Battle Through the Heavens

Chapter 280: Protection hidden in the dark


The lush greenery is on the cliff. The girl turned around slowly. Staring at the green figure on one knee. After a long while. On her face delicately and elegantly. A soft smile appeared. He whispered softly, "It's been over a year. Brother Xiao Yan finally got there..."

Looking at the girl's soft and pretty face. The green figure remained silent wisely. After a long while, the former's eyes were focused on his body again. He just slowly explained Xiao Yan's general experience during this period of time.

Standing on the edge of the cliff. Xun'er quietly listened to the thrilling things that popped out of the shadows' mouths. After hearing that he was seriously injured after fighting with two fighting emperors. In his eyes as soft as autumn water. A little distressed and surprised flashed past.

"The snake spirit is green. The eight-winged black snake emperor. The people of the Heavenly Snake Mansion. These years. It's really getting more and more domineering..." The slender and slender hands gently clamped the leaf that fell from the top of the head. Xun'er is plain and authentic. In the slightest tone. There is a little coldness hidden. No matter what the purpose of the two green barbarians did it. But they almost caused Xiao Yan to be seriously injured and killed. That's a real thing.

"This matter. I will ask them to settle accounts in the future... But. Follow the strong fighting emperor next to Brother Xiao Yan. Have you figured out the details?" The green leaves were suspended half an inch in Xun'er's palm. Rolling slowly. Sometimes twists and turns. Sometimes twisted. She glanced at the kneeling figure. Willow frowned slightly.

"After investigation. That person's name is Haibodong. Gama was once the top ten powerhouse. Known as the Ice King. His strength is around the Douhuang level. He is proficient in ice fighting qi. And it seems that he has some deep connections with the Mittel family. ...Decades ago, it was sealed by Queen Medusa in the Tagore Desert. Then he lived in Mocheng. It was not until Young Master Xiao Yan that he broke the seal for him. Later, he has been following. Next to Master Xiao Yan. The motive... is not yet clear." The green figure said respectfully.

"Unknown motive?"

Willow frowned slightly. The girl seemed to be a little dissatisfied with such a perfunctory answer. No matter what, she got close to the person in her heart. She will immediately become like a fox protecting the calf. Extremely sensitive and critical. She does not allow such an inexplicable danger. It's like a bomb. Lurking beside Xiao Yan.

"Sorry. Miss. You also know that in Young Master Xiao Yan's body. There is a mysterious and powerful soul. So far. We don't have any information from him. But he seems to know us very well... in Master Ling following Xiao Yan. During this period of time, the young master’s land. Although the hiding was extremely perfect, according to the information sent by Master Ling, while protecting the young master Xiao Yan secretly, the mysterious strong man seemed to still find his traces. But the other party did not have any traces of him. Don't move. It must be the intention of Master Ling." The green figure smiled bitterly.

"Even Ling Shidi's deeds were discovered by that person?" Yan. A fright flashed across Erming's eyes. He whispered softly: "What is the identity of that person? Actually even Ling Shi... Alas. If it wasn't that Xiao Yan's brother hated others to investigate him. I must figure out the identity of the mysterious person. I can have such strength. I must have used it before. Isn't it an unknown person?"

"Although the mysterious man discovered the deeds of Master Ling. Fortunately, he did not tell Master Xiao Yan. Therefore, Master Xiao Yan did not know that after he left Utan City, the young lady sent someone in secret. Protect him. But this way. He can't feel the young lady treats him..." The green figure laughed. However, the words are not over yet. It was Kaoru who was slightly embarrassed to eject the leaf on his palm to prevent it from returning.

Seeing Xun'er's slightly ruddy delicate face. The green figure stopped talking with interest.

"Remember. You must not let Brother Xiao Yan know about this. I don't want to be told by him to send someone to follow him. He doesn't like these things." The shy and ruddy expression on Qiao's face slowly faded. Xun'er immediately reminded him seriously.


For the little girl like Xun'erdi. The green figure is obviously very clear. Nodding respectfully now should be. At the same time, I sighed slightly. Don't shadow but know. This kind of subtle and reserved smile. sometimes. But it is more inaccessible to people than that cold face.

Came to Canaan College for more than a year. With Xun'er's beautiful appearance and amazing talent, she cultivated her talent. I don't know how many outstanding men fascinated him. Can these people. Although even in the Canaan College of Genius like a cloud. It can also be regarded as one of the most famous and powerful. but. But there is no one. Can really talk to her.

