Bastard Male Wife

Chapter 71: Mystery of life experience


Lin is really afraid that Xie Tingyue will get angry and do something bad.

The sound of firecrackers outside, the red silk swaying in front of my eyes, and the smell of banquet dishes in the wind...

Every item reminds her that she has to bow her head under the eaves.

She has nothing to be afraid of in this life. It is about her children, but she has to be cautious. Her daughter is getting married today, and she can't tolerate any mistakes, but Xie Tingyue can do this sea god needle to make everything go smoothly.

Although relying on her husband's family and relying on Chu Mu's power, but with this power, she has to bow her head no matter how unwilling she is!

Besides, her stupid son was already drunk to death, no matter what, Xie Tingyue would still have to carry it on his daughter's back when she went out to get into the sedan chair...

Lin's eyes rolled slightly: "I—"

Xie Tingyue narrowed her eyes: "I advise Madam not to lie. I have been with you for so long, and you and I know what the other party looks like. I may not be able to detect others lying, but Madam, I feel that you can't be wrong."

Lin's chest heaved and he took a deep breath.

There are a lot of things today, she doesn't have time to grind slowly with this bitch, it's better to fight quickly!

"You come with me."

Xie Tingyue did not refuse, and walked into a secluded room with her.

Lin didn't even pour the tea, and said directly: "You only know that I met your father outside, the old love was revived, and I planned to marry into Xie's family, but you don't know when, where, and how I met you Father's?"

Xie Tingyue really didn't know, but could it be...

Lin's eyes slanted, and he gave him the answer directly: "I was present when your mother died."

Xie Tingyue's hands clenched into fists.

No matter how calm and calm he was, he couldn't hide the expression on his face at the moment.

Mrs. Lin was very proud. She admired this expression for a moment before continuing: "Your father and his party met bandits who robbed Dao at that time. Your mother is so beautiful and chaste. How can others be so unsympathetic? She sent it out, but she resisted—"

"Heh, it sounds good to say that your mother died to protect your father," Lin sneered, "it is clear that your father was afraid of death and pushed your mother out on his own initiative. If you can’t go back, isn’t there only a dead end?”

Xie Tingyue's eyes were very indifferent: "You don't have to deliberately separate me from my father. I have no feelings for him, no expectations, no respect, no hatred, and no pain because of him."

Lin's words were too cruel and heartbreaking, and deliberately provoked the emotions of being a son, how could Xie Tingyue not

He knew very well that Xie Liangbei was a human being, and in Xie Liangbei's eyes, everything was less important than himself, and sacrificing anyone was something he might do, but he would not push the people around him to die for no reason. The reason why this accident happened was that Xie Liangbei was at fault, but what was even more at fault was those bandits.

Lin's intentional guidance in this way is to control his emotions and distract him.

Without reason, naturally what the other party says is what they say, and he can't tell the truth from the fake and sort out the facts.

Xie Liangbei's fault, he will have a chance to settle it in the future, and the most important thing now, he wants to know why Lin Shi hates him so much, and if possible, he also wants to know who is the one who killed his mother.

"Tell me, what did you see?"

Seeing that she couldn't be deceived, Mrs. Lin snorted: "The bandit killed your mother."

Xie Tingyue narrowed her eyes: "If that's all, you shouldn't hate me for this."

Lin's face finally changed: "Thanks to her, I have suffered a lot!"

Xie Tingyue: "Say."

Lin really didn't want to say it, but she knew that she couldn't fool Xie Tingyue. If she wanted to be kind today, if she wanted to send her daughter to marry well, she would have to dump all the bad things on Xie Tingyue!

She stared at Xie Tingyue with bloodshot eyes, as if she was staring at some kind of enemy. In the end, she had no choice but to grit her teeth and said: "I met a bandit on the road, your mother used her own body to replace your father, and your father took someone away." I was very happy, completely disregarding what would happen to others. At that time, I happened to encounter this incident. I hid under a big tree and didn't dare to make a sound. Whoever said that a bandit who fell behind found me and forcibly defiled me. …”

She didn't dare to make a sound at that time, the bandit restrained her from behind, and the officer did it from behind, she didn't even see her face...

She is a woman who has given birth to a child a long time ago, and she is not as resistant to this matter as a girl in a boudoir. Moreover, she has a long body and a strong bandit. She is also happy, and no one else has seen it anyway. She was only worried about whether she would get pregnant, but the result was very good, it was just a fish and water sex, and there was no future trouble.

