Battle Hymn

Chapter 106: Make tea on Tao


Yuyanglin looked horrified, looked deeply at the maple tree of Acer palmatum, staring for a long time.

Hold your fists again and bow.

The wings of Gang Qi shook and turned into a Changhong blast and shot away.

This maple tree of Acer palmatum was respected by Ye Qing as Master Feng. After only a sound of encouragement, there was no more sound, and Yuyanglin didn't do much research.

It all depends on whether you can become stronger.

This mysterious existence, in its eyes, is no different from an ant.

This made Yuyanglin's mind more calm, and his heart becoming stronger became firmer.

Moreover, the strength of the enemy has exceeded Yuyanglin's imagination, like a knuckle in his throat, but since Mingdao, Yuyanglin is no longer fearless!

Evil spirits can surrender, so why not fear physical suffering!

Yuyanglin's body shot sharply, and suddenly passed over the grandma's tea garden. With a move of his eyes, Yuyanglin's body flashed and shot into the ancient water pavilion in the backyard of the grandma's tea garden.

"Ding! Boom! Clang! Clang..."

The sound of the guqin is heard in the water pavilion. The sound of the guqin is beautiful, natural, ups and downs, like the ups and downs of life, thousands of times.

The sound of the piano winds around the beam, floats across the lake, rises to the sky, curls and flies away, intoxicating!

"Haha, little friend Yu, it's better to meet by chance."

Shi Zhongjian greeted him with a smile, and walked out of the water pavilion, his pace was steady, but his momentum was compelling, and his eyes looked at Yuyang Forest like a torch. Most people would be overwhelmed by this momentum, but Shi Zhongjian looked towards Yuyang Forest. But there was a hint of gratitude in his eyes.

"Supervisor, my lord."

Yuyang Lin fell into the water pavilion with a smile on his face. He passed through the sky just now and was inspired by Shi Zhongjian's spirit before landing.

Grandma’s Tea Garden said it’s not big, seven palaces, square corner towers, connected end to end, and a ten-meter-high glaring King Kong statue in the center, it turned out to form a powerful formation!

If it were not for self-confidence and trust in Shi Zhongjian, Yuyanglin would not easily step into Taima's tea garden.

As soon as he entered Taima's tea garden, Yuyanglin could feel the power of this formation. The angry King Kong in the center made the golden pestle break the sky, making Yuyanglin feel palpitating.

Moreover, without perceptual detection, Yuyanglin could also feel that there are at least ten strong masters of the vitality level in the tea garden of Taima, intentionally or unintentionally hiding in the surroundings.

In an octagonal pavilion on the right side of the front yard gate, two ordinary chess-playing old men are the powerhouses in the middle stage of the vitality realm, and they are also the first two to find Yuyanglin entering the water pavilion.

At this moment, the expressions of these two people changed slightly, their eyes were shocked, and they seemed a little surprised at Yuyanglin's arrival, but they shook their heads slightly, seemingly unconscious, and continued to play chess.

At the entrance of Taima's Tea Court, all kinds of warriors, masters of true Qi state, and strong people of vitality state are in an endless stream, coming in and out of one of the magnificent ancient palaces.

It seems that they are warriors who have completed tasks to earn commissions, and there are also masters who have come to receive tasks to earn commissions, and even come to release mission mysterious characters.

There is a constant flow of traffic.

Compared with Wanbao Pavilion, it is more popular.

"Little friend Yu, you are about the same age as Dan'er, so if you can think about it, I'll call you Uncle Shi." Shi Zhongjian smiled and said, "Go in. It is natural to have a cup of tea when you come to Taima's tea garden."

Shi Zhongjian led Yuyanglin and walked towards the depths of the waterside pavilion.

Shi Xiaodan was dressed in a blue shirt and his long hair combed into a lily bun. He smiled as quiet as water. Seeing Yuyang Lin came, he flicked his jade finger on the guqin, and suddenly closed, the misty piano sound ceased suddenly, and he got up to face the jade. Yang Lin leaned slightly.

This is a ritual for women, not a ritual among ascetics.

"I wanted to invite Master Yu today, but I didn't want to be led by fate and let you and me meet again."

Shi Xiaodan smiled slightly, raised the piano table, and walked to the side of a coffee table carved with golden nanmu into the shape of a dragon, and started making tea.

Yuyanglin looked at Shi Xiaodan in amazement, and was shocked in his heart. From Shi Xiaodan's words, Yuyanglin knew that this woman had clearly understood what Tao was, and it seemed that it was a natural way.

