Bastard Male Wife

Chapter 66: I'm getting married


The man who had kicked the body out of the tea stand came out.

Dressed in a green shirt, he has an impressive posture.

Xie Tingyue knew him. He was the person who was very respectful when Kui Ye knelt down to see Chu Mu on the east mountain of Qing County.

What else do you not understand? It was Chu Mu who predicted the enemy's opportunity first and saw through everything!

But how did Chu Mu see it

Xie Tingyue was very surprised, the time was too short, and it was the time when the spirit was most relaxed, the reaction could not be quick, how could it be possible? Does he know the proprietress

There was no need to ask this question, just by looking at Chu Mu's expression, Xie Tingyue knew the answer was no. Chu Mu was quite unfamiliar with the proprietress and didn't know her.


With a scream, it was the man in green shirt who restrained the proprietress neatly, and escorted her to Chu Mu.

Chu Mu raised his eyebrows, his eyes were filled with layers of frost: "Tell me, what's your name, who sent you here, and why did you kill me."

Of course the proprietress didn't admit it, and shouted wronged: "I said, I don't know, I don't know anything, I don't understand what you said! The sky is bright and the sky is bright, don't you want to ignore human life!"

"Don't know anything?" The corner of Chu Mu's lips twitched with sarcasm, "Then you said just now that there is no possibility of poison in the tea, you don't want to poison, you just want—what do you want?"

The proprietress rolled her eyes: "Of course I want to entertain guests! I run a tea stall and make money based on my skills. What's wrong? You have to be justified in accusing me with empty teeth! I didn't kill it, I haven't even seen it! You must have done too much evil on weekdays, and you have attracted many murderous intentions. You don't know how to self-criticize, but you want to pin it on me!"

He is really eloquent, one pushes six two five, and he wants to pick himself clean.

Chu Mu: "Do you know what the punishment will be for murdering an imperial court official?"

"Who are you scaring! You are a sick and dying tuberculosis, what kind of court official are you?"

The proprietress' mouth was still stiff, her face was already panicked, and her gaze turned to Lu Li involuntarily.

About three people sitting here, only this one, she doesn't know.

"It seems that without the official uniform, the prestige is greatly reduced." Lu Li slowly straightened his sleeves, and cupped his fists in the direction of the imperial city: "It's really unexpected that I left Beijing on business under a secret order. It was a dangerous journey, and it was so easy to return. In the capital city, before returning to the Holy Spirit, encountering such a murderous opportunity first—I don’t know if this matter will be reported to the Holy Spirit, will Longyan be furious?”

Will the emperor be furious

of course!

Since it is a secret decree, it must be something that the Holy Majesty cares about, and he is determined to be anxious about the outcome, but it is so easy for people to come back, encountering such danger at the door of the house, delaying the report, and not being angry, is it possible

The emperor was furious and buried millions of corpses. Who can bear the result, who is willing to bear it

The proprietress turned pale immediately.

Chu Mu: "At this moment, there is no one else in the tea stall, the poisoned tea bowl is there, the corpse of the robber is there, and you are the proprietress of the tea stall. These can have nothing to do with you, as long as you tell the truth about who sent you and what you plan to do. If you don’t want to confess—there’s nothing you can do, after all, we have to confess to the Holy One.”

The implication is that if you don't explain, these pots are all yours.

The emperor is angry, do you want to try it

The proprietress visibly trembled, but the gaze she looked at Chu Mu did not change, still with strong hatred and stubbornness: "How dare you!"

Chu Mu smiled: "If you dare, I will naturally."

Xie Tingyue suddenly realized something.

The proprietress had always given him the feeling that he was a bit disobedient, but at this moment, the way she looked at Chu Mu was extremely real, and she hated Chu Mu.

The vengeful kind.

Xie Tingyue asked by herself: "Has my husband ever offended you?"

"Woman?" The proprietress was startled for a moment, then suddenly laughed, "Hahaha—you call him a husband! He is such a wolf-hearted bastard, he is not worthy of a happy life with his wife and wife!"

The scene fell silent.

Xie Tingyue thought it was true.

Over there, Lu Li quietly winked at Chu Mu—what on earth did you do to be hated so much

Chu Mu really didn't know, and he was a little curious, but the current situation was so obvious that he couldn't ask, so he could only look at Xie Tingyue.

