Bastard Male Wife

Chapter 65: Best friend save me!


Lu Li fell so hard this time that his brain was blinded by the fall, but he knew a little bit of boxing and kicking, so he rolled out subconsciously, stepped on the nearest tree root in his field of vision, turned over with his strength, and drew out the short sword in his hand. Knowing who the other party is, they simply started fighting.

On Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu's side, Qin Ping reacted very quickly. As soon as the carriage moved, he threw the wheelchair on the ground on the shaft and raised his hand. jump-

Accurately captured the owner who flipped out of the car, grabbed it with big hands, and put it on the wheelchair.

After doing so many things, he naturally has no time to save Xie Tingyue, so he can only rush over with all his strength!

Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu were thrown out of the car suddenly, they didn't even have time to catch each other, they were very separated.

He only felt the sound of the wind in his ears, his body was thrown rapidly, his field of vision turned sharply, and when he was about to fall hard to the ground, Qin Ping suddenly rushed in front of him like crazy, unable to save him, he could only stretch out his hand and push hard—

Qin Ping knows martial arts, and his martial arts are still very high. Can his strength be average

Xie Tingyue felt that her body was like duckweed in the water, instantly floated far away with the wind, drew an arc in the air, and then fell rapidly.


He fell into Chu Mu's arms, steadily.

Under the buttocks were Chu Mu's thighs, and in front of him were Chu Mu's worried eyes.

Xie Tingyue didn't know how this series of things happened, she tried her best not to shake her voice: "I'm fine, Chu Mu, I'm fine."

Chu Mu took his hand and wrapped it around his neck: "Hold tight."

Qin Ping didn't have time to care about it. He stood at the forefront and blocked the biggest attack opening with his own strength. Chu Mu took Xie Tingyue and skillfully used the wheelchair mechanism. For a while, it was difficult for the enemy to get close.

Xie Tingyue didn't want to bring a burden to Chu Mu, so she didn't hold back at all at this time, she was very obedient, and hung herself firmly on Chu Mu.

There were men in black in all directions, and there were a lot of them. Lu Li held a dagger, and the more he hit, the deeper his frown became.

Chu Mu was not only releasing hidden weapons, he was also walking around with his eyes, observing the surroundings. Soon, he looked in one direction and shouted at Lu Li: "Follow me!"

Lu Li didn't doubt that he had it, so he immediately leaned over and stood together with Chu Mu and Xie Tingyue. The three of them leaned on the mechanism on Chu Mu's wheelchair, and unexpectedly broke through a hole and ran out of the battle circle!

The other party came prepared, so they were naturally not allowed to escape. If they failed in close combat and failed to keep them, other methods would not be taboo.

Arrow rain!

Shua la la a piece!

The three of them wanted to swear, shameless!

Fortunately, here is a dense forest in the mountains, with lush and tall trees, and the threat that the arrow rain can cause is limited.

While bouncing around to escape, Lu Li's mind kept spinning: "Who is this person, what did he do to attack us! Look, the number looks familiar—good friend, take a good look, isn't it similar to what happened at the inn that day?"

Xie Tingyue also noticed it, and looked at Chu Mu with a serious expression.

Chu Mu's face sank like water, obviously trying to understand something.

When Lu Li asked the question over there, he slapped his head and figured it out.

Now the three of them have the same idea in their hearts, that's right, it's that group of people!

Lu Li was very angry: "But King Li has already left, and now we are all in the capital. It's not our fault that we can't catch up. Why are you so angry! If you have the ability, you continue to hunt and kill King Li!"

"call out-"

A feather arrow came over and aimed directly at Lu Li's forehead.

"Be careful!" Chu Mu activated the hidden weapon, and a long silk thread shot out from the wheelchair, entangled the distance to this side, and the crisis was resolved.

Lu Li touched his nose: "I promise I won't be distracted."

Afterwards, Lu Li really didn't speak any more, and focused on looking at the road.

But there are too many people on the other side, the mountain road is difficult to walk, and there are many unimaginable and unimaginable obstacles, such as a tree branch that suddenly protrudes—

Lu Li was hung up for a while, fell off and rolled to the west, which was exactly the opposite direction from Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu.