But thinking this way in my heart, I can't say that, and anyway, this happened without her consent!


"The thieves who humiliated me were cowardly, and ran away after their addiction, but the bunch of bandits outside didn't humiliate your mother! They even made teasing words before, all kinds of obscenity!"

Different people have different fates, why can't she hate!

Xie Tingyue frowned: "They... simply killed my mother?"

Lin's eyes narrowed slightly: "Yes."

Xie Tingyue tapped her finger on the table: "It's about this time, there is no point in lying."

Lin just gritted her teeth and said, "Those bandits seemed to know who she was, they kept asking questions, but she didn't answer, so they were killed."

Xie Tingyue was startled: "Ask a question? What question?"

Lin: "I was in shock at the time, how can I remember so much! I just remember that people kept asking her for things, saying that they were left by relatives."

Xie Tingyue frowned tightly.

Her mother was a girl bought by her aunt Gan from outside. It was a famine year, the family suffered disasters, and many people were displaced. Because of their congenial temperament, they got along like sisters. His mother cherished her very much. As a concubine of Teng, she came here as a dowry, and she didn't have any family members at all, so where did the things left by her ancestors come from

So... His biological mother may have come from an unusual place. Perhaps those bandits were not bandits, but deliberately concealed themselves and came for his mother.

Xie Tingyue: "Those bandits are local organizations?"

Lin: "I was just passing by, how would I know?"

Xie Tingyue: "Will the person who insulted you return to the team?"

Lin was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "Not really."

Xie Tingyue pondered.

Probably not a gang.

Perhaps, it was the bandits who tarnished the Lin family, not the ones who killed his mother.

Xie Tingyue: "Those bandits... are there any differences?"

Lin: "I don't know, I can't remember."

Xie Tingyue narrowed her eyes: "Think hard, height, temperament, clothing and accessories, everything counts."

Lin was forced to have no choice but to think hard: "It seems... there are some patterns, big and small, some are embroidered on clothes, some are tattooed on hands, and some are engraved on accessories... But Can not remember."

Xie Tingyue suddenly remembered something, and drew a pattern on the table with her fingers: "But this?"

Lin: "It's kind of like that."

Xie Tingyue's pupils suddenly tightened.

This is what Chu Mu once showed him, the mark of the Root Miao Organization!

it turns out…

Why does this organization endanger his mother? Who is the mother, and what did the ancestors have that the organization kept chasing after them

Seeing Xie Tingyue's complicated expression, vigilant and worried, Mrs. Lin was very happy.

She wanted to bury these things deep in her heart and never tell anyone about them for the rest of her life, but she had no choice but to say them before she died.

Xie Tingyue is also too smart and has made a lot of progress, especially in the past year, she has become more and more incomprehensible, and she really dare not lie about marrying a daughter.

She also thought about it, with her relationship with Xie Tingyue, even if Xie Tingyue told about these things, she could deny it and say that Xie Tingyue fabricated rumors to attack her poor stepmother. Moreover, she guessed that Xie Tingyue would not say anything, not for anything else, but for the reputation of his biological mother, he would not say it casually.

A woman died at the hands of bandits, does it sound good? Others secretly gossip and gossip only for themselves, but they don't care about the truth.

Mrs. Lin thought it through, and smiled very meanly: "The target of those people is your mother. I was innocently affected. With this innocent disaster, it is so shameful. How can I forget it? And your aunt Gan is also a cruel woman. Yes! When I met Xie Liangbei, he only told me my name and surname, but he didn’t tell me where my home was. I had to find out about your mother’s business. I found out about Xie’s mansion, and it turned out that your aunt, Mrs. Gan, knew of my existence. But he drove me away with ruthless methods, and forced me to linger outside, unable to enter the capital—everything is for you, a bastard!"

"The Gan family obviously doesn't like Xie Liangbei very much, and you are not her own, but she can't even tolerate a concubine. She wants to keep you the only place in Xie's family! Why!"

"Fortunately, God has eyes, she died within two years, and I can plan again—"

Lin smiled very proudly: "It's not that I won't report, the time has not yet come! Xie Tingyue, just wait, if those people can find your mother, they will naturally find you, and if they can kill your mother, they will naturally not let you go. Hahaha-"

Talking with Mrs. Lin, it is impossible to be happy. When she walked back to the corridor, Xie Tingyue frowned and pondered for a long time.

