Bastard Male Wife

Chapter 6: Acknowledgment of relatives is a storm


Xie Tingyue simply wanted to take care of Chu Mu.

Because of being taken care of and reminded me today; because of the fatigue on the bloodshot eyes of the other party; because the other party has already bathed and changed clothes, and they are all wearing outer shirts and cloaks. Helping to undress will not cause ambiguity or misunderstanding.

There is also a little bit of an attempt deep down in my heart to please the other party, establish friendship, and maintain a good relationship.

He really just wanted to help out from the bottom of his heart.

Chu Mu turned the wheelchair and came over by himself, still saying the above words.

As if he couldn't wait, or... in response to his own 'can't wait'!

Looking across the room full of joy, red tents and red candles, Xie Tingyue caressed his forehead sadly, and especially wanted to shout, the conscience of heaven and earth, he really has no evil intentions!

But Chu Mu was already ready.

He stood still in a daze, and he didn't mind at all. He turned to the side of the bed, supported his body with his hands and sat on the bed, with his arms facing outwards and his chin lifted slightly. His posture was ready for him to move!

Xie Tingyue: ...

I can only bite the bullet.

There was no difficulty in taking off his clothes. Chu Mu's cloak and overshirt were all worn, and they were not worn properly, only the buttons on the neckline were fastened.

Xie Tingyue let go of it.

The head also lowered a little.

Then he discovered... Chu Mu's Adam's apple is very beautiful.

Different from the "weakness" shown by himself sitting in a wheelchair, his Adam's apple is prominent and his lines are clear, showing a kind of toughness and dominance of a man.

Xie Tingyue couldn't help feeling jealous. Because of his own position... he grew up a little weaker, and he once had low self-esteem when he was a teenager. Even if he was always praised by young ladies and sisters as he grew up, he couldn't make up for the regret.

Because of jealousy, he subconsciously glanced at Chu Mu.

This is even more incredible, Chu Mu's eyelashes are very long, long and dense, arrogant and domineering, and unrestrained, it is simply a huge insult and mockery to a person with little hair like him!

Seeing the newlyweds looking over, Chu Mu naturally returned the most gentle and perfect smile.

Xie Tingyue felt guilty immediately, feeling ashamed that she was caught by the Lord for peeping.

At this moment, his hand paused, and accidentally... touched Chu Mu's neck.

The fingertips touched the skin, and both of them clearly felt each other's touch, warm and soft.

Xie Tingyue: "Sorry!"

No need to look, just by feeling the hot temperature on his face, he knew he was blushing!

Why was it Chu Mu who was touched, but he was the one who blushed in embarrassment!

"Xie Er, we are already husband and wife."

Xie Tingyue didn't look up, but when she heard Chu Mu's voice, she nodded indiscriminately.

Chu Mu spoke very slowly, as if he said every word: "There is no need to avoid suspicion between husband and wife, you look like this..." At this point, there was a pause for a moment, and then the pressure was lower, and it seemed to be closer, "It seems expecting me to do something to you."

He looked at Xie Tingyue with a smile: "Or did I misunderstand?"

Xie Tingyue came to her senses and raised her head immediately: "Of course I misunderstood! How could I want to do that kind of thing!"

"Oh? What kind of thing?" Chu Mu raised his eyes and smiled deeper.

Xie Tingyue's face turned red, did he get tricked!

Chu Mu: "It turns out Madam is really looking forward to it."

Xie Tingyue: "I'm not! I don't!"

As he retorted forcefully (powerlessly), he was surprised in his heart. This kind of issue involving a man's self-esteem, ordinary patients would not talk about it so freely like Chu Mu, right

Having had a lifetime of experience, he was very sure that Chu Mu was really sick, and that he was seriously ill. He was not far from death.

At this moment, Xie Tingyue clearly understood that everyone felt that Chu Mu was very pitiful, and his body was indeed seriously ill, but he himself did not need such pity.

He's just a normal guy.

Just want to be a normal person.

Xie Tingyue was inexplicably sour, and continued to bow her head and knock on the buttons.

"But I can only say sorry to my wife. Today, my husband is very tired and exhausted. This week's ceremony can only be changed to it."

The moment the button was unbuttoned, Chu Mu's slender fingers stretched out and held Xie Tingyue's hand: "I hope Madam will forgive me."

Because the hand was pulled farther and farther away from her, and closer to the other party, Xie Tingyue even suspected that the other party would kiss him in the next second!

Scared, he quickly shook his hands, threw the cloak outside, pressed Chu Mu and stuffed it under the quilt: "It's getting late, go to sleep!"

