Battle Through the Heavens

Chapter 159: The gap between the master and the fighter


The bulging clothes on his body lasted for a while before it slowly stuck to Xiao Yan's skin, a mouthful of the turbid air expelled from his body was expelled, Xiao Yan stood up, turned his head and looked at the medicine with a smile on the side. He was old and grinned. The joy on his face was hard to conceal. After a year or so, he was finally promoted from a fighter to a real fighter. He didn’t know how much sweat and effort he had put in before he was able to achieve what he is today. The cocoon was successfully transformed.

Becoming a fighting master, it also means that Xiao Yan has left the public level. Although the fighting master level can still only be counted as a lower class on the mainland, it is undoubtedly more tyrannical than the bottom fighters. Many seniors, and most importantly, Xiao Yan is still young at this time, and he still has a lot of time to struggle!

With his fists clenched, an unprecedented sense of abundant strength flows through every part of the body. It is not until today that Xiao Yan has personally stepped into the fighting master class, and Xiao Yan understood how huge the gap between fighters and fighting masters is. Thinking of the battle with Mu Snake that day, Xiao Yan couldn't help but feel a little fortunate at this time. If he hadn't had the ground-level fighting skills taught by the old man, it would be impossible to defeat Mu Snake no matter how he jumped. Let alone kill it.

Standing on the spot, Xiao Yan suddenly protruded his right palm, and then squeezed it violently. Suddenly, purple fighting energy suddenly appeared on the surface of his body. After the fighting energy emerged, it suddenly converged again. After a short while, it was actually slowly sticking to it. Outside of Xiao Yan's clothes, it was as if a layer of vindictive defense was formed, and perhaps because Xiao Yan swallowed the purple fire, on top of this vindictive defense, one could still faintly see what was rising above it with the naked eye. A little bit of purple fire.

The fighting spirit gauze, the signature skill of the fighting master, is also the most practical skill. When fighting against Mu Snake, Xiao Yan has seen its great effect. Although Xiao Yan could also summon the fighting spirit gauze before, But it can only cover the body partly, and I want to cover it completely like this time. It is somewhat impossible.

Moreover, the fighting gauze that Xiao Yan had summoned before had no effect on speed, defense, attack, etc., only after becoming a fighting master. The gauze that was summoned had this kind of combat assistance function that made every fighter coveted.

Looking at the mighty and beautiful purple flame gauze on his body, Xiao Yan was full of joy. The tiger swiftly punched a few punches. After the previous energy scrubbing and strengthening of the world, at this time, he could only rely on physical strength. Can make the fist bring a sharp breaking wind.

Looking at the excited Xiao Yan who was constantly testing the strength of Master Dou, Yao Lao smiled and shook his head. After he gradually calmed down, he asked, "Look if Fen Jue has evolved? What level is it? Intermediate or advanced?"

Yao Lao's inquiries made Xiao Yan stop slamming his fists. Nodded, then slowly closed his eyes again, and his mind sank into his body again.

The mind sank into the body and quickly came from the pubic area of the lower abdomen. At this time, the huge light yellow cyclone here had been completely transformed into a purple cyclone less than Xiao Yan's palm, and the mind swept through this small purple cyclone. , Xiao Yan suddenly found out. Within that cyclone, there were a dozen drops of tiny purple liquid flowing slowly. These purple liquids hovered in the cyclone, just like small fish in a lake.

His mind invaded the purple cyclone curiously, and then quietly wrapped a small drop of purple liquid. After a little sense of it, a touch of ecstasy gradually appeared in Xiao Yan's heart. He found that these small purple liquids were inside. It contains extremely abundant vigorous energy.

Discover the mystery of these purple liquids. Xiao Yan's heart. There is a huge gap between the opposing master and the fighting. Again, I understood some more clearly. There was a sigh at the moment.

Fighter-level cyclone. It's like a balloon. And grudge. It is stored in it like air. This balloon. There is a critical point belonging to it. Once the vindictiveness filled inside reaches the point of fullness. Then it can no longer hold the extra grudge. If you want to force it into the ground again. So cyclone. It will be like a balloon burst by the air. With a bang. It exploded.

Promoted from a fighter to a fighter. The greatest benefit. It is the full of grudge inside the balloon. Will be converted again. Turning into drop by drop is more intense than pure vindictiveness. More complex. More pure liquid energy.

And when the grudge was transformed. The quality and quantity of the grudge contained in this balloon. It skyrocketed a lot in an instant.

so. A fighting master with such a huge reservoir of fighting energy. Naturally, it is far from a metaphor for ordinary fighters. Both are above the level of vindictiveness. It's even different.

Mind slowly withdrew from the cyclone. After previous detection. Xiao Yan could know. Don't look at the energy volume of these liquids being less than the size of your nails. But if you want to change the place. I am afraid that I need to have a light yellow fighting spirit within one-third of his own cyclone before becoming a fighting master. It is possible to transform such a small drop of liquid energy. This can be seen. In this little place. What kind of considerable energy is contained.

Watching the slowly rotating cyclone, Xiao Yan's mind moved slightly, and a wisp of purple fighting energy flowed out of it, and then began to surge along the route of the "Fen Jue" exercise.

