Battle Through the Heavens

Chapter 400: reward!



In the blood mist. A pair of blood palms and blue fire palms. Repeatedly bombarded. A wave of horror. Suddenly spread out from the palms of the two. So that the two blood elders on the side. Neither face changed a little and hurriedly backed away.

In the blood mist. After the palms exploded. There was only a moment of silence. A screaming scream. There was a little panic: "Fire? Damn it. You actually have a strange fire!?"


The screams just fell. Another hot air wave spread out from the blood mist. Under the tumbling of air waves. The blood mist that surrounds the emptiness. Directly by that hot breath. Smoked and grilled fades a lot.


In the fading blood mist. Suddenly there was a sound of blood spurting. Immediately afterwards. A shadow against the face shot backwards from the blood mist. After Shuangzhe inserted a deep mark nearly ten meters away. Finally, he crashed heavily on a tree trunk. His shoulders shook. The trunk of Lima was shaken in two.

Leaning against the tree trunk. The calf is soft. The body fell softly. The face supported by both palms. The blood dripped down | Hoarse, rapid breathing. It's like a bellows. It kept ringing.

"Shaozong!?" His eyes swept towards the extremely embarrassed figure. The expressions of the two elders of the blood sect changed drastically. Silence in amazement. They couldn't think of it. After Fan Ling displayed the insidious and weird fighting skills, such as the bones and blood. On the contrary, he was made such a miserable appearance by a person who was only a master of strength.

Shaking all over, got up from the top. Fan Ling glanced at the scorched palm. There was a few coughs of horror on his pale face. He raised his head and glanced at the fading blood mist.

With the silence of the three. This empty one also fell into a quiet atmosphere. But only after a moment. In that thin blood mist. Slowly sounded footsteps. However, the expressions of the three of them changed completely.

The sound of footsteps gradually became louder and the fog also quietly dissipated. A figure whose whole body is wrapped in a blue flame. Appeared within the sight of the three.

Looking at the figure whose whole body was wrapped in the green fire. Feel the faintly permeating hot breath again. Suddenly, the two blood sect elders were slightly obstructed by the flow of fighting in their bodies. The pupils of the eyes shrank suddenly. Lost his voice and said in horror: "He is a strange fire?!"

Xuezong exercises. The sword is off the track. Specialize in the cold road. Therefore, innate and fire attributes are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. certainly. Here's the opposite. That is only for ordinary fire attribute vindictiveness. And if it encounters the flames of the heavens of a level similar to the different fires. It will be like a mouse meeting a cat. This phase. It is an absolute suppression without the slightest counterbalance

In the first door of the blood sect. It is to state that if you meet a strong person who holds a different fire. Retreat! This shows the blood sect technique. What kind of miserable situation has been restrained by the different fire. even. Fighting with the strong with different fire. People of the blood sect. It is simply difficult to play the strength of five or six out of ten.

But fortunately, there are not many strange fires in this world. So for so many years. People of the blood sect. It's very rare to really bump into a strong person. It's a pity this time. Fan Ling et al. Destined to be blood mold

The cyan flame surrounding the body was reduced a bit. There was a young and pretty face that was staggering. Looking at the astonished expressions of the three of them, Xiao Yan smiled slightly. But there was a faint chill.

"Who are you? Why can't you get through with my Blood Sect? As long as you can retreat, I will swear in the name of the Young Sect Master of the Blood Sect. I will never pursue what happened today." Standing straight, Fan Ling struggled to gather with the two elders. Together. Shouted.

"Want to drag Fan over?" Xiao Yan smiled brightly but secretly icy cold. One word explained Fan Ling's purpose.

Hear the words. Fan Ling's face changed slightly. His eyes were fixed on the face that was much younger than himself. He was a little hard to imagine. At this age of the other party. How could it be possible to have the kind of terrifying fire and a good mind that even his father was extremely jealous of.

"Young Sect Master. You. I am here to hold him! With the strength of the Sect Master, it must be the Green Elder who solved the Snake Mansion. As long as you delay for a while, you will be able to support his arrival!" The powerful elder Luo. Holding a long knife in the middle. However, his heart is also full of fear of the strange fire. But now. He also has the power to fight Fang.

The words of Elder Luo. Fan Ling gritted his teeth. There is no doubt. Dragging a seriously injured body. Turn around

Looking at Fan Ling who turned around without hesitation. Xiao Yan smiled suddenly. But there was no movement in the body.

Turned his head and ran for a distance. Feel the fierce battle behind him. A hint of doubt arose in Fan Ling's heart. However, doubts just surfaced. Its erratic corner of the eye. But there was a flash of colorful light and shadow suddenly.