How could Xie Tingyue not understand? He nodded towards Chu Mu, and continued: "Are you a servant of the Chu family? I don't think I've seen you before."

The proprietress snorted with blank eyes: "Masters like you with eyes on the top of your head, why would you pay more attention to the servants?"

There was resentment in her heart, and her thinking was naturally biased. Xie Tingyue really knew her own, and indeed had no impression of her, so she looked at Chu Mu.

Chu Mu shook his head lightly.

He had never seen this woman before.

Xie Tingyue understood that most of the time this woman was not serving in the Chu family, she might be working in a property outside the Chu family, such as the Zhuangzi in the suburbs of Beijing, in short, she must be related to the Chu family. Otherwise, when he asked the other party if she was a servant of the Chu family, she should have answered no, not because your eyes were so high that you couldn't see the servants of the Chu family.

Xie Tingyue thought for a while, then sighed: "I am a slave against my master, I am so angry that I have suffered a great grievance, pitiful." His voice was soft, like the wind in this spring day, "As you can see, today's situation, you don't care about it. Maybe you can get rid of the relationship, carry it hard, have backbone, but there is a dead end ahead, and your grievances will go with you, no one knows. If you avoid danger and don't carry it, the result may not be good, but at least you You can speak out your grievances—have you really thought about it, and be buried with the secret?"

This is a bit poignant.

The proprietress has a tough temper. If he directly coerces and coerces her, she will not be easily subdued, but she can be guided like this...

The proprietress bit her lips tightly and looked at Chu Mu.

Chu Mu's expression was calm, his eyes were covered with layers of frost, he was cold, calm, and indifferent to everything.

Look at Luli again—

Officials are ruthless, and they have seen everything in the world, and many things are not new to them.

But why

Why should she bear so much pain, let these people relax!

The proprietress bit the bloodshot lips: "My father is a doctor."

Chu Mu nodded: "So?"

"He was invited into the Chu family to see a doctor for you, but he didn't like it, so you killed him!" The proprietress's eyes burned with hatred, "Is your disease curable by any doctor? You should have died a long time ago, why didn't you die?" , why do you have to stand up all the time and drag others down!"

"Although my father is a little old, he is usually in good health. He is a man who can live to be a hundred years old! He carries pots to help the world, and the doctors are benevolent. He has lived countless lives for decades, and has accumulated countless blessings. In the end, you said If you say kill, kill, why? Your family is powerful, so you can do whatever you want!"

Xie Tingyue's thoughts changed sharply, she understood everything in an instant, and sighed softly.

No wonder the proprietress couldn't hide her emotions at all, and she showed all kinds of disobedience, which turned out to be too much hatred. He knew Chu Mu well, it was impossible for Chu Mu to do such a thing for no reason, there must be a misunderstanding.

It's also due to the fact that the proprietress's hatred is too deep, and she can't hide her emotions, so Chu Mufang can notice it. If you notice it, if you observe it carefully, you will find the murderous intention. The organization that happened to be chasing and killing Lu Li did not change his mind and had a plan. The collision between the two sides—

Without the proprietress, Chu Mu didn't raise his vigilance, maybe he wouldn't be able to find out, but with the performance of the proprietress, Chu Mu found that something was wrong by the way, so he arranged to resolve it... It can be done.

Xie Tingyue took a deep breath, his husband is indeed so wise and close to a monster!

Chu Muxiu frowned slightly: "I don't remember that I ever killed a doctor."

The proprietress: "You didn't kill it yourself, you just gave the order to let your cronies pay for it!"

Xie Tingyue almost choked.

Confidant? Qin Ping? If Chu Mu really assigns Qin Ping to do things, how can he use it to pay for it? Qin Ping can do it by himself!

Chu Mu coughed and asked, "When did it happen?"

The proprietress: "You forgot me but dare not forget, it was exactly two years ago! On the night of the third day when my father treated you, the murderer you bought was secretly in the hands of Kui Ye!"

"Two years ago..." Chu Mu quickly recalled this point in time, and soon had an epiphany, and sneered, "Two years ago, it was the time when my good second aunt, Mrs. Sun, caused some trouble and needed someone to take the blame .”

Xie Tingyue understood immediately, and sighed: "Miss Boss, I'm afraid you have been used as a weapon for someone."

The proprietress narrowed her eyes: "Impossible!"

