Bastard Male Wife

Chapter 87: finally


That's it!

The prince saw the timing and waved decisively to order.

First, hidden in the crowd, the hidden soldiers disguised as ordinary people immediately took action, then patrolled the streets to surround and assist, and then the Wucheng soldiers and guards quickly joined, and everyone entered in batches according to the plan, with the momentum of thunder , Press and hold down all the Chimanren and members of the Genmiao organization that you are watching, all the front, back, left, and right routes are blocked, and no one will be let go!

When an accident happened, Chimangenmiao's first reaction was of course to run, but how? You have many people, and Daan has more people, and it’s not one-on-one. Da’an has at least two people to mark you and one, and you can’t run away with only this crowd tactics. What’s more, one of Da’an’s sent is counted as one, and they are all elites. Not a single mediocrity.

Want to fight to the death and fight to the death? Then you die.

The prince didn't care at all, and neither did the officers and soldiers on the scene. With such a big plate, it is impossible for everyone to die. No matter how Chiman can confuse people, there will always be those who don't want to die, and they will give valid statements afterwards. Just in case, so many people are dead, it doesn't matter if there is no one alive, the facts are clear, the evidence is solid, what does it matter if they are dead or alive? They only explain to the people of Daan, but they don't need to explain to Chiman.

For a time, the sound of killing was like a wave, and the streets were in chaos.

In the inner city, such large-scale battle scenes are rare, but the people of the capital have experience, and without saying anything, they immediately shrank into the cracks in the street wall—

Seeing that the officers and soldiers were orderly and quick to arrest people, they also sent out a special group to remind everyone to pay attention to safety. When they saw the elderly and naughty children with disabilities, they immediately took care of them. There was nothing wrong with their expressions... The people went home The heart to hide behind closed doors is gone.

What are you afraid of? Surely it's not a big deal, don't panic!

Not long after, seeing the prince appeared, everyone became more confident. It wasn't a catastrophe, it was the prince who was quelling the chaos and catching thieves!

"This is not the right situation. The crown prince has personally acted, and the cause of the trouble is a bit big..."

"Yo ho, it belongs to the Chiman mission! Look, young and old, the dog with the green belt is the head of the mission this time? I saw him drinking in a restaurant before!"

"Ah bah! I knew that Chimangou came here with no good intentions. It was rumored that the prince was assassinated a few days ago. Do you know? Fortunately, our prince is blessed and blessed by God, so we escaped, and they still Dare to do something!"

"Chiman dogs can't be spared! Kill them!"

"But the two countries are at war without beheading..."

"You're right, it's inconvenient for the prince to do it, these dogs can't be cut... But the world is impermanent, accidents may happen at any time, there are unpredictable things, who can control God, don't you think?"

The commoners exchanged glances, those who stretched out their feet, those who raised their arms raised their arms, and those who immediately bent down to pick up stones.

Step on, trip, push, smash, if you don't die, you will see blood on the dog, and you won't let it go, it's better to die outside!

Wu Kui, the leader of the mission, was completely dumbfounded.

This is impossible!

With such a thorough plan and so much hard work, he didn't even touch that unlucky brat, yet his own people were caught


Xie Tingxing scratched his lower eyelids with his fingers, and made a face at him: "Is there anything impossible!"

He has gathered with Chu Mu now, standing beside Chu Mu's wheelchair, the two of them are very close.

Wu Kui didn't understand anymore: "You...don't have a good relationship?"

Xie Tingxing turned his head: "Who has a good relationship with him!"

Chu Mu also nodded, agreeing very much.

The two hated each other, Xie Tingxing took a step to the left, Chu Mu's wheelchair moved a little to the right.

Wu Kui: ...

"But seeing how you look forward to it, I'm so generous, please let me satisfy you." Xie Tingxing rolled his eyes and moved closer to Chu Mu, "Come on, Young Master Chu, let's make a funny face together so that others will know We are also brothers and sisters!"

Chu Mu looked at him with straight eyebrows, without moving.

Xie Tingxing prepared his posture for a long time, but when Chu Mu didn't move, his little white teeth bared, and his mouth was threatening: "You don't love my brother, I want to tell my brother!"

Chu Mu's eyelids twitched, and he winked with his fingers, making a grimace meaningfully.

The picture of the bear boy and the expressionless handsome and cold young man making faces at the same time is very scary.

Xie Tingxing was very satisfied, and looked at Wu Kui with a smile: "See, our relationship is so harmonious!"

He also stretched out his hand, trying to give Chu Mu a loving high five.

It's a pity that Chu Mu didn't see it at all, so don't go and look for the prince.

Xie Tingxing had no choice but to pat his palm on his thigh, which was better than nothing.

Wu Kui's eyes became more confused.

He put so much effort and used so many people, but he was fooled into this by such two people

Why do people like this exist in the world, who obviously don't deal with each other, but can act in such a tacit understanding when they move!

It shouldn't be!

Chu Mu: "You should read more books."

Wu Kui: "Huh?"

Xie Tingxing laughed loudly: "It means you are stupid, you can't understand this, and you haven't read as many books as my master!"

The prince had already approached, and when he saw the atmosphere of Xie Tingxing and Chu Mu getting along, Lao Huai comforted him, but also felt a little jealous: "You two have such a good relationship."

