Battle Through the Heavens

Chapter 175: Mysterious broken picture?


When he reached the city a few hundred meters away, Xiao Yan's flight speed gradually slowed down, his body trembled slightly, and the purple cloud wings behind him emitted bursts of lavender light, slowly shrinking. Finally, it turned into a tattoo and stuck it on Xiao Yan's back.

With his body flipped in the air, Xiao Yan stood firmly on the ground with his feet firmly on the ground, patted some dust on his clothes, and looked up at the huge yellow city that appeared at the end of his sight. He smiled slightly, but at the same time, it was also loose. Take a sigh of relief.

Perhaps due to the proximity to the desert, the weather here is quite dry and hot. The hot sunlight swayed down from the sky, baking the ground beneath the feet and exuding smoky heat, and the heat slowly rose up. , Unexpectedly also made people's sights appear a little distorted and blurred vision.

According to common sense, in such an environment that is definitely not good and good, no one should feel the joyful feeling. However, Xiao Yan was a little surprised to find that since he stepped on this land, he The purple fire fighting energy flowing in the body turned out to be much more cheerful.

Slightly startled, Xiao Yan stretched out his hand and grabbed a few in the space in front of him. He pursed his mouth. After a while, he said softly, "No wonder, almost 80% of the air here belongs to Earth attribute and fire attribute energy..."

"Well, due to the terrain, the Tagore Desert is most suitable for people who practice fire and earth attributes, and the purple fire in your body is a special kind of flame closely related to the scorching sun. Ordinary people feel more keenly. \\\*\\" Inside the ring, Yao Lao's faint laughter can be heard.

"And this is why I want you to practice in the desert. The conditions here are tough and are used to hone people. It's really a natural place that couldn't be more suitable."

Nodding slightly, Xiao Yan let out a sigh of relief, and patted the pharmacist robe that was exquisite like a work of art. Then he took his steps and walked slowly towards the loess city not far away.

Gradually approach the city. There are more and more passers-by around, and most of these passers-by, men are bare-armed, and their skin is dark and lean, and they look at a glance. It seems quite bold, and occasionally a woman passing by. Although the skin is also dark, but it is a bit of a sexy bronze color. The women here are not as subtle and shy as the women in the empire. A tight-fitting leather suit just covers the chest and a little underneath. While staying, and those slender waists were boldly exposed, and the slender and tight thighs were also just wrapped in some short skirts or shorts, while walking. ^^^^ His waist was twisting like a water snake. Don't have a charming charm and style.

Along the way, Xiao Yan can be regarded as feasting his eyes. He slapped his lips and looked up at the yellow city that can already see the specific scale. Just above the city gate, two huge light red fonts were carved on the city wall. From a distance, it turned out to be faint. The bloody feeling.

"Mocheng..." said softly, Xiao Yan smiled and slowly walked towards the gate of the city.

At the gate of the city, more than a dozen soldiers in armor, holding long spears shouting at passers-by to pay the entrance tax. Seeing these soldiers' appearance in spite of the heat and fully armed, Xiao Yan was a little bit stunned. How can defense be more stringent than a large city like Black Rock City

Perhaps because of the hot weather, these soldiers guarding here were also a little irritated by the irritable weather, and they shouted unceremoniously, constantly urging passers-by at the city gate.

Walking towards the gate, Xiao Yan frowned slightly and shook his head as he listened to the curses ran out of the mouths of the soldiers, and then walked straight into the city. In the Gama Empire, the alchemists almost enjoyed the treatment of aristocrats. Occupation, the payment of entrance fees at these gates is also exempted by the empire. Although a pharmacist may not care about this amount of money, it is true that all the pharmacists are given the face. Quite useful. *****

"Hey, kid, I didn't see that payment is written here..." Looking at Xiao Yan who walked into the city as there was no one there, a soldier's eyes suddenly stared, but his cursing voice hadn't completely fallen down yet, his line of sight was I glanced at Xiao Yan's extremely delicate robes of the pharmacist, and immediately swallowed the curse, his anger turned into a flattering smile: "My lord, are you going to enter the city?"

"Yeah." Without stopping, Xiao Yan walked towards the soldier slowly, glanced at him faintly, then put his shoulders across the latter, who was trembling with his heels, and walked towards the city on his own.

"Gu..." Seeing that Xiao Yan ignored his previous offense, the soldier had a touch of fortune on his face, swallowed, and hurriedly turned around and shouted, "My lord, there have been some snakes in the Tagore Desert recently. Restless, if you want to go out of town, you can get a little

Walking slowly, Xiao Yan nodded slightly when he received the unexpected news, and then slowly disappeared into the darkness in the passage of the city wall.

