Bastard Male Wife

Chapter 62: Lead you into the urn


Miss Rou was obviously flustered and guilty, and Xiao Wenshu, who had a broken leg, had long been silent, and the atmosphere in front of the hall was quiet and silent.

The onlookers didn't expect that Mr. Xie would suddenly appear, gentle and handsome, but also extremely witty. This kind of thing that even the court officials had a headache could clearly see this, and the other party was speechless.

Everyone is not a fool, and they can't see whether there is someone behind this, what is the intention, but the love story between the soft girl and her cousin can be seen clearly.

It's so simple, □□ matchs with a dog forever, but also has real benefits, but also has a good reputation, and everyone has to boast and hold her around, indulging in the great dedication of oneself, and acting in all kinds of truth, even I believe it!

People are weak by nature, or things hurt others. If you encounter this kind of moment unfortunately, you hope that someone can help you, or show your sense of existence, help justice and make yourself great. Anyway, the pain is not on yourself. But people like to help reason, and they also like to hear all kinds of new stories, such as the pink skulls in those stories, the beauty turned into a fairy...


Someone with a quick brain, has followed Xie Tingyue's words to understand, pointing at Miss Rou and scolding her for being shameless.

Of course, the others followed immediately, and one by one became enlightened, and those who were not enlightened and couldn't figure it out... had to follow the crowd and prove that they were not stupid!

Don't be confused by beauty, but see the truth clearly, is this the essence of bright-eyed and intelligent working people!


"Shameless to such an extent, I have never seen this in my life!"

"I haven't seen it either!"

"What's the use of being good-looking? A beautiful woman's painted skin is wrapped in a dirty heart, no matter how you look at it, it's disgusting!"

"I really don't know how my parents raised me..."

"Such a person can actually make a marriage contract? How dare he have the face to stand in this hall? I would have been headbutted to death!"

The scene reversed quite quickly and was extremely cruel.

Miss Rou was stunned by the scolding.

Since she was a child, she has always been the object of praise from others. How has she ever been scolded like this

She couldn't react for a while, and she didn't have any experience. She didn't know how to deal with such a situation. In the end, she could only find a reason: "What do you know... Ordinary people, how do you know what love is? That day when you went to the mountain to be in danger, My cousin gave up on me, not because he didn't like me, but because I asked him to give up, I begged him to give up, I didn't want to hurt him... I gave up on him because I couldn't save him, and I relied on others Land, I can’t implicate others in danger, if I am myself, I will die without a place to die, and I have to save my cousin... You... None of you have ever encountered such a life-and-death choice at all, what right do you have to scold me?"

As she was talking, she seemed to have found the reason to stand up. Miss Rou became more and more determined, and her voice became louder: "You have no right to criticize me, you all talk standing up without back pain! You don't understand at all, you don't understand!"

Hang Qingxi sighed: "No, you are wrong, you are nothing, some people's experiences are beyond your imagination."

Xie Tingyue looked at Hang Qingxi's eyebrows and eyes, which were lively and graceful, and revealed the precipitation given by time...

In these words, there is a story.

As for today's situation, the solution lies not in the facts, not in how Xiao Wenshu behaves, but in Miss Rou. There is an inexplicable power in this person, as long as it is disintegrated and smashed, the opponent will be defeated.

An idea popped up in Xie Tingyue's mind, her eyes flashed mischievously, and she looked at Hang Qingxi: "I really don't understand this woman's mind, why don't you ask Madam, how should a virtuous couple deal with similar dangers?"

In fact, even if Hang Qingxi didn't say anything, he still had the answer in his heart. He had seen the behavior of this couple a long time ago because of the heavy rain that day.

Hang Qingxi thought for a while, then glanced at Xiao Yunfeng.

Xiao Yunfeng agrees with her tacitly, he seems to know her thoughts, and his eyes are extremely gentle. He didn't speak, but his meaning was already expressed clearly. What he wanted to do or say was entirely up to his wife's wishes, and he supported it.

Hang Qingxi smiled, and suddenly turned around to look around, with a beautiful arc drawn on the skirt: "My husband has been missing for two years, everyone must know, but what happened in the middle, everyone probably doesn't know."