This time, Chu Mu did not deny it: "Well, left is just time."

He admitted that he has a good relationship with the bear child, but also implied that it will take a long time, and he and the prince will get close sooner or later.

The prince smiled even wider: "Shall we go?"

Chu Mu straightened the corners of his lapel and smiled, "Okay."

Time to find Mrs.

The prince and Chu Mu Xie Tingxing turned around, and the people below naturally followed the plan to capture all the people who were related to Chi Manyou at the scene, and they should be charged.

Long Qinglin, who was taken away by the prince before, was also among these people.

Long Qinglin staggered, his eyes were dazed, he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

A foolproof game... How could it be possible to come to this day

It ended neatly there, and other places naturally followed closely. When Xie Ru heard the news, all the people from the Genmiao organization around him had been restrained.

She didn't know where these people came from, and suddenly rushed into the room, arresting everyone, and arresting people who were related to Chi Man, without any mistakes!

The action ended quickly, and the Zheren leader and Xie Tingyue saluted.

What else does Xie Ru not understand

"No, I don't believe it..." She held her belly, her face pale, "You did it on purpose, you hired someone to do a fake game, just to scare me... Xie Tingyue, let me tell you, I am not that useless woman, you Can't scare me!"

Xie Tingyue looked at Xie Ru with quiet eyes: "For you, is it so difficult to accept the reality? Sure enough, face is more important than everything else, and you will die if you don't compare yourself with others?"

Xie Ru bit her lip, eyes flickering: "You are a man... what do you know?"

Xie Tingyue: "I thought that all the pride in my life came from myself, not from others, and had nothing to do with gender. There are thousands of roads, and there is always success. I don't value myself, and I know that it is not desirable to go my own way——Xie Ru, you Today, it’s entirely their own fault.”

Xie Ru is not a fool, the current situation is too clear, to lose.

It's all over.

"No, my life is meaningful, I still have children..." She rubbed her stomach, and began to force herself to find reasons, to fight for meaning.

Xie Tingyue sneered: "Are you really pregnant?"

Xie Ru looked up in panic: "What do you mean?"

"Of course you were deceived." Chu Mu and the crown prince had already arrived, probably in a good mood, and helped Xie Ru out of doubt, "Your pulse condition was forced to change by Long Qinglin taking medicine for you."

Xie Ru's face turned pale immediately, "I don't believe it... I don't believe it!"

When Xie Tingxing saw his brother, he rushed over obediently, hugged Xie Tingyue's waist, and said softly and crisply, "Brother!"

"Be good," Xie Tingyue rubbed her younger brother's head habitually, "stand still."


The child's eyes were sparkling, his face was flushed, and by the way he gave Chu Mu a look, his little eyes were proud and provocative—

look! My brother just loves me, he only likes me! do not like you!

Chu Mu was very calm, came over very naturally, and took Xie Tingyue's hand.

This kind of movement has been too much in the past, it has become a habit, Xie Tingyue has no consciousness of breaking free at all, or in other words, he didn't notice that he was being held, so naturally he would not resist letting go.

Chu Mu looked at Xie Tingxing with a very elegant smile, a gentleman.

Xie Tingxing:! !

treacherous! !

At this time, King Li was also present, his smile was very stiff: "What is the prince doing?"

The prince's face was cold and serious: "I am lonely and want to ask, what does the emperor want to do?"

King Li laughed dryly: "What can I do? I didn't do anything, and I can't do it! It seems that the crown prince has something important to do? You are a bit inappropriate. Why don't you tell me about something important? I can do it." help-"

"I'm afraid I said it, the prince is not helping, he should take the opportunity to run away!"

Lu Li came very timely and threw a handful of letters directly in front of King Li, each of which was a secret letter between him and the Chiman royal family.

"Promise benefits, retreat a hundred miles from the border, cut off five cities, and let Chiman help usurp the throne...My lord, do I need to read a letter from the official for you?"

King Li was shocked: "Why are you—" before the word 'found' could be said, he immediately retorted, "No, it's impossible, this king has never done these things, someone is trying to frame this king!"

Lu Li sneered: "Framing or not, you have the final say on your own evidence, and it won't be too late for the lord to call for injustice when the trial begins!"

"No, this king belongs to the clan, who dares to touch this king!" King Li's complexion changed drastically, and he looked at the prince, "You just let them behave like this? Don't you want to lose the face of the royal family!"

The prince stared at King Li, with sarcasm on his lips: "With people like you, the royal family's face will be gone—come here, and let Gu Gu go!"

So vigorous and resolute, with quick and ruthless strikes, the surrounding people watched for a long time, what a taste.

"I said what's going on, so there are traitors!"

"Shameless! Shameless! To lure wolves into the house, and even assassinate the current crown prince, isn't this Li Wang really a fool? Do you think you can live like this?"

"That's right! It's all sung in the opera. Today you treat others as fish, and tomorrow you are others' fish. Only when your country is strong can you be full of confidence. Common people like me understand it. Why doesn't this prince understand?"

"Stupid, there are also silly princes in princes."

"That's right! Brother, you still have a good eye, you're right!"

Compared with King Li's refusal to accept his fate, Wu Kui, who was behind him, was a little more graceful, but he had some questions and asked loudly, "When did the prince know?"

