Bastard Male Wife

Chapter 86: Breaking


The crown prince let Long Qinglin go, and ordered his confidant eunuch to send him home in person.

Involved in the unsolved case of murdering the prince, but still able to get out of the case, with no dust on his clothes, and he didn't even seem to lose his favor... Many people couldn't see clearly this situation, including Long Qinglin himself.

"Husband, you are finally back!" Xie Ru was quite surprised, he looked happy, but his expression was complicated.

She didn't know whether to be happy or not.

When the backer comes back, the rich days of the past will also come back, and there will be no more dark clouds and pressure. She should be happy. But when Long Qinglin came back, he didn't have any injuries on his body, so he would naturally do that...

She can't stand it.

Just thinking about it scares me.

Long Qinglin looked at his wife, and chuckled softly: "Why, you are not happy when your husband is back?"

The smile didn't go deep into the eyes, and it was full of coldness.

Xie Ru trembled: "Of course I am happy! My concubine wants her husband to come back every day and every night. How can she be unhappy now that her wish has been fulfilled?"

She turned around to help Long Qinglin get the clothes to be changed, avoided the latter's eyes, and randomly searched for topics.

"His Royal Highness, is your husband okay? Can the misunderstanding be resolved? In the future, it will return to the past, and you will be on duty normally?"

Keep yourself busy so you don't get distracted.

The corners of Long Qinglin's lips curled up slightly, with a meaningful expression on his face.

As a wife, these worries and expectations are perfectly reasonable, at least in this respect, they are consistent.

"I came back unharmed, what do you think?"

Xie Ru didn't dare to turn her head back, and continued: "It is said that His Royal Highness Chu Jun has a great mind and is wise in scheming, but in fact he is very strict... I am just a little worried."

The tips of Long Qinglin's eyes drooped, and a haze faintly slipped through his eyes.

How could Xie Ru not have any doubts about things that Xie Ru could think of? The prince... really trusts him completely, without any doubts

He doesn't believe it.

No matter how natural the prince is, no matter how smooth things are, he dare not take it lightly.

What should we do now? How to solve this game

If you continue to act, you will definitely be discovered by the prince. Even if the prince really believed in him and had no doubts, he would never give up observing the follow-up. There must be someone from the prince watching him, and if he moved, something would go wrong.

But if you don't continue, how can you plan for big things? So many years of hard work, are you really going to give up in vain? Today, the arrow has been struck, success or failure depends on one action, he wants to give up, but Chi Man will not allow it, if he dares to give up at this time, he must be the one who is unlucky. Even if Chi Man didn't kill him himself, he would borrow a knife to kill someone and let the prince come.

How to do it

Long Qinglin washed his hands full of worries, and after eating, his heart sank.

When he came back to his senses, it was already time to hold the lamp, Xie Rusu picked up the hairpin in his hand, picked out the candle wick, and the lantern made a soft 'beep and crack' sound.

She has a beautiful face, is painted everywhere, and has a plump and soft body, like the most meticulous gift from heaven, making people want to possess... want to trample on it, want to destroy it, want this thing to be theirs forever.

Long Qinglin reached out and hugged Xie Ru.

Xie Ru froze: "Husband, husband?"

Long Qinglin didn't say much, and directly pulled her over and pressed her under her body, tore off her clothes with her big hands, and bit hard at the softest, whitest part—

Xie Ru screamed: "No—don't—"

With blood on the corner of Long Qinglin's lips, he gently stroked Xie Ru's face: "Hey, let your husband relax."

Xie Ru was terrified, subconsciously began to tremble.

Long Qinglin's ease meant unbearable pain to her!

But so what? All women come here like this... Just bear it... Mother also said that she chose the road herself, there is no way, and she can't turn back, so she can only bite the bullet and go, maybe it will be fine in the future

Xie Ru kept comforting herself psychologically, but it didn't work.

No amount of relief can withstand the huge pain in the body, the sharpest pain from the most delicate place, and the merciless humiliation and contempt from the man on her body... Why did she bear it!

"Go away, go away! Help—help—"

Xie Ru began to struggle violently, and really asked for help, calling for help.

It's a pity that no one heard it, or others heard it and didn't want to care.

Women are naturally physically weaker than men, no matter how much Xie Ru struggled, she couldn't get rid of Long Qinglin, even the more intense she resisted, the heavier the opponent's strength became.

Long Qinglin's intrusion kept moving, pinching Xie Ru's wrist with cold eyes: "Why don't you refuse to be obedient? Hmm? You don't want what your husband gave you!"

Xie Ru exhausted all her strength, tilted her head and bit him.


In return, the opponent slapped heavily.

Xie Ru felt her head buzzing, she only saw Long Qinglin's lips moving, but couldn't hear what he was saying.

