Battle Through the Heavens

Chapter 233: The pain of suffering


On a dark rainy night, the majestic heavy rain hits the mountains and the forest, and the squally wind carries the sound of whistling, and brings a rushing sound in the forest. Occasionally, there is a thunder in the sky, and a loud rumbling sound rippling in the mountains. The lingering sound lingers.

Above the black sky, silver snakes flickered, and the sound of scoffs continued to sound. The dazzling silver light, every once in a while, would illuminate the dark mountains and forests like daylight.

Between the precipitous cliffs of the mountain, the old figure stood with his hands on a sharp rock, his old face staring blankly at the lightning and thunder in the sky, his slightly rickety body, Just like a pine that is not old, it stands steadily on the cliff, quite a bit to let him thunder and riot, and I am indifferent and indifferent.

However, if you observe carefully, you can find that whenever the old man looks at the pile of caves not far away that is covered by gravel, his palms like eagle's claws will suddenly shrink unconsciously. After a while, he responded again.

The old man stood in the thunder and lightning, did not say a word, just looked up at the sky in silence like this, occasionally swept his eyes to the cave, but only stayed for a moment, then moved away quietly, with a careful appearance. , Just as if I was afraid that one more glance would disturb the cultivation of the teenagers.

The dark night passed slowly in the midst of the thunder, and the mountain forest was also ravaged by the thunder and lightning, without mercy all night, until the night gradually dissipated, a trace of dawn and morning glory slowly from the east sky The shot came out, and the whole mountain forest suddenly revealed the miserable look that was riddled with holes. \//*/\\

A round sun slowly rises from the eastern sky, and a faint warm light falls on the earth, bringing a little vitality and vitality to the mountain forest that has been ravaged by thunder and lightning all night.

Standing on top of the rocks. Yao Lao tilted his head slightly to look at the slowly rising round of sun, and then glanced at the cave that was still quiet and unresponsive, and his palms under his sleeves suddenly gripped tightly.

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly. Old Yao took a deep breath of the fresh air in the morning, trying hard to calm himself down, but the anxiety hovering in his heart still couldn't make him regain his former indifferentness.

The slightly thin fingers tapped his arm gently, but as time passed, there was still no movement in the cave, now. The beating that was still a little rhythmic suddenly became like this and Yao Lao's mood was generally messed up.

The rising sun slowly reached a small half of the sky. The warm sun also became slightly hot at this time, and under such an environment, the impatience in Yao Lao's heart quietly became richer. Some. \\*\\

Waited for a while again. Yao Laona struck the ten fingers of his arm, and suddenly, his muddy old eyes gradually exuded a little fierce aura. Obviously, after a night of waiting, at this time, he no longer intends to continue to wait aimlessly.

As the old finger of Yao stopped, a powerful and powerful aura slowly rose from his body, the coercion caused by the powerful aura. Directly let the flying monsters hovering above the sky. She screamed in horror and fled from this place that made them extremely frightened.

Just when Yao Lao was about to forcibly enter it to find out, inside the quiet cave. Finally there was the first change since last night.


Inside the cave, a fierce energy wave suddenly spread out. He was intercepted by the mountain wall immediately, and suddenly, huge cracks spread out on the mountain wall quickly.

Standing on the top of the rock, Yao Lao watched the crack that suddenly spread, and his tight face was slightly relaxed. Since there is still movement, then the people inside are at least still safe.

Soon after the previous energy wave spread, several more fierce energy waves spread out. Under the impact of this energy wave, the hard mountain wall has obviously become a little shaky. . \\*\

"What the hell is going on?" Looking at the cave that was about to collapse, Yao Lao frowned again and murmured a little puzzled.


Just when Yao Lao was at a loss, a thunderous explosion comparable to last night resounded fiercely in the cave, and with the attack of this energy fluctuation, the cave that had already entered a collapsed state. , With the rumbling noises, the cave sagged toward the center position, piles of boulders smashed down, and in a flash, the cave was accumulated into a rocky hill.

Looking at the scene that suddenly appeared, Yao Lao's face changed slightly, his toes were lightly on the top of the rock, and his figure hurriedly flew away toward the collapsed cave.

However, just when the medicine was about to fall into the rocky place, the cyan flames violently gushed out from under the rocky rock. Suddenly, the huge piles of rocks quickly turned into a beach. Molten...

With his toes lightly tapping into the void, Old Yao forcibly stopped the falling figure, avoided the cyan flame that had fallen into a violent state, and immediately looked into the dark cave with solemn and blank face.


Inside the cave, a stern roar, with a bit of hoarseness, suddenly roared out loud like a wounded wolf. \*\/\

As this roar sounded, a cyan flame that was more terrifying than before suddenly swept out of it. Anything that stood in the way was burned into liquid by these domineering cyan flames.