Xie Tingyue: "Have you checked it? Who told you the clues behind this incident? Where did all the information and evidence, whether you actively checked or passively informed, come from? Who guided you to deduce this fact? Think about it with your head."


The proprietress shook her head, she didn't believe it at all, but no matter how she didn't believe it, scenes from the past came to mind, and she couldn't bear to think about it.

Lu Li dealt a fatal blow: "To frame others and fabricate facts, there must be a purpose. Your appearance here today may be the purpose of others."

The proprietress still doesn't believe it, or rather, she doesn't want to believe it, otherwise what's the point of her hatred for so many years? What is the point of doing these things today

"You are all talkative and clever, but you want me to submit! I just won't do it, if you have the ability to kill me!" She glared at Chu Mu, "You are just a bastard, pretending to be a gentleman and humbly fooling everyone , can't fool me!"

It was at this time that Qin Ping came back, the murderous intent in his eyes was still there, and he was covered in blood.

Of course, it's all other people's blood.

Chu Mu pointed at the proprietress with his chin: "Qin Ping, kill."

"you dare!"

The proprietress raised her chin high and watched Qin Ping approach step by step.

When Qin Ping was far away, she wasn't afraid; within ten steps, she began to bite her lips in panic, and she smelled blood; within five steps, her pupils shrank, as if she saw her dead self in the other's eyes; When the sword pointed to the tip of her nose, she finally collapsed.

Her eyes rolled slightly: "You let him go away, I can think about it!"

Chu Mu: "I don't accept lies, Qin Ping, kill."

The proprietress was stunned.

Qin Ping had already raised his sword.

Her vision was blurred, and she saw the high sky, which was blue and clear, bright and dazzling.

She heard Chu Mu's voice as calm as the tide.

"If you don't kill you, if you lie to me, Mrs. Sun will know how much I know from you. It's not worth it at all; if you kill you, Mrs. Sun will panic, and if you panic, you will do wrong things. I hold the handle."

At this moment, the proprietress knew very clearly that the other party really wanted to kill her!


"Why not?" Chu Mu chuckled with sarcasm, "Didn't you conclude a long time ago that I am such a cruel person?"

The proprietress was stunned, yes, didn't she already know that Chu Mu is a damn villain? But why at this moment, I hesitated in my heart...

Before she could figure it out, she felt a pain in her neck, she closed her eyes and lost consciousness.

Xie Tingyue breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course... it wasn't killed.

Qin Ping understood the master's meaning best, whether to kill or not, he could tell by the tone of his voice. He just frightened the shopkeeper's wife, and with a slap with the side of his sword, she was knocked out, and she was not injured at all.

Lu Li smiled and stood up: "Okay, leave the rest to me, I'm sure I can make a perfect 'this person is dead' situation, and help you ask everything she knows."

He has been in office for many years, and he is the best at this kind of thing.

Chu Mu nodded, without even thanking him: "Well, just let me know later."

Lu Li looked at Qin Ping: "Is it done?"

Qin Ping nodded: "Yes, the road ahead is safe."

"Looks like God won't let me rest..." Lu Li sighed, and bid farewell to Chu Mu and Xie Tingyue, "I'll take a step back and report back, we'll get together later."

Not much action, just a few words, he let people quickly clean up the scene, turned and left.

The wind was warm and the scene was clear, Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu were not in a hurry, so they asked the people below to make some tea they had brought and sip it quietly.

Qin Ping replied in front of him.

Listening to him slowly tell about the experience just now, combined with what happened before, Xie Tingyue completely understood.

Just now, someone poisoned the tea in Lu Li's bowl, but it wasn't the proprietress, but the root organization that had been chasing and killing him. Chu Mu noticed the clue, and quietly arranged for Qin Ping to sneak over and have a fight with someone.

If the intention is discovered, it cannot be hidden. The road ahead is clear and wide, and the organization knows that things cannot be done, so it retreats.

The bandit's corpse is on the government's most wanted list, and now he is doing a sex business. As long as he gives money, he will help kill people. It is not the same as the Genmiao organization. Presumably, as long as we investigate deeply, we can find out the relationship with the proprietress. relation.

This time the two sides did collide, and the collision was very coincidental...

The more Xie Tingyue thought about it, the more Xie Tingyue admired Chu Mu's wisdom and loftiness, and his gaze naturally became a little bit brighter.

Chu Mu was quite satisfied with this gaze: "Madam..."