The colorful light and shadow that flickered in the line of sight. Fan Ling, who didn't make it seem like a frightened bird, ignored it. A trace slipped on the surface where the sole of the foot was inserted. The forward speed stopped abruptly. His eyes swept around. But I didn’t find anything. The brow furrowed at the moment. Just about to continue to flee. But my chest is fierce

The pain is severe. Fan Ling slowly lowered his head. It just happened to be seen. One. Penetrating out of the back vest

Colorful light and shadow penetrated his chest. It's at the bottom of Fan Ling's eyelids|. Turned into a colorful snake less than half a foot long. Staring fiercely at the little snake with a monster pupil. Fan Ling couldn't understand it very much. With the defensive power of the strong one with their own fighting spirits. Of course it will be worn like tofu. Give a direct hole

"This time. I'm really going to plant" a sharp pain in his chest. Fan Ling's vision gradually blurred. When it is about to collapse. He forcibly twisted his head. Look through the gaps in the trees. But it happened to see the blue flame that suddenly flourished in the sky. And two screams. Under the absolute restraint of the different fire. The two elders with one minor injury and one severe injury. It was impossible to survive Xiao Yan, whose strength suddenly soared.

The body was smashed hard. Fan Ling's eyelids drooped slowly. Faintly. He saw a black robe. Walk slowly through the forest. Come over to myself

Move with the pace. The cyan flame on Xiao Yan's body gradually retracted into his body. And that was enough to be comparable to the aura of a strong fighting spirit. It was also quietly retracting at this moment.

The footsteps stopped in front of Fan Ling. Xiao Yan's breath. Once again recovered the strength of the Great Fighter. His face was slightly pale. Coughed violently a few times. Looking down at that because the power is too strong. And cause burns to the palm. He couldn't help but smiled bitterly. He whispered: "The power of the Fire Sanxuan is indeed good this day. It's a pity. The damage to the body is not small."

"Unexpectedly, you actually gave a change of the Tianhuo Sanxuan Transformation to the seminar. It's just that there are still people who are not very proficient. Although there will definitely be wear and tear. At least there will be no such injuries. "Lao Yao's slightly surprised voice. It rang in Xiao Yan's heart. It seems. Since he was able to treat Xiao Yan in one month. That is, how to use the doorway of the Heavenly Fire Three Profound Transformation. I was quite surprised.

Xiao Yan nodded slightly. Put the swallowing python into the sleeve robe. Then he lowered his body and took off Fan Ling's fingers. Rummaging quickly. After a long while. A cold jade box. He took it out.

With a dry mouth, he looked at the scary cold jade box in his hand. Rao is the concentration of Xiao Yan. The heart beat fiercely at this moment.

Take a deep breath. He did not open the cold jade box. Instead, he threw it directly into his own ring. Then it flipped again. piece,. A quaint broken figure. Flashed out.

Spread out the broken figure. Those familiar routes and only half of the monster patterns. Appeared under the gaze of Xiao Yan.

"Finally at hand" clenched the broken picture. A touch of excitement surged across Xiao Yan's face. Take the picture carefully into the ring. Take a long breath.

"Little guy. Hurry up. I noticed that fan's breath!" The broken picture was just taken into the ring. Yao old voice. It sounded eagerly.

My heart tightened fiercely. Xiao Yan quickly got up. But just when he was about to turn around. The body suddenly stopped. Bend down again. A fierce blow hit Fan Ling Tian Ling Gai. I heard the sound of broken bones. This is completely relieved. The figure turned into a black shadow. Rushed into the dense forest.

It will be about ten minutes after Xiao Yan disappears. A red shadow flashed past the mountain forest. After a while. The body shape seems to be stiff. Nailed in an empty space.

His face was extremely gloomy and looked at the corpse on Kong's. The red shadow flashed down. Falling on the empty. His gaze swept across the body of the blood guard. In the end, suddenly his pupils shrank and stopped on the corpses with skulls embroidered on the other ten robes. Between fists clenched. There was a crunching noise.

The line of sight was in the full body|by. But he didn't find what he was looking for. Hurriedly looked around now. After a while. The body turned into a vague red shadow. Rushed into the dense forest. In the dense forest. Hong Ying stopped abruptly. Looking at a corpse over there tremblingly. Suddenly. The pale face lifted up his hair and let out a spiteful roar.

After roaring for a while. It just gradually fell. Fan suddenly walked closer to Fan Ling's body. Between hands. The blood is flourishing. Covered on Fan Ling's head. With the shining of blood. Suddenly. A weird drop of blood. Slowly seeping out from the back of Fan Ling's head. Finally suspended in front of Fan.

His face was full of cold and bitterness. Fan waved. The blood burst suddenly. Turned into a tiny blood curtain. And in that blood curtain. A figure surrounded by blue flames. Vaguely emerges. It's just as if the blood curtain is too thin. So even fan. Can't see the exact length of the figure.

""The blood lasted for half a minute. It suddenly burst open.

"Black Skull Tomb is very"

Bend slowly. Fan picked up Fan Ling's body. Then he walked out of the dense forest with indifferent expression. That bitterly chilling voice. But it is gradually reverberating.

"It doesn't matter who it is. Just let this sect find out what it is doing. It will definitely suffer the pain of slashing flesh!"