"Congratulations to Miss Shi for stepping into the Ming Dao realm."

Yuyanglin raised a faint smile. He was 1.8 meters tall, with a straight body, and calm eyes, making people seem to think that Yuyanglin was a young man in his nineteen or twenty years old.

Yuyanglin also followed Shi Zhongjian and sat on the dragon's back in front of the Panlong coffee table.

This dragon-like coffee table is twelve meters long, four meters wide, one meter high, and has four claws gripping the ground. The dragon head depicts the formation pattern. It is poured into mountain spring water in advance, and it can spit out hot water with a wave of hands. With nine chairs, the tail of the dragon can drain the remaining water beautifully.

It turned out to be a one-piece carving, but it was completely natural. The exquisite carving is definitely from the hands of the master. Yuyang Lin's thoughts are delicate and he can see at a glance that this dragon tea table implies twelve months in the four seasons of the year!

It also means the nine-five-year-old supreme. The nine chairs carved on the back of the dragon are ministers, and the lord of tea is the king.

"That's also thanks to Master Yu, so that I can step into the Ming Dao realm so quickly, otherwise I will be loved by the respected master."

Shi Xiaodan poured into the high mountain running water, and the fragrance of tea immediately overflowed. With this high hand, he showed a superb tea ceremony.

Shi Xiaodan's voice is ethereal: "Each core disciple of Wanjing Villa is the strongest of the Ming Dao realm at worst. Even a newcomer who makes an exception and is accepted as a core disciple can quickly break through and become a standard core disciple."

"Without Master Jade's true stone engraving guidance, it would take me three to four years at the earliest if I want Ming Dao. Now Ming Dao can be regarded as a face-off for Master."

As Shi Xiaodan spoke, his fingertips flickered, and he rolled his vigor, and the water stains on the coffee table suddenly condensed into two smart water-shaped villains.

The two little people condensed by the water stains held up the tea cups, brought them to Yuyanglin extremely cleverly, and nodded slightly towards Yuyanglin, they turned out to be offering tea.

The two water-shaped villains returned to the coffee table and blended into the water stains and walked along the dragon’s tail.

Yuyanglin's eyes lit up: "What an exquisite water control technique, does Ms. Shi understand the way of water travel?" Yuyanglin was amazed.

Ming Dao with water really fits the path of nature. If you can comprehend the true meaning of water, you will be able to go further on the road.

"I don't know how to use a small carving technique."

Shi Xiaodan smiled sweetly: "I use water to show the Tao, and even practice the king-level exercise "Bi Hai Jue". I have a very deep analysis of the way of water travel. If I can understand the true meaning of water travel, then I can be regarded as worthy of the master's favor."

Shi Xiaodan has picturesque eyebrows and a calm expression: "Among the core disciples, there is a senior sister, who has been unable to comprehend the true meaning of water for a long time. When the limit is approaching to stimulate the potential, she understands the true meaning of rain. willing.

"The rain does it mean?"

Yuyanglin was startled, and nodded randomly. There are many branches under the road, which are among all things and exist in nature in various forms, just like the true meaning of water, divided into rain, lakes, streams, and waterfalls. And so on, it's all water.

But as long as you understand the true meaning, continue to perceive it, and analyze it in depth, you will always get a glimpse of the road and the day when you see its origin.

Tao is not a concept, but a name is a concept.

Tao contains countless laws. What is known is Tao, and what is unknown is also Tao.

To enlighten oneself is to transcend oneself, continue to sublimate, and find the source of life to achieve eternity.

These are the truths that Yuyanglin learned from "Reincarnation Dao Jue".

But knowing is easy and doing is hard. Knowing is one thing, and accomplishing it is another.

That's why it is necessary to practice. To practice is to change, to act, to achieve.

Yuyanglin picked up the teacup and took a sip, his eyes lit up, the tea soup was light, but the taste was sweet, and the fragrance entered his lungs. But to Yuyanglin's surprise, there was still a strong aura in it, at least comparable to it. The level of a thousand Qi Gathering Pills.

And without the slightest impurity, it can nourish the body's internal organs without refining vitality.

"This, could it be Baihao Silver Needle!"

Yuyanglin exclaimed. After drinking it in one sip, the taste was mellow, and the dantian squirmed, suddenly felt light and clear, and could not help but admired the stains: "Good tea!"