Battle Hymn

Chapter 62: Nether Linhu


Yuyanglin's eyes were sharp: "The cultivation base of the late True Qi Realm is so advanced that he can speak under the pressure of my aura."

Looking at Tongbailu who wants to support his body, Yuyanglin's expression secretly praised: "I will give you a year or two to break through to the vitality state and become a strong person on the side. However, you just moved to kill, but I can't spare you."

Yuyanglin's tone was cold and murderous, and walked leisurely toward Tongbailu whose complexion had changed drastically.

Today's Yuyang Forest, doing whatever he wants, completely releasing his soul, which is also a kind of spiritual practice.

"What! Do you dare to kill me!"

Tongbailu looked savage, as if he felt that the young man in front of him was really going to kill him, and he immediately snarled, "Stop, there are three strong powers in my family, not Lin Jiazhuang can provoke you. If you kill yourself Without me, Linjiazhuang will surely perish!"

"Oh? Three vitality realms? Very good!"

Yuyanglin smiled icyly: "Zhengshou has no targets for Liwei, so let's use your family to kill a hundred people, kill chickens and monkeys!"

"What! You..."

Tongbailu's eyes shrank, a little disbelief.

Yuyanglin suddenly flicked his fingers.

An air bomb instantly exploded in the back of Tongbailu's vest, and the ground couldn't bear the impact, and it was blown into a depression.


Tongbailu's body was like a ball, and he was blasted out, spouting blood, but he didn't even die.

"Oh? You even wore soft armor!"

Yuyanglin looked surprised. At a glance, he could see that Tongbailu was wearing Tier 4 soft armor next to him, but he had been destroyed by the gas bomb and burst!

"Sure enough, it can survive a life!"

Yuyanglin's gaze was amazed, thinking of the cowhide of the owner of Wanbao Pavilion who sold the armor, saying that Tier 4 armor can last a life, and even the strong of the vitality realm can't destroy it, but it was broken by his own blow.

However, Yuyanglin also knew that his qi qi was extraordinary, not inferior to the latter stage of the vitality realm.

"Ah...! You can't kill me, you can't kill me!"

Tongbailu lay on the ground and roared wildly, his expression frightened, and his heart frightened. He almost died just now, almost died, who is this person, who is it! Tongbailu's heart was fierce and vicious, thinking about how to retaliate after returning, how to kill Linjiazhuang, and his heart was even more vicious.

But his expression was extremely frightened, and Tongbailu's mind was in terror.

"I am willing to compensate you, you can't kill me, I can compensate you a lot of Qi Gathering Pills!"

Seeing Yuyanglin's gaze, Tongbailu became more frightened. The young man in front of him was decisive, as if he was about to kill himself in the next moment. Tongbailu knew that form is better than human beings, and immediately pleaded.

"Huh! Your eyes have betrayed the viciousness and ferociousness in your heart. I'm afraid you are thinking about how to retaliate against my Linjiazhuang after you get away."

Yuyanglin snorted coldly, and there was no wave of icy eyes, only a killing intent suddenly surging out.

"Die all to me!"

Yuyanglin suddenly raised his hands, flexed his fingers, and in an instant shot nine gang gas bullets, directly exploding Tongbailu's unbelievable head!

Even the eight people in the initial stage of the True Qi Realm who were hardly resisting the pressure from a hundred meters away had their heads exploded by the qi bullet.

The master of the true Qi state, in front of Yuyanglin today, is actually vulnerable to a single blow, without any power to fight back. If it is an inner Qi state warrior, it is estimated that he can live and die by the pressure of his aura alone.

After killing eight people, Yuyanglin's eyes remained unchanged, and he grabbed it in the void. A space ring and nine magic weapons were immediately photographed. Eight of them were all Tier 3 magic weapons and one was Tier 4. Spear.

All of these nine people were equipped with magic weapons. Although the people in Lin Jiazhuang behind looked shocked Yuyang Lin and killed nine people in an instant, they were all men who had seen blood, and their eyes were more of amazement and excitement.

Yuyanglin's eyes were cold, breaking the spiritual imprint on the ring of space.

His expression was immediately happy, there were 30,000 Qi Gathering Pills in the space ring, five third-order demon cores, two fourth-order demon cores, and many bottles and pots of pills, and there was also a heaven-level exercise technique "Three Pan Yin Ling Gong.

Yuyanglin looked over it a little and knew that "Three Discs Yin Ling Gong" was a low-grade exercise at the heavenly level. He nodded at that time, and put the nine magic soldiers into this spatial ring, and threw them at Lin Jianbing.

"Uncle Jianbing, you distribute the contents yourself, or take it back for Grandpa Lin to deal with." Yuyang Lin smiled slightly, "I will give you the ring."

"What! Give it to me?"

Lin Jianbing took the space ring and was shocked. He also saw the things in the space ring, his expression horrified.

"This, this has at least one hundred thousand Qi Gathering Pills."

Lin Jianbing was excited and horrified.