Before he could say a word, he was interrupted.

"elder brother!"

Someone ran towards Xie Tingyue loudly with the corner of her skirt in hand, it was Xie Ru!

Chu Mu raised his eyebrows slightly, it turned out that there were many audiences today, and they were not the only ones.

Xie Ru trotted over with her skirt up all the way, calling her brother repeatedly, with a sincere look of anticipation, as if she had waited for a long time, finally waiting for her brother to return.

Thinking of the recent changes in Xie's family, the corners of Xie Tingyue's lips slightly raised, revealing a smile of unknown meaning.

It depends on what you want to play.

Xie Ru came and knelt down in front of Xie Tingyue, full of strength and not afraid of getting dirty: "Brother, you are finally back!"

This girl is cruel enough to herself.

Face... seems to be less important than before.

Xie Tingyue pondered.

It seems to have been taught by cruel reality.

From then on, it would be good for her to correct her mentality and live a good life, would be even more difficult to deal with.

Xie Tingyue didn't help her, and asked directly: "Kneel me when you come here - do you want to ask for something?"

Xie Ru looked up at him, with tears welling up in her eyes: "Please, brother, let my mother go!"

Xie Tingyue: "I don't understand what you said."

"My mother, Ru'er, knows that she has done a lot of wrong things that are irreparable. Ru'er doesn't ask my brother not to hate her or me, but just asks my brother to let it go for a while. Don't worry about it now. In the future... Ru'er will persuade you Let my mother change her mind and live a good life, okay?" Xie Ru said eagerly, "In short, my brother will not live with her in the future, and there will be no conflicts. I can guarantee that my little brother Xie Tingxing is safe at home and no one will plot If anything happens to him, if he has an accident, I will apologise with death!"

Xie Ru's voice was bitter: "I beg my brother to let my mother go for a while, so as to see the effect later, okay?"

Xie Tingyue: ...

He almost didn't know which play this was playing.

"Why should I let your mother go? What have I done these days?"

Xie Ru smiled wryly: "Fortunately, my brother didn't do anything. As long as my brother does something casually, my mother will definitely die! These days, the words outside... Daddy almost gave my mother three feet of white silk!"

"Ru'er knows that she has never done anything for her brother. It's a bit cheeky to mention this, but Ru'er has never harmed her brother, and her brother knows! Ru'er only asks for this one thing, okay? As long as my brother doesn't... don't want… "

Xie Tingyue: "Don't add insult to injury?"

Xie Ru: "My mother has been grounded, and I'm afraid she won't be able to come out again in the future... I can't write two words of thanks in one stroke. In the days to come, we still have to support each other... Brother knows best what's going on at home , I kneel here today, asking for nothing but a little pity from my brother!"

Chu Mu understood these words, and so did Xie Tingyue.

Xie Ru is selling his future value.

I want to trade future promises for the present stability.

It can be seen how much trouble Yan Hong stirred up, and Xie Ru had to make such a sacrifice in order not to be affected.

catch so much...

Xie Tingyue was suspicious, but she couldn't feel anything wrong, so she didn't reply for a while.

Xie Ru's eyes flashed slightly, and he said again: "My brother must also understand that my mother has a reason for targeting you..."

The sound rhythm of this sentence is slightly different from before, not like an expression, but more like a reminder.

Xie Tingyue was startled, her eyes narrowed slightly.

I must understand in my heart that there is a reason for targeting...

For a moment, he remembered something that had been dusty for a long time and he rarely paid attention to.

Looking at Xie Ru's eyes became more and more different.

Xie Ru seemed to be just saying casually without any deep meaning, wiping tears with a handkerchief in his hand, and said in a low voice, "As long as brother is willing to give Ru'er face, Ru'er will definitely repay you in the future..."

She didn't look at Xie Tingyue, but she was sure in her heart that it was impossible for the other party to show nothing.

Sure enough, the next moment, she was helped up by Xie Tingyue.

"Your mother gave birth to you, but what she did should be her own responsibility, and should not be imposed on you." Xie Tingyue's eyes were slightly cold, as if she was looking in the direction of Xie's family through Xie Ru.

When Xie Ru said these words, he must have communicated with Mrs. Lin—if that was the case, he had a chance.

This time, he must find out what Lin is hiding from him!

Xie Ru's cheeks were flushed, and she lowered her head shyly: "Thank you brother... When Ru'er gets married, I still want my brother to send me out."