The prince held his head high and his chest high, smiling brightly: "From the moment you step into the land of Da'an."

Wu Kui narrowed his pupils: "So you know the border—"

The prince smiled even more: "It won't be long before Gu will receive the good news at the border."

The good news of Da'an is the downfall of Chiman.

Wu Kui gave up completely, and was willing to gamble and admit defeat. He only hoped that Chiman could regain his glory and make a comeback in the coming year.

"And you, when did you know?" He looked at Chu Mu.

Chu Mu understood that Wu Kui was referring to his background—

He stood with the prince today, his posture couldn't be more obvious.

But before he could answer, Qin Ping came over with a person on his back, unloaded the cargo with a 'snap', and the person fell heavily to the ground.

It's Zhao Kang.

bruised and bruised,

There is air out, but there is no air in.

Qin Ping apologized politely: "I acted according to my master's orders. I wanted to arrest people. Who would have thought that this grandson wanted to run away, tipped off the news, and struggled too hard. His sword has no eyes. This subordinate can only leave him like this."

Wu Kui: ...

He finally looked at Xie Tingyue.

Xie Tingyue didn't need him to ask, and asked directly: "You killed my mother, right? Do you want "Great Power Economy"?"

Wu Kui was very surprised: "You even know this?"

Xie Tingyue: "Kill people to pay for their lives, and debts to pay back money. I think now is about the time."

Wu Kui burst out laughing suddenly, tears came out from the laughter: "Sure enough, they are the descendants of Duke Tao! No wonder we will lose!"

King Li glared at the crown prince: "You are so cruel, you have tricked me into being a fool, and it is very hard for me to be deceived!"

The prince's expression was indifferent: "If you keep yourself safe and don't care about other people, who will seduce you, and who can seduce you? You can't control your own greed, so blame others?"

King Li squinted his eyes, with a sullen expression on his face: "You caught everyone? Chiman Mission, Root Miao Organization?"

The prince smiled: "Thanks to the emperor's uncle, none slipped through the net."

King Li: "Are soldiers also sent at the border?"

Prince: "If you tell me alone, you will receive good news in a few days."

King Li suddenly laughed out loud: "Okay, you guys, this king lost this round! But even if this king is going to die, he has to be buried with him—do you think that you and your father are really powerful and have no plans?"

The prince was suddenly alert.

King Li: "I'll send someone to intercept that famous doctor that Chu Mu invited!"

Xie Tingyue suddenly glared at King Li, very angry: "What did you say?"

King Li looked at Wu Kui: "Brother, if you don't do anything yet, what are you waiting for?"

Wu Kui shook his hand, revealing a small bottle in his palm: "I have prepared for the worst this time, and I didn't plan to go back alive, but I will take you to taste the uncomfortable taste together if I die! "

With a flip of the palm, the small bottle fell to the ground and shattered instantly.

The black liquid spilled out, and a soft flesh worm covered in pitch-black crawled out of it. When it was seen by everyone, the bug was still alive and able to move, but after leaving the weird black liquid and touching the air for a few breaths, the bug died.

At the same time, Chu Mu suddenly covered his chest with his right hand, his face turned pale, and he groaned in pain.

Wu Kui: "I'm full of shots, how can I leave room? You think he's just poisoned? No, it's still a Gu, and it can't be solved at all! Die, Chu Mu!"

After speaking, he laughed loudly, and without waiting for the prince to express his opinion, he slammed the tip of the officer's soldier's knife and killed himself!

"Chu Mu!"

Xie Tingyue immediately held Chu Mu's hand tightly, and looked at him worriedly: "Are you okay? Huh?"

Xie Tingxing also clenched his fists and stared at Chu Mu.

Lu Li and the prince came over.

Chu Mu was so uncomfortable that he couldn't speak, and began to vomit blood.

"This can't work!" The crown prince made a quick decision, he even forgot to order others, and got on the horse himself, "I went to the palace to find my father to ask for medicine, my father kept his body in mind, and asked the imperial doctor to make medicine! Lu Li, the scene You will take over and take full responsibility, Xie Er, you send Chu Mu home first, I will be there later!"

The reason for this order is because it is very close to the Chu family, and Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu are very familiar with the Chu family, so it is very convenient for them to do anything.

Even so, the prince did not forget to send a team of imperial guards to protect the safety of Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu.

On the carriage, Xie Tingyue held Chu Mu's hand, her eyes were red, her teeth were chattering, and she was speechless.

Xie Tingxing didn't know whether he should feel sorry for his brother or Chu Mu, he was irritable like a little lion, and finally pointed at Chu Mu's nose and ordered: "I don't care, you are not allowed to die anyway! My brother is still here, he is married to you by Mingmei Wife, you should listen to him, he won't let you die, so you can't die!"


Chu Mu raised his hand with difficulty, and rubbed Xie Tingxing's head lovingly for the first time: "Take good care of your brother."

"You don't need to say that!" Xie Tingxing jumped his feet angrily, "Young Master, you don't want to listen to your last words. Listen, if you dare to die, I will cause trouble everywhere, and even my brother can't clean it up. Worry every day!"

Chu Mu looked at Xie Tingyue and smiled: "It's get won't be lonely and sad."

Xie Tingyue didn't want to hear such words, so she covered Chu Mu's mouth with her hand: "Stop talking, save some energy, the imperial physician will come later."