There is a saying, the other party is right.

Gen Miao organized to kill his biological mother, wanting the things left by his biological mother's ancestors. Knowing that his biological mother was married to Xie Liangbei, he naturally knew who gave birth to Xie Tingyue, so he would definitely not give up his line.

What cannot be obtained from the biological mother will definitely fall on him.

But there has been no movement for so long, why

Are you sure he doesn't have that thing, or - whoever doesn't know what that thing is

Have others been watching him secretly, waiting for him to move, so that he can come out to pick peaches at the right time, and kill people to silence him

Xie Tingyue had a headache.

No one is more curious than him, who is the biological mother

The birth mother was hit by a disaster when she was young, and she was with the Gan family almost as long as she could remember, and most of the things around her were gifts from the Gan family. Where are there any special things left by the ancestors

Xie Tingyue thought that it was time to sort out her mother's belongings.

After exhaling foul air for a long time, Xie Tingyue quickened her pace, wanting to find Chu Mu. I don't know when it started, Chu Mu has become an indispensable person in his life, but whenever there is something, the first thought is to consult him.

"Second young master Ann."

At the corner, I suddenly met Mama Luo. Mama Luo saluted with blessings. She was dressed in a round bun and green dress.

People who come out of the palace are different after all.

Thinking of this, Xie Tingyue suddenly had a question.

It was just a chance meeting, Mother Luo didn't want to disturb Xie Tingyue, and she was about to leave after asking her, but Xie Tingyue suddenly called her: "Mother Luo."

Mother Luo looked at her nose with her eyes, her heart with her nose, and put her hands in front of her belly: "Yes."

Xie Tingyue: "How is your health recently? Are you used to living in the mansion?"

"Thank you, Second Young Master, for asking." Mother Luo's eyes were very quiet, showing a faint kindness, "Everything is fine for this old slave, and the house is also safe and sound. There is no big storm, and there will be no more dangers for the young master at home. Don't worry, Second Young Master, Mr. I will take good care of everything left by Miss."

Xie Tingyue smiled: "That's good."

People are old and mature, let alone those who have stayed in the palace? Mother Luo saw that the second young master had something to say, so she didn't leave in a hurry after answering the questions, but just waited quietly where she was.

After a long time, Xie Tingyue said: "Mom stayed in the palace."

Mother Luo: "Yes."

Xie Tingyue: "I guess I am very familiar with the palace."

Mother Luo: "It's all the old calendar. Time has passed and people come and go. Now this old slave dare not say he is familiar with it."

Xie Tingyue: "Mom has seen the emperor?"

Luo's mother: "The Holy One is the real dragon emperor, with a dragon and a phoenix, and the mighty Huanghuang of heaven."

Xie Tingyue: "Then... where is the First Prince?"

Mother Luo stared at her toes for a long time before she said, "I don't know why the second young master has doubts, but if it's about my son-in-law's appearance is indeed somewhat similar to the emperor."

The two of them knew who this uncle was referring to.

It's Chu Mu!

Xie Tingyue's heart sounded like a heavy hammer.

Mother Luo: "However, the world is big, and there are no surprises. It is normal for people to have similarities. Today, I am very similar to King Ping who died in the early years, like twins of the same child."

King Ping...

Xie Tingyue knew who King Ping was.

This prince is both civil and military, with outstanding aptitude. He is the person most favored by the late emperor to pass on the throne. He has a very deep relationship with the present. If he hadn't died early, the person sitting on the dragon chair now might have to be replaced.

The amount of information received at once was a bit too much, and Xie Tingyue couldn't get around it.

The married daughter of the family, as a brother, will inevitably be dragged to talk and greet, or even have a few drinks once she shows up. Xie Tingyue didn't even have time to think about her thoughts, after several rounds of passing through the crowd, her mood had returned to calm.

It's okay to forget it for a while, but it's too late to worry about it later.

Xie Tingyue smiled, enjoying the rare relaxation.

At this time, Brother Xiong came to complain.

The child avoided people, walked up to him stealthily, pulled Xie Tingyue's sleeves, motioned for his brother to bend over, looked around, put his palms together, and whispered in his brother's ear.

It's not a good look at first glance.

"Then Young Master Chu is drinking a big cup outside, he's making a fuss, brother, go and have a look!"