"Married?" Xie Tingyue didn't feel that this sentence was said casually, she must be interested in someone, or even engaged.

Xie Ru was even more shy: "It's just... just... alas."

In the end, he just covered his face and stopped talking.

Xie Tingyue looked at Chu Mu.

Chu Mu motioned him to look back.

He turned his head and saw a figure approaching from a distance, walking slowly.

Wearing a blue shirt, tall and tall, with a calm posture like a stroll in a garden, his face is elegant and upright without losing the style of a gentleman, with a hint of official authority, but with a smile on his lips, he is amiable... very familiar.

He had dealt with him before, so he was considered a half acquaintance, and it was Long Qingfu's elder brother, Long Qinglin.

Long Qing was used to the liveliness of the meeting, and came over to salute with Chu Mu and Xie Tingyue, with a smile on her face, and she did not forget to give Xie Ru a gentle look: "I never knew the beauty of the girl from Xie's family before, and God has mercy on me. It's hard to control my heart, and I fell into a beautiful woman—”

Xie Ru's face was on fire: "What did Mr. Long say?"

Long Qinglin: "I know I've come here abruptly, but I'm really concerned about it. Although you and I have not made up our minds, the adults in the family have already passed their temper. When I go back today, I will ask someone to come and hire—Ru'er, don't worry, my family's Things, I can still be the master.”

Every word he said, every look in his eyes, was extremely gentle: "I'm really worried about you being alone."

Xie Rujiao said: "I'm here to welcome my brother, what are you worried about, he is my own brother, can he still harm me?"

"I'm worrying too much," Long Qing bowed his hands to Xie Tingyue, "I hope brother doesn't mind."

Xie Tingyue: ...

Who is your brother! Are you too quick to recognize your relatives!

Xie Tingyue couldn't react.

How is this going? Xie Ru and Long Qinglin? How did these two get together

Because of Long Qingfu's incident, his relationship with Long Qinglin was not good. Long Qinglin didn't seem to care, and sincerely came to apologize with a big gift, but he didn't feel that Long Qinglin really wanted to associate with him.

Similarly, he didn't feel that Long Qinglin valued Chu Mu much, and wanted to associate with Chu Mu more.

Long Qinglin has already cupped his hands towards Chu Mu: "I don't think we have such a fate to be brother-in-law."

Chu Mu smiled: "I didn't expect that either."

While talking, he quietly held Xie Tingyue's hand, and gently scratched Xie Tingyue's palm.

Don't be afraid, no matter what happens, there is a husband.

Xie Tingyue's consciousness returned, and she was determined.

Yes, what are you afraid of

Soldiers come to block the water and cover it with soil!

He wasn't sure whether Xie Ru's move was for his own future or to target him. The appearance of Long Qinglin is not a good thing for him, this person's behavior style is too profound, with a little mystery, he can't see through it.

Moreover, there is no sense of kindness.

Just now, the last sentence "brother-in-law" was stabbed, and it was Xie Tingyue who stabbed him.

The other party may have another purpose in marrying Xie Ru.

But he has brains, Chu Mu, and the memory of his rebirth, so there is nothing to be afraid of!

Xie Tingyue smiled, and really acted like a big brother, earnestly admonishing: "My family is small, and this younger sister was spoiled and brought up, so there may be many things that are ignorant, Brother Longxian, please treat her well. .”

According to age, Long Qinglin is much older than Xie Tingyue, but since the other party has the cheek to call him brother, why would Xie Tingyue feel embarrassed to call him brother

He didn't believe it, Long Qinglin should be very happy when he said "brother!"

Xie Ru grabbed Xie Tingyue's arm: "What did brother say? Mr. Long is gentle and sincere, everyone praises him for being a gentleman, how can he treat Ru'er badly?"

Long Qinglin looked at Xie Ru with more gentle eyes: "Exactly, Ru'er understands me."

Xie Ru lowered her head at the right time, acting shyly.

If she didn't hang her head down and hide the expression on her face, she might not be able to hold back and laugh out loud!

Just now, she saw all the changes in Xie Tingyue's face, and she was so full of pride that she almost burst out!

Surprised? Surprised? Can't imagine it

I, Xie Ru, also have this day!

Sooner or later, I will step on your head, make you break your backbone, make you kneel in front of me, admit your mistakes and beg for mercy!