Xie Tingyue found that the pressure coming towards them had decreased significantly, and almost all the killers had left towards the road!

And aggressive, merciless—

Xie Tingyue's face was tense, her heart was beating like a drum, this time she was not pretending to threaten anything, they really wanted Lu Li's life!

Lu Li was stunned for a while, but he also understood: "Day!"

Obviously the situation was so disgusting that the scholars couldn't help cursing.

"No—my best friend, please save me quickly, everyone is a good brother, we will die together if we die together!"

Xie Tingyue: ...

Chu Mu unhurriedly pressed the mechanism, pulled out the long silk thread again, wrapped it around Lu Li's waist, and brought him back: "If you want to die, die well, die quickly, and don't implicate our husband and wife."

Lu Li didn't seem to hear it at all, and he touched the silk thread not to let Chu Mu take it back: "Your thing is good, it's just right to tie us together, so that we won't be lonely on the way to Huangquan, come and share with me, and give it to me as well." Two points of thanks—don’t, what are you doing back there!”

Lu Li seemed really anxious, and stared at Chu Mu.

Chu Mu didn't rush, took the things back slowly, and refused very cruelly: "No, my wife will be jealous."

"I believe in your evil! Think I really can't see it? Xie Er will not be jealous of you," Lu Li snorted, "You are just useless. You have grown this face for nothing, and you can't even fall in love with your wife." live!"

Xie Tingyue: ...

Chu Mu looked over and blinked, feeling very wronged and persistent, as if he had to wait until he said something.

Xie Tingyue was speechless for a long time, and sighed: Some people may have misunderstood me... But I don't think it's just some people's fault, it's because you didn't do a good job that made your best friend so suspicious. Chu Mu, you will be forced to kneel on the washboard tonight. ""

Xie Tingyue knew how powerful the washboard was. He knew that Chu Mu didn't like this thing, so he said that on purpose.

Unexpectedly, Chu Mu actually smiled, and agreed with great satisfaction: "Okay. Madam don't need to pay attention to other people, just look at me."

Lu Li was quite angry: "I didn't expect you to be such Chu Mu! You are afraid of your wife like that ordinary man!"

Chu Mu is very disdainful: "A person like you sleeps in a small bed with a quilt on the bed, and the dog at home is owned by a man. He has been wandering for several years and can't find a good friend. How would he know the benefits of having a rouge tiger at home? No wife man is not worthy to speak to me."

Lu Li was heartbroken: "You still despise my dog! My best friend, you have changed, my best friend, you were not the kind of person you were before!"

Chu Mu was very indifferent: "Obviously your eyesight is wrong, I am such a person."

Of course, all these conversations, of course, took place while fleeing.

While running, the two did not forget to hurt each other.

Xie Tingyue has seen two people's swordsmanship before, but she has never seen them fight like this, so she doesn't understand. But he is not worried, because the two have a tacit understanding, no matter what they say, it will not affect their relationship.

And after a long time, Xie Tingyue also understood.

The two people's voices were relaxed, and the atmosphere became relaxed, including himself, not as tense as before. Those who are being hunted down are not nervous, and the enemy will feel uncomfortable, and will be more impulsive and angry. Looking at the change in the offensive, this is indeed proved.

In fighting, of course, it depends on the number of people and strength, but momentum is more important. Which side has the morale, which side will have a greater chance of winning. As long as the enemy misses the loophole, they can take advantage of it!

Xie Tingyue didn't think much about it at all, he ran wherever Chu Mu directed and led him.

Of the three of them, Lu Li's martial arts are not high, Chu Mu only has a wheelchair, he... is not only a weak chicken who can't help anything, but also a road idiot, running all the way down like this, seeing the same scenery, almost throwing up ! But it's just three people like them, the other party can't surround them, they can't keep them! Running for so long unscathed is not a miracle!

Xie Tingyue knew that Lu Li and Chu Mu would not only do this one thing, they must have sent out a signal, and someone would come to help them soon, all they had to do was persist, as long as they persisted.

But how much time is this? How long are they going to last

have no idea!

