Battle Through the Heavens

Chapter 208: A city in the heart of the desert


The vast desert. Dozens of heavily armed snake men are armed with poisonous spears. Sharp eyes. Carefully inspected this small area. Any creature that is not a snake-human race. They will all suffer their devastating slaughter.

The snake-man squad interspersed with each other on patrols. Where the team went. There are traces of snake tail swinging.

"These damn human beings. How dare to rush into the depths of the desert so arrogantly. If you catch them, you must let them taste the pain of ten thousand snakes!" Against the scorching sun. A snake man who looks like a leader. Wiped a sweat. Swearing.

"Captain. What happened? Why did the clan suddenly enter martial law?" A snake man. Throwing his tail impatiently. His eyes swept across the empty desert. Asked with some doubts. He was dragged out early in the morning. Then there was a search all over the desert.

I heard the snake man's question. The dozens of snake men nearby also cast doubtful eyes on the leading snake man. Obviously. The bit is not very high for them. It is also a little unclear about the whole story.

"Huh. What's the matter? Last night, a group of human powers suddenly broke through the defenses of the Mei Snake Tribe. They went deep into the desert. According to the information from the Mei Snake Tribe, there seems to be one of those people. Dou Huang. Three Dou Wangs and a few strong fighting spirits." The leader of the snake man's face was slightly snorted and coldly snorted.

Hear the words. The expressions of the snakes around him suddenly changed. A fighting emperor. Three fighting kings? Oh my goodness. Does the human empire want to go to war again? Such a terrifying lineup. In the snake people. But no large tribe can resist alone.

"Now all the large and small tribes of the Snake Human Race have entered the martial law period. And according to the news I have received. The leaders of the eight tribes have received orders from Her Majesty the Queen. They have begun to rush to the temple in the center of the desert. The fastest. I must be able to arrive at night. The slowest one. Maybe a day later." Speaking of Her Majesty's time. On the face of the leader of the snake. There is a piety like a fanatic.

"As long as there are three masters rushing to the temple. Then Her Majesty will order a blanket search. Humph. What if they have a fighting emperor? A group of people who are overpowered. Just wait for the strong snake-human clan. The assembly is over. They must be turned into mourners!" The leader of the snake sneered. He raised his head and looked at this uninhabited desert. Helplessly shook his head. Waved. Yelled: "Go. Change another side. It seems there are no traces of humans here."

With the shout of the leader snake man. This team is also gradually searching far away. A large empty desert was left.

After the end of the flat line where the team disappeared. Suddenly a sand dune squirmed slightly. After a while. A figure carries the sky with yellow sand. Jumped out of the sand dunes. The feet landed steadily on the sand. He raised his eyes and looked at the disappearance of the snake-man team. Some helplessly whispered: "It's getting more and more troublesome. Now this desert almost every once in a while. There will be snake patrols..."

"But I heard what they said earlier. The strong snake people are also coming quickly. Although Furukawa and their lineup can not be underestimated. But once the strong snake people really gather together. I think they can only retreat. Right." The figure raised his head slightly. A delicate face under the black robe was revealed. It was Xiao Yan who forcibly broke through the Mei Snake Tribe last night.

"If there is no accident. I think. This afternoon at the latest. Furukawa group will do it. They should be very clear about the strength of the snake people. The more delay. It will be dangerous to them." In the ring. Yao's old voice came.

"Yeah." Nodded slightly. Xiao Yan took out the delicate picture from Na Jie. He stared at the sign of a ferocious snake head in the middle of the desert. He whispered: "This is the temple of Queen Medusa. Around it. There are also many small and medium-sized tribes. The temple is extremely guarded. And there are also the guards of Queen Medusa stationed in it. Medusa Snake Guard. This elite force. During the battle between the Gama Empire and the Snake Clan, it used to make a great battle. Even some generals in the Empire who hold the elite army are extremely jealous of them."

"Huh... It seems that I want to successfully regain Qinglian's heart. It's really a tricky task." He sighed lightly. Xiao Yan rubbed his forehead in distress. At this risk. Even with the support of the old medicine. It is impossible for him to go unimpeded. After all, the current Yao Lao is just the state of the soul. Past strength. It is impossible to fully play. And Queen Medusa is a super strong with a far-reaching reputation. If Xiao Yan was staring at him at this time. I am afraid the result will not be too good.

Furthermore. The overall strength of the snake people. It is also much stronger than the Gama Empire. If it is not because it needs to deal with attacks from all sides at any time. I'm afraid in previous battles. The Gama Empire has suffered a long time ago.

"Hey..." shook his head. Xiao Yan asked in a low voice, "Teacher. What should I do now?"

"Hurry up. Get to the Medusa Temple as soon as possible. If Furukawa and the Queen Medusa fight by that time. Let's sneak into the temple to find the fire. Although now my strength is greatly reduced due to the state of my soul. If you want to hide your breath, at least Queen Medusa is also difficult to detect." Yao Lao said in deep thought.