The crowd around the audience made a hissing and gasping sound, and everyone's eyes were wide open.

I live in a county, everyone is a neighbor, some secret things are known to some extent, but the inside story is not clear, is it going to be exposed today!

Hang Qingxi: "My husband was harmed by someone and was seriously injured and dying. All the doctors told me to prepare for the funeral. I am stubborn and disobedient. My husband passed out for a year, ignorant and unable to take care of himself. I will accompany you. I take care of it. My husband wakes up like a three-year-old child, forgetting his past, and often speaks ignorantly, saying that he doesn’t want to hurt me, but I beat him so hard that he dare not say this again. I was also poisoned by someone, and I couldn’t speak for a year , couldn’t walk, and hurt my internal organs so that it’s difficult to conceive. I used various methods to express that I didn’t want to hurt my husband, but my husband didn’t hit me, but just kept silent. No matter where I went, it was safe or dangerous, big or small, not once. Don't go with me behind your back."

"Over the years, my husband and I have encountered countless dangers? If we were like you, waiting for others' praise and support every day, how did we get to where we are today?"

Miss Rou was speechless immediately.

Everyone is also very quiet, this... incomparable! Miss Rou's pair can't be seen at all, it's too low-level! Moreover, the Xiaos and his wife never took pride in this, and talked about these things with outsiders...

Xie Tingyue smiled and looked at Miss Rou: "Look, this couple lives on their own, not on other people's praise. You and your cousin may indeed like each other, but you don't understand the changes in the world, people's hearts are changeable, and you don't have the ability to deal with it." The ability of these situations. You are afraid of danger, just go about your normal life, and when disaster strikes, you will definitely perform what is meant by "flying each other".

Everyone nodded again and again, it makes sense!

Look at the Xiao family and his wife, they always know what they want, they have chosen a person, they have chosen a path, they will go forward bravely, and never give up. They can follow their heart and choose bravely, or they can accept bad results, and make every effort to make their days go in a good direction, blossom and bear fruit, and be full of beauty.

Xie Tingyue said and sighed: "Tell me, what are you doing? Singing on the stage, or playing with children?"

This blow was heart-piercing, Miss Rou was in so much pain that she couldn't stand anymore, she fell limply to the ground, crying silently: "No, it's not like's not like this..."

Hang Qingxi: "I really don't understand what you think. As women, we may indeed lack the ability sometimes, but I will never let go of my husband, even if I may implicate him."

Xiao Yunfeng came over to hold her hand: "Me too, even if I am in a death situation, I will bring Madam with me, because I know that no matter whether I am alive or dead, Madam will not be happy without me."

The two have gone through all kinds of dangers, and now they are transparent, husband and wife are one body, as long as they are together, no matter what the day is, it is sweet.

For some reason, Xie Tingyue felt that her eyes were a little sour, and subconsciously looked at Chu Mu when there were no other scenes of bitterness, no vows of love and all kinds of tear-jerking.

Chu Mu was looking over, there seemed to be tides rising and falling in Qing Juan's eyes, surging.

Xie Tingyue understood.

This time, Chu Mu no longer envied the couple, because he also had one.

The atmosphere in the hall instantly became charming.

How wonderful is the picture of Xiao's husband and wife looking at each other and smiling

Everyone sighed, this is husband and wife, this is true love!

As for the love between Miss Rou and her cousin, do they have love? That's a joke! What sacrifices, what mutual support, what they enjoy is only the greatness they have paid, and it is not the other party who pities, but themselves who worked hard at the beginning!

"Stupid, aren't you? Life isn't about acting. Isn't it better to be real?"

"Speaking of which, I've seen such a woman before. They don't live very well. Those who really live well are people who understand."

"Actually, men won't be moved by always talking about the past and their own sacrifices. After a long time, they will only feel annoyed. They don't feel that they owe you anything, but you feel that he owes you."

"That is, if a man really changes his mind, it's useless for you to say anything. If you keep holding on to the past, the only one who suffers is you."

The topics of the onlookers have begun to diverge, from cursing to debating the truth.

Miss Rou is already stupid.

She was really hit this time, the belief she had always insisted on was crushed, and she didn't know how to take the road ahead.