Pressing the other party into the quilt and wrapping him up, he also quickly undressed and got into the bed—

own bed.

Then turn his back to Chu Mu, adjust his breathing, and fall asleep at the fastest speed!

It's too scary... Everything just now was too scary, I'm afraid he is dreaming!

The eldest young master of the Chu family who is seriously ill and is about to die, the eldest young master who everyone evaluates as modest, gentle, and gentlemanly, is actually a shameless hooligan!

Why on earth is the other party so interested in him

Xie Tingyue felt that her previous life had been wasted, her head was muddy and hadn't grown into gold at all, no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't figure it out!

On the second day of the wedding, it is customary to serve tea and recognize relatives.

Because of Chu Mu's physical condition, everyone knew that it was impossible to consummate the house, so there was no teasing about the new wife. The whole process was well-regulated, not lively, and not rigid, and everyone gave enough face.

The men were all busy, and after the process, they dispersed and left. The oldest lady in the family, Mrs. Li, and the eldest daughter-in-law, Mrs. Su, and the second daughter-in-law, Mrs. Sun, who were in charge of Zhongfu, naturally accompanied her. Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu were the protagonists. I didn't have to speak, and I couldn't ask to leave by myself.

The five masters soon remained in the main hall.

Mrs. Sun was very enthusiastic, and kept chatting with Xie Tingyue on topical topics, 'Did you sleep well last night', 'Did you eat delicious food this morning', 'Are you getting used to being at home'... asked a lot of similar questions.

In the end, I let go of a big sigh: "My niece and daughter-in-law are adapting so well, I am finally relieved! I have occupied the magpie's nest for a long time about this mess at home, and it is time to abdicate and give way to the virtuous. I will go back later I will send you the pair of cards, and I will hand it over to you in this mansion!"

As soon as these words came out, the hall was suddenly quiet.

Xie Tingyue paused in her heart.

The old man of the Chu family has passed away, and the highest seniority is the old lady Li. The eldest daughter-in-law, Su, gave birth to a son, Chu Mu. Unfortunately, Su's husband, Chu Mu's father died early, and Su was a widow. He was once in poor health, and his only son was seriously ill and dying. It doesn't matter how valuable the eldest son's status is. He died a few days earlier and died a few days later. The result is the same. This Chu family will definitely be handed over to the second room, so the Sun family snatched the middle gift, and no one in the house objected.

She robbed and robbed, what does it mean to come out and abdicate at this time

Return it to Da Fang, is she so kind? Did you dig a hole, or just want to get a good reputation

Xie Tingyue thought quickly in her mind, and in just a moment, she settled the matter: there is no doubt that she is cheating.

There are quite a few people who have good intentions and kindness to teach the bride, but more or less, the elders will leave some time to come out, first to cultivate the relationship between the newlyweds, and second, to let the bride get acquainted with the family properly, get to know the family, and then hand in the gift, hand in hand belt.

Sun's move does not suffer from any of them.

But Xie Tingyue still wanted to agree.

Because this is a pit, and it is also the fastest way to gain a foothold!

Having status in the Chu family is... very beneficial to him at present.

But on the one hand, this is somewhat different from his plan, and there are advantages and disadvantages to going deep into the Chu family; on the other hand, in this case, he is not a newcomer who has just passed through the door. Did not speak.

Sure enough, Su Shi frowned and objected: "Why did my brother and sister say that? You have never made any mistakes in the family, and it has been going well. Xie Ercai married, and he is a man. How can he take care of the back house?"

"Sister-in-law's words are inappropriate," Mrs. Sun held Su's hand, and reminded with a solemn voice, "It's a good thing we don't have outsiders here, otherwise people would think you are despising your niece and daughter-in-law!"

"It doesn't matter who the niece and daughter-in-law are, what their background is, what their temperament is, whether they are male or female, it doesn't matter to me. The important thing is that he is from our family! Since he has entered the door of our family, he is noble and worthy of everyone. Respect those who can stand up, of course they can stand up, whoever looks down on me, I am in a hurry!"

Xie Tingyue: ...

Thank you for the eye drops.

Sun smiled and looked at Xie Tingyue: "It's the rule for the eldest daughter-in-law to be reasonable, and it's not wrong to say it out loud, and I'll see, my niece and daughter-in-law can definitely do it!" After finishing speaking, she looked at the old lady , "Mother, do you think so?"

The old lady didn't look at her, nor at Su Shi or Xie Tingyue, but directly looked at Chu Mu: "What do you say?"

Chu Mu glanced past Xie Tingyue's bright and clear eyes, and smiled.