Lin Jianjie, Lin Jianshe, and Lin Jianyue were also shocked that Yuyanglin killed nine True Qi masters when he raised his hand, but they were all shocked by the loot and looked at the space ring in turn.

One hundred thousand Qi Gathering Pills, the average vitality realm powerhouse will have this family background. If Yuyanglin hadn't killed Qiye Hongying, there would be only six to seventy Qi Gathering Pills now!

Lin Jianjie handed the space ring back to Lin Jianbing, but his expression was solemn: "Yanglin, I didn't expect that there were three strong vitality realms in the Tong family. We killed Tongbailu, will we?"

Yuyanglin waved his hand: "Why are there three strong vigor states to be afraid of, I just need a strong opponent to sharpen myself."

"Furthermore, if you kill three vitality realms, it will be more deterrent to the Quartet, and it will show the strength of my Linjiazhuang." Yuyanglin's voice is cold and cold: "At that time, other forces will come to meet us, then it depends on how you operate NS."

"What! Kill and kill the three vitality realms!"

When everyone heard the words, their expressions changed. Lin Jianjie and Lin Jianbing looked at each other immediately, looking at Yuyang Lin with horror, as if they had re-acquainted Yuyang Lin.

"Yanglin! You, you!"

Lin Jianbing's heart was shocked, it was too shocking, even Lin Jianbing suddenly felt that even though Yuyanglin was standing by his side at this time, it made them feel like they were far away.

"Four uncles!"

Yuyang Lin said in a deep voice: "If you do not succeed in martial arts, you can suffer humiliation. If you succeed in martial arts, you should stand up in the world and strengthen your own Taoism. Practice martial arts and Taoism are full of killing and killing, so you can go further on the martial arts.

"If Linjiazhuang wants to develop and grow in Dingcheng, he must have a strong enough attitude, otherwise it will only be troublesome."

Yuyanglin's eyes were sharp: "The weak are destined to be bullied. If I am not here today, you will be the object of their bullying, and may even be dead!"

Everyone in Linjiazhuang was slightly shaken, looking at the five corpses on the ground, their expressions changed slightly, and they were afraid.

Indeed, if there was no Yuyang Forest, perhaps Linjiazhuang and his party could be killed by these nine people and one beast!

At this moment, everyone in Linjiazhuang was infected by Yuyanglin's martial arts spirit, especially a group of young people in Linjiazhuang.

Lin Jianbing, the four True Qi masters of Lin Jianjie also had awe-inspiring expressions, and they seemed to think deeply.

Yuyanglin turned his head and his eyes were cold: "You can't come here yet."

The Tier 6 monster, which was crawling on the ground, trembled suddenly, with three tails sandwiched between it, and crawled to the foot of Yuyanglin, rubbing against Yuyanglin's calf, wagging its tail and begging for mercy.

This is a statement of demon beast surrender.

The six-meter-long bodybuilding body, lying on the ground, has a two-meter-high head with a big water tank, and unexpectedly showed a very humane smile.

"Yanglin, this is Netherworld Linhu!"

Lin Jianbing was shocked and said: "This beast is extremely cruel. It can easily kill the masters of the late True Qi realm. It can breathe the wind blade, defend against the wind, and move fast. If it is promoted to a higher-level monster, it can even be extremely fast. One may return to ancestors and condense wings."

Lin Jianbing was old enough to be Yuyanglin's grandfather. He traveled north and south and had a wealth of experience. At a glance, this Tier 6 monster was the Nether Tiger.

"Oh? Ghost Tiger!" Yuyanglin's eyes lit up.

"Yang Lin, Nether Tiger's tiger skin and scale armor are more valuable than its demon core! Or kill it too!" Lin Jianshe's eyes were shining, and he was eager to try.

Nether Linhu trembled all over, as if he could understand Lin Jianshe's horror, his eyes showed the color of prayer, and he let out a deep growl.

"It's quite spiritual."

Yuyanglin nodded, satisfied with Nether Linhu's reaction, and his wisdom seemed to be high. He couldn't help but feel a move in his heart: "If this Nether Linhu protects sister Xueling all the time, I can feel relieved if I leave."

"Netherworld Linhu, I won't kill you for the time being."

As soon as Yuyanglin's aura receded, the surrounding air was no longer dull and depressed. The Nether Tiger was even more amnesty. He wagged his tail, but did not dare to get up. He still lay at the feet of Yuyang Forest, with a well-behaved appearance. People can't help but forget that this is a Tier 6 monster capable of killing True Qi realm masters.

"I will call you Black Tiger from now on."

Yuyanglin patted the Netherworld Linhu, and smiled slightly: "If you are loyal, I will help you break through to become a monster of the seventh, eighth, and even ninth levels. Even if you break through the shackles of life, you will become a little bit in the future. The possibility of the Demon King."


Nether Linhu’s eyes lit up, the black scales all over his body flickered, and he nodded the tiger’s head very spiritually. The three tails, as thin as a steel whip, swayed from side to side, and the air that was thrown "buzzed". .