Xie Tingyue has no brains to think at all, only one belief in her heart, stick to it, hold on, they can win! !

It's a pity that when good luck runs out, Lu Li fell out again. This time he fell very far, the enemy followed closely, and the point of the sword was only three feet away!

Chu Mu flung the silk thread dangerously.

But Lu Li rolled on the spot and avoided it: "Okay, don't talk nonsense, I'm afraid brother is going to confess here today, you have to avenge me and don't make me die in vain!"

Xie Tingyue was stunned.

Lu Li has changed. Before when he was in danger, he cried and called Chu Mu, which made Chu Mu unable to get rid of him, but now...

He stopped talking nonsense and talking nonsense, he became serious.

Xie Tingyue knew that Lu Li was humble on the surface, but in private his personality was a little out of character. Every time he joked, Xie Tingyue couldn't help but want to remind him to be serious, but now that he was serious, Xie Tingyue couldn't accept it.

In fact, Lu Li and Chu Mu are a bit alike, they have the same gentleman and gentleness, the same deviantism, the same wisdom and transparency, and they see many things too clearly.

If you can see clearly, you will naturally know what kind of timing and what kind of choice is the most suitable.

The current situation is not easy to save.

Lu Li himself has given up on himself, so what reason does Chu Mu not give up

Xie Tingyue looked at Chu Mu, pursed her lips tightly, and for the first time sincerely hoped that Chu Mu would not be so rational.

The tip of the enemy's knife had already reached Lu Li's neck, Lu Li had already shouted to drive Chu Mu away, Xie Tingyue closed his eyes, not wanting to see the cruel scene.


Lu Li screamed.


Lu Li was still screaming.

not dead

Xie Tingyue opened her eyes, and saw that Lu Li had been dragged to her side, with the silk thread released by Chu Mu's mechanism wrapped around her waist.

Lu Li was still injured, the side of his neck was fine, but there was a line of blood on his shoulder, and the blood flow continued.

Chu Mu didn't see anything, and sneered coldly: "Stupid, do I only have one thread?"

Xie Tingyue hurried forward to help Lu Li bandage.

Lu Li wiped his face, and grinned: "It seems that next time I have to roll around in circles."

Chu Mu: "Let's go, don't make my wife worry about it."

After the wound was bandaged, Lu Li was able to toss about again: "Huh? Your wife is worried about me—"

The tail is elongated and full of meaning.

Chu Mu didn't care about his best friend's injury just now, and directly put a hidden weapon in front of his feet. Lu Li slipped and fell to the ground. When he got up, his face was covered in mud and his forehead was blue.

Chu Mu's eyes were cold: "Shut up if you can't speak."

Lu Li snorted: "Stingy."

Seeing the shadow behind, Xie Tingyue happily reminded: "Qin Ping is here."

Lu Li and Chu Mu both heaved a sigh of relief.

There should be a chance to escape...

But this is easier said than done. Since the others didn't move all the way, they just waited for this opportunity to strike. Naturally, they were unwilling to let the fish slip away, and if they had to hold on to it, the group had a hard time escaping.

Difficult mountain roads are both a disadvantage and an advantage. They can't run fast, and the opponent can't chase them very fast. Moreover, they are small in number, making it easy to hide their tracks. The opponent group is very noisy, and it is difficult to hide anywhere.

After fighting hard for a long time, finally, I waited for the follow-up help.

When walking out of the mountain, Lu Li sighed: "I didn't expect that I never encountered any dangers outside, but when I came to the suburbs of Beijing, I escaped death once."

Chu Mu nodded: "The question is, why does this organization want to hunt you down?"

Lu Li looked solemn: "I have to think about it."

Chu Mu: "I have encountered something special recently, think about it carefully."

Xie Tingyue: "There is a tea stall in front, do you want to rest?"

"It's just right," Lu Li pulled Chu Mu back, "help me sort it out."

Feeling that the content of the conversation between the two should be deep, Xie Tingyue didn't want to participate: "I'll drink a cup of tea at that table."

Chu Mu: "Madam?"