After the matter was over, Long Qinglin looked at the messy bed and knew that he was too impulsive.

If Xie Ru ruins his business at this time...

But otherwise, he couldn't think calmly at all. Isn't it just for fun when a man marries a woman

He knows himself best, the more straightforward he is, the clearer his mind is, he never regrets what he has done, and he never feels that he is wrong. .

Get out, give the things to Xie Ru, can't you just borrow her hands to do things

If everything can be done in the end, the credit belongs to him, and if it doesn't work out, the sin is all this woman's...

His woman, what is thinking in his heart, what he wants, what is the deepest desire in the soul, he is very clear, just give it to her. There are so many little girls in the world, as long as he stretches out his hand, he can have as many as he wants. Hasn't he been here for so many years? It's just a wife, no pity, left and right... He also died a wife.

Long Qinglin thought of a plan, and immediately asked his confidant to find a pill, and swallowed it with water, and two hours later, he was 'poisoned'.

He also had someone prepare a bowl of tea with added ingredients and feed it to Xie Ru directly.

So Xie Ru woke up and found that the scene had changed again.

It turned out that it was not that Long Qinglin was fine, but was poisoned long ago, but the poison happened late. Those things that he gritted his teeth and made those decisions before he passed out are unnecessary, because Long Qinglin can no longer bully her, even if he wants to, he can't do it!

Xie Ru's heart immediately came to life.

She can still take care of Long Qinglin in a decent way.

After some days, Xie Ru always had a bad appetite and wanted to vomit all the time, so she called the doctor into the mansion for a checkup.

The happiness is floating on the surface, Xie Ru's heart is alive again! It doesn't matter what a man is, what matters is the son! Her son, when he grows up, will marry a wife and have children, and will provide for her until the end of her life. The glory of her life will be on her son!

Xie Ru began to work hard.

Heading the house and running the shop, she wants to seek all the benefits she can get for her son!

The inner desire for power swelled again.

When Long Qinglin heard his confidant's reply, he laughed out loud as if hearing some excellent joke: "She really thought she was pregnant, and she would give birth to a son in nine months! Oh, woman, you really didn't let me know at all. Disappointed. Go, according to the plan, it's time to give her some color."

Then Xie Ru discovered that many things were not at her fingertips and there were many difficulties, and she was suppressed.

She began to worry, she can do without a man, she can't do without a man, she has no power and no backer, what will she do in the future

Long Qinglin has been observing Xie Ru's posture, whipping a whip, giving her a piece of candy, making her suffer a blow, realizing the pain of despair, breaking her pride, arousing her heart, seeing that the stretch is enough, and then pretending to be fast The appearance of death, called her to the bedside, and told those secret things.

For example, Chiman, such as the root seedling organization, his subordinates are in charge of forces that others do not know.

Xie Ru's mouth was wide open when she heard it, she was scared but also excited.

But she didn't agree directly, she only said that she could give it a try first, and whether it was successful or not, she would keep it a secret and never tell anyone else.

Long Qinglin watched her go out with 'bright eyes', as soon as the door was closed, he burst into laughter, knowing in his heart that this game was settled.

Xie Ru will definitely sacrifice her life for herself and the "baby in her womb". Naturally, she will also sacrifice her life for him.

He issued instructions at the right time to let the subordinates cooperate, and Xie Ru tasted the benefits of holding power and doing whatever he wanted.

This is not difficult for him, as before, in order to ensure the success of the final plan, the Chiman mission must avoid suspicion when it sets foot on the territory of Da'an, cut off contact with the Root Miao organization, and he will be fully responsible for everything. It couldn't be easier.

Sure enough, Xie Ru struggled, from resisting unbelief and doubt at the beginning to being firm and calm at the end... He was not disappointed at all.

Xie Rusu stroked his stomach gently with his hands, and pointed out the country in high spirits.

The taste of power is incomparably good! Why did you feel cowardly before and wanted to ask for help? Pooh! It's just a temporary hardship, even if she dies, she won't think about it again! Things in the world have always been like this, men conquer the world to conquer women, women conquer men to conquer the world, she Xie Ru will succeed! Xie Tingyue will definitely be killed!

At this time, Xie Tingyue had to come on stage.

He and Chu Mu, including the prince in the palace, did not expect it to be so smooth, Long Qinglin is really a talent! It's a pity for Xie Ru, it's not that she's not smart, it's just that she's always on the edge of a dead end and doesn't want to know when she's lost. She doesn't feel pain herself, and no one can save her.

But the next planning node has not yet arrived, and Brother Xiong's academy is not on holiday yet!

"Fortunately, there are only a few days, and I can make it through." Xie Tingyue said nothing else, rolled up his sleeves, and just did it!