Chu Mu kissed this hand, and pulled it away to cover his face: "But I'm very strong now... I just want to talk to you."

Xie Tingxing burst into tears, not daring to stay any longer, turned around and got out of the carriage.

Xie Tingyue lowered her head slightly: "What do you want to say? Let's talk about it later, okay? Our days are still long..."

Chu Mu looked at Xie Tingyue's face with extremely gentle eyes: "Xie Tingyue, I am a person who lives a lifetime."

These words were very sudden, and Xie Tingyue was unexpected.

Before he could adjust a suitable expression, Chu Mu said again, "I know you are too."

Xie Tingyue looked at Chu Mu in surprise, with mixed feelings, not knowing what to say.

Chu Mu closed his eyes slightly, the blood was spreading on the robe, and his voice lowered: "I've been looking forward to... You open your heart to me, and I believe that this day will definitely come. But now..." 'I'm afraid I won't be able to wait' like this Still reluctant to say the words, he continued, "I've always wanted to tell you, but I was afraid that you would get angry, so I hesitated, and I couldn't find the time. Are you... not angry?"

Xie Tingyue shook her head again and again: "No, I'm not angry, not at all..."

He was just shocked, just anxious, a dull pain in his heart.

He also had a lot of hesitation and entanglement, but these were not important, really, he understood now that nothing really mattered, as long as Chu Mu was alive, as long as they were well, nothing was important.

Chu Mu: "In the previous life...we also passed there, you saved me."

Xie Tingyue touched Chu Mu's forehead worriedly.

In his impression, they had never met before, why did Chu Mu have such an impression

Chu Mu coughed out a mouthful of blood, and heaved a long sigh of relief: "You thought it was Qu Qi, but it was actually me, and Qu Qi was mine. At that time, I was plotted against, so in order to avoid pursuit, I wore a mask and hanged myself. Qi's brand, it hurts badly, and my throat is broken, I can't speak..."

Xie Tingyue suddenly realized that this was the case.

No wonder that person is bad at acting and still doesn't speak.

Chu Mu: "At that time... my body was not as good as it is now. I was always in a daze, awake and asleep, with insufficient information around me. My heart was full of anger and resentment. I was led and bewitched and almost caused a catastrophe. Fortunately, I died in time..."

"When I came back to life, I don't understand why... such a bad day, why do I have to do it again? What's the point? But I found that I can't forget those short time with you... Thinking of your smile, If you say it, I suddenly don’t want to die. On the wedding day, I held your hand, forced you to be by my side, coveted your temperature and touch, and didn’t allow you to leave... All of this is meaning.”

"God doesn't want us to miss it." Chu Mu looked at Xie Tingyue, smiled tenaciously and gently, word by word, "God let me live again, not to make me die like this. Believe me, I won't die."

Chu Mu fainted.

He stopped talking, and he stopped vomiting blood, and his breathing became slower and slower.

Xie Tingyue held his hand, put it on her lips and kissed it, tears finally couldn't hold back, and fell down.

"You also said that God doesn't want us to miss it, so we must do our best to hold on and fulfill your promise... I'm waiting for you to wake up and grow old with me forever."

The carriage quickly drove into Chu Mansion.

Because of Chu Mu's illness and the existence of the imperial guards, the atmosphere was extraordinary, and none of the Chu family dared to make a loud noise.

The prince quickly came over with the imperial physicians, and the imperial physicians took turns to cut Chu Mu's pulse, and everyone's face was not ideal.

Xie Tingyue's voice was urgent: "How is it?"

The imperial doctor ordered a serious face: "This poison is quite strange and biased, and there are few regularities. Except for weak symptoms, there are almost no serious symptoms. You can only get a glimpse of one or two clues when the disease is critically ill. If you are not talented, study ten It took years to make a profit, make a pill, but—"

Xie Tingyue: "What about the medicine?"

"Mr. Xie, be safe and don't be impatient," the imperial physician ordered with a look of shame on his face, "When this pill was developed, I didn't know that the poison contained Gu, and the most important medicine was not found yet. If you give it to Mr. Chu at this time— The lower officials dare not take it seriously, the chance of saving the patient's life is only 50%."

Xie Tingyue: "Then why don't you take the medicine?"

The Imperial Physician ordered: "Death is certain."

Xie Tingyue's eyes darkened, is this a choice? There is no second chance at all!

He tried his best to stabilize his emotions: "What is Yaoyin, and how long does it take to find it? Can this pill be made again?"

The imperial doctor made her look even more ashamed, and she didn't dare to look at him anymore.

The prince simply said for him: "I have asked clearly on the way here, Xie Er, there is only one pill now, and there is no medicine primer. The medicine medicine is very difficult to find. The imperial doctors have been looking for it for several years. If Chu Mu takes the pill, there is only a 50% chance of saving his life, and it won't wake him up, but if he doesn't take it, Chu Mu will die. The pill is very difficult to make, it's all rare herbs, and it may not be able to make it after several years of accumulation One pill—I want Chu Mu to take this pill, what do you mean? Chu Mu has the deepest relationship with you, and I will listen to you."

Xie Ting frowned: "Of course I want to eat!"

There is no other choice at all!