Xie Tingri, who was standing aside, looked distressed, and came to help her: "It's okay, you still have me, I won't let you be wronged..."

"you go-"

Girl Rou had already collapsed, covering her ears, and resisted in a sharp voice.


Xiao Wenshu looked at Miss Rou with complicated eyes, he didn't know whether to step forward to comfort her or not to speak.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Xie Tingyue struck while the iron was hot: "Actually, there is only one thing I'm curious about, Xiao Wenshu, you broke your leg, how did you go down the mountain? Where do you live after you go down the mountain? Why doesn't the Xiao family know?"

Just like his guess, Miss Rou is the backbone of this complaint, and Xiao Wenshu listens to her. Right now, her eyes are dull and she can't concentrate at all. Of course, she will not give any guidance and instructions. Xiao Wenshu's hands and feet At a loss, I don't know what to do.

But Xie Tingyue questioned him in front of him, and after waiting for a long time, the court official would knock on the gavel to ask him to answer, but Xiao Wenshu had no choice but to say: "Yes...someone passed by and gave me a hand."

Xie Tingyue raised her eyes slightly, and knew in her heart that the person who helped him must be Yan Hong.

To force Xiao Wenshu to reveal his name!

Xie Tingyue continued: "So you may be sure, is he passing by to help you or to harm you? Why don't you think carefully about what happened before and after, what did this person say to you, what did you mislead, and file a lawsuit today Do you really think so, or do others make you think so?"

Xiao Wenshu was silent for a while without speaking, but his face gradually became extremely ugly, he must be suspicious.

Xie Tingyue sneered: "The relatives and clansmen who have been with me for so many years don't believe it, but they want to believe a stranger passing by? Xiao Wenshu, use your poor brain to think about it, has Patriarch Xiao really touched you for so many years? You Thinking about him harming you every day, if he really wanted to harm you, how could he let you jump until now? Who are you looking down on?"

Xiao Yunfeng just has an upright personality and doesn't want to initiate a verbal lawsuit, but it's not that he doesn't understand the timing. Seeing that Xiao Wenshu's attitude was loose, he immediately spoke: "Xiao Wenshu, you have repeatedly contradicted me. Lawsuits and disasters need to be dealt with by the family law. But no matter what, you are still a member of my Xiao family, if you are willing to change your mind and go back with me, you know our ancestral teachings."

Don't give up on any of your tribe...

How could Xiao Wenshu not know!

You can't run away with a board, but as long as you go back, there is always a way to survive. The man said it nicely, the sky is high and the earth is wide outside, but there are also many dangers outside, if he dies... he doesn't even know where he is buried.

Xiao Wenshu gritted his teeth, and confessed: "It was a businessman named Yan Hong. I broke my leg that day, and I happened to meet him. From my story, I came up with an idea, saying that I am poor, my pearls and jades are dusty, and I will shine in the future, and I am willing to generously support... "

Everyone understood.

It turned out that there were outsiders acting as shit stirrers.

Who is this Yan Hong? What kind of grievance, what kind of enmity, do you want to harm others like this

This stupid scholar is also stupid, this is not the way to save face!

At this point in the trial of the case, the truth has been revealed, Lu Li nodded to the county magistrate.

The county magistrate understood why it was broken.

The man named Yan Hong was very cunning. Hearing Xiao Wenshu's narration, he didn't make any real words of advice. He just stirred up Xiao Wenshu's emotions and guided him to make this decision. According to the law, there was no way to punish him.

The Xiao family and his wife were not guilty, they just suffered an innocent disaster for no reason.

The quarrel between Xiao Wenshu and Miss Rou made him fool himself, making people laugh out loud.

The county magistrate thought for a while, then patted the gavel: "Xiao Wenshu, I ask you, do you still want to sue Patriarch Xiao?"

Xiao Wenshu immediately shook his head: "I won't sue, I won't sue..."

County magistrate: "There is not enough evidence in this case, and the plaintiff has stated his reasons. It is purely a false accusation. The Xiao family and his wife were not guilty, and they were released in court. Broken leg and serious injuries, the caning was waived and replaced with a fine of silver, can you two agree?"

Xiao Wenshu twitched his lips, his eyes were red: "I... I..."

He has no money, how can he admit it!