Xie Ru’s difficulty lies in business affairs. For him, it’s not difficult to survive, but the Genmiao organization is standing behind the other party. Xie Tingyue doesn’t want her plan to be exposed, so she can only stand up by herself. It’s okay for three to five days, but it won’t work after a long time. .

Brother Xiong is finally on vacation.

The students in this academy are generally young. When the gate opened, a group of 'students' in green clothes and caps ran out happily, as if they were eating dumplings. It was hard to tell who was who for a while.

Xie Tingyue was 'stuck', and it was Chu Mu who came to pick him up.

The Chiman Mission has been staring at this side for a long time. Naturally, they prepared early and hid in the dark.

No one thought that Chu Mu would really care. Which man likes a creature like my brother-in-law? Especially such a bear brother-in-law

Sure enough, after receiving Xie Tingxing, Chu Mu taught him a cold face: "Since it's a holiday, be good and don't let your brother worry."

Xiongzi raised his eyebrows and stared, his small voice was clearer and clearer: "I want you to take care of it!"

The members of the mission winked at each other, very complacent, look, they really don't care, right? And the relationship is not good at all! Too many details can make a fuss, today's plan is stable!

At least one thing, what they said is correct, Xie Tingxing and Chu Mu don't like each other, there is no need to try to pretend, just act in their true colors.

"Where's my brother?"

"Xie Tingxing, you are already an adult."


"Call brother if you have nothing to do. Are you still not weaned?"

The mission almost laughed out loud when the two talked to each other, God help me too! If the child doesn't cooperate, what can the adults do? It doesn't matter whether Chu Mu is hurt or not, what can a person who is not good at doing and is about to die

"I want that," the bear boy pointed to the bright and dripping candied haws on the street, "you buy it for me!"

Chu Mu frowned, not really wanting to buy it, but the request was so insignificant, there was no reason to refuse, so he could only buy it while sternly lecturing: "Boys should eat less snacks, it's outrageous."

After paying the money, in a blink of an eye, the brat was gone!

Chu Mu was naturally 'in a hurry' and immediately ordered his men to go look for it.

Mission: Chance!

Immediately follow quietly.

It's the twelfth lunar month, and the market is quite lively, with a lot of stalls and hawkers. Xie Tingxing is like a flexible fish, jumping into the crowd and disappearing instantly, leaving you confused.

There are a lot of people in the mission, plus the root seedlings that Xie Ru secretly sent to assist, all kinds of chasing and intercepting, not to mention small fish, even a mosquito can be caught!

It's a pity that things backfired, I don't know what happened, every time I was about to be caught, Chu Mu also very coincidentally "hard work" finally found Xie Tingxing, and caught the bear boy first. And hold the bear boy by the back of the neck, all kinds of lessons.

The mission was very helpless and could only continue to wait for the opportunity.

It is impossible for a bear child to be obedient. Chu Mu wanted to teach him, but he pretended not to hear it. When Chu Mu was distracted, he lowered his eyelids with his fingers, made a face at Chu Mu, slipped into the crowd again, and let Chu Mu Mu was angry and angry in every way, but he still had to look for it!

There is no need for the mission to create opportunities, the brat himself is full of flaws, and he is a trap.

While secretly happy, the mission scolded the other party for being stupid, while continuing to search.

But even though the situation is favorable, they still can't catch it! I can't catch it! He can't even touch a bear child, and Chu Mu will always cut off his beard first!

It is impossible to admit defeat, the envoy spit on the palm of his hand and continued relentlessly.

They swear that next time, they must catch that brat first, and if caught, they will be hung up and whipped first, it's too bad!

Before you know it, a long time has passed.

This group of people got busy and forgot the time, the leader Wu Kui couldn't forget, Xie Tingyue's status was unusual, the royal family looked at it strictly, it was too difficult to take captive, his younger brother Xie Tingxing was their only chance, victory or defeat depended on one action, absolutely can't go wrong .

The younger brother won't go back for a long time, so can the elder brother not worry and not come over

After thinking about it, Wu Kui issued an order.

When Xie Ru got the notification, she immediately exerted her strength, found a random shop to find an excuse, and continued to push Xie Tingyue.

It's a pity that Xie Tingyue's ability is too strong, she wants to use her strength, but she is weak, so she is not an opponent. Wu Kui came with a death order. Before, she could do whatever she wanted, but at this time, she had no choice but to contact Hidden Shangfeng.

King Li just happened to pass by.

Who dares to say that the serious and titled prince came out to uphold justice

Others have nothing to say, but Xie Tingyue understands in her heart, calm down, this King of Rites really has other ideas!

How could he be afraid of a situation that he had expected a long time ago? Changing the old respectful and obedient attitude, nails are nails, riveting is riveting and 'discussing' with King Li.