"Sure enough..." Hearing the painful roar, Yao Lao's complexion instantly became extremely ugly. He cursed in a low voice, and the white bone spirit quickly covered his body with cold fire, and then forced his way through. Passing the cyan flame, lightning rushed into the cave that had been destroyed in a mess.

When he fell to the ground, Yao Lao's eyes hurriedly swept across the cave, and finally his pupils stayed on the knees not far away with his feet down, his head hung down, and his fists continued to slam the stone-faced young man's body.

At this time, most of Xiao Yan's clothes were almost burnt down. Perhaps it was because the skin had been strengthened a lot before, so although it looks like there are bloodstains everywhere now. But it was just a few minor injuries.

As if perceiving Yao Lao's entry, Xiao Yan raised his head with difficulty, the originally extremely spiritual face was almost completely pale at this time. The distorted face looked quite terrifying. A dazzling blood appeared at the corners of his mouth. Between his teeth, traces of blood permeated from his gums. The hard rock under him was already fisted by him. A crack resembling a spider web was smashed out of the ground. \/*/\

His eyes swiftly swept over Xiao Yan's face, whose face was distorted from enduring huge pain, Yao Lao's dry face also twitched slightly. It’s hard to imagine what kind of terrifying pain it was that Xiao Yan, who was able to force his self-control and endurance to be so excellent...

"Give up that damn thing!" Looking at Xiao Yan's increasingly pale complexion, Old Yao felt a chill in his heart and shouted anxiously. He didn't expect that this Fen Jue would make such a lethality when swallowing the strange fire. People are suffering madly.

"No... it doesn't matter... I. I can still bear it!" Xiao Yan's eyes stared angrily, gritted his teeth, vague words came out from the tight teeth, and his fist hit the stone face again. Above. Suddenly, this huge rock burst open suddenly.

Trembling with blood-filled fists, Xiao Yan's palm was only buckled on the edge of a rock. The edge of the rock was slightly sharp and cut a hole in Xiao Yan's palm, and blood flowed out. Put that stone. They are all rendered into a dazzling red color.

"I said enough!"

Looking at Xiao Yan's bloody palm, Yao Lao's face was slightly angry. With a loud shout, the soles of their feet stepped heavily on the ground. Suddenly, his body violently shot at Xiao Yan.


Just as Yao Lao rushed towards Xiao Yan, the body of Xiao Yan, who was kneeling on the ground, trembled suddenly, and an overwhelming cyan flame burst out of his body, and then swept away towards Yao Lao, relying on With the huge number, it turned out that Yao Laosheng was blocked.


When the cyan flame burst out, the wisps of flames seemed to hit the ground from Xiao Yan’s pores. The sharp pain caused by the burning of muscles, bones, and cells made Xiao Yan hold his head. , Slammed against the rock beside it, but fortunately, although the blue flame caused incomparable pain to Xiao Yan, it was still protecting his body. Otherwise, just this collision. , I am afraid that Xiao Yan will be able to pass out.

More and more cyan flames ejected from Xiao Yan's body. In the end, Xiao Yan turned into that living flamethrower. At first glance, it made people feel a little bit scared.

"Qinglian Earth's heart fire energy is too strong. With Xiao Yan Doushi's strength, it is impossible to swallow it smoothly. It must be suppressed! Damn, the only thing I can use right now is the strange fire. Use it to rescue. Add fuel to the fire!" With a seasoned gaze over Xiao Yan's situation, Yao Lao immediately understood some of the problems, but even if he knew the problems, he still couldn't solve them, so he had to go round and round at the moment.

However, just when Yao Lao was a little helpless, a low hissing sound suddenly sounded inside the cave.

The neighing sound fell, and a colorful shadow suddenly shot out from Xiao Yan's sleeves. Lilac eyes looked at the cyan flame above Xiao Yan's body. Suddenly, an inexplicable light rose sharply in his eyes.

The colorful sky swallowing python quickly revolved around Xiao Yan, then opened its mouth impatiently, and a terrifying suction surged out in an instant...

With the pull of this suction, the cyan flame lingering above Xiao Yan's body was immediately pulled into the belly of the colorful sky swallowing python...

More and more cyan flames were swallowed by the colorful sky-swallowing pythons, and the cyan flames on Xiao Yan's body gradually decreased. After a while, the last ray of cyan flames finally came to the end. Leaving the body...

When the last ray of cyan flame left his body, Xiao Yan's body trembled suddenly, and his whole body suddenly fell weakly, lying on the cold stone surface, Xiao Yan looked up at the top of his head and circled excitedly. The colorful little snake, a shallow smile slowly overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes trembled slightly. After a while, his sight was finally completely dark...