Battle Through the Heavens

Chapter 199: Qinglian's heart is on fire


"Qinglian Earth Heart Fire?"

Hearing Yao Lao's voice, Xiao Yan suddenly appeared in his mind some of the abnormal fire information that Yao Lao had previously told him in detail on the abnormal fire list.

"Qinglian Earth Heart Fire", the nineteenth place on the list of different fires, was born in the depths of the earth, and has undergone countless tempers, fusions, compressions, carvings... When the lotus is mature, its color is slightly green, and the heart of the lotus has a cluster of green fire. It is called the Qinglian Fire, also known as the Qinglian Geocentric Fire. This fire is unpredictable and can even cause volcanoes near the volcanic area. Eruption! Form the destructive power of nature!

This piece of information flashed through his mind quickly, Xiao Yan's face was instantly covered by ecstasy, his body shook slightly, and the fire snake's tail broke free, his eyes fixedly staring at the large expanse that was not far away. Cyan light.

"Hiss..." Beside, there was a sharp sound from the huge mouth of the fire spirit snake. Xiao Yan looked back, only to find that in the beast's huge eyes, he was faintly looking at the blue light and huge body with fear. , And some trembling.

Ignoring the behavior of the Fire Spirit Snake, Xiao Yan licked his lips and said excitedly: "Teacher, we found it?"

"Hehe, it seems so, I didn't expect to actually find a different fire... Although Qinglian Earth Heart Fire is only ranked nineteenth on the list of different fires, it is the best level for you now. , After all, the few things I prepared for you can only increase your success rate in absorbing the abnormal fires after the 16th place on the ranking list. Therefore, this Qinglian heart fire. Just suitable!" Old Yao In the laughter, I was also a little relieved, and I worked hard for several years. Finally got the first harvest.

After taking a few long breaths of excitement, Xiao Yan couldn't wait to say: "Let's take a look?"

"Well, let's take a look, I will increase my protection!"

Xiao Yan nodded, glanced at the double-headed Fire Spirit Snake that was too jealous to take a step forward, curled his mouth, and kicked his feet in the magma. The body is like a small fish in the lake, swimming quickly towards the range covered by the blue light.

As his body got closer and closer to the cyan light, Xiao Yan could clearly feel that the temperature of his body had almost risen abruptly.

She squeezed some dry lips. Xiao Yan gritted his teeth and stepped on the soles of his feet again, and his body finally rushed into the envelope of blue light.

The body entered into the cyan light, the expected hot heat did not arrive as expected, but the temperature of the whole body was strangely lowered a lot.

Xiao Yan was also shocked at this somewhat spiritual scene, a moment later. After regaining his senses, his eyes hurriedly swept around, and finally stayed on the blue lotus flower in the center.

The cyan lotus has eight leaves and eight cyan leaves. It was as perfect as the most perfect sapphire. At a glance, it looks crystal clear. Let people have a feeling of love.

Among the lotus flowers, there seems to be a small lotus platform about two or three feet away. Some of the holes on the lotus platform are emitting a little bit of fluorescent light, presumably it should be the ground lotus seed condensed from the purest fire attribute energy.

Emerging from the bottom of the cyan lotus, the extremely slender rhizome is more than ten meters long. Above the rhizome, there are densely packed with tiny tentacles. When these tentacles are swaying, Xiao Yan can clearly feel them. In an almost greedy state, madly absorbing the violent fire attribute energy in the surrounding magma.

This cyan lotus is just suspended in the endless magma, like duckweed in the sea, wandering around. If it weren’t for the fire snake to lead the way, with Xiao Yan’s ability, even if it’s looking for death, it’s not It is possible to find such a relatively small blue lotus in such a huge area...

"Be careful, don't get caught by those tentacles, otherwise the anger in your body will be completely absorbed in the blink of an eye." Yao Lao's reminding sound made Xiao Yan quickly dispelled the idea of going closer and watching. .

"Let's go, be careful, I see that the shape of Qinglian has obviously gone through thousands of years, and it should have condensed the heart of Qinglian." Yao Lao laughed.

"Yeah." At this moment, Xiao Yan's body trembled with excitement, folded his hands together, prayed for some reason, then swallowed, and his figure slowly swam away towards the blue lotus.

As the cyan lotus gets closer, Xiao Yan can feel its beauty. This kind of almost perfect thing can only be created by the tempering of time and nature.

Carefully avoiding the swinging of the tentacles of the rhizomes, Xiao Yan slowly came to the top of Qinglian, his excited eyes swept through it, and his body was indeed suddenly stiff...

In the center of the small lotus platform in the lotus, there is a hole the size of a fist, but at this time...the hole is empty!

Looking at the empty lotus heart, Xiao Yan's head suddenly went dark, and he muttered: "How is it possible? How could it not be? Judging from the shape of this green lotus, there should have been a fire in the heart of Qinglian."

"How could it not?" Xiao Yan's mouth twitched slightly, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly shouted at the lotus platform. His delicate face was slightly hideous at this moment.

"Quiet! Calm me down!" Just when Xiao Yan was so angry that he lost his senses, Yao Lao's deep voice rang like a bell inside the former's head.

"You can't find it if you don't continue to find it. The Dou Qi Continent is so big, and it's not the only place where there is a strange fire!" Xiao Yan's shoulder, the white flames condensed into Yao Lao's head, and shouted.