"Isn't it just the medicinal materials? You make a list, I'll go find it!" Xie Tingyue was ruthless. He deserved the name of Tao Gong's descendant. He felt that he didn't have such a great ability at all, and he had never been confident enough. This name, but now, he can't control it anymore!

Isn't it medicine? What business can't be done, what news can't be obtained

He will fight for as many people as he wants and how much money he wants!

"One more thing..." The imperial physician Ling's face was complicated, "Even if you find Yaoyin, the method of combining it with the pill... is also very special. I feel ashamed and unsure."

That is, it won't do it

Xie Tingyue gritted her teeth, she only hated herself for being incompetent, she didn't ask an old doctor as her teacher back then, so she should study medicine hard!

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, let the old man come over!"

Suddenly, Qin Ping escorted an old man with gray hair into the room.

Before Xie Tingyue could react, the old man had already accurately pinched Chu Mu's pulse.

Qin Ping hurriedly bowed to the crown prince and Xie Tingyue, and explained in a low voice: "This is the miracle doctor that the master has been looking for, named Sanmu."


Before the others could react, the imperial physician Ling's eyes lit up first: "If this old gentleman, the patient is expected to recover!"

Xie Tingyue: "Didn't King Li say—"

Prince: "He intercepted the genius doctor?"

Qin Ping was worried about disturbing the doctor's pulse diagnosis, so he continued to whisper: "The people following said that the old man saw a medicinal herb on the way back, and took a detour—probably missed it."

Xie Tingyue and the prince looked at each other, their eyes flashed with ecstasy.

Well missed!

Chu Muhe should have such good luck, this time there must be no danger!

While speaking, the old doctor had already recuperated his pulse.

Xie Tingyue and the prince spoke together: "How?"

The old man stroked his gray beard: "Look at you, do you want the patient to wake up now, die in three to five years, or wake up later, healthy and long-lived?"

Xie Tingyue: "Of course I want to live a long life!"

Prince: "Of course it's the latter!"

The old man: "The old man heard what you said just now. The doctors in the palace are not bad. Although it takes more than ten years to study a disease to get some results, I don't know if it can be cured—"

The imperial physician Ling and all the imperial physicians bowed their heads in shame.

"Fortunately, the direction is right, and the choice of medicinal materials is generally good. This pill is useful." The old man squeezed the pill and smelled it, then scraped off a little medicinal paste with his nails and put it in his mouth to taste. It just so happens that I have it here. The medicine attracts a bug..."

As he was talking, the old man looked at Chu Mu with a bit of heartache, "Why didn't you tell the old man that it was this kind of poison earlier! If I had known earlier, I would have come here!"

The crown prince and Xie Tingyue looked at each other, carefully reminding the old man: " you take medicine now?"

The old man: "What kind of medicine do you use? This pill is still a semi-finished product, isn't it a waste?"

Xie Tingyue: "But there is no need for him to-"

"What does the little baby know? Let me see the old man give him back acupuncture!" The old man was unambiguous, took out the acupuncture bag, rolled up his sleeves and went to work.

Xie Tingyue stared at the needle in his hand with burning eyes.

After two gold needles went down, the old man suddenly looked at Xie Tingyue: "Go out."

Xie Tingyue didn't understand: "Huh?"

The old man frowned: "Why are you also a descendant of Duke Tao, why are you so stupid?"

Xie Tingyue still didn't understand.

The old man was serious: "You are so staring at the old man to give the needle, the old man is shy."

Xie Tingyue: ...

The old man not only chased away Xie Tingyue, but also chased other people away: "Everyone go out, one counts as one, stay where it's cooler, don't stand up in the room!"

Only then did everyone understand that standing here might affect the genius doctor's injection.

Quickly turned around one by one and walked out of the room.

When I got to the yard, I was reluctant to leave, and I didn't dare to speak loudly... I basically changed the place and continued to stand.

When it was time to turn on the lights, the door creaked softly, and the old man came out.

"What's wrong?"

Xie Tingyue and the prince rushed forward together.

The old man and the old god are there, and his small expression is very proud: "The old man's ability is still questionable? You can't die, don't worry."

Xie Tingyue breathed a sigh of relief: "Then when will he wake up?"

The old man stroked his beard: "A year."

Xie Tingyue was shocked: "So long?"

The old man gritted his teeth: "Don't think it's too fast? The old man can ignore it and let him wake up in five years."

The prince quickly smoothed things over: "No, no, I never meant to blame the old man, he is a patient|wife, I am a little anxious, please don't blame the old man. The patient will need to be taken care of by the old man in the future, and you can tell me what you need , the junior dare not disobey."

"Okay," the old man looked at the prince with a smile, "you are a good junior, you can talk."

Everyone was silent.

Talking to Prince Yichao like that, the old man is so courageous!

The prince didn't care at all, as long as Chu Mu was good, even if others made things difficult for him, he would accept it, not to mention that the old doctor was already old, and he was an elder, so it was okay to tease him.

The old man cleared his throat and began to make demands: "The patient is in a serious condition now. Although he has saved his life, he still has a long way to go to recover. From now on, the old man will give him injections every two days, supplemented by medicine. Bath, this old man hates to see strangers, so he has to take the patient away, and none of you are allowed to see him until he recovers."

Xie Tingyue was stunned: "I... am the patient's wife, can't I?"

