Bastard Male Wife

Chapter 67: Ma'am, let me help you


Xie Ru hated Xie Tingyue very much.

She didn't know where and when this hatred came from, but she just didn't like Xie Tingyue. Maybe it was because the other party's eyes were too stubborn when he was tough on her mother; maybe Xie Tingyue never knew what it was to admit defeat, and would not give up when a heavy fist hit her head, and would rather bend than bend; maybe this person had enjoyed everything she envied since she was a child; Perhaps, Xie Tingyue simply ruined her affairs and blocked her way.

In short, the hatred grew day by day, and before she knew it, she had become a demon.

She was getting older, and the marriage was not settled. She was high-minded, and she didn't want to fit in casually. Seeing that Lu Li was not bad, who knew that there was no fate——Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu made them have no fate.

If you stop her, you think she won't be able to marry someone better

Why did she choose Long Qinglin? She had done her homework seriously.

Long Qinglin is a bit old, her first wife passed away a long time ago, her marriage is a continuation. But if it wasn't for this condition, with Long Qinglin's family background, where would it be her turn? The family background of the Xie family is too low. According to the general habit of talking about marriage, the family background is no higher than that of the Chu family. She, Xie Ru, will probably have to look at Xie Tingyue for the rest of her life.

She doesn't want to.

She wanted Xie Tingyue to see her face! I want Xie Tingyue to bow her head! What her mother didn't do, she will do!

In this way, you can only marry higher.

The Long family's family status is not higher than that of the Chu family, but Long Qing is an official in the court, with real power and position, and the Chu family is only supported by a past nobleman from the previous dynasty, but in fact has no future, and sooner or later they will be disbanded, no matter how powerful Chu Mu is , is also a dying person, how can Xie Tingyue compare to her

And she also asked about it, the Long and Chu families didn't deal with it.

If the relationship between the two families is good, she still has to keep in touch with Xie Tingyue, and maybe rely on the power of the Chu family to gain a foothold in the Long family, nothing will make her sick. She is only useful if the relationship is not good!

She doesn't want Xie Tingyue to have a good life, she doesn't want Chu Mu to have a good life, and she doesn't want me to be fish and meat, man to be a knife, and let others decide!

Yan Hong's attack was too powerful, she had to make a decision immediately and make a plan. But no matter how anxious she was, she still acted calmly. She even asked people to inquire about Long Qinglin's character, and confirmed that he was kind, gentle and modest, and a good man. It was only because the family situation was a little complicated that she made up her mind.

The situation in the family is complicated, she is not afraid at all, the daughter in the boudoir has learned these skills, she thinks she is outstanding and can handle it well, I am afraid that Long Qinglin will look down on her. Moreover, the family status of the two is very different, so there is really no chance to meet each other.

I can only ask her mother, Mrs. Lin.

It was difficult to speak before, because the risk of the matter was too high, but now it is easier to speak at this moment. Because of Yan Hong's troubles, her mother's reputation is already bad. At this time, committing crimes against the wind, it's okay to have one more crime. If you have a lot of debts, don't worry about getting too many lice. As long as you can help her get things done, there will be more opportunities to turn around in the future. Even if the plan fails, nothing more will be lost.

This time, Mrs. Lin really did the work of those girls who booked a house in private clubs, and helped her meet Long Qinglin by chance.

She grew up by Lin's side since she was a child, and she has been influenced by her ears and eyes. How can she not learn the skills of her own mother? She is the best at guessing other people's minds, especially men, when they are concentrating and studying, they can hardly make mistakes.

After meeting only once, she found out that Long Qinglin was not completely uninterested in her.

Whether it means to admire her or for other purposes, she must hold on to it!

The atmosphere was getting better, and she tried to be a little innocent again... Long Qinglin was actually willing to admit the blame, and was coaxed very well by her, and she didn't think her behavior was bad. It's just that up to now, Long Qinglin still never mentioned the important matter of getting married, so she thought that she had to let Long Qinglin see her methods again.

So this happened today.