Xiao Yunfeng immediately cupped his hands: "My lord, my Xiao family recognizes it! I can put the money on behalf of the clansman and wait for him to return it someday."

With the gavel given by the county magistrate, the farce ended.

The onlookers enjoyed watching it. They praised the officials for their wisdom and righteousness, and loved the people like a son. They praised the patriarch of the Xiao family for his virtue and hope for the clan. They praised the second son for being smart and handsome.

Only one person is not happy.

Yan Hong directly dropped the teacup, his expression gloomy: "Useless things, mud can't support the wall!"

Originally, when there was a great opportunity, Xiao Wenshu forgot, that girl Rou was very useful, almost immediately he made up his mind. Asking these two people to hold Xiao Yunfeng back and entangle and make noise, making it impossible for Xiao Yunfeng to help Xie Tingyue, it just happened to be convenient for him to deal with Xie Tingyue.

Moreover, his image has been greatly damaged in recent days, and the people complained a lot. He had to find a way to divert his attention. When this case came out and made a big noise, wouldn't the people have no time to speak ill of him

In the end, things didn't go well, and it was a mess!

It's that same Xie Tingyue, why is his mouth so tricky!

"Okay thank you two—"

Yan Hong gritted his teeth angrily.

Originally, this trip to Qing County stemmed from a transaction, but now, he has already hated Xie Tingyue, and if I don't kill you, I won't be surnamed Yan!

"Boss... what shall we do next?" The shopkeeper standing aside looked at his face and asked tremblingly.

Yan Hong frowned: "Have you found the dyed grass?"

The shopkeeper: "We've been busy making money, and we just got free, and we've heard limited information..."

"Look for it, go find it right now!" Yan Hong squinted his eyes, "Then Xie Er left the capital and ran to this Qing County without a sound, there must be news of a lot of grass being dyed here!"

He is very sure about this exclusive news!

Xie Tingyue finally had time to talk to Lu Li and Chu Mu about his plan to deal with Yan Hong in detail: "Use dyed grass."

Lu Li was dissatisfied with Yan Hong's actions, the law can't control him, and he wanted to make this person suffer, but generally fines don't work, Yan Hong has earned so much, giving up some money won't hurt his bones, how can he really be punished Yan Hong, let him know that he is afraid

Simple, let him suffer a lot, let him hurt.

Picking up the teacup and taking a sip, Xie Tingyue raised her brows slightly: "Isn't he still going to deal with me? I was too busy making money before, but now that I have a lot of money, I have time to trick others into making troubles. I must have time to think about it."

Chu Mu smiled: "You want to set him up."

"Didn't I negotiate a deal with the Xiao family? Ask them to help spread the word. The talk is not about mulberry silk, but grass dyeing. I beg them to buy it for you and get a commission afterwards," Xie Tingyue said with a smile, "Let the Xiao family do things." 'Always accidentally take a step too late', Yan Hong can't actively buy all these dyed grasses into his bag, and cheat me a lot?"

Lu Li suddenly realized: "But what you really lack is not grass dyeing, but mulberry silk. Let Yan Hong spend a lot of money to buy these things. If you can't sell them in the end, you will throw them in your hands, and you will die!"

Xie Tingyue had crooked eyebrows and a bright smile: "Yes."

He had this plan in mind when he was on holiday in the capital before, and some preparations were going on in private. Now everything is going well, and with the addition of a friend from the Xiao family, it will come naturally. It is a good time, it is time to close the net!

"It's best to ask King Li about this matter." Chu Mu reminded in a low voice.

Xie Tingyue and Lu Lili comprehended and both understood the meaning of these words. After all, Yan Hong...had an older sister who was a concubine in Prince Li's Mansion, so he was considered a "brother-in-law". , deserves a reply.

You can also ask directly, without hinting around the corner.

King Li has been in the busiest urban area these days, under the protection of the government, he has not encountered assassination again, he is in a good mood, he was confused when he heard the question: "This... you want to mess with Yan Hong, what is the matter with this king? "

Lu Li coughed lightly, looked around, and lowered his voice: "I heard that this rich businessman surnamed Yan has a sister who is a concubine in the prince's mansion..."