"But... but I spent so much effort... Did I get an empty-handed ending?" Xiao Yan shook his head fiercely, and said extremely unwillingly.

"There are thousands of people in this world who are persistently looking for the strange fire every day, but when they have paid all the price, they have never seen what kind of strange fire is. You can come here. It's already very enviable." Old Yao said softly, turning his head. Looking at the empty lotus heart, he also sighed lightly, saying that it was not discouraging. It was absolutely false. I thought it was a strange fire at my fingertips. Suddenly it was flying with wings inexplicably. If it were a person with poor concentration, I'm afraid it would have gone straight away now.

"Huh? What is this?"

His eyes were carefully sweeping on the lotus platform, Yao Lao suddenly let out a shocked sound, the palm of the white flames condensed with a move. Suddenly, a colorful ray of light burst out from the lotus platform, and finally fell into Yao Lao's hands.

"What is it?" Turning his head sullenly, Xiao Yan stared at the thing on Old Yao's palm for a moment. Astonished: "Scaly?"

The things in Yao Lao's hands were about half the size of a palm. The whole thing was colorful. At first glance, the colorful luster was quite colorful.

"This is... colorful snake scales?" A sneer appeared at the corner of Yao Lao's mouth, squinting his eyes slightly.

"Colorful snake scales?"

"I said why there is no green lotus heart fire in the lotus flower, it turns out that someone got on the ground first." Yao veteran Qi Cai Snake Scale threw to Xiao Yan. Sneered.

He took the scales quickly, and the place where he started was cold, and a chilly aura constantly invaded the human body. If it weren't for the cold-fire support of Yao Lao's bone spirit, Xiao Yan would not even dare to touch this thing.

"The owner of the scales took away Qinglian's heart of the earth?" Holding the colorful scales tightly. Xiao Yan frowned.

"Colorful snake scales. There is only one person in the Tagore Desert, and that is Queen Medusa of the Snake Human Race. It seems that the mysterious aura that Qinglin sensed half a year ago. It should be Medusa. The queen is not fake." Yao Lao said in a deep thought.

"Hey, what can she do? It's been half a year, and Qinglian must have absorbed the fire from her heart..." Thinking of a certain possibility, Xiao Yan suddenly said in frustration.

"You are really dizzy... Queen Medusa has snake blood flowing in her body, and her natural attribute is biased towards cold and absorbing abnormal fire? Is she tired of life?" Hearing this, Yao Lao immediately rewarded Xiao Yan with a white eye. Scolded.

"Since her attributes are in conflict with the alien fire, then she has nothing to do to grab the alien fire when she is full, and after listening to Qinglin, she must have been injured when she took the alien fire, right? She has nothing to do. Why are you so energetic?" Xiao Yan smiled bitterly.

"Perhaps..." Yao Lao spread out his hands and said in deep thought: "It seems that we still have to go to the depths of the Tagore Desert. I don't know what she wants to do, but the only thing I can tell you is. It is that she is absolutely impossible to absorb the strange fire, so...maybe we still have a chance to get the strange fire again."

"Go to the Queen of Medusa to grab a different fire? That guy is an emperor of the Douhuang level. At the beginning, even the ice emperor of the Zhenjamar Empire was made so miserable by her. Let's find Pump..." Xiao Yan rubbed his forehead and smiled bitterly.

"It’s better to have a goal than we’re looking for it everywhere, and...even if it’s time to do it, the Shangdier is me, not you. Although Queen Medusa’s fierce and famous fame is against the mainland, I at least Don't be afraid of her." Yao Lao pouted.

With a wry smile, Xiao Yan nodded with a sigh, then bowed his head and wanted to turn back.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Yao Lao couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw Xiao Yan's behavior.

"Go back... Do you still stay here to eat magma?" Xiao Yan replied in an angry tone.

" stupid." Hearing this, Yao Lao suddenly slapped his head with anger, pointed his finger at the blue lotus, and said angrily: "This thing will take a thousand years before it can take shape. Bao, did you lose here as a prodigal son?"

"Huh?" After blinking in surprise, Xiao Yan turned to look at the cyan lotus, and said confusedly: "What's the use of this thing?"

Rolling his eyes, Yao Lao was obviously swallowed by Xiao Yan's words, his beard twitched, and angrily said: "This blue lotus platform is formed after the fire of the earth has condensed for thousands of years. As long as you remove it, you can practice in the future. Sitting on it, I dare not say that my cultivation speed is increased tenfold, but at least three or four times is more than enough, and when you encounter an enemy, you only need to use grudge to activate it to release the ground fire hidden in it, even if you meet Dou now Spirit-level powerhouses, not to mention defeating others, but if they want to escape, they will at least be unimpeded."

"There are also lotus seeds in the lotus platform. This earth-fire lotus seed, known as the essence of the fire spirit, will bear one seed in a hundred years. Someday you go out and roar that you have the earth-fire lotus seed. They will also exchange desperately, of not rule out some who prefer to be more direct, such as killing people for treasure."

"Each of these things will cause the Gama Empire to be turned upside down. You, the prodigal son, don't want it?" At this point, Yao Lao almost hates iron and steel.

"..." Xiao Yan's eyes were getting brighter after listening to Yao Lao's slobbering explanation. As soon as the former's words fell, his eyes flushed toward the lotus platform.

"Damn, these rights should be interest..."