Battle Through the Heavens

Chapter 230: Repair and strengthen


In the cave, the cyan mask releases fiery high temperatures. Above the mask, flames are tumbling violently, making it difficult for the eyes of the outside world to clearly see what is happening in it.

Levitating in the air, Yao Lao looked at the cyan flame hood, and breathed a sigh of relief. His tight face gradually relaxed. Now that this step has been completed, then this plan of refining the alien fire should be easy. It is at least a 70% success rate. Next, as long as Xiao Yan can incorporate the domineering Qinglian Earth Heart Fire into the Naling, then this Qinglian Earth Heart Fire will completely become His origin fire...

"As long as he completes the steps of refining the fire, the next step is to use the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire Evolution to burn it. With the energy intensity of the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, I am afraid that this burning can directly jump. Xuanjie cultivation technique, right?" Yao Lao said with a smile.

With a chuckle, Yao Lao remained silent again, and with his silence, the cave slowly fell into silence, and a cool mountain breeze blew in from the gap between the walls of the mountain. The hot air was cleared out.

In the cave, a round flame mask released a faint green glow. On the surface of the mask, the green glow flickered and dimmed, and the gloomy light projected on the mountain wall, like undulating green water patterns.

In that light mask, Xiao Yan sat on Qinglian. At this time, he seemed to be in an unconscious and mysterious state. Tired, lingering in the body in a muddle, but it is always difficult to condense. \\\*\\

When Xiao Yan was in such a hazy and semi-comatose state, the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire slowly flowing through the meridians in his body suddenly started to run along the meridian route without any control...

The fire in Qinglian's heart at this time, perhaps because it was previously refined by Xiao Yan, not only did not release the terrifying heat. On the contrary, it became a little warm and cool. As it flowed along the meridians, small strands of cyan magma separated from it, and finally adhered to the meridian wall that had been destroyed and almost lost its function of holding fighting energy, and it was slightly creeping. , Actually gradually melted into the walls of the meridians.

As these cyan magma with a faint flame digging into the meridians, suddenly, the meridians that were already twisted like a twisted flower. It is like a blade of grass that encounters a water source in the desert, slowly stretched out.

The countless meridians in the body made excitement sounds at this moment. The cyan magma liquid left behind by the fire in the heart of Qinglian Earth is all the meridians that will be constantly contracted, swallowing them quickly at a terrifying speed.

And with the greedy swallowing of the meridians. The grayish-white color gradually faded from the meridians, and replaced by the light blue color full of vitality. ****

The heart of Qinglian Earth's fire flows along the meridians. Wherever it went, the withered meridians were rejuvenated, and the cracked bones and burned muscles were also repairing quickly... and the repaired meridians, bones, etc., at a gratifying speed. Its toughness. It was also far beyond the intensity before swallowing the alien fire, obviously. Although the fire in the heart of Qinglian caused huge damage to them, but. The compensation it pays also makes these vital organs in the body feel worthwhile.

When Qinglian Earth's heart fire repaired Xiao Yandi's internal body, the blood-stained body outside his body gradually merged, the blood scars quickly emerged, and then fell, leaving no traces on the surface of the skin. The muscles on the ground were quickly strengthened, although they did not become comparable to those muscular men, but between the arms and legs, an explosive force faintly gathered.

The skin on the surface of the body, layers of dry epidermis, are like the peeling of a snake, falling quickly, the new skin, although the bronze color that Xiao Yan has worked hard for several months in the desert has changed back to white. , But at this time this skin that looked like a woman's delicate skin, possessed of defense power and sensitivity to the energy of heaven and earth, was more than several times stronger than before.

At this time, Xiao Yan, with the help of being in a strange state, so that the huge almost terrifying energy contained in the fire in Qinglian's heart is rapidly strengthening and repairing his broken body. It is really a kind of opportunity and luck to get up. ===

Repairing and strengthening are progressing slowly. After the last wounded meridian was drilled out of Qinglian Earth's Heart Fire, the interior of Xiao Yan's heavily damaged body was finally repaired to a near-perfect point. The combat power that a body can create is definitely far stronger than the previous body!

After Qinglian Jixinhuo repaired Xiao Yan's body inside and outside, because no one was controlling it and doing nothing, it turned its eyes to the almost exhausted cyclone in its lower abdomen.

The current vindictive cyclone, because of the previous frenzied squandering, is almost empty, with only three drops of purple liquid energy, swimming alone in it, looking quite desolate.

Qinglian Earth's Heart Fire slowly hovered around the cyclone, and after a short silence, suddenly got into the cyclone.

As the fire in the heart of Qinglian Earth entered, it was as calm as a cyclone in stagnant water, violently and violently surging, and ripples of energy, like water waves, kept rippling inside the cyclone.

