Battle Through the Heavens

Chapter 1: Fallen genius


"Strength of fighting, three stages!"

Looking at the five big characters on the test magic stone monument, the boy was expressionless, with a touch of self-deprecating at the corners of his lips, and his hands clenched tightly. Because of his strength, his slightly sharp nails pierced deeply into his palms. In the middle, it brings a burst of pain in the heart...

"Xiao Yan, fighting power, three stages! Level: low level!" A middle-aged man looked at the information displayed on the tablet beside the test magic stone tablet and announced it indifferently...

As soon as the middle-aged man talked, he unsurprisingly caused a mocking commotion in the crowded square.

"Three paragraphs? Hey, as expected, this "genius" has been standing still again this year!"

"Hey, this rubbish really loses the face of the family."

"If the patriarch was his father, this kind of waste would have been driven out of the family long ago, letting him fend for himself, and there would be no chance to stay in the family for nothing."

"Hey, how did the genius boy who was famous in Utan City in the past become so downhearted?"

"Who knows, maybe you have done something wrong that caused the gods to anger..."

The disdain and ridicule and regret and sigh from the surroundings fell in the ears of the young man who stayed in place like a wooden stake, like thorns piercing his heart fiercely, causing the young man to breathe slightly.

The young man slowly raised his head, revealing a somewhat delicate and immature face, and his dark eyes swept across the mocking peers around him. The self-deprecating at the corners of the young man's mouth seemed to become even more bitter.

"Are these people so mean? Maybe it's because they had shown the most humble smile in front of them three years ago, so now you want to get it back..." With a bitter smile, Xiao Yan turned lonely, quietly Back in the last row of the team, the lonely figure was a bit out of tune with the world around him.

"Next, Xiao Mei!"

Listening to the voice of the tester, a young girl ran out of the crowd quickly. The girl had just appeared on the stage, and the discussion nearby was much quieter. A pair of slightly fiery eyes locked firmly on the girl's cheeks...

The girl's age is only about fourteen, although she is not stunning, but her childish little face contains a touch of charm, innocence and charm, and a collection of contradictions, which made her succeed in becoming the audience's attention. Focus…

The girl hurried forward, touching the dark magic stone stele with her familiar hand, and then slowly closing her eyes...

After the girl closed her eyes for a while, the dark magic stone stele lit up again...

"Fighting Qi: Seven segments!"

"Xiao Mei, fighting spirit: Seventh stage! Level: Advanced!"

"Yeah!" Listening to the results shouted by the tester, the girl smiled triumphantly on her cheeks...

"Tsk tsk, seven stages of fighting spirit, really amazing, according to this progress, I am afraid it will only take three years at most, she will be able to be called a real fighter..."

"It's worthy of being a seed-level figure in the family..."

Listening to the sound of envy from the crowd, the smile on the girl’s cheeks became a little bit more, vanity, this is the temptation that many girls can’t resist...

Smiling and talking with a few sisters on weekdays, Xiao Mei's gaze suddenly passed through the surrounding crowd and stopped on the lonely figure outside the crowd...

After frowning and thinking for a moment, Xiao Mei dismissed the thought of the past. The two of them are no longer in the same class. With Xiao Yan's performance in recent years, when he grows up, he can at most only be the lower members of the family. And she, who has excellent talent, will become the strongest cultivated by the family, and her future can be said to be limitless.

"Oh..." Inexplicably sighed, Xiao Mei suddenly saw the spirited young man three years ago. He was practicing Qi at the age of four, possessing nine stages of fighting energy at the age of ten, and breaking through ten stages of fighting energy at the age of eleven. Successfully condensed the cyclone of fighting and became the youngest fighter in the family in a hundred years!

The boy was self-confident and his potential was immeasurable. I don't know how many young girls were swayed by him. Of course, this also includes the former Xiao Mei.

However, the path of genius seems to be always tortuous. Three years ago, this genius teenager who reached the peak of his prestige suddenly received the cruelest blow in his life. , Overnight, vanished, and the fighting energy in the body became less and less weird with the passage of time.

The direct result of the disappearance of the fighting spirit is to cause its strength to continue to retreat.