As the fighting energy flowed through the specific meridians, Xiao Yan was able to discover that in the external body space, wisps of fire energy began to penetrate, and then penetrated Xiao Yan’s skin, and finally penetrated into the meridians, and was carried by the purple fighting energy. As a result, a perfect cycle of exercises has been completed.

After completing a round of the exercise cycle, Xiao Yan noticed that the qi that separated from the cyclone now was much more vigorous and full than it was a few minutes ago.

The vigorous fighting Qi, after completing the cycle, entered the cyclone again, and at the moment it entered the cyclone, Xiao Yan's body trembled slightly, and finally slowly opened his eyes, looking Looking at the anticipating Yao Lao, he couldn't help but shrugged, and said helplessly: "Intermediate Huang Tier! Only one level evolved."

"Huang Tier is Intermediate? Ha ha, as expected."

Hearing Xiao Yan's words, Yao Lao didn't feel any disappointment. Looking at the former's gloomy expression, he couldn't help but smile and said, "The evolution of the technique requires an extremely powerful "different fire". If the conditions are not met, it is already very good to be able to reluctantly evolve the technique to the first level, and it relies on the peculiarity of "Fen Jue." Although the technique has only reached the middle level of the yellow rank, it is not bad even compared to the advanced technique. Let me be content."

Hearing this, Xiao Yan had to smile and nodded, although he knew it was impossible. However, in his heart, he still looked forward to the miracle, and let the exercises jump directly into the profound-level exercises. Now it seems that this miracle is really illusory.

"Oh, the strange fire... I have suffered all the pain to swallow the purple fire, but the results achieved are not very significant. If I really meet the strange fire, it is hard to say who swallowed it?" Helpless He shook his head, although Xiao Yan had not personally experienced the power of the strange fire. However, when he was watching the old medicine refining the medicine, he could still faintly perceive how terrifying the white flame was almost gloomy.

Shaking his head fiercely, Xiao Yan discarded a touch of depression in his heart. No matter what he said, the cultivation technique had really evolved, and his own time was still very long. Come step by step, he believes that one day, he will be able to swallow the real "different fire" and evolve the "Fen Jue" into the legendary Heaven-ranking technique!

Seeing Xiao Yan gradually recovering from his depression, Yao Lao smiled and said: "Since you have become a fighting master now, then our practice in the Mountains of Warcraft should be over!"

"Then leave. Anyway, I'm really tired of seeing this broken mountain."

"Well, tomorrow, let's leave." Old Yao nodded and said in deep thought, "Calculating the time, there is already less than eight months left before the three-year appointment to go to the Yunlan Sect."

Hearing this, Xiao Yan's body paused slightly, and his eyes swept towards the night sky outside the cave, after a long while. Frowning: "I don't know what level she is now..."

"Haha. Don't worry, the rest of the time. Although you won't be able to become a master fighter, it's not too difficult to advance to the level of a master fighter by a few stars." Yao Lao said lightly. At this point, she paused for a while, and then smiled: "Also, even if her strength has soared far beyond yours due to some other unpredictable reasons, you still have to believe it. The old bones are more than just being able to speak big words. There are really few people in the Jiama Empire that I can see, even if the strength of Yun Lan Sect Sect Master Yun Yun can be ranked higher than the Jiama Empire. The top three in the list."

"Hey, I have never doubted the teacher's ability. If you say yes, then I will naturally believe it!" Xiao Yan was also a lot easier when he was planted with a reassurance pill, and he smiled graciously at the moment.

Xiao Yan gave a white face with a pleasing smile, and Yao Lao waved his hand: "Tomorrow we will leave the Warcraft Mountains. Our next stop is the Tagore Desert on the border of the Gama Empire. Let me remind you in advance. Cultivation will be far more difficult and dangerous than the Warcraft Mountain Range, so you should be mentally prepared in advance. "

"The Tagore Desert...My two brothers seem to be nearby. If you have time, you can stop by."

With a grin, Xiao Yan patted his chest, and said to Yao Lao: "As long as I can quickly improve my strength without any sequelae, any hard work will come on me!"

"Hey, so ambitious!" Old Yao smiled, and glanced at Xiao Yan unkindly from the corner of his eyes: "I hope you won't retreat, but when that happens, if you just want to fight, I will kick you forcibly. go back!"

Xiao Yan wisely kept silent.

"Okay, go back and rest. I will leave early tomorrow morning." Yao Laogang was about to return to the ring, he suddenly stopped, he muttered for a moment, and suddenly said: "I used to go to the Tagore Desert in the past. , Because I heard that there seems to be a kind of "extra fire" hidden in that big desert, but unfortunately, I didn't find it back then. If you are lucky this time, maybe you have a chance... "

At this point, Yao always didn't even look at Xiao Yan, whose eyes suddenly brightened, and his body shook before he got into the ring.

"Different fire..."

With his fists clenched with a little excitement, Xiao Yan turned to face the layman in the cave. After trying the power of the purple fire, he became more eager for the more fierce and terrifying strange fire.

"Must get it!"

Inside the cave, the young man's determination was mixed with a soft voice of greed, circling incessantly.