Hear the words. Xiao Yan nodded slightly. Take off the Xuanzhong ruler on the back. Take it into the ring. He sighed lightly. The purple fighting gauze gradually covered the body. The soles of the feet slam on the surface. The figure is almost close to the face. Turned into a purple shadow. The route drawn on the opposite map swiftly swept away.

Because of the clear sky. Therefore, Xiao Yan didn't dare to start the Ziyun Wing high-altitude flight. Otherwise, just in case it is discovered by the snake-man team patrolling everywhere below. That would expose yourself prematurely. This is for Xiao Yan who wants to be a fisherman. It's not a good thing.

Ran across the face. Although the speed is slower. But with Yao Lao's powerful soul perception to help. The snake-man patrols scattered deep in the desert. They were all avoided by Xiao Yan in advance.

In this almost desperate rush for nearly a few hours. On the way, he avoided dozens of waves of patrols in a thrilling manner. The scorching sun in the sky gradually faced the west when it was setting. A huge city. It was finally at the end of the flat line that appeared faintly.

Get closer to the city. Xiao Yan found out. Around this majestic city. In the same yellow sand. Many huge stones began to appear unexpectedly. After these rocks. It was the temple city where Queen Medusa lived.

The body hides behind a huge boulder. Xiao Yan gasped quickly. Run desperately for hours. If it weren't for the backing of Qi Pill. I'm afraid he has already softened because of the exhaustion of vindictiveness. But this is the case. Now Xiao Yan's legs. It's almost numb. A tingling sensation. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Reached out his hand to wipe off the sweat mixed with yellow sand on his face. Xiao Yan raised his head. Looking at the darkening sky. Take a long breath. With a wry smile, "For Qinglian's heartburn. I really tried my best..."

After lying on the boulder, he rested for more than ten minutes. Xiao Yan's whole body was aching and took out a Qi Qi Dan from Na Jie and stuffed it into his mouth. After a long while. Feel the grudge flowing in the body gradually. This was a sigh of relief. Cautiously rolled over. Look through the gap of the boulder. Looking far away at the huge city standing in the desert.

Perhaps because of martial law. Now this huge city. The city gate is already closed. On the wall. Fully armed snake guard. Patrolling back and forth on the city wall. Empty space on the city wall. A dozen big black birds. It is also hovering back and forth. Sharp eyes. Constantly scanning outside the city. Any bit of wind and grass will move. These beasts will sound the alarm.

His eyes carefully swept across the city wall. Xiao Yan's face was slightly ugly. Although far apart. But he can still find out. Snake guards of the city. The overall strength is definitely stronger than last night's Mei Snake Tribe. And among the guards of those snake people. Occasionally there are some snake men with weird costumes. These snake people. His face was indifferent. Standing on the city wall like a pillar. But Xiao Yan glanced around and found out. A few feet around these snake people. No other snake man dared to set foot in it. obvious. They are quite afraid of these snake-men with weird costumes.

"These guys...presumably they should be Medusa's personal guards, right? They are really tough..." Quietly retracted his gaze. Xiao Yan tightened his body between the cracks in the rocks. Whispered with a wry smile.

"Just wait here quietly now. I think. Furukawa and the others should be here soon. When the time comes when the chaos is up. Let's sneak in... in this city. I have been able to sneak in. I can roughly feel the fire of Qinglian's heart." Yao Lao's voice came from the dark and simple ring.

"Sure enough, here..." Wen Yan. A touch of joy surged across Xiao Yan's face. This may be in the case of going deep into the enemy camp alone. One of the few good news.

Quietly suppressed the joy again. Xiao Yan took out a golden blanket from Najie. Then put it on the body. Suddenly. The body was turned into golden with the same color as the surrounding sand. If people don't come closer and look at it. It's really hard to find a person hiding here.

Soon after Xiao Yan hid his figure. Yao Lao's deep voice. Suddenly it sounded in my heart: "Be careful. A strong breath is approaching here."

Listen to the old reminder of the medicine. Xiao Yan's heart tightened. The breath fell quietly and smoothly. And Yao Lao's soul power. It also wrapped Xiao Yan in it.

He looked through some gaps in the blanket. Looking at the distant sky. After a while. An inky black dot suddenly appeared on the edge of the sky. Blink time. It is carrying a sharp breaking wind. The burst shot towards the huge city.

Soon after the black spots appeared. The guards above the city wall discovered it. Suddenly. With the sound of an alarm. Countless snake people. They all raised the poisonous spear in their hands aloft. Be ready to shoot down those in the future at any time.

When the black black shadow was about to reach a hundred meters away from the city. Suddenly paused in the air. Slightly cold voice. Resounded: "The leader of the Black Snake Tribe. Mobas. See Your Majesty the Queen!"

This sound resounded like a rolling thunder in the desert. Xiao Yan's eyelids twitched slightly. A leader of the eight tribes of the Snake People. I finally arrived first...