All of these, coming to welcome Xie Tingyue and attracting Long Qinglin to follow, were all arranged by her. She made all preparations and purposely lured Long Qinglin over, just to let him see the scene where Xie Tingyue was persuaded by her. She wants to prove her worth, and she will accomplish whatever she wants to accomplish!

Except for some work to determine the exact time and place, everything else went well. Fortunately, there was that idiot Sun from the Chu family to help. If she hadn't sent this proprietress, she wouldn't know who to follow.

Xie Ru looked at Long Qinglin beside her, and then at Xie Tingyue who was still surprised, feeling satisfied for a while.

Wish come true, it's so cool!

How did Xie Tingyue know that she had so many twists and turns, she just thought that she should collect information and update the amount of information when she went back. He really didn't expect Xie Ru to have such a plan, everything was different from his previous life, but since he was reborn and successfully married Chu Mu, everything was different from his previous life. He has something he wants to do, and other people's plans will change accordingly, which is normal.

The plan changes with the situation, fearless and fearless, that is.

Xie Tingyue didn't want to chat with the two of them for long, she looked at Xie Ru directly and said, "Chu Mu is not in good health, you need to go slowly, I'll send some people to take you back first."

At such a time, Long Qinglin would naturally express: "Brother Xie, don't worry, I'll escort Ru'er, you can take care of Young Master Chu at ease."

Xie Ru was also quite shy: "Don't worry, brother, Ru'er will be fine..."

Enough of acting, the goal has been achieved, and the appreciation of other people's changing faces is enough. She feels refreshed, and naturally retreats happily: "Brother, take care, Ru'er is leaving now."

The two parties bid farewell peacefully, and Long Qinglin and Xie Ru left together.

Xie Tingyue noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with Chu Mu's eyes.

He was staring at a servant who followed Long Qinglin.

Xie Tingyue took a look at it, and saw that the servant was in his forties, with average features and temperament, he was an ordinary and ordinary person, if he insisted on picking out one characteristic, he probably only had a slightly stronger body.

Why... stare at this person

Emotions are still complicated.

Long Qinglin and Xie Ru hadn't gone far, and it was hard to ask because there were so many people, Xie Tingyue pulled Chu Mu's sleeve, and asked him with a smile, "Shall we walk slowly?"

"Well, take your time." Chu Mu looked into the distance and smiled, "I'm not feeling well. There seems to be a village in front of me. I can stay for one night."

There are some things that need not be said too much, the eyes of each other are already full of tacit understanding.

What Chu Mu said to the proprietress before was not entirely a threat, it was really a plan. Qin Ping 'killed' the proprietress, and Lu Li took away the 'corpse' to follow the procedure. Soon, Sun's family in Beijing would receive the news and respond.

What they have to wait for is this reaction, of course they have to go slowly.

You can have something on loan.

The villages along the official roads in the suburbs of Beijing have encountered many similar situations, and have already established a complete industrial chain. Qin Ping stepped forward to ask, and the villagers pointed in the direction—

There is a yard specially for guests to rest and stay. It is spacious, quiet and undisturbed. The bedding is clean, the hot water pipe is sufficient, and the farm food is mellow, fresh and refreshing, and the price is very affordable.

A group of people settle down, clean up, tidy up and eat...

When it really quieted down, the small courtyard was lit with lights.

Until then, Xie Tingyue had the opportunity to ask the previous question: "The previous servant of the Long family - you seem to care a lot."

Chu Mu was reading a book, his whole face was bathed in candlelight, his face was indescribably gentle and clear. Hearing this, he turned his head and looked at Xie Tingyue for a long time before chuckling: "Want to know?"

Xie Tingyue nodded seriously: "Who is he?"

Chu Mu put down the scroll, and slid his fingers across the spine: "...the one who smiled at me with a hidden knife."

Xie Tingyue was startled, she hid her knife in her smile, what do you mean

Chu Mu looked beyond the candlelight, and his eyes were slightly cold: "He will approach me, pretend to be a good person, deceive me to trust him, and actually manipulate me to do something."

This seems a bit awkward...

Being in the same camp, with the same hatred, and the full trust established by the two sides, Xie Tingyue ignored the "future tense" in these words, and just got angry: "Then he is not a good guy, but fortunately you are smart and sharp enough, Got it."

