Battle Hymn

Chapter 54: Five lives in the world


"This is the seventh-order demon core!"

Yuyanglin looked Yixi for the first time seeing the demon core of a high-level demon beast.

"The seventh-order demon core can sell at least 30,000 or 40,000 Qi Gathering Pills, and these seven leaves that are like magic weapons, I can't easily destroy them, they are definitely more valuable."

Looking at the seven leaves of the demon flower in his palm, and the seventh-order demon core, Yuyanglin was excited.

The two figures jumped a few times, and they also landed on the edge of the pit. Lin Jianbing and Lin Jianyue looked shocked, but they stared at the conker flower in Yuyanglin's hand with piercing eyes.

"Sure enough, Qiye Hongying!"

Lin Jianbing stepped forward to take a look, his eyes flickered, and his expression was extremely excited!

"Oh! Uncle Jianbing recognizes this scarlet demon flower?" Yuyanglin glanced at Lin Jianbing in surprise.

"I've read some books about strange things." Lin Jianbing nodded: "This blood-colored demon flower is named Red Infant. It has seven leaves. It represents a 700-year cultivation base. It is already a seventh-tier monster. A strong man in the early stage of the vitality realm!"

Lin Jianbing continued: "However, this Seven-Leaf Red Infant's demon core is more valuable than ordinary seventh-order demon beasts!"

"You see, these seven golden and jade-like leaves are all the main materials that can be refined into high-level magic weapons, and the most basic function of high-level magic weapons is that they can be large or small!"

Lin Jianbing's eyes were brilliant and exquisite: "Yanglin, you might as well break a piece and try to enter the vitality, maybe it will have a wonderful effect."

"Okay, I'll try it."

When Yuyang Lin heard the words, his heart moved, and he broke off a leaf.

The joint of the leaf root was like a joint, extremely fragile, and it fell off extremely cleanly when it broke against the trend.

Suddenly, Yuyang Lindu entered a vitality, and the leaves in his hand began to grow larger, and the lines gradually became clear. It seemed that it did not need to be refined by a trainer, and it was a magic weapon in itself.

Yuyanglin regained his vitality, and the leaves returned to their original size.

"It's really amazing, really incredible!" Yuyang Lin looked surprised.

"This seven-leaf red baby is a strange flower and weeds bred from heaven and earth, cultivated to become a demon flower." Lin Jianbing also showed his brilliance: "It is rumored that everything in the world can be born without viviparous, oviparous, wet, metaplasia, and the nurturing of heaven and earth, and The seven-leaf red baby is a treasure of heaven and earth bred from heaven and earth."

"If it is allowed to practice, this red baby can grow continuously without any shackles. Once the tenth leaf is condensed, it can be transformed into a human being and become the demon king who dominates the side. Only then can it be regarded as a truly accomplished demon. King."

Lin Jianbing’s excitement was overwhelming: "Yanglin, the price of each of these seven-leaf leaves is probably more than 30,000 Qi Gathering Pill. If it is refined into a high-level magic weapon, it can be increased several times, dozens of times. price!"

In the two years since he entered the real aura, Lin Jianbing has gained a lot of knowledge. He has come into contact with people and things that were difficult to come into contact with before, and he has come into contact with a different world, but most of them are heard or read in books. Until, I really see the excitement that I can't hold back.

Looking at the seven-leaf red infant who looked like a lotus lamp in Yuyanglin's hand, Lin Jianbing's eyes were brilliant.

This is a real baby.

Killing an ordinary seventh-order monster beast may not be worth 100,000 Qi Gathering Pill, but Qiye Hongying belongs to a special type of monster beast. Its attack and defense are all outstanding among the same-level monsters, and its vitality is even more amazing.

If it wasn't for Yuyang Forest to destroy its soul consciousness, and to forcefully suppress it, it would have to spend a lot of hands and feet, or even resort to the means of pressing the bottom of the box!

"These seven leaves are worth more than two hundred thousand Qi Gathering Pills?"

Yuyang Lin was shocked when he heard the words, and his eyes were joyful at random, but his heart was even more twitched. The information he wanted to buy needed one hundred thousand Qi Gathering Pill. Although with the improvement of his strength, he would not worry about not having money, but his expenses would also increase. The bigger, the Qi Gathering Pill that he uses every month for cultivation is a huge number.