The old man continued to bark his teeth: "Are you an acquaintance of this old man?"

Xie Tingyue's eyes darkened.

Of course not.

The doctor has taboos, he should obey, but in his heart...

"But the old man is not that kind of unreasonable person. If the patient's condition changes, I can let you know." The old man pointed to the prince, "Look, you are capable, and you are not short of money. Let me enclose a mountain for the old man for a while. When you treat patients on the mountain, you can have someone guard them at the foot of the mountain, and deliver what the old man wants regularly, but no one can enter or leave the old man's site except the old man's medicine boy. The old man will let the medicine boy pass on a message to tell you that the patient is getting better If you have any questions about the situation, you can ask the medicine boy to ask the old man."

The prince smiled: "That's very good, I will order someone to do it immediately."

The old man said again: "There are also medicinal materials that the old man wants, I can find them all."

He snapped out a bunch of names of medicines, and the crown prince asked someone to write them down, and agreed to them all without any ambiguity.

That's it.

Xie Tingyue was a little dazed, it's that simple, can it be saved? Don't need to make those life and death choices anymore

No no, it's good to be saved, that's the best, as long as Chu Mu can recover, nothing matters.


"Does it really take a year to wake up?"

The old man thought for a while: "Not really."

Xie Tingyue's eyes lit up.

"There is a thing that is useful in promoting the recovery of patients." The old man looked at Xie Tingyue, "The first lotus pistil that matures the earliest in summer must be the first day it blooms, it must be very clean, and it must bear dew, so you can pick it while it is fresh. The demand is relatively large, and each stamen must not be wrong, otherwise not only will the effect be useless, but the condition will be aggravated, do you want to try it?"

The imperial physicians looked at each other in blank dismay, the first pistil of the lotus is used as medicine? Never heard of it!

The old man bared his teeth at the imperial physicians, many of you haven't heard of it!

Xie Tingyue cautiously said, "I really can't take care of you?"

The old man was very firm: "The old man's land does not support others."

Xie Tingyue has made a decision.

There is no way to take care of Chu Mu closely. If you wait at the foot of the mountain, every day will be torture, so why not find something for yourself. The first pistil of the lotus is so complicated, one must always be careful not to make a single mistake, if he doesn't come in person, he won't be at ease.

"I go."

The old man smiled: "This is a good relationship. My sweetheart cares most about my partner. I will definitely pay more attention to it if I do it myself. It must be clean. Okay, after you collect it, just ask someone to send it up the mountain for me."

Xie Tingyue: "Can I see the patient?"

The old man glared at him: "He's sleeping so hard now that he's completely unconscious. What's there to see?"

After muttering a few words, he still got out of the way and let Xie Tingyue in.

Xie Tingyue lifted the corner of her robe and walked into the room.

Chu Mu was lying on the bed, his breathing was calm and quiet, but his slowness was no longer frightening.

Xie Tingyue sat on the footrest, held Chu Mu's hand, and pressed it to her cheek.

His eyes slid over the other party's beautiful Adam's apple, thin lips, high nose bridge, and sword-like eyebrows...

Chu Mu has always been very good-looking, quite gentlemanly, Xie Tingyue can imagine what it would be like to open these eyes, they must be shining brightly, with tidal surges, making people want to drown in them.

"You always complain, blame me for not wanting to tell you, but I'm just shy when I say I like you. If you don't tease me so much in the future, maybe I will be more honest. I say I like you now, I can't do without you, I want to be with you Spend the rest of my life together, only you, I wonder if you can hear me?"

"You're leaving with the old doctor. I can't take care of you. I might as well collect the first lotus pistils for you..." Xie Tingyue smiled, her voice was soft, and before she knew it, there were crystal tears rolling down, "Wait for me to come back, Try to make you fatter, okay?"

He leaned over slightly, and pressed a kiss on the corner of Chu Mu's lips: "I'm leaving, you wait for me obediently, you are not allowed to flirt with others casually. Even in a dream, you are not allowed to tease the little goblin, you know?"

Xie Tingyue left for half a year.

The imperial decree was issued quickly, announcing that it was full of wolfish ambitions, the original layout, this time it was against it, everything was said before and after, and Chu Mu's identity was recognized, entered into the royal jade certificate, recorded in the clan, and given a new mansion.

The people's gate was very lively, and these anecdotes were spread all over the streets and alleys. Of course, the Chu family also caused an uproar.

As the eldest son of Chu Mu before, the Chu family didn't treat him too badly, but they didn't pay much attention to him. Everyone was perfunctory like "he's going to die sooner or later anyway" and didn't really care about anything. Of course, it doesn't matter to his own bloodline, it's not too much, but the problem is that Chu Mu is not from the Chu family's bloodline, he is a member of the royal family, so isn't this a bad treatment

The old lady acted decisively and let the second wife's wife, Sun, die of a "sudden illness".

It seemed that she and Chu Mu were the most difficult to deal with, and it happened that no one else needed to do it if they were killed. Moreover, those loan sharks back then, the eunuchs in the palace, might be able to get involved with the king of Li, and the sooner they cut off the relationship, the sooner they would be quiet.

The eldest wife of the Chu family, Mrs. Su, felt sorry for herself all day long, washing her face with tears and lamenting her miserable life.