"The people on this mountain road are dizzy. My brain is really not working. You guys talk first. I want to be quiet." Xie Tingyue really doesn't matter.

Chu Mu had no choice but to let him go.

The proprietress of the tea stall served Xie Tingyue a bowl of jasmine tea, and spoke with a smile: "I heard that young man called you madam just now, is he your husband?"

Xie Tingyue never denied this fact, and blew on the tea foam: "Yes."

The proprietress sighed: "Oh, what a pity."

Xie Tingyue paused: "How to say?"

"These men are all the same. They are heartless and heartless. When they are idle and bored, they love you as a baby. It doesn't matter how you make trouble. At other times, it doesn't matter if they are doing business, drinking and chatting with friends, or whispering secrets." , you are wrong whenever you show up, and you still want to make trouble?"

The proprietress looked like someone who came here and sighed: "It's just that he didn't care enough. He doesn't want you to walk side by side with him at all."

Xie Tingyue looked at the proprietress, frowned slightly.

Regardless of whether this view is right or not, isn’t it a bit of a shallow conversation

The proprietress said these things to him, but on purpose? Why

The proprietress said again: "Have you heard about the Xie family in the capital?"

Xie family

Xie Tingyue thought of her surname, the most lively Xie's family in the capital recently, probably only her own.

"It's the Xie family who gave their son to the Chu family to be his wife!" A small shop in a remote place, not many passing customers, the proprietress seems to be very interested in talking, and she can't catch anyone. She picked up Xie Tingyue who placed an order and didn't let her go, " It’s been busy recently, Mr. Storyteller’s teahouse is full every day, and everyone is listening to this incident! It’s said that the mistress Lin’s family is not kind, and the trouble is that there are not enough children left by the big house in front, and she even gave her two children to her. Woe to me..."

After quickly pouring out the gossip, the proprietress slapped the table: "Let me tell you, this Mrs. Lin is too stupid. It's not that she shouldn't do these things. It's that she didn't do it well, and she didn't set her mind right. She spent so much money on a man." What are you thinking about, and others won't appreciate it, why don't you plan more for yourself?"

"Look, it's such a big mess, no matter it's true or not, it's hard to deal with it. Why don't you push the man and admit it yourself?"

Xie Tingyue really didn't know about this: "Wait, you mean, Mrs. Lin came out and said something wrong?"

The proprietress nodded: "Yeah, she said it herself, and she recited all her mistakes! Others said that her son was seduced by a little girl outside, so she said it was her fault. Don't blame the girl, it's because she didn't teach him. Good son, it's her fault, it's her fault from childhood to adulthood; when others say that her daughter's reputation is bad, she cries, saying it's her fault, it's all her fault, and she is not careful in doing things; even others scold her She always said that it was all her fault to scold each other well; when others said her husband, she jumped out at the first time, saying that her husband was good everywhere, he was a gentleman, and it was all her fault. It's her fault, she said it was her fault that even the goats in the family farm didn't produce milk recently, and she didn't tell the people..."

Xie Tingyue thought about it and realized.

He really didn't expect Lin to use this trick.

Show weakness.

When something happens, if you refuse to admit it, everyone will scold more and more fiercely. If you admit it, everyone will still scold, but at least they will say that it is not too late, just change it. You admit it, and you still recognize it in a very large and wide range, memorize everything, work hard, sincerely...

Everyone will think, isn't it a bit pitiful

Is there something inside

Was this forced to take the blame

On the contrary, it will bring some good feelings.

It is certain that the image will be damaged, but if you can pull back a little bit, as long as there is a little bit, there will be a chance to turn around later. Moreover, this attitude is too good, and those who embrace it are also successful. Others will rarely criticize Xie Tingri and Xie Ru.

Perfectly protected a pair of children and minimized losses.

But... this is not like Lin's style.

Xie Tingyue pondered.

"Let's see, no matter how well Lin's doing this time, he will inevitably suffer in the future. Her husband is not willing to suffer." Don't even look at your face, just live on your own!"

"En." Xie Tingyue casually agreed.

The proprietress talked for a long time, and the topic finally turned to Xie Tingyue: "This is the hardship of being a wife. I know what I have done. I think you are still a man, so you have never thought of changing a way of life, so that there are other possibilities in the future?"