"Madam is also very smart and obedient, knowing that she always looks at her husband."

Chu Mu stretched out his slender fingers and grabbed Xie Tingyue's.

On a spring night, the warm wind is intoxicating, the full moon is full of brilliance, and even the smell in the air carries the sweet fragrance of flowers.

It's obviously a very habitual gesture, a very normal intimacy, but because of the different night, the different.

At this moment, Xie Tingyue seemed to hear the sound of flowers blooming.

A heart throbbing.

Chu Mu: "Madam, are you ready now?"

Xie Tingyue knew what Chu Mu was talking about, those secrets—those things that he rejected because of Chu Mu's illness, are you ready to accept them

It's time to calm down now.

Xie Tingyue's hand was held by Chu Mu, and she nodded lightly: "Yes."

Chu Mu was very happy, so he pulled him into his arms and hugged him: "Then I will tell Madam slowly."

Xie Tingyue did not refuse: "Yes."

"Pursuing King Li, intending to kill Lu Li... This organization we have encountered repeatedly has a name, Genmiao."

"Gen Miao?" Xie Tingyue frowned, the name was so strange.

Chu Mu: "Not only the name, but also their behavior is very strange. They have always appeared around me from very early on. Sometimes they seem to want to kill me. It is very urgent, but they have never really done it. I suspect that He Yuanqi is one of them. .”

Xie Tingyue felt that hearing this name was a little far away: "He Yuanqi? The one who died at the Mei Banquet?"

"Well, it's him." Chu Mu nodded, "But I have never been able to know what they really want to do."

Xie Tingyue thought for a while, and said: "This time Qingxian and his party encountered the encounter between King Li and Lu Li, can you give you a direction of thinking?"

Chu Mu smiled: "It made me more sure of the fact that they wanted to kill me, but they didn't do it. The summary of various details shows that they should be chasing the king for the herbal medicine Yanshuihuang, aimed at Lu Li... At first We suspect that it was because Lu Li borrowed the power of the government to protect King Li at the right time, and the Gen Miao organization's purpose was not achieved, so he was not reconciled."

Xie Tingyue knew that "we", Chu Mu was referring to Lu Li, not including him, this information may be what the two of them talked about at the tea stall, he didn't mind being excluded, but the two were not talking about it at the time Business? The kind related to the government.

Chu Mu: "Lu Li remembered a very important matter. The eldest prince in the palace won't last for a few days."

Xie Tingyue was startled.

The First Prince... It really has something to do with the imperial court.

Chu Mu: "That eldest prince has a similar experience to mine, but unfortunately his life is not as good as mine. He is also weak and sick from childhood, suffers from frequent illnesses, and struggles to survive. Of course, I am poisoned. What is his condition, except for the nobles in the palace, Others don't know. The second prince is in good health and has outstanding aptitude. He was established as a prince early and the court is stable. Everyone knows that there is an eldest son today, but they don't care much about him. It seemed that even waking up was having a hard time, but he held on and there was nothing more frightening."

Xie Tingyue: "Now, he is critically ill."

For many stakeholders, critical illness is a signal.

But this... No matter how dangerous it is, it is still a court strife, a struggle for power, what does it have to do with Chu Mu

Chu Mu understood the question in Xie Tingyue's eyes, closed his eyes slightly, and said with a voice like a sigh: "Everyone only knows that the eldest son of the emperor is not in good health, but little else is known about it. The eldest son's condition...may be similar to mine."

These words were like a bomb, which exploded in Xie Tingyue's ear with a bang.

Conditions are similar... Conditions are similar...

Could it be poisoning too? The same poison

"Want to kill but don't kill, do they want you to test the medicine?"

Chu Mu's face was calm: "Thinking about it, every time my condition progresses, there seems to be some strange news about the medicine that can cure it." After saying this, he said, "Lu Li According to analysis, King Li's trip to Qing County may be for this reason."

The level of imperial doctors and civilian doctors is not the same, and the speed of action of the royal family is even more unmatched by ordinary people. Once there is any turning point, it is natural to seize it. It is not impossible for the king of Li to act for the emperor and travel secretly in person.