From the altar of genius, he fell overnight to the point where he was inferior to ordinary people. This kind of blow has left the young man in despair. The name of genius is gradually replaced by disdain and ridicule.

The higher you stand, the harder you fall. In this fall, you may never have a chance to get up again.

"Next, Xiao Xun'er!"

In the noisy crowd, the voice of the tester rang again.

With the sound of this somewhat elegant name, the crowd suddenly fell silent, and all eyes suddenly shifted.

At the place where everyone's eyes converge, a young girl in a purple dress is standing elegantly, with a calm and tender face, not changed by everyone's attention.

The girl’s cold and indifferent temperament is like the beginning of a lotus flower. At a young age, she has begun to have a refined temperament. It is unimaginable. If she grows up in the future, how the girl will be all over the country...

In terms of beauty and temperament, this purple skirt girl is undoubtedly better than the previous Xiao Mei, and it is no wonder that everyone present is acting like this.

Lianbu moved slightly, and the girl named Xiao Xun'er walked to the front of the magic stone tablet, her small hand stretched out, and the purple sleeves studded with black gold thread slipped down, revealing a white and delicate wrist, and then lightly touched the stone tablet...

Slightly quiet, on the stone tablet, the dazzling light bloomed again.

"Fighting Qi: Nine Duan! Level: Advanced!"

Looking at the font on the stone tablet, there was a moment of silence in the field.

"...It's ninth dan, it's really scary! The first person in the younger generation in the family, I am afraid it must be Miss Xun'er." After the silence, the surrounding teenagers swallowed involuntarily, their eyes full of awe...

Fighting Qi is the only way for every fighter. The first-level Fighting Qi is divided into one to ten stages. When the fighting Qi in the body reaches ten stages, it can condense the fighting cyclone and become a respected fight. By!

In the crowd, Xiao Mei frowned and stared at the girl in the purple dress in front of the stone tablet, a touch of jealousy flashed on her cheek...

Looking at the information on the stone tablet, the indifferent face of the middle-aged examiner on the side showed a rare smile, and said to the girl in a slight respect: "Miss Xun'er, after half a year, you should be able to gather vindictiveness. Xuan, if you succeed, then at the age of fourteen to become a real fighter, you will be the second person in the Xiao family in a hundred years!"

Yes, the second person, the first person, was Xiao Yan who had lost his genius aura.

"Thank you." The girl nodded slightly, her flat face did not appear to be joyful because of his praise, she quietly turned around, and then slowly walked to the decadent young man at the end of the crowd under the fierce attention of everyone. before…

"Brother Xiao Yan." As she passed by the young man, the girl paused, and bowed respectfully towards Xiao Yan. Her beautiful pretty face showed a graceful smile that made the girls around him jealous.

"Am I still qualified to let you call it?" Looking at the jewel in front of me that had grown into the most dazzling jewel in the family, Xiao Yan said bitterly. After she fell down, very few still maintained respect for herself. People.

"Brother Xiao Yan, you have said to Xun'er before that you need to be able to put it down before you can pick it up. It is easy to lift and release!" Xiao Xun'er smiled and said softly, but his slightly tender voice was heart-warming. .

"Haha, a free man? I will just say it, do you think I look like a free man? And...this world doesn't belong to me at all." Xiao Yan smiled self-deprecatingly and said with a sense of excitement.

Faced with Xiao Yan's decadence, Xiao Xun'er's slender eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and said seriously: "Brother Xiao Yan, although I don't know what's going on with you, Xun'er believes that you will stand up again. , Get back your glory and dignity..." At this point, there was a slight pause, and the girl's fair and pretty face showed a faint blush for the first time: "Brother Xiao Yan back then was indeed very attractive..."

"Haha..." Facing the girl's unconcealed candid words, the young man laughed awkwardly, but he didn't say anything. He is not a vain young man, but now he really does not have the qualifications and mood, and he has turned back lonely. Facing the outside of the square, walking slowly...

Standing in place looking at the young boy’s lonely back, Xiao Xun'er hesitated for a while, and then, amidst the howling of jealous wolf behind him, he quickly chased up and walked side by side with the young man...

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