Xie Tingyue was taken aback for a moment, with displeasure in her eyes.

This man is really too condescending!

The proprietress still looked at Xie Tingyue, and said earnestly: "I know some words are not pleasant, but you son, don't treat yourself badly."

Xie Tingyue felt something was wrong when she met the proprietress' flickering eyes. But what is wrong, I can't see it for a while.

Holding the teacup, he fell into deep thought, until a sound came from the side, and Chu Mu overturned the teacup that Lu Li was about to touch his lips.

in argument

Or heard the words of the proprietress here to persuade him, worried about him, was in a bad mood, and lost his hand for a while

Xie Tingyue immediately put down the teacup in her hand, and wanted to go over to have a look, but before she could move, her body froze.

It's not a fight.

Even if the two were to quarrel, it would not be like this.

He was worried about himself, but Chu Mu would not be rational.

This is poison.

Xie Tingyue saw that the overturned teacup fell on the table and fell to the ground, the tea flowed down the table, the table was dead, it was nothing, the tea flowed to the ground, when it touched the grass...

The green grass withered almost instantly, turning black and zooming in.

Still seeing the poisonous blood sealing the throat!

And Qin Ping... gone.

Xie Tingyue looked around, but did not see Qin Ping, but heard the sound of swords and soldiers coming from a distance. Living in the shadow of this kind of sound these days, Xie Tingyue is not sensitive to other things. Xie Tingyue listens to this now.

Lu Li was already swearing at people: "You bastard! If you come out, don't let me go!"

Xie Tingyue knew right away that it turned out to be someone else's backup.

No wonder the road was safe and sound after leaving the mountain, and there were no more pursuers. It turned out that they were not kind, but they had lined up early, and when they relaxed their vigilance, they would attack in one fell swoop...

If Chu Mu hadn't found out, then Lu Li would definitely die now!

Xie Tingyue's heart beat faster.

But why here? What's so special here

He squinted at the proprietress, could it be that the proprietress is from that organization

Xie Tingyue wanted to observe the expression of the proprietress to see if she could see anything, but the proprietress looked horrified, more surprised than anyone else!

"No! Impossible! There can't be poison in my tea!"

Lu Li looked at her: "You didn't intend to poison us?"

The proprietress raised her hand: "I swear to God, I never meant to poison you, I just wanted to—"

With a "bang", a dead body was kicked out from the inner room of the tea shed, and it appeared in front of everyone.

Chu Mu raised his eyelids slightly: "You just want to kill me."

The landlady's eyes darkened, how could this be possible!

The scene changed so fast that Xie Tingyue almost couldn't react.

But he could tell that the appearance and appearance of this person on the ground were different from ordinary people. He looked like a bandit, but no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't be a member of that organization, and his temperament was too discordant.

The performance of the proprietress is also too obvious, this person is arranged by her, and she wants to attack the three of them, or one of them!

So it's not that organization

Xie Tingyue frowned and looked around, but Qin Ping was still not there.

The sound of clashing swords and soldiers in the distance is still there.

Chu Mu stayed very steady, with a very calm expression on his face: "Look at this number, could it be my good second aunt?"

The face of the proprietress changed drastically.

Xie Tingyue finally understood.

So it was Sun's handwriting!

No wonder you say something like that...

Just talking about why it felt so wrong, Xie Tingyue remembered that when he left the capital for Qing County, Mrs. Sun said something specious in his ears like this, saying that Chu Mu was ruthless and heartless, he didn't care about anything, not even his biological mother. , Treat him well, not really like him, just want to push him out to block the knife.

Sun has always wanted to drive a wedge between him and Chu Mu, but this time it is a two-pronged approach, while pushing and watching the effect, if the separation fails, just kill him

Really sinister enough!

The key is this timing.

Xie Tingyue felt that Qin Ping's absence was not accidental, and the proprietress said she didn't know that Du's expression didn't look fake, so—

This time it was very lucky, that organization collided with Sun's handwriting, and of course the murderous opportunity they faced was buy one get one free!