She was indeed a hard-fated woman. She was widowed at a young age, and her son was replaced by others. She was poisoned and died young. But she can only live her own life, she doesn't want to look forward, what can others do

You are pitiful, cry once or twice, others will sigh and comfort you, once or twice is enough, you will get bored after a long time, if you cry again, who will care

If others are not pitiful, Su Shi feels that she is pitiful even more, and her eyes are about to cry out.

She hates the impermanence of the world, why is she unlucky, and hates everyone who brought her a tragic life, including her parents and children. I thought that my son would at least have a good life in the palace, but it is a pity that his son is still dead...

The moment the bad news reached her ears, she was in a daze for a long time, and this time, she cried harder than ever before.

She felt in a trance that she was wrong.

She hates many things and many people, but she also misses them. She also wants to have someone in the world who she really cares about,

But in the end, she didn't even meet her parents. She has never cared and loved anyone, including herself...

After the funeral of the eldest son of the Chu family, that is, the "Eldest Prince" who lived in the palace for a long time, the Su family shaved his hair and entered the temple. I don't know if it was her own thought or someone else approached him.

Regarding the matters concerning the Chu family, Chu Mu was still ill, so naturally he didn't express his opinion, the royal atmosphere, the prince Wendi of Chu was concerned about the face of the deceased, so it was inconvenient to say anything, but the style of the Chu family... was very criticizing. They want to move forward, fearing that it will be impossible.

Following Long Qinglin's death, the Long family was defeated and fell apart.

I heard that they were still making trouble with Mr. Tao's reputation. The bosses of the firm headed by Mrs. Hang were very angry, and they were quite merciless. They were annexed and divided, and they were all thrown away, and no one would say a word or say something pitiful for them, and even stepped forward to step on them.

Xie Ru is crazy.

The delicate and beautiful little girl in the past is now worse than a beggar, she can't dress well, her hair is always messed up, she goes crazy on the street anytime, anywhere, looking for children everywhere, calling her son repeatedly while holding a bunch of grass, her eyes are paranoid Crazy: "Mother's good boy, mother will snatch things for you, all good things will be snatched for you, what do you want, tell mother... mother will kill them and grab them for you!"

She is a woman, her mind is not clear, of course she can't kill anyone, she can only be ashamed.

The Xie family didn't care about such a shame, it was not his family who went out. Probably because he was afraid of Xie Tingyue's revenge, Xie Liangbei issued a death order, and no one can control Xie Ru.

As a mother, Lin Shi also hides when she sees Xie Ru, as if the days of deep love between mother and daughter did not exist in the past.

No one saw her, so she covered her face with a veil, and hid as far away as possible from Xie Ru. When people saw her, she would cry in all kinds of fake ways and tell her what she had to do... Mother can't help it, and your brother has to take care of her !

She never thought that there would be a day when that little bastard Xie Tingyue turned out to be a descendant of Duke Tao, but the situation was beyond her control, and the days insisted on bowing her head, what could she do? Of course it is a good low, as long as it can get some light to make Xie Tingri promising, so what if she stays low and small

It's not that I haven't done it!

She had a good calculation in her heart, Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu were not around, there was no law to rule her, there was someone else, Xie Tingyue is not a motherless child now, let others bully her casually.

There is no need for the royal family to intervene. With Mrs. Hang taking the lead, the bosses will move.

Lin's person is too hateful, plus Xie Liangbei, it's too cheap to let them die, making their life worse than death, how nice it is to live on their knees forever in the future!

Thus, Xie Tingri married a daughter-in-law, who was also a slightly older woman with a fierce temper.

This daughter-in-law is not a fuel-efficient lamp, she makes trouble as soon as she enters the house, Xie Tingri is beaten every day, Lin's face is embarrassing when she is caught, Xie Liangbei and his little wife are thrown off the bed when the battle is in full swing on the bed - not just once, she is so scared that she has a psychological shadow , that place is withered, waiting to stand up, the glory is not there.

This daughter-in-law is very smart.

She is sick and unable to give birth to children, so she planned a good way out for herself early on, that is, a sister-in-law like a mother!

In this family, she doesn't love anyone, she doesn't care about anyone, her father-in-law and mother-in-law clean up casually, and her husband even beats her up, but Xie Tingxing is the only one she loves. She just thought, take care of the family, take care of those dogs, don't bark all day and cause trouble for her younger brother, and marry Xie Tingxing well in the future, can she still eat without her

And she really looked at it, except for these dogs, Xie Tingyue and Xie Tingxing were all good. She was grateful for her kindness and love, and she treated her with sincerity. It was impossible for others to treat her badly.

She tidied up the whole family obediently and obediently.

The Lin family can no longer go out to socialize. Xie Tingri has no possibility to continue the imperial examination, and he has no money to pretend to be a good man to go out to prostitute his concubine. Father-in-law Xie Liangbei is even more so. There is only one way to go - to please his youngest son. If you have any needs, please please Xie Tingxing, Xie Tingxing nodded in agreement, and then the sister-in-law paid the money according to the procedure.

The house is well-organized, and the sister-in-law is no longer out of line. It's time to avoid suspicion and get angry. It's time to improve the family style.

Otherwise, when the younger brother grows up, how can he marry a wife? Whose daughter is willing to marry over

My sister-in-law has a long-term plan...

