Xie Tingyue finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, he understands what everyone said, he knows what he looks like without looking in the mirror, and he needs to rest. Chu Mu's body is also recovering in a good direction, so there is no need to worry about it all the time.

But he just doesn't feel tired.

I really couldn't bear it, holding Chu Mu's hand and lying on the bedside for a while was enough, he didn't want to leave here.

Seeing that Chu Mu's lips were dry again, he fetched water and fed it to Chu Mu little by little.

"Wake up quickly... I don't want to be overwhelmed..."

Consciousness was hazy, and she didn't know how long she had slept. Xie Tingyue noticed a line of sight above her head, which was hot and persistent, and could not be ignored.

dream? Or... who is looking at him

Over there, of course only—

He immediately opened his eyes and looked up, and Chu Mu's eyes, which had been closed all the time, opened.

This is awake

Xie Tingyue was overjoyed, and didn't let go of Chu Mu's hand: "Are you awake? Where are you feeling?"

Chu Mu's voice was hoarse: "It's not uncomfortable."

Xie Tingyue: "Then do you want some water?"

Chu Mu: "No water."

Xie Tingyue: "Huh?"

Chu Mu: "I want you."

Xie Tingyue didn't react, she pulled the held hand forcefully, threw her body forward, and sent it to Chu Mu's arms.

Chu Mu tightly clasped the back of his head and covered his lips.

This is their first kiss.

real kiss.

Maybe it's not that intense, with sparks flying, but it's gentle enough and full of love.