"Surnamed Yan?" Li Wang thought for a long time before he thought of someone, "I have a housemate whose surname is Yan—no, this person surnamed Yan is messing around outside under the name of my king? What kind of serious relative is he? Yan Shi is also not very virtuous, I haven't seen her much in the past two years, how dare I make trouble outside?"

King Li was very angry, and looked at Lu Li solemnly: "Master Lu only does things impartially, I am annoyed by this kind of doggy dog, and must be severely punished!"

Lu Li was very satisfied, his posture was elegant and courteous enough: "My lord is wise, I will handle it impartially!"

Of course, it would be no problem for Xie Tingyue to discuss with the Xiao family couple, and Xiao Yunfeng readily agreed.

Hang Qingxi seemed to particularly hate businessmen like Yan Hong, and his attitude was extremely firm: "I think Mr. Xie is still too kind, how can this strength be enough? It would be good to make that Yan Hong's family go bankrupt!"

She secretly made a decision in her heart, she must carefully add some firewood to burn the fire even more vigorously.

The news that the Xiao family had quietly purchased dyed grass spread smoothly, and where and how much was available was also sent to Yan Hong's ears.

Yan Hong didn't know that this was a trap, and thought that he had predicted the enemy's opportunity first, and this time he was sure to win, so he fell into the trap decisively.

Yan Hong began to appear everywhere, buying dyed grass one step ahead.

Hang Qingxi began to bid.

Dyeing herbs is not a precious thing, but if something is not afraid of being good, it is afraid of being robbed. If someone robs it, the relationship between supply and demand will change, and the price will naturally rise.

Yan Hong ran into Hang Qingxi in various places, and the two sides fought very hard. The stronger the fight, the more real it was, which proves that the grass dyeing market is so big, and Xie Tingyue must ask for so much!

Not only did Hang Qingxi work alone, but he also recruited Xie Tingyue to come out to act. No matter how good the relationship is, if you entrust things to local snakes, you can't do nothing yourself, can you

Xie Tingyue, like a bitter and bitter enemy, went back and forth from place to place.

After several 'chance encounters' with Yan Hong, he had to pretend that he didn't know anything, and greeted him decently: "What kind of fortune is Boss Yan doing? It looks a bit like grass..."

Yan Hong is most wary of him now, the time is not yet ripe, of course he can't let the other party see his hole cards, laughing and laughing: "It's just some herbs, you can't make a fortune."

Xie Tingyue frowned: "Herbs? Why do I look a bit like the dyed grass that my family uses..."

Yan Hong: "Absolutely not, Mr. Xie misread it!"

While he was talking, he was directing the useful shopkeeper with his hands behind his back. The shopkeeper was clever, and quietly went into the shop to find a medicinal herb, and pretended to take it out of the box: "Young Master Xie, look, it's just a medicinal herb."

Xie Tingyue was really disappointed when she saw it: "... Oh, it turns out that it is really a medicinal herb. If I care about it, it will cause confusion. I misunderstood it."

Dodging once, hiding clumsiness twice, Xie Tingyue's harvest was not good, his complexion became more and more sad, and Yan Hong's heart became more and more complacent. It's still because he has a lot of money and great skills. Although he spent a little bit of money, as long as Xie Tingyue monopolizes the grass dyeing stock and asks Xie Tingyue to ask for it, then Xie Tingyue will have to pay whatever price he wants

When his complacency was gone, he pretended to be concerned: "Master Xie, what's the matter recently? If you have any worries, why don't you tell me about it, maybe I can help you too?"

Xie Tingyue's expression froze, he hesitated to speak, and finally declined: "No, it's nothing, hehe."

Yan Hong was so proud of being able to bloom flowers, he wished he could put his hips on his hips and laugh, when you begged me!

It’s the same in any play, one person singing is too monotonous, two singing is easy to be seen through, three and four are pulled into the water, each with their own thoughts, each with their own actions, once the water is mixed, the situation becomes a mystery .

The game started smoothly, the enemy got into the game, Xie Tingyue didn't have to be cautious at all, Yan Hong was already full of confidence, all kinds of brains would win a big victory in the future, Xie Tingyue was begging him in every way!

At that time, not only can you earn a little bit, but you can also win Mei Jiao Niang, what a happy life!