If it is devoted to cultivation, the current Yuyang Forest, a thousand Qi Gathering Pill a day is not enough for cultivation.

Putting away the Seven-Leaf Red Infant and Demon Core, Yuyanglin was in a good mood: "Uncle Jianbing, after we go back, we will go directly to Dingcheng to dispose of the Seven-Leaf Red Infant. Now, let's move on and take a good look at the Litou Mountains!"

"Haha, listen to you!"

Lin Jianbing and Lin Jianyue smiled at each other, and there was Yuyang Forest, and the two wanted to make a good break into the Plough Tou Mountain Range.

Lin Jiazhuang's team saw the fighting stopped, and Lin Jianjie led everyone to catch up.

Just now when everyone saw the scarlet demon flower rising up into the sky, their expressions changed drastically, their hearts were horrified, everyone was frightened, and even held their breath!

But still being pressured by a powerful force, he couldn't breathe.

But as a figure soared into the sky, Yuyanglin appeared like a god, and when Qiye Hongying's Tianzhu-like rhizome was exploded with a single shot, the Linjiazhuang talents roared with excitement and excitement.

That picture will be imprinted in their minds forever.

Although I have always heard about how strong and powerful Yuyang Lin is, even Lin Jiazhuang, who has grown up listening to the legendary deeds of Yuyang Lin for several years, is even more curious and even skeptical.

But now that they really see it, the young people in Linjiazhuang know how strong the legendary figure in their hearts is.

It's so strong that there is a sense of looking up in my heart!

There are many in the team who have bullied Yuyanglin's inner Qi state martial arts, such as Lin Fuzuo, Lin Lihui and others are among them, but now it is different from the past, Yuyanglin has long been high in the hearts of several people. The strong are more deterrent than the patriarch Lin Zhen.

Standing next to Yuyanglin and being close, he seemed a little cautious, and even dared to look at Yuyanglin secretly from a distance, but didn't dare to look directly into Yuyanglin's eyes.

"Yanglin, you killed the demon flower just now?"

Lin Jianshe, Lin Jianjie looked at the huge pit in shock, and asked Yuyanglin in shock.

"Yes, it's a seventh-order flower monster. I heard Uncle Jianbing said it was Qiye Hongying!" Yuyanglin smiled and showed the space ring in his hand: "I have put it away."

"What! Seventh order!"

Lin Jianjie, Lin Jianshe was shocked, and the group of inner aura warriors behind him, all with awe-inspiring expressions, sucked in air-conditioning, and looked at Yuyang Lin with horror and excitement!

"Everyone keep going!"

Without waiting for the shock of Lin Jianjie, Lin Jianshe and others, Lin Jianbing waved his hand and followed Yuyanglin, and the group of people walked toward the depths of the Litou Mountain Range.

Go out on an adventure and never stay in the place where you have just fought for too long.

This is the most basic law of the jungle for adventurers.

In the past, hunting teams in Linjiazhuang generally wandered around 50 kilometers away, and would not easily go deep within a hundred kilometers!

But this time is different. There is Yuyang Forest, and Lin Jianbing and others also want to explore the Plough Tou Mountain Range, deep in diameter.

A team with a strong man is called an adventure, otherwise it is going to die without self-control.

After traveling for more than ten kilometers, no monsters were found.

The aura that Qiye Hongying just radiated seemed to have shocked a radius of tens of kilometers, and that terrifying aura made the average Tier 7 monster beasts tremble, and they had to choose to retreat.

However, although Linjiazhuang's hunting team did not encounter monsters, there are a lot of precious herbs, and some are even medicinal primers for refining high-level pill!

Yuyanglin didn't care about these things. Sitting on the back of the horse of the Western Regions, laughing and talking with Lin Jianbing and the others, occasionally pointing one or two, so that the eyes of the four real auras of Lin Jianbing and Lin Jianjie are all bright training experience .

Suddenly, Yuyanglin's eyes brightened, the corners of his mouth raised, and a strange monster exuding Tier 4 breath was found in his perception.

"Heh! Interesting!"