"The housekeeper of the long room, for example, is duty-bound. Speaking of which, it is because I am not healthy enough to let my second aunt suffer for so long. My second aunt is a supercilious person. She always takes care of everyone and misses things in her own room. I heard that my second uncle secretly I complain, and I feel very guilty."

As Chu Mu said, he looked at Xie Tingyue: "In the past, I could only feel guilty and couldn't do anything else. Now that I have a wife, I naturally don't dare to work on my second aunt anymore. It's good to handle my own affairs."

The old lady twirled the beads in her hand, her eyes drooping slightly.

Chu Mu thanked Mrs. Sun again, with a deeper smile on his face: "For so many years, Second Aunt has been tired a lot. Although I have never said a word about everything before, I have always remembered it in my heart. Thank you Second Aunt for taking care of me. Later My husband and I will prepare a small gift, and I hope that my second aunt will not dislike her."

"My wife is new here, young and inexperienced, she is not as proficient and fast as my second aunt in handling things. When the time comes, my second aunt will watch, so don't worry about getting angry, let us learn."

The words were spoken calmly, with so many swords and swords in it, with explicit and hidden meanings, those who should understand will naturally understand it in their hearts.

'Husband' is so strong, Xie Tingyue naturally wanted to 'husband sing husband', and immediately looked at Chu Mu with a sweet smile: "I'll listen to you."

The old lady held the Buddhist beads and said: "Since the two parties have no objection, let's do it this way."

Sun choked her breath in her throat, her teeth itching, but she still had to keep smiling: "Just in time, there is an important matter next, so I will mention my nephew and daughter-in-law. Our family has always had the habit of holding plum banquets. When it is the twelfth lunar month, everyone should prepare for the new year. There will be no gatherings, no excitement, and the end of this month will not be passed any later. Seeing that there are only a few days, the hard-working nephew and daughter-in-law are ready."

Xie Tingyue smiled and showed her small white teeth, and bowed obediently: "If there is anything I don't understand, I will definitely ask Second Aunt for advice at any time."

Sun's smile was 'magnanimous': "I am always waiting for my niece and daughter-in-law."

"Okay, I'm tired, you all go back."

The old lady spoke, and everyone left.

Naturally, Mrs. Sun didn't have much to say, she sent the old lady off, and left after throwing the curtain. There was faint concern in Su's eyes, and she took two steps forward, as if she wanted to call Chu Mu and Xie Tingyue to stop, but seeing the tired look on Chu Mu's face, she stopped, sighed, turned and left.

Back in the room, Chu Mu was very quiet, ordered a cup of tea, and sat by the window to read a book. Xie Tingyue was packing her things.

In fact, there is nothing to clean up. Everything is done by the servants. He just sorts out and confirms where his things are, so that he can’t find them when he needs them, such as the "Great Power Economy".

He never regarded this book as a secret, and when he saw that it was well placed on the bookshelf, he didn't care about it anymore, and casually arranged the wedding clothes he wore for his wedding.

Such clothes should be well preserved at the corner of the box. He took a look, just to make sure that there was nothing falling on it due to the busy work yesterday, but he didn't know where it moved, and a leaf fell out of the sleeve.

Green, semi-dry, a bit round in shape, prickly on the sides...

What kind of leaf is this? When the leaves fall in winter, where are the green leaves? Did he accidentally roll it up in his sleeve while running down the street

After only tangling for a moment, he let go and threw the leaves that were about to wither aside.

The most important thing now is the return door tomorrow!

Brother Dong must have done what he told him, and he will call in to ask about it later...

Good stepmother Lin, get ready for bad luck!

Xie Tingyue didn't care about the leaves thrown on the ground, and neither did Chu Mu, not even giving one out of the corner of his eyes.

The long follower, Qin Ping, was beating his chest and stamping his feet in his heart, he especially wanted to take a look at his new wife, and take another look!

Yesterday's worship went so smoothly, it's definitely not because of others accepting your love, it's because of this! The domineering white cat of the old lady likes this thing the most, as long as you take a piece with you, it will beg you to rub it! And it is an existence that cannot be messed with in the Chu family. If it expresses its position, how dare the servants neglect you? The wife of the second room dare not! That's why the grass and charcoal came so fast!

Ma'am, please be sober, take a closer look, who is the most powerful person in this family, and who should be the most fawning!

Even though the inner drama was so rich that it was about to burst out, and he was crying for the grievances of his young master, he still didn't dare to say a word, and could only stand aside with his head bowed.


The eldest young master has already looked over with a 'smiling smile': "Qin Ping, let's have some tea."