"Damn, it's almost done. If I was told that I had offended a second-grade alchemist, it would be strange if I didn't throw me out to feed the dog. \\\*\\" Looking at Xiao Yan's disappearing back, this The soldier took a deep breath, wiped a cold sweat, and returned to his post again, perhaps because of the previous shock, but now he has also reduced a lot of anger and dared not rush into the city indiscriminately. Passersby yelled.

Slowly walking out of the darkened passage of the city wall, his sight gleamed slightly, and the urban buildings with unique desert characteristics appeared in his field of vision. The buildings with strange appearances made Xiao Yan a little eye-opener.

Standing on the street, Xiao Yan's eyes swept across the busy streets. After a while, he asked in amazement, "Teacher, where are you going now? Just enter the Tagore Desert?"

"If you bump into the desert like this, even if you don't get lost in the sandstorm, you will die in it due to the lack of water sooner or later." Yao Lao's helpless reprimand came from the ring.

With an embarrassing smile, Xiao Yan smiled dryly: "It's also the first time I have come into contact with the desert...Then what should we do next?"

"First go and buy the most accurate map of the Tagore Desert. In this city. There should be a store that sells maps. This is very important! In addition. Have enough water source, and then run here. Drugstore. ***** Buy some snake repellent drugs, the snake man in the Tagore Desert. The best thing is to drive the poisonous snake to attack. It's always right to be careful." Old Yao said in deep thought.

"Prepare these things, there should be no time to enter the Tagore Desert immediately today, so let's rest in the city overnight, oh. By the way, the Qi Qi Dan in your hand has also been used up. This thing But it’s a must-have item for practice, but fortunately, I collected enough refining medicinal materials in the small valley of the Warcraft Mountains last time. Tonight, I will take the time to refine a batch. After finishing these, we will start tomorrow morning. Enter the Tagore Desert."

Listening to the things that came from Yao Lao's mouth, Xiao Yan nodded helplessly, sighed, and passed a passer-by, asking about a shop selling desert maps.

The passerby was held back by Xiao Yan. The initial complexion was slightly impatient. However, after seeing the alchemist badge on Xiao Yan's chest, he couldn't bear to converge quickly. Very politely pointed out the shop location to Xiao Yan, and when Xiao Yan thanked him for leaving, this person also eagerly stated the approximate price of the map.

Thanks to the passerby, Xiao Yan touched the pharmacist badge on his chest with the palm of his hand, sighed slightly and shook his head, I have to say that this identity is really easy to use.

With a sigh in his heart, Xiao Yan quickly turned the corner, and then walked towards the best map shop in Mocheng that the passerby said.

After walking in a hurry for a while, the map shop named "Ancient Map" appeared in Xiao Yan's line of sight, his eyes swept outside the shop, Xiao Yan was a little surprised, this shop Not as luxurious as other houses, it seems that there is a faintly simple atmosphere.

With a bit of surprise in his heart, Xiao Yan slowly walked into the shop. The interior of the shop was not too spacious. The faint light of the two moonstones illuminated the shop quite brightly. His eyes swept across the interior of the shop. There were not many people buying maps, and the deserted appearance made Xiao Yan wonder if he was in the wrong place.

Slowly walked into the shop, Xiao Yan glanced around, and finally stopped behind the counter with an old man who was carefully making a map with his head down. This old man was obviously quite old, but even though he was already white. Hair, but the dry palm holding the black drawing pen is still strong and strong.

Without disturbing the old man aloud, Xiao Yan glanced across the large number of maps on the counter, and looked at it with interest. The clear route on the map made him nod with satisfaction.

After watching the map for a while, Xiao Yan saw that the old man didn't even end, he pursed his mouth, and walked slowly to the quaint wooden frame in the corner of the shop.

This wooden frame is obviously old, and it is covered with rotten wood holes. On it, some yellowed maps are randomly piled up. Looking at the broken marks on the surface of these maps, it seems to be a failure when making maps. .

Randomly flipping through these yellowed maps with his palms, a faint musty smell rushed over his face, frowning slightly, Xiao Yan picked up a stack of failed works, his palms shook slightly, a sheet the size of a palm The broken pictures suddenly fell from the stack of failed works.

He didn't pay too much attention to the broken and fallen picture. After looking through the failed work in his hand, Xiao Yan put it back boredly. When he put it back, he glanced lazily. For the small broken picture, his eyes blinked slightly...then, the moving palm suddenly solidified.

"This..." With a slight trembling palm, Xiao Yan carefully picked up the broken picture. Suddenly, Xiao Yan could feel the violent beating of his heart at this time. He swallowed hard and put the broken primitive picture in his hand, looking at him. With a few touches of ecstasy, he carefully scanned the slightly familiar mysterious route above the picture.

After a while, Xiao Yan slowly narrowed his eyes, took a deep breath, and tremblingly murmured, "It really is..."