Because of Qi Wenhai and Xie Tingyue's friendship, the Qi family's business has improved to a higher level. The little girl Qi Yingfei who was bullied several times also recovered under Xie Tingyue's persuasion. Now she is engaged. The man is very gentle, and happiness can be expected in the future .

Lu Li's official career is smooth, in the past he always rejected family proposals, but recently he actually went up to his elders and said that he had a crush on someone...

Everything in the palace is safe and sound, Emperor Wen of Chu is in good health, the prince has become more calm after this incident, but the letter to Xie Tingyue has not been broken.

Following these letters, Xie Tingyue gradually understood why Mr. Tao's name was erased. The first emperor's possessiveness is one aspect, but it is very small, and it is more of Tao Gong's own intention. He doesn't like male empresses who have left their names in history, and thinks that the reputation of the late emperor is not good, and the most important thing is that he himself is a person from another world, and he doesn't want to change too much in this world, affecting the emperor and future generations too much, for fear of causing trouble.

This matter is very secretive, non-royal members should not hear about it, Xie Tingyue is a descendant of Duke Tao, so naturally there is no such restriction.

In early summer, the lake is full of lotus buds, pink and white, so cute.

After Xie Tingyue found a good place, she didn't move her nest at all, took a boat to see the flowers during the day, and slept on the couch in the waterside pavilion at night, staring at the lotus flowers, just to pick the first pistils. He doesn't like to talk to people either, he just holds a book in his hand and glances at it from time to time.

The prince always has a letter, and everyone around knows it. Everyone is very winking, and no one dares to approach.

On this day, when lighting the lamps, Xie Tingyue put down the scroll in his hand accompanied by the faint fragrance of lotus leaves.

It feels... something is not quite right.

Looking at the small pavilion on the left and the promenade on the right, suddenly, his eyes stopped in the depths of Lianhu Lake.

On the long wooden corridor, a person walked slowly.

Accompanied by the mist of the night, this man is tall and tall, with a suave gait, quite the style of a good gentleman, like bamboo like jade.

When he got closer, he had slender fingers, a beautiful Adam's apple, his brows were painted in ink, and there seemed to be deep tides in the bottom of his eyes, expressing the affection of the years.

This is... what that person looked like in his dream.

Healthy, strong, and heroic.

Xie Tingyue was a little choked up and didn't dare to move, for fear that this dream would wake her up: "You..."

"Ma'am, I'm here." Chu Mu grabbed his hand, pulled him into his arms, kissed the mark between his brows, and then slowly found his lips, his voice was low and hoarse, like the wind in the summer forest, " Sorry for the waitting."

A familiar kiss, a familiar breath, a familiar taste.

It's him!

It's not a dream, it's the real Chu Mu!

"Wait," Xie Tingyue forcibly pushed Chu Mu away, and looked him over carefully from top to bottom, "Did you... colluded with the old genius doctor to lie to me? You actually woke up a long time ago, in order to let Your best self appeared in front of me, you have been exercising secretly, haven't you?"

This physique, muscles, and strong arms, don't look like a person who has just recovered from a serious illness!

Chu Mu avoided the question and did not answer, and a chuckle rang in Xie Tingyue's ear: "Madam, are you not satisfied with what you see now?"

He didn't answer, Xie Tingyue also knew about it.

"You lied to me!"

He cried and bit Chu Mu's shoulder hard.

Chu Mu rubbed the back of his neck without frowning, and smiled very happily.

Even at this moment, Madam was so angry that she still couldn't bear to bite him hard.


He did conspire with the old doctor.

As early as the first time the old doctor gave him an injection, he actually woke up once, made such a request to the old doctor, and promised a bribe...

"I just... don't want to see Madam cry anymore."

Xie Tingyue's movements were a little big, and the thin summer clothes slipped off inadvertently, revealing smooth and beautiful shoulder lines.

Chu Mu didn't control himself anymore, and lowered his head to kiss the skin that Xiao had been thinking about for a long time.

All eagerness, all hope, all waiting, restraint, and emotions that can't be settled on their own, all have their destination at this moment.

"Unexpectedly, it still made Madam cry."

Xie Tingyue tried her best to shut up, so that she would not be ashamed to cry anymore.

Chu Mu: "I heard Madam's words, and I am very happy."

Xie Tingyue: "Huh?"

Chu Mu: "Madam said she likes me."

Xie Tingyue blushed a little: ""

Chu Mu: "Madam said she wanted to make me fatter."

Xie Tingyue: "Yes."

Chu Mu: "Madam also said that she wants a perfect bridal chamber wedding night."

Xie Tingyue: "Well... wait! I never said that!"

With a snap of Chu Mu's fingers, gauze lanterns appeared in the corridor, and the Kongming lanterns used for blessings rose slowly, illuminating this lotus lake and the whole world.

Xie Tingyue saw stars and moonlight in Chu Mu's eyes.

Chu Mu's kiss was full of sparks, and his smile was full of indescribable tenderness: "We meet again after a long absence, I know Madam has a lot to say—but I can't help it."

"Madam, let me love you well, okay?"

Xie Tingyue trembled all over, as if bewitched by the beauty described in the book, she couldn't give any other answer: "... yes."

Thorough delivery, lingering to death.

You are my firework on earth, you are my bright night sky.

I am very lucky to have you by my side in the future.

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