"Uh. I seem to have forgotten the individual... the guy called the Canaan Academy once in a hundred years... is barely a man who can make Miss Dee put down her disguise and talk. But. It seems. It just stops here. Poor fellow. This I'm afraid I won't count on it for the rest of my life." I think of the shocking young man who was so outstanding in the academy. The green figure shook his head secretly in his heart. Some pity. He was fascinated by this green lotus leaf. But it only blooms for the man named Xiao Yan...

The green figure is clear in his heart. Just mention Xiao Yan's name in front of the young lady. The temperament was so elegant that he was almost indifferent. It will fade away that smile will resist protection. Truly become a woman in a state of love. That shyness and aversion are extremely rare. Those outsiders. There is absolutely no sight.

"What an enviable and jealous guy... I really don't know how he got the heart of Miss I ran into the room of the little girl’s Xun'er because of a mistake when I was a child. For the reason of warming the bones, I touched the little girl's whole body without shame. This gave the ignorant little girl. I was abducted somehow. I’m afraid I’ll be shocked on the spot...

"That's called the Yunzhi land woman. It should be... Yun Lan Sect Master Yun Yun." I don't know the heat in front of me. I was thinking about something wildly in my mind. Xun'er glanced at the kneeling figure. Suddenly whispered.


Hear this question. The green figure stagnated slightly. According to intelligence. He could of course know that the relationship between the woman named Yunzhi and Xiao Yan was slightly abnormal. Nodded with a wry smile at the moment. Said: "The land is indeed Yun Yun, the lord of the Yunlan Sect."

Although there is an answer in my heart. But after being confirmed. Xun'er still sighed lightly. The expression on the cheek is quite wonderful. After a long while. Shaking his head and smiling bitterly, "Brother Xiao Yan is really confused. This kind of thing. Isn't it hard to guess? I will wait for the Yun Lanzong in the future. I see how you plan to deal with this complicated relationship."

"Miss. That woman seems to be to Xiao Yan..." The green figure said in a hesitant voice. He found the girl on the opposite side. The pretty face became slightly stern. At the moment, he hurriedly swallowed the words to his lips with interest.

"You feel wrong..." in the girl's flat voice. But there is a faint resentment to be aware of.

"Yes. Yes... wiped off the cold sweat. The green figure nodded hurriedly. He didn't dare to mention it again. Although he knew that the girl opposite was extraordinary. But no matter how extraordinary. She was just a woman after all. Jealous things... For women, that is an indelible talent.

"You can send a letter to Master Ling. Let him protect him secretly when Xiao Yan's brother Xiao Yan goes to the Yunzong land. He killed the great elder of the Mo family. The old stubborn ones in the Yunlan sect. For the reputation of the Yunlan sect. Surely he won't let him leave the ground easily." Xun'er frowned slightly.

"Also pay attention to Hai Bodong next to him. I always think that guy is a bit elusive. If there is any change, let Master Ling..." That said. Xun'er's delicate hand swiped in front of her lightly. There was a daunting coldness on Qiao's face.

"Yes." Seeing it. The green figure nodded respectfully.

"Right. According to what you said. The colorful sky-swallowing python next to Brother Xiao Yan. It should be Queen Medusa, right?" Xun'er said.

"Yeah. But now Queen Medusa. It seems to be suppressed by the soul of Colorful Swallowing Python. I want to wait for her to take control again. Maybe it will have to wait a while. However. Once Queen Medusa takes control of Colorful Swallowing Sky Anaconda body. Then she. Will leap to become a strong Dou Zong. At that time, if she wants to kill Xiao Yan, then it will be a little troublesome..." The green figure said in deep thought.

"Hey. I didn't expect that these terrifying bombs were lurking next to Brother Xiao Yan. What a headache..." He shook his head helplessly. Kaoru rubbed her forehead smoothly. After thinking for a while. Said: "In a short time. Queen Medusa can't control the body of the colorful swallowing python. When Xiao Yan comes to Canaan College in the future. Then, think of a way to solve these problems..."


"Okay. You leave the college first. Don't stay here for a long time.) If you are found out, you will have to be surrounded by the arrogant old dean." After all the things were ordered. Xun'er just waved his hand. Reminded.

"Haha. That old guy is very strong. Fighting head-on. I'm afraid it's Lingshi. It's also a bit inferior. But if it's concealment, I'm confident." The green figure nodded with a smile. Respectfully bent over to salute Kaoru again. Then jumped. It turned out to be melted into the trees on the side. The tree swayed slightly. Immediately fell into calm...

Looking at the disappearing figure. Kaoru slowly turned around. Staring at the lingering clouds and mist under the cliff. After a while. Smile softly. The smile is amazing.

Brother Xiao Yan. One year. Your progress. Even Kaoru. I was also surprised... I went to Yunlanzong. Can you come to Canaan College? Kaoru is here. Quite lonely. "