"That's not right," Xie Tingyue frowned and shook her head, "If the Gen Miao organization is a member of the royal family, it would be fine to cooperate directly with King Li. Why do they pursue and threaten? And Lu Li, just knowing the news, why must he die? ? What is this group worried about?"

Chu Mu smiled: "Madam has got the point with this sentence, so there must be something inside this, we don't know."

Xie Tingyue: "So your to investigate this issue? To investigate the details of Root Miao's organization?"

Chu Mu nodded, and admitted it flatly: "Yes."

"Then what happened to your poison?" Xie Tingyue asked again, "Is there any solution?"

Chu Mu shook his head lightly: "The royal family's big net has no results. How can I defeat it with only my strength? If I really knew, I wouldn't waste my time here." Seeing the change in Xie Tingyue's face, he whispered again Consolation, "but don't worry, ma'am, I have found the trace of a hidden famous doctor, and I have asked someone to chase it. I think there will be an answer in a short time."

Xie Tingyue pursed her lips slightly, and sighed after a long time.

He is worried... so what

I can only wait.

"In your study—" He remembered another thing, and looked at Chu Mu, "There is a secret room, I saw it."

Chu Mu smiled and kissed his forehead: "I know."

Xie Tingyue's eyes were slightly startled, and she whispered: "So the people there are doing things quietly, Cha Genmiao?"

His cautious appearance seemed to please Chu Mu, and Chu Mu's chest twitched, and he laughed even louder: "Well, madam is really smart, she guessed well."

Xie Tingyue: "He Yuanqi belongs to them, what about Long Qingfu? Is what happened that day an accident, or..."

On the day of the Mei Banquet, He Yuanqi lived and died, the cause of death was poisoning, at that time Long Qingfu was kicking him. Afterwards, it turned out that Long Qingfu was a patient with brain problems. This case is still unsolved, and there are many things that cannot be explained clearly.

Chu Mu could only say: "At present, it seems that the Long family has no connection with the Genmiao organization."

If there is, it must be deeply hidden.

"I always feel something is wrong," Xie Tingyue frowned, "I didn't expect that Xie Ru would want to marry Long Qinglin, but thinking about her character and behavior, this path is indeed something she might take, but Long Qinglin Will agree to marry Xie Ru, I don't understand."


He could see Long Qinglin's thoughtfulness towards Xie Ru, but his eyes were full of passion, not at all, the combination of these two is definitely not love.

Long Qinglin is a mature man with a good career and a politician. Xie Tingyue does not believe that he will do anything that is not beneficial.

But what good will this marriage bring to him

"It's a weasel, so it will reveal its tail sooner or later. Just keep an eye on it. Madam, don't worry, I'll wait with you for my husband." Chu Mu pinched Xie Tingyue's palm, and his voice leaned forward, almost blowing into Xie Tingyue's ear. , "Madam, you seem to have a lot of little secrets that you haven't told your husband."

Xie Tingyue's body froze, and her pupils trembled visibly.

Chu Mu sighed inwardly, and what he was about to say turned a corner: "What do you mean by those few words Xie Ru said to you during the day? Hmm?"

Xie Tingyue felt relieved.

Fortunately... this is it.

I can't talk about the experience of the previous life in detail, but I can tell about the grievances with the Lin family.

He opened his mouth slowly: "My stepmother, Mrs. Lin, seems to hate me very much, even more so than my son Xie Tingxing who has direct interests..."

In his previous life, he was tricked by Lin's tricks, and he lost his camp step by step, making it hard to move forward. Lin could obviously kill him quickly, but she insisted on saving his life and letting him watch all this happen.

It's not that she doesn't dare to kill him, it seems that she hates him too much and doesn't want him to die easily. She is happier when he lingers on in this world and lives in pain.

I didn't understand these things before, but I realized them little by little later.

Chu Mu lowered his eyes, thoughtful: "Madam and Xing'er are brothers and they are desperate to protect each other, but from Lin's standpoint, we really shouldn't target Madam like this."