He wasn't worried about Brother Xiong at all, he believed in Brother Xiong, and he also believed in Chu Mu. Although the two always had disagreements when getting along, there would definitely be no problems in business matters.

Only way away from…

You must do your best!

Yes, today is a good day. The Chiman people have set up their nets and are preparing for this most important move. How could they just watch and do nothing, of course they have to follow the trend and do everything that needs to be done.

King Li came out and was held back by him. Lu Li should have sneaked into Prince Li's mansion to look for things by now. With this lord's many years of experience in handling affairs, his intuition like a wolf like a dog, and the help of the prince to cover him, there is so much time. If it doesn't work out, he must unite with Chu Mu to kill this close friend!

According to hard knowledge, it is not a problem for Xie Tingyue to stand up to King Li, but the problem is that King Li has a noble status and cannot be dealt with according to common sense.

Xie Tingyue quickly turned her head to think of a solution, and Mrs. Hang came.

Not only did she come, but she was followed by a bunch of people, each of whom was an elite in the industry, and all of them were of high status, the kind who could easily shake the foundation of the country together.

Just ask Li Wang, do you still dare to be tough!

Another impasse.

Xie Ru's head was getting bigger, so he had no choice but to continue to send people out to support him.

At this moment, the crown prince made sure and ruthless attacks, and directly arrested Long Qinglin.

Quietly, quietly, without disturbing anyone.

But others don't know, Xie Ru will definitely receive the news.

Xie Ru's face was pale, and cold sweat flowed profusely.

This... is different from what I imagined! Was she being tricked

No, it's impossible, she can't be cheated, Long Qinglin is dying, the person in his hands is real, the power is real, and her own belly is also real... The Genmiao Organization, the Chimanren, and the King of Li are also here , she has almost seen the dawn of victory, how could there be a fake

This is the most critical moment. If you are really confused and give up, everything will be over. It is better to fight to the death! As long as Xie Tingxing can be caught, Xie Tingyue will definitely be in a hurry, will definitely fall into the trap, and be obedient...

There is already a large army at the border, if you unite inside and outside, Daan will be defeated! Why not continue!

With all kinds of movements, the whole capital became tense, only the palace was quiet and solemn.

After approving the memorial, Emperor Wen of Chu looked at the clock and said, "What time is it?"

The chief eunuch smiled and replied: "Go back to the emperor, it's the last moment. His Royal Highness just sent a message saying that everything is going well, please rest assured. The Empress ordered someone to prepare soup and is waiting outside the hall, saying that you have to With the blessings of heaven, you will surely win every battle, so there is no need to worry—"

"Let's pass it on." Emperor Wen of Chu moved his stiff shoulders, and his mood was quite comfortable. "Of course I want to win, and my children also want to win. Otherwise, how can I be worthy of Emperor Xian and Duke Tao?"

Speaking of it, Chu Mu is like the members of their family, dedicated, loving his wife, it's a pity for his body.

Before finishing a bowl of soup, Emperor Wen of Chu called the imperial physician into the palace.

What he asked was not about his own dragon body, but—

"The antidote, has it been developed?"

The imperial physician knelt on the ground, not daring to raise his head: "This poison is quite treacherous. I have been studying it for more than ten years, and I just came up with a good prescription. So far, great progress has been made. As long as..."

Everyone is busy, and so is the prince.

As the plan progressed smoothly, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Chiman's plan was too clear, so it was not overdone, transferred everyone away, quietly grabbed Xie Tingxing, used it to threaten Xie Tingyue's obedience, and released Chu Mu's background, instigated Li Wang to come to the "Qingjun side", causing turmoil in the situation. The border wars invaded Da'an in one fell swoop.

They don't do anything else, just return the gift, use their strength to fight back, and see who wins in the end!

The prince thought he was smart enough, but Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu gave him too many surprises,

Help him check for omissions and make up for vacancies, and complete the plan. This game is close to perfection, and there is no possibility of mistakes.

Border wars, needless to say, Da'an must be defeated; Chiman missions, one counts as one, he will catch them all; the root seedling organization, no matter how deep it has been lurking or how many years it has been lurking, this time it must be forced out and wiped out. !

Combining all kinds of variables, the root seedling organization is now in Xie Ru's hands. In order to succeed in the plan and to show her ability, she has to watch all directions and listen to all directions. She must respond to all places, and send people to help whenever there is an accident.

Now Xie Tingyue, Xie Tingxing, Chumu, and Long Qinglin have all sent people there one after another.

How do you see if all the people from Genmiao have been dispatched, and there is no one in her hands


If there is another accident, no matter how anxious she is, she will have nothing to send, and there is no way to send anyone else!