The cyan magma formed by the fire in the heart of the Qinglian Earth flows within the cyclone. The three poor purple liquid energy seems to want to escape, but at the moment when the cyan magma is touched, it is like cleaned up dross. The burned into nothingness. After the remaining three drops of liquid energy were burned by the Qinglian Earth's Heart Fire, the cyclone used by Xiao Yan to store vindictive energy was completely taken over by it. ^^^^

After the cyclone was taken over, the cyan magma lingered slowly. After a while, strands of pure gaseous energy of cyan emerged from it, and then quickly gathered in the cyclone. It was only a moment, that empty. Inside the empty cyclone was filled with this faint cyan energy.

The cyan gaseous energy expanded rapidly within the cyclone, and as more and more gaseous energy flowed out of the cyan magma, a faint moisture began to wrap around the cyclone, and after a while, a small drop Cyan liquid energy. A sudden emergence...

When the first drop of cyan liquid energy appears, it is like a chain reaction in a cyclone. Drops of cyan liquid like emerald emerge continuously from the energy mist, and then fall into the cyclone. , Like a naughty fish.

A drop of liquid energy that was enough to allow Xiao Yan to practice for ten days before it was possible to condense, at this moment, was like it was raining lightly. Tick-to-tick, steadily splashing and falling, within a short period of time, within a cyclone. The liquid energy is actually filled with nearly a half.

At the beginning, from the one-star battle division to the two-star battle division, Xiao Yan condensed a total of fifteen drops of liquid energy, but now. ^^^^ Within the cyclone, the total amount of liquid energy, if added up, is probably not less than a hundred drops.

Fifteen drops of liquid energy. It's the Second Star Fighter... the hundred drops? How many stars is it

If Xiao Yan was still awake at this time, I'm afraid he would jump to the sky with joy, right? Of course, this is also the blessing that he is in a semi-conscious and unconscious state at the moment, otherwise, this idle Qinglian will definitely not use his own energy to repair Xiao Yan's body.

When the liquid energy within the cyclone reaches the number of hundred drops. Qinglian's heart-to-heart fire that lazily circulates. But suddenly stopped the action of continuing to create energy, swimming slightly. Swim towards a small gray spot at the center of the cyclone, and see that the light is slightly brighter than the magma body. It's like a child who finds his beloved toy.

At the center of the cyclone, a small gray spot of light was suspended in it. Within the spot of light, there was the endless deep darkness, at the end of the darkness, which seemed to hide another space, and looked extremely mysterious.

Qinglian's heart of the earth hovered around the gray light spots. It seemed to be very curious about this thing, and wanted to touch it several times, but perhaps because of a trace of jealousy in the dark, it made its behavior a little hesitant. After thousands of years of ground training, there appeared a lot of intelligent fire spirits. It vaguely knew that if it touched this gray light spot, it would lose its permanent freedom...

The cyan magma slowly hovered around the light spot. After a few thoughts, it gave up this adventurous move. It was not what it wanted to lose freedom for a strange toy.

After circling around again, the cyan magma finally stopped staying, wriggling his body, and turned to leave this place that made it a little uneasy.

However, just when Qinglian Earth's Heart Fire wanted to leave this place, Xiao Yan's apparently comatose soul trembled suddenly, and then completely regained consciousness.

After the soul was awakened, Xiao Yan's mind quickly swept through his body like a conditioned reflex. Everything that was renewed in his body gave him a blink of an eye. However, when his mind swept past the center of the cyclone, he looked forward to it. Seeing the cyan lava that was only a short distance away from the gray light spot, my heart was startled at first, and then a touch of unconcealed ecstasy surged into my heart, without any time to think, my mind rushed into the whirlpool, and then …Have gathered all the energy, Xiao Yan's heart slammed into the heart of Qinglian who wanted to go backwards.

"At the moment of the impact, there was a thunderous thunder in Xiao Yan's head, and there was a sudden burst of pain.

When Xiao Yan was clutching his head and gritting his teeth to endure the severe pain, in the midst of the cyclone, the heart of Qinglian, which was hit hard by Xiao Yan, immediately retreated a little distance, just...a tail, and touched the gray light. point!

At the moment of touch, among the gray light spots, the light quickly disappeared, and the terrifying suction surged out, and the Qinglian heart fire that could not be escaped was taken away with an instigation...

After accepting Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, her body finally fell into complete silence...

This small gray spot was formed by the tiny Na Ling that Yao Lao had previously ejected into Xiao Yan's body.

The last step of refining the different fire to the source fire, and also the most important step, is the need to force the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire into the space formed by the Naling, only to fully store the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire Entering the Naling, refining, is the real perfection!

Originally, this step was extremely difficult. After all, the fire spirit in the different fire has a little bit of wisdom, and it has instinctive resistance to some dangerous things. If it is forced to drive out and fails, then the initial refining of the different fire has been completed. I'm afraid it will go back again!

And now, because of Xiao Yan’s previous haunting state, the Qinglian Heart Fire not only repaired his body completely, but also circulated near Naling without having anything to do. Therefore, this made Xiao Yan just paying. At a very small price, the last step of refining was successfully completed. I have to say that this is a kind of chance and luck...