Xie Tingyue narrowed her eyes: "At first, I just felt that it was against the harmony, but Xie Ru said so today—there must be something hidden in it! I have to find a time and ask Lin."

Chu Mu reminded: "Lin's mind is treacherous, and he will definitely not cooperate with you. You have to carefully consider the timing and occasion."

Xie Tingyue understood too well.

Lin's mind is deep, greedy and deceitful, it is not a major matter related to his own interests, so it is impossible to cooperate.

"Didn't Xie Ru say that she is going to get married?" Xie Tingyue's eyes were bright, "Lin doesn't care about anything else, a pair of children is her life."

This matter is not urgent, just wait, he can wait!

Chu Mu listened and sighed.

Xie Tingyue: "What's wrong with you?"

Chu Mu gently lifted Xie Tingyue's chin, with a half-smile: "I just remembered that on the day of our wedding, my wife was cute and shy, unlike today, when she dared to discipline her husband to kneel on the washboard—if you have time to care about others, Why don't you care about your husband? You see, I kissed and confessed my love to you, when... Madam said she likes me?"

The other party's magnified face was right in front of her, unmatched in elegance, her clear eyes were full of her own reflection, Xie Tingyue almost saw herself blushing in Chu Mu's eyes.

"No, no! You never said you liked me!"

Xie Tingyue thought about it seriously, yes, Chu Mu never said that! At most, he said 'I'm thirsty for you'... What kind of confession is that... Uh, although it counts, but Chu Mu has no confidence in saying this now!

"Then let me tell you now," Chu Mu smiled like peach blossoms dancing in the corners of his eyes, "Xie Er, I love you, and I wish to grow old with you in this life, and grow old hand in hand. There will never be a second heart, and the world can learn from it."

Xie Tingyue's eyes widened immediately.

Chu Mu: "Ma'am, it's your turn, are you willing to form a white-headed covenant with me?"

Xie Tingyue's face was blushing, her throat seemed to be stuck, and she couldn't speak at all.

The peach blossoms in Chu Mu's eyes were even worse: "If you don't know how to do it, you can say it again if you are a husband, and you don't care about it."

"me… "

"Come, I will teach you for my husband, and say, I like you, I like you."

"I..." Xie Tingyue became furious, how could she be so persuasive, "I don't like you!"

It spoils the atmosphere too much.

After Xie Tingyue finished speaking, her heart beat a little, and she glanced at Chu Mu quietly.

He thought Chu Mu would be angry, but unexpectedly, the other party's smile was even bigger!

"Madam, I'm so happy for my husband." Chu Mu hugged him tightly, and pressed a kiss on the corner of his lips, "I'm so happy to be the one that Madam cares about in her heart, and doesn't say it easily."

Xie Tingyue:! !

How shameless! No matter what you said!

Chu Mu was very excited, he kissed again and again, and his hands...

It's normal for Xie Tingyue to react.

"You don't move, don't move anymore..."

Chu Mu paused.

The corners of the madam's eyes are red, the bottom of her eyes is full of spring, her lips are full and moist, she is flustered and timid, as if she is afraid of something, but also seems to be looking forward to something...

It makes people want to hurt a lot.

"Ma'am, let me help you."

After a brief pause, Chu Mu kissed harder and moved more, but these movements were full of tenderness and pity.

He was setting fire to Xie Tingyue.

"No...don't..." Xie Tingyue trembled.

Chu Mu smiled: "To make Madam happy is what a husband should do."

Xie Tingyue gritted her teeth.

This person... is really annoying, why is he still blushing and heartbeat at this time, doesn't he know how to be ashamed!

"Ma'am, don't worry."

Xie Tingyue wanted to say that I was not in a hurry, but according to the current physical condition, it seemed a little anxious.

When that moment came, Xie Tingyue panted, looking at Chu Mu's face, a little dazed.


he thinks.

He seems to have really fallen.

Like... two words, even if you didn't say it, it has penetrated into your eyes, heart, and blood.

He wanted to be nice to Chu Mu.

I want Chu Mu to be safe and healthy, everything will go well, and everything I hope can be